The Weather
Mostly cloudy, warmer; show-
ers Sunday.
Sir iga
Campaign Tactics That Hlurt
Everybody; Besides, Red Paint
Won't Beat Anybody.
lk L 7 I V-- - --?- - - !'L t MIT rr I r'v ...
Iearce Asks
Uniformity In
""peaker"" The House
Garner Says,
Must Revise
U. S. Budget
State School
Adequate Education An
Equality Of Tax Burde
Urged In M. E. A. Ta]
Group Elects West
Next Year's Hea
Dr. Friday Advises Sal
Tax To Raise Necessar
Money For Education
Members of the Michigan Educ
tion Association opened their sessi
yesterday morning with a seriesc
discussions and talks on varioi
phases of education.
Honorable Webster H. Pearce, sta
superintendent of public instructio:
said in a talk to the meeting la,
night that all children in every co
munity should be guarantered an ad
quate education and that the f
nancial cost of education shoul
bear with equal weight on ever
Relying upon each community t
take care of their own educating
said Dr. Pearce, causes one com
munity to stagger under a heav
burden of school tax, while anothe
district is affected comparativel
Three Ways Out
In discussing the federal tax situa
tion in connection with educatior
Dr. Pearce proposed three ways t
meet the contingency. First, th
federal government might take th
money from its resources and give i
to the states outright. Secondly, th
national goveriment might levy e
national tax and allow each state t
take a certain percentage of the
revenue for the use of keeping up it
schools. Thirdly, it could set aside
a taxing reservoir to be used only b
the states such as a sales tax for the
state onl, or an income tax on in.
comes under $5,000.
Lawrence-M. Gould, head of the
department of geology and geograph
at Carleton College, addressed the
gathering on the subject "With Byr
In The Antarctic."
Gould told of some of his experi-
ences in "Little America," and saic
that he had the desire to go back tc
the "unknown.,
Friday Gives Address
Dr. David Friday, consulting econ-
omist of Washington, D. C., forme
head of tke Economics department
here, and at one time President of
the Michigan State College, gave the
principal speech during yesterday
morning's program.
,The best form of tax to impose
upon the people now is a two per
cent sales tax, in the opinion of Dr.
Friday. An income tax is out of the
question, he said, for incomes have
diminished to such an extent that
this tax would not be effective.
"In the future the United States
government 'and the state govern-
ments will probably increase ap-
propriation for education as it has
paid enormou dividends in increased
efficiency," r. Friday stated in dis-
cussing the present teachers' situa-
tion. "For the present the teachers
may hal, to take cuts, and they
should be willing to do so to help
tide us over this depression."
Earl West, Mt. Clements, was
elected chairman of the Michigan
Education Association, succeeding
Edward F. Downs, Ferndale. Leslie
Kindred, Jr., Ann Arbor, last year's
district executive secretary, was made
Wal's Position
On Road Board
Goes To Andres
Report Of Hospitalization
Committee Considered
At Board Meeting
Adolph G. Andres, local real estate
man, was elected to membership in
the Washtenaw County Road Com-
mission yesterday afternoon to fill
the vacancy which will be left by the
resignation of William L. Walz which
goes into effect today.
A total of $199,249 was spent last
year in Washtenaw County, accord-
ing to the report of the Hospitaliza-
_ i
Country Needs One
Thing -Confidence'
Associated Press Photo
Gov. Roosevelt
To State Bonus
d Attitude Soon
> Backers Expect Him To
: Break Silence On Next
S Campaign Sally
ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 14.-(A)-
Franklin D. Roosevelt turned tonight
toward his Hyde Park home for a
quiet week-end before setting forth
on his sally into the Middle Western,
Border and Southern states that
may bring a declaration of his views
on the bonus before he returns.
Thus far, the Democratic presi-
dential candidate has not touched
upon the bonus in any of his cam-
paign speeches and has declined to
discuss it in his press conferences,
but his friends believe he has made
up his mind to speak on it before the
campaign is over.
A letter to Thomas B. Delker, edi-
tor of a Hammonton, (N. J.,) paper,
from the Governor, made public to-
day, said that he would announce his
attitude shortly.
Friends of the New York Governor
expressed belief that he is only wait-
ing for the proper time and place to
expound his views, and they believe
the forthcoming trip may provide+
the proper opportunity.
The Governor had as luncheon
guests today Senator Connally and
Rep. Jones, of Texas. Both are to1
campaign for him in Middle West-
ern farming regions. Connally will1
speak in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana,1
and Jones in Indiana, Missouri and
Nebraska. Jones is chairman of thet
House Agriculture Committee.
Stagg's Retirement
Starts Speculation;
Three Possibilitiest
CHICAGO, Oct. 14.-()-Who will
succeed Amos Alonzo Stagg as foot-
ball coach at the University of Chi-
Announcement of the retirementt
of the 70-year-old (Old Man) of ther
midway started speculation tonight
as regards his successor. Prof.
Thomas Nelson Metcalfe, the newt
athletic director, will not attempt to
coach, although Mr. Stagg combined
both positions during his 41 year
career. Appointment of the new
football coach will hinge on a recom-
mendation of Metcalfe, university
authorities said.
Three men have been mentioned t
for the post-Judge Walter Steffen, t
Coach at Carnegie Tech; H. O. (Pat)E
Page, now an assistant to Stagg, andI
H. O. (Fritz) Crisler, head football v
coach at Princeton.A
Speaker Answers G.O.P.
Attacks, Presents Own
Ideas On Budget
NEW YORK, Oct. 14.--(A)-Reply-
ing to Republican attacks, Speaker
John N. Garner tonight charged the
Hoover administration with conceal-
ing the true financial condition of
the country during the crisis and de-
clared the greatest need of the
United States is a "budget balanced
by careful economy and scientific
"We have at this moment every
element 'to promote prosperity'except
one," the Democratic vice-presidenti-
al nominee declared in a nation-wide
radio address from New York.
Confidence Needed
"That one thing is confidence in
our credit structure. To my mind
the most needful thing is to put our
financial house in order. I want to
see our budget balanced by careful
economy and scientific revenue.
"I say, the moment that is done,
money will flow here from all the
world and from all domestic hoards,
seeking safety and employment."
The speaker said that during the
recent budget balancing efforts, the
"record shows that the administra-
tion was either hopelessly at sea as
to the actual treasury situation for
two years or else deliberately con-
cealed the true state of affairs....
"The aspect most disturbing to
American credit was that this gov-
ernment had sat in concealment and3
inaction for two years and had al-1
lowed the world to believe its financese
were -sound."f
Blames Administration 7
Declaring that in his opinion it ise
"the administration's murky, in-
volved and obscure financial re--c
sponsibility that is responsible fora
much of the continued uncertaint
condition." The veteran Texas Con-<
gressman said:f
"Now I submit that the recordd
shows a Democratic congress de-
termined and willing to go the limit
for a balanced budget. It shows thatd
the purpose has been frustrated bya
the same methods this administra-
tion has practiced for three consecu-F
tive years.
"The budget is not balanced. Thek
whole job must be done over." a
The speaker's talk was considereda
by Democratic leaders as his first a
major pronouncement of the cam-
It was devoted almost entirely toB
the activities of Congress.nto
Fischer, Dayton Will a
Meet On Links Today t
The campus golf championship will t
be decided when Johnny Fischer &
meets Eddie Dayton on the Univer- T
sity Golf Course at 9:30 a. m. today. t
Fischer is at present No. 1 man on
the Michigan squad while Dayton is
No. 2.
Dean Bates Addresses
Law Alumni Luncheon
A luncheon meeting of alumni of
the Law School was addressed yes-
terday in Washington, D. C., by
Henry M. Bates, of the Law School.
the meeting was held in conjunction
with the annual convention of the
American Bar Association.
Thirteen Unlucky?
Winners Of Free
Tickets Think No
Thirteen has not proved such a
unlucky number, after all, as it is r
puted to be, for that number of pec
ple living in. Ann Arbor and vicinit
will view the Michigan-Ohio Stat
football game with the complimeni
of Goldman Brothers Cleaners.
For the past few weeks Goldman
have been giving one chance on thes
thirteen tickets with each cash orde
that was brought into any one o
there several stores around town, an
the drawing to determine the win
ners was held Thursday afternoon a
their main store.
The persons whose names wer
drawn out as the winners are as fol
lows: Robert Hanby, 1614 Packard
Mr. Hoey, Dexter; Mr. DeFrank, 111
South University Avenue; Mr. Chap
man, 1216 White; Mr. Bishop, 61(
Church; Dr. Murbach, 1014 Rose
Mr.Brandes, 305 Observatory Lodge
Mr. Abbot, 511 Church; Mrs. Rabi
beau, 712 Lawrence; Mr. Bloomquist
1415 Cambridge; Mrs. Whitaker, 61
Catherine; Robert Jones, 1407 Broad.
way; and, Mrs. McCurdy, 116 Nort-
The lucky ones will receive a round
trip ticket on the Ann Arbor railroad
from here to Columbus and a ticket
to the stadium. They will leave on
the special train tomorrow morning
and will return immediately after the
Jessie Bonstelle
Dies Suddenly
Of Heart Attack
Actress Succumbs
Suffering From
Cold For Weeks
DETROIT, Oct. 14. - (AP) - Miss
Jessie Bonstelle, whose name for 20
years blazed in Detroit's rnarquee
lights as a theatre director and own-
er, died here today, in the midst of a
fight to keep intact her Detroit Civic
Theatre, one of the few similar
enterprises in the country.
A heart attack induced by a heavy
cold brought death to the former
actress, who in the past decade had
become nationally known as the
"maker of stars." She had been in
failing health since last spring, but
death was unexpected.
Held in universal esteem and af-
fection in Detroit, Miss Bonstelle,
during her 22 years of active the-
atrical lifein Detroit, developed such
stars as Katherine Cornell, Ann
Harding, Ben Lyon, Melvin Douglas,
Frank Morgan, Jessie Royce Landis
and Minor Watson-all who served
apprenticeship under her direction.
In 1910, after successful appear-
ances on the New York stage and
successful management of stock com-
panies in Toronto, Buffalo and
Rochester, N. Y., Miss Bonstelle came
to Detroit to open a stock company.
She leased the old Garrick theatre,
and her stock companies appeared
here for 18 years. Then, in 1928, she
)pened her own theatre, known as
;he Bonstelle Playhouse. Two years
ago she organized the Detroit Civic
Theatre, and fought a losing battle
to keep it intact.
Pacifist Beoins
Campaign For
Anti-"War Club
Medical Student To Talk
Tomorrow Evening At
Unitarian Church
Vigorous anti-war agitation has
been begun here by Eugene Shafar-
man, '33M, who is organizing a Uni-
versity of Michigan branch of the
National Student Congress Against
War. He has been invited to speak
it 7:30 p. m. tomorrow at the Uni-
tarian Church, and will address
members of the Hillel Foundation
it 8:00 p. m. Sunday, October 23.
Shafarman, enthusiastically paci-
istic, pointed out in an interview'
esterday that some of tlQ most emi-
lent authors, lecturers, and teachers
n the United States are members of
he organization. Included among
;hem are Edmund Steven, of Colum-
ia Universtiy, Sherwood Anderson,
[. W. L. Dana, Reed Harris, and Prof.
Cleveland Is
t First Stop On
SHoover Toui
President Continues Wor]
ts On His Speech Despit
s andshaking injury
r He Plans To Make
Id Ten Appearance
Postmaster General Sayi
e Address Is 'Humdinger;-
; Talk Begins At 8:30
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. - (A') -
0 Continuing w o r k on tomorrow',
Cleveland address,ddespite a ban
:daged hand, President Hoover pre
- pared himself today for a star
shortly after daybreak upon his sec
2 ond campaign trip into the Midwest
Between dawn and dusk tomorrow
i the President plans todmake ten rea
platform appearances in swift suc-
i cession while traveling across foui
1 states. He is expected to arrive ir
Cleveland only a few minutes befor
time for his speech at 8:30 p. m., anc
intends to start on his return trip al-
most immediately after concluding.
Address Not Completed
White House aides told newsmen
the Chief Executive probably would
not complete the address until after
he boards his special trai tomorrow.
Postmaster General Brown, who
helped arrange for the President's
appearance in Ohio, said several days
ago Mr. Hoover probably would talk
about unemployment and farm prices
among other things. Senator Reed,
Pennsylvania Republican, after a
conferenceat the White Housedat
which he said the speech was dis-
cussed, described it as "a hum-ding-
er." But he, too, declined to discuss
it further.
Twice during the day, the Chief
Executive h a d his injured hand
treated by Dr. Joel T. Boone, the
White House physician.
Bruises Hand
It was bruised and cut last night
during a. White House reception at
which he shook hands with more
than 3,000 people. More than 1,000
additional guests waited to be greet-
ed when finally he asked to be ex-
cused, and retired.
During the morning Dr. Boone is-
sued the following statement:
"The President is in his normal
good condition today. His hand has
several small cuts in the palm and
between the fingers. The palm is
black and blue, but the injury while
painful was not serious.".
Mr. Hoover, did, however, declare
a temporary moratorium on further
handshaking. He joked about the
fact of omitting his usual greeting
when members of his Cabinet gath-
ered with him in their customary
semi-weekly meeting.
Adams Speaks
On Historical
Source Books
Head Of William Clements
Library Discusses New
Finds In Collection
Prof. Randolph G. Adams, director
of the William Clements library, de-
scribed the organization and plans
of the Clements Library last night in
an address before the Association of
Summer Session Deans now meeting
in Ann Arbor under the leadership
of Prof. Edward H. Kraus.
This library, which was the gift of
Hon. William L. Clements to the
University, contains source material
of American History up to 1800.
Much of the material in this library
was not available to former histor-
ians whose statements have often
been found false because of acquisi-
tions of new source material such as
is continually being added to the
Clements collection.
"The value of these books is too
great to be affected by the depres-
sion," says Professor Adams. "Pres-
ent prices are on a par with those of
the peak."
After the lecture, the deans, who
numbered about forty, made an in-
spection of the library. This morning
they will assemble for a discussion
period which will be followed by a
business meeting, luncheon at Phi
npth.1 Xnnn'a fr a f.t r it+'c, ri n. a vv r
Purdue, Michigan
Strong Teams To
Keen Competition
Varsity Will Meet
Ohlo State Today;
Teams Confident
Petoskey ...
Wistert ....
Kowalik ...
Bernard ...
Damm ....
CHICAGO, Oct. T4. - () - -Coach
(Doc) Spears' Wisconsin Badgers and
Ohio State's revived Buckeyes will
attempt two of the greatest "giant
killer" roles in mocern Big Ten foot-
ball history tomorrow.
They will try to stop the steam-
rollers from Michigan and Purdue.
Wisconsin, imbued with a cham-
pionship notion of its own since ad-
ministering a crushing defeat to Iowa
a week ago, will battle the Riveters
of Old Purdue at Lafayette, while
Michigan's Wolverines invade the
Scarlet and Gray fortress at Colum-
The two battles are standouts of a
busy day along the conference front
over which all 10 teams swing into
Wildcats Meet Illini
Northwestern m e e t s Illinois at
Champaign, Iowa tackles Indiana at
Bloomington, Minnesota meets an old
foe of the regional wars in Nebraska
at Minneapolis, while Chicago gets
another "breather" by clashing with
Knox on the midway.
Michigan, conqueror last week of
Northwestern, ruled as a prohibitive
favorite over Ohio State but the ri-
valry is so lively that anything is
apt to happen. Verbally-lashed be-
cause of their faults last week against
Indiana in an unsatisfactory tie
game, the Buckeyes flashed their real
form during the past few days of
drill and threatened to reach the
height of their power to stem the
Wolverine invasion. The Ohio State
veterans especially were confident,
recalling how they upset Michigan,
20 to 7, at AnnArbor against the
same odds last year. Carl Cramer,
who starred in that game, was ready
to punt and pass the enemy dizzy.
Only one item worried Michigan.
That was overconfidence, a germ that
beats any good team.
Badgers to Play Purdue
Wisconsin long has been a nui-
sance to Purdue. At Madison last
fall, the Badgers beat theBoilermak-
ers, 21 to 14,in one of the biggest
upsets of the year and the blow
ruined Purdue's chance for undisput-
ed possession of the championship.
That game has steamed up the Boil-
ermakers even more than the realiza-
tion that the Badgers under Spears
showed great power against a weak
Iowa team.
Northwestern ruled a heavy favor-
ite over the Illini despite its setback
at Michigan last week. The cagey
coach, Bob Zuppke, had his team in
high spirits for the tussle but any-
thing but a Northwestern defeat was
expected there.
On the basis of their showing
against Ohio State, the Hoosiers of,
Indiana Were picked to trounce Iowa,
while Minnesota anticipated 60 min-
utes of hard going against the Corn-
huskers. At Chicago, it was just a
question of polishing up new plays
and fundamentals.
Welfare Bureau Makes
Appeal For Old Clothes1
In an attempt to gather together,
enough clothing to carry Ann Ar-
bor's 500 needy through the first part
of the winter, an appeal has been
made to the people by the Welfare
...LE. ..... Ferrall
...LT.. ...Conrad
... LG.......Gailus
... C ........ Smith
... .RT . . ... Monahan
Williamson .. . RE......Gillman
Newman .....Q ........Cramer
Everhardus ... LH. . Hinchman or
Fay ..........REI....... Carroll
Regeczi .......F .... Vuchinich
Badg'ers, Ohio
State To Meet,
Kipke Runs Men Through
Light Workout; Retire
To Athletic Club Until
Time For Game Today
Expect Big Crowd
For Classic Game
Columbus Fans Confident
Wolverines Will Face
Strongest Foe Of Big
Ten Elevens Today
COLUMBUS, 0., Oct. 14. - The
University of Michigan eleven com-
pleted its preparations today with a
light workout in the Buckeye stadi-
um, and Coach Harry Kipke took the
Wolverines to t h e Athletic Club,
where they will await the renewal
Saturday afternoon of their historic
rivalry with Ohio State.
The Buckeyes, with prospects for a
big crowd at the game, went through
a short practice session to put the
final touches on a defense that they
hope will stop the championship
drive of the Michigan team. The ad-
vance guard of Maize and Blue root-
ers, arriving here this morning, found
Columbus fans confident that the
Wolverine are facing a hard after-
Can Michigan Even Score?
Ohio State has been pointing for
the Michigan game since the opening
of the season, while Coach Kipke has
been forced to keep his squad at top
pitch for three weeks. Critics here
feel that the Buckeyes had an off day
against Indiana last week but will
have their full strength mustered to
bear out the pre-season prediction
that their eleven is the most power-
ful in the Conference.
After evening old scores in the last
two games, Michigan is prepared to
open up again on the Ohio State
team, which last year robbed the
Wolverines of an undisputed Big
Students may hear the broad-
cast of the kame this afternoon
over the radios installed in the
Union. The broadcast will start at
2:00 and facilities will be provided
for the accommodation of a crowd
of 1000.
Ten title. Coach Kipke's eleven ha'.
avenged two years of scoreless tie"
with Michigan State and two c
of co-championship with No
emn, but the question Sat- r :n
whether the Michigan tca . r " r
tinue this stride.
Coach Sam Wilaman has already
named 8 of the 11 men who beat
Michigan last year in his lineup. The
three new men are Carrall at left
end, Conrad at left tackle, and Mona-
han at right tackle. Keefe may re-
*lace Hinchman at left halfback if
the latter's injuries do not allow him
to start.
With this list of veterans, Colum-
bus fans cannot understand any rea-
son for a defeat. It is well known :
here that if Willaman fails tomor-
row Ohio State will have a new coach
next year. The whole town is pepped
up for the game as never before, be-
cause the Buckeyes have potential
strength and are favorites on paper.
Ward May Substitute
Although Willis Ward is on the in-
jured list for publication, he will be
used if needed. Hildebrand will prob-
ably be on the bench, and Wistert
will be hindered by his bad leg.
Otherwise Michigan will be in good
shape for the tussle tomorrow.
Passing may play the major role if
Ohio State's line stops Michigan's
running attack. Kipke indicated that
Newman is ready. His throwing arm
was accurate in today's workout, and
if he can throw them as accurately
tomorrow t h e Buckeyes will be
watching the heavens continually.
The game promises to be a battle
of quarterbacks. Cramer is Newman's
biggest opponent for All-Conference
honors. Last week Newman outshone
Potter, but he will be have a battle
to overshadow Cramer Saturday.
Cramer does h i s team's punting,
while Newman takes care of the
passing for Michigan. Both are adept
ball carriers and star especially in
Famous Musicians Will Appear
In Concerts At Hill Auditorium
"A musical whirlwind," is the
critics' opinion of Nathan Milstein,
Russian violinist. "The most amaz-
ingly legitimate sensation of the gen-
eration," is the connoisseurs' method
of expressing their approval of
Vladimir Horowitz, Russian pianist.
These two musicians, together with
the Russian cellist Piatagorsky, are
ranked as the most brilliant artistic
products of Soviet Russia. Milstein
will apnear here on Jan. 16. and
the music masters of Odessa, Petro-
grad, and Brussels.
"Russians say that when a child is
born in Odessa it is handed a fiddle
and a silver spoon," said a Paris
journalist in a recent article. "If it
grabs the latter, it will be a thief;
if it chooses the former, a musician.
And so, the story goes, Odessa is
divided between rascals and violin-
ists! More trustworthy sources have
it that 59 per cent of the world's
violin successes hail from, this port