?FaGr TV THE MICHIGAN DAILY r rwi : %p G T> i4; 1;--2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY, Established 1890 PublishedI every morning except Monday during the Unidversity year andi Sinmer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. tMember ofte W tern Conferenc Editorial Associa- tinsn h BgTn:esSevc MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The. AssociatedJ Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dIspatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein, All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secord as ats mattr peca rate of postage granted by Sublciption durng sunmer by carrier $.00; buinma $1.50,eDsityiyeregar Sh earssonby trreB$4r00;in offiefs: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, fMichigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publishers Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thrty-Foa t Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago E IO IA TF tephone 49ra CITY EDITOD.T..................ANKARL SEIFEERT SPORTS EDITOR.. ... .. ........JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR................MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR ........ELSIE FELDMAN NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, Joh0n W Prithard Joseph W. Reihan, C. Hart Schaaf, mal y hw$Glnn.5Wites SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Edward Andrews, Hyman J. Aronstam, A. elisenBalliCaes G. Barndtlsher Jemeseuc at venld E. BirE, Donald F Blanketz,JCharle Y rownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Ed- ward A. Genz, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hyewett, Alvin Schlfer, George Van Vieck, Cameron Wera Guyo M. Whple, Jr., W. Stoddard White, Eleanor B. Blum. Miriam Carver, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan, Frantces Manchester, Marie ,J Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie West- ern and Harriet Sess.SAF BEINESSALSTAFF Telephone 2-1214 MANAINESS MANAGER..........BYRON C. VBED CRIT MANAGER..................HKARRY EGLFEYT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER..M..DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts,~ Orvil Aronson; AdvertisIig Serv- ice, Noel Turner: AeWunts, .ernard E. chnaike; Cir- ulatlon, Gilbert n Bursley; Pulcations, Robert E. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hue, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseh cudow andl Robert Ward. leetty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seegfrie. KaShryn Stork.F FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1932 every citizen at the cost of the interests now most influential in government. If the voter has confidence in the ability of the present system to solve its own problems, he has, of course, a choice between only two men, of whose individual capacities he must be the judge. The discouraged voter, who has confidence in neither party, makes his mistake in assuming that there is no further choice. Norman Thomas, the Socialist candidate, stands for a constructive change in the system. His proposals-- whether practicable or not is yet to be seen-have the sup- port, in part or in full, of many of the best econo- mists and theorists in the country. William Z. Foster, the Communist standard bearer, offers a more extreme change. We do not advocate the election of either of these latter men. But we do believe that if re- publican government is to have a fair trial the electorate must forget its unreasoned prejudices and consider each party's proposals on their mer- its. The voter who can be frightened away from the parties that have something new to offer merely by the names, Socialism and Communism, or by the old contention that a vote for a minor candidate is "thrown away" has no right to com- plain when he votes for what he doesn't want and gets it. The Daily hopes to be non-partisan. We-do not support any particular candidate. We are not in the pay of Moscow or of Wall Street. We simply advise the elector to make his ballot an honest and courageous expression of what he wants, as nearly as that ballot offers what he wants. If you are convinced that the present policy of "muddling through" until economic .conditions right them- selves will no longer work, look into the alterna- tives offered by other parties. Your vote will not elect a minor candidate, perhaps, but a growing expression of public opinion will have an in- fluence. Vote Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Commu- nist. But vote for what you believe, not what you think you can get. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should, not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Dalil. Anonymous communications wvil be disregard- ed. The naes of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon i-eqxest. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 worcjs if possible. THEY STILL WANT i t To The Editor: So the Diagonal is a thing of the past. Well, well. Now the dear little students can read the paper with no nasty little column to let them know what's really going on on the campus. Why should they? If The Daily is to carry out the policy maintained by the rest of the University, we should be shielded from the facts, not exposed to them. Nevertheless, it is too bad that the one item that lifted The Daily from the Prep School Weekly class has been done away with. Apparently it was too sophisticated for this most blase of colleges. Perhaps Toasted Rolls is more our speed. J. N., '34. Editorial Comment volve a majority of Greek letter houses on the the prospect of immediate savings is attractive, concerted action should be undertaken at once. To become successful, the plan would require either a bus!;Iine.ss managfer or a governing com- mittee elected ilroi a board of stewards comprised of one representative from each fraternity. Plans modeled along similar lines have met with outstanding uQcess at several other colleges in this count ry. At the University of Pittsburgh, the 20 fraternities on the campus have formed such a cooperative association and have effected savings ranging from 6 to 24 pet, cent in the cost of main- taining fratcrnity students. Likwise at the Uni- versities of Ore;on and Minnesota, substantial .avings have been ithe rule under such plans. Two methods of fraternity kitchen buying are in evidence at present on our own campus, and by neither of the two can any substantial savings be effected. Under the one, the stewards of the various houses simply attempt, singly, to buy food- stuffs at the lowest price they can get through a limited circle of wholesalers and retailers; under the other plan, known as the Slater system, the fraternities purchase a certain amount of food- stuffs per month, at a stipulated price, from a private concern run for profit. Other Campuses By Wood Conway }HILE President Ruthven worries about de- ferred pledging, paternalism, and when the Student Council will make another midnight call, the president of Northwestern University is de- voting his time to the judging of a jig-saw puzzle contest which is being sponsored by one of Chi- cago's leading newspapers. Evidently, President Scott feels that he might a lot better play around with children's puzzles than try to make his col- legians toe the mark. Probably there are many times that Dr. Ruthven feels the same way. T'S fortunate for some of the fraternities on the campus that the Inter-Fraternity Council does not enforce rushing rules like those used at the University of Virginia. There, any fraternity th at mentions the name of another house in its rushing talk is liable to forfeit the privilege of pledging. Both fraternities and freshmen are ask- ed to report violations of this rule. SPEAKING of paternalism, it looks as though ' the University of Illinois in going in for it in a big way. It seems that landladies in Champagne and Urbana have been calling up the office of the dean of students and asking if he won't please do something to enforce study hours in their rooming houses. In the past years landladies would have summarily ousted the offender, but competition for roomers this year makes them think twice be- fore they resort to such a method. However, something had to be done, or else they would lose their orderly roomers who wish to keep study hours, so the distracted women turned to the dean of students. According to The Daily Illini, the dean is in a fog as to just what policy' to pursue. Although there is no university regulation in regard to study hours, he feels that there should be some way to make students study. Undoubtedly Dean Burs- ley feels the same way; but we can be thankful that he does no more than think about it. Other- wise, he might put a curfew up on top of Angell Hall. Par'ker, Sheaffer, Watern n Conklin,, etc,, $1.00'arid upo A large and cboice &ssonet 314 S. State St., Amn Axhla,, Announcrrg the Reopening of C"hina Inn Cafe CitneSe nd(i A merican RestauraiU HOME COOKING AND GOOD SERVICE Yost will be satisfied with our delicious dishes. Bring youir friends to dinner with you. 1J NCH 35c DINNER 35c, 40c, 50c Try our NMomay Lunch 25c and 35c Place: 314 State St. (Above Morrill Stationery) FFTr-y Ou14 :HOlti n for. Ligh t Lujncl"hes G ROOM-WE L L BARBERS Students Take Notice FREE MANICURING with All Barber Work GUESSING CONTEST on All Football Games. $2.00 Job Free to Person Guessing Nearest Score SODS MALTED MILKS lc 20c TOASTED SANDWICHES SOUP - WAFERS HOT CHOCOLATE loc 14_ SWIFT'S DRUG STORE 340 South State Street 14 CHAIRS NO WAITING All Competent Workmen 615 East Liberty (Near Michigan Theatre) Phone 9390 l1 Phone 3534 We Deliver GET RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADS w I Make Your Vote An Honest Opinion. a ASK a man why he doesn't vote. He is likely to counter with a question something like this: "What's the use? What dif- ference does it make whether Hoover or Roosevelt is President?" While we are inclined to berate him for his in- difference to a matter as vital as the government of the nation, we cannot deny that the disillu- sioned voter's question is a difficult one to answer satisfactorily. Plainly, there is no such difference between the two major political parties as their leaders would have us believe. Party chiefs on both sides have tried to make it appear that there are two important issues in the election: Prohibition and the Depression. They have sought to convince the voters that the Grand Old Party and the Democracy are really at variance on these issues, each arguing that his party offers the only effective solution. There is, of course, an element of difference in the stands taken by the Republicans and Demo- crats on the Prohibition issue. But it lies in the matter of control, not in the fundamental ques- tion of whether or not drinking shall be legal. Furthermore, Mr. Hoover, if he is elected, will have no easy time upholding his party's platform in the face of a hostile Congress. And we are not easily to be convinced that Pro- hibition is worth the attention it has received in the campaign. Aside from the rather pertinent fact that it is doubtful if any final steps toward repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment can or will be taken before 1935, we find it difficult to con- sider any action on the question in the same class with the real issues in government, )EMAND UNIVERSITY CONTROLLED BOOK STORE Several students have spoken to me of the ex- >rbitant prices paid for text books on this campus. In these times when the student enrollment has dropped due undoubtedly to economic stress, when hundreds of capable students have been kept from our institutions of higher learning for similar reasons, it seems only just that the student body take some steps toward their own economy. I pro- pose that the student body demand from the Uni- versity authorities a book store run upon a non- profit basis. This is no new idea. Many Universi- ties already have made such enterprises a suc- cess. It is about time that Michigan Students take some active part in affairs strictly in their own in- terest. I call upon all students to gather in de- manding the establishment of such an enterprise. Let such students use this column for expressing their sentiments! Granting that good work is being done by the Cooperative Book Store we must recognize its shortcomings since it cannot supply all the de- mands of students. It takes a certain capital in- vestment in order to have a complete staclk of, books. Therefore students must come forth in asking this University to follow the many other institutions in establishing a fully equipped, stu- dent operated, University controlled book store. Robert Scroll LEAN BUDGETS In this day of depression depths, it is with ex- treme satisfaction that landlords and fraternity stewards greet the new University ruling, requir- ing all legitimate debts contracted for board or lodging to be paid by the student before he can graduate. We have no hesitation in saying that the num- ber of students who would willingly dodge such payment, were there no penalty, is many. That has been demonstrated in past years. The new ruling comes not too soon. It is regrettable that it has not appeared sooner. But the student has his side, and a very large one. The depression is a reality. Discounting the reams of material already foisted upon a protest- ing public, we nevertheless must admit that there are hundreds, probably thousands, of students in school on the narrowest of margins. Jobs were practically unheard of this past summer, and cuts in the family pay roll were more than numerous. Consequently, many are faced with the neces- sity of finding a job, or scraping along on a slim budget, or else leaving school. Probably the first two possibilities go hand in hand. The student must find lodging for a low rent, and board with attractive prices. Now that the debt situation has been clarified, it would not be amiss for the landlords, stewards, and restaurant owners to cut a few corners in re- ~ OME of the Michigan Freshmen have a count- 'erpart on the campus of the University of North Carolina. According to The Daily Tar Heel, a Carolina Freshman upon arriving at the Uni- versity, selected the house of President Graham as the most likely-looking rooming house. It hap- pened that the President was not at home and so the colored maid, apparently accustomed to wel- coming visitors who arrive bag in hand, showed him to one of the guest rooms. The Freshman unpacked his clothes and made himself at home, calling upon the maid to do several errands for him. It was not until the next morning when he was taking a shower in the same bathroom as that used by the President that he realized his mistake. As it was, the head of the University invited him to breakfast. A Washington BYSTANDER By Kirke Simpson I it Economic conditions offer a somewhat betterT field for 'political effusions. Mr. Roosevelt can point to Mr. Hoover's failure t0 maintain "Repub-t lican prosperity." He can condemn the Republi-k can candidate with some justice for encouraging the wild speculation that preceded the debacle, and for retarding action by his constant predic- tions that prosperity was "just around the cor-I ner." Mr. Hoover, on the other hand, can pleadI for a chance to test his confused- but hopeful reliefI measures; he can orally foresee ruin in the meas- ures proposed by the Democrats. Both parties seem inclined to lump our eco- nomic evils and their causes under one head, De- pression, and each offers a few cure-alls, guaran- teed to put the nation on its feet if the right man is elected. Obviously, there is no universal pana- cea. But there is one point at which the parties might differ in an analysis of the problems. Mr. Hoover is the high priest of protective tariff: Democrats traditionally favor a low tariff. Yet, despite the Democratic platform and the asser- tions of some members of the party, we find no assurance in Mr. Roosevelt's often confusing cam- paign talks that he purposes to take down the I WASHINGTON - If rival national committee chairmen ever were found in agreement about what was going to happen in an impending presi- dential election, clearly a prompt change in one chairmanship or the other might be expected. Campaign managers must keep their flags fly- ing. They must exude confidence publicly, how- ever they may privately spur their working staffs to greater efforts with warnings of threatening defeat at the polls. Which is by way of comment on the remarks of Chairman Everett Sanders, republican, and Chair- man "Big Jim" Farley, democrat, which flanked each other recently in parallel columns of the New York city papers. * * * VISITING THE OUTPOSTS Farley had returned from his post-convention tour of the interior and west coast in company with Governor Roosevelt. Exigencies of the New York state democratic convention - for he is state as well as national chairman -had called this 200-up pound new figure in national politics back ahead of the ~presidential nominee. Sanders was back in New York again after an- other of those swings around the Chicago-Wash- ington-New York triangle over which he began to wear a path as soon as he took over his national chairmanship. The state republican convention also had something to do with his appearance, no doubt, although not to the extent that the demo- cratic show involved Farley. For both men what was to happen in an, around those state conventions might be of vital importance in the national campaign. III II