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October 14, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-14

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Thie Weather
Generally fair Friday, war-
mer; Showers Saturday.


3k ian


Make Your Vote An Honest




Stagg Retire
From Chicagi
Coaching Pos
Under Protes
'Grand Old Man' Force
To Resign At Age Of 70
Metcalf To Replace Hi
As Athletic Director
Yost Becomes Big
Ten Senior Officia
Maroon Mentor Will En
40 Years Of Service A
Football Head In June
Offered New Position
CHICAGO, O c t. 13.-IP)-Amc
Alonzo Stagg was retired as directo
of athletics and football coach at th
University of Chicago tonight afte
40 years of coaching. His retiremen
however, will not become effectiv
until next June, the end of the colle
giate year.
Stagg's successor as director o
athletics will be Thomas Nelson Met
calf, now director of athletics an
chairman of physical education a
Iowa State College at Ames, Ia. Met
calf will appoint Stagg's successor a
head football coach.,
Stagg Heartbroken
Stagg's resignation was forced t
invoke a rule that provides members
of the faculty shall be retired or
reaching the age of 70. Stagg retires
under protest as he believes he woul
be able to carry on his duties for at
least 10 to 15 years more, or longer
"The Grand Old Man" was heart-
broken by his retirement but steeled
himself to issue this statement:
"According to my present feelings
I expect to be good for 15 to 20 year
more of active service. I went intc
athletic work because it offered the
largest opportunity for s e r v i c e
through contact with young men. No
scheme of life, which removes that
contact, would meet with my ambi-
Still Wants to Coach
"I have no protest to Make in lin-
ing up in conformity with principles.
I feel too young and aggresive to step
altogether out of my particular work,
and, frankly, I am not content to do
it. Whether I remain at Chicago or
go elsewhere, I wish to be active in
the field of coaching"
With the announcement of Stagg's
retirement, the Board of Control re-
vealed that he had been offered the
newly-created post of chairman of
the committee on intercollegiate ath-
letics. It was doubtful whether he
would accept that position.
The retirement of Stagg elevates
Mr. Yost to the position of dean of
the Western Conference athletic di-
Informed of the resignation of
Coach Stagg, Fielding H. Yost, Di-
rector of Intercollegiate Athletics
here, said "It would be difficult to
find anyone who could retire from
active service in his chosen profes-
sion and leave behind him a more
useful service to society than Amos
Alonzo Stagg. His work has extended
over a period of more than 40 years.
He has been an active leader in foot-
ball coaching and has been active in
promotion of physical welfare for
all students. His wise counsel will be
a great loss to the Western Confer-

Picture Coupons Of
Michiganensian To
Go On Sale Today
Senior picture coupons for the
Michiganensian will go on sale today
at the business offices of the year
book in the Student Publications
Building, John A. Carstens, '33, bus-
iness manager, announced yesterday.
The coupons cost $3.00 and pay
both for having the picture taken
and having it placed in the 'Ensian,
Carstens said. The office is on the
second floor, and will be open every
day from 1 to 5 p. m. until the dead-
line for the pictures Dec. 5.
Doak Bill Protested By
689 Cornell Stwdents
v- -r -ra v ne e _-rtt_ m em-


Prof. H. D. Curtis Pleased With I School Group


Pnotograpns Of polar Eclipse

Prof. Heber D. Curtis of the as-
tronony department of the Univer-
sity, who headed an expedition to
Freyburg, Me., to observe the solar
eclipse Aug. 31, told a Daily inter-
viewer yesterday that after seeing
the proofs of the photographic plates
he was greatly pleased with the re-
sults of the expedition.
"The committee's preliminary es-
timate of chances for favorable
weather during the eclipse at some-
what better than 50 per cent," said
Professor Curtis, "seemed unduly
roseate as the work of construction
in the camp progressed. Clear nights
and mornings were frequent, but
these were almost always followed by
cloudy afternoons, a bad omen for an
'eclipse due at 3:30 p. m.
Conditions Uncertain
"Eclipse day itself was no excep-
tion to this general rule, and every-
thing was uncertain after the first
contact; the diminished sun would
stand out at times in patches of the
clearest blue, to be covered again at
intervals by light clouds. Totality
began with a wisp of cloud over the
sun, but the last 60 seconds of total-
ity were quite good, with only some
light cirrus clouds obstructing.
"Even these wisps of cirrus could
not prevent us from observing that
this was an unusually bright eclipse.
The ring of scarlet prominences
showed with exceptional brilliancy,
and the longer coronal streamers
extended well over a diameter.
Though the expedition suffered some

- losses from the light clouds, the 40
- foot plates are excellent; McLaugh
a lin secured good flash spectra; an
r much is expected of the three movi
films which we took.
About 75 Per Cent Successful
"All in all, we secured about 75 pe
cent of what we had hoped for ha
the sky been entirely clear, and ar
thankful for that in view of the al
most uniform failure which was th
lot of the powerfully equipped ex
peditions to the north.
"The next eclipse, in 1934, ove
Borneo and other islands of the Eas
Indies, is not very fortunately locat
ed. The same may be said for tha
of 1937, although the astronomer
of the world are looking forward t
it with some eagerness.
"Only 98 seconds were available fo
our observations in Maine, while th
eclipse of 1937 will be total for ove
seven minutes, about as long as it i
possible for the beautiful but short
lived celestial phenomens. It wil
pass over the Pacific Ocean an
reach Peru, where, however, the sun
will be very low in the sky. Perhap
more accurate computations not ye
carried out," said Professor Curtis
"may show that it will pass over
some island of the Pacific.
"If it should, then we can coun
on the presence of astronomers
whether they were successful or
whether clouds prevented their suc-
cess in 1932, eager to utilize so tre-
mendous an eclipse in solving cer-
tain problems of that nearest star
which we call the sun."


Holds Annual
Parley Here
Educational Developments
Discussed At Meetings
Of Association

Robert Frost
To Arrive In
City Monday
To Give Poetry Readings
Under Auspices Of The
English Department

Education Students Poet Lived In Ann
Should Be Present Arbor In 1921-23

Eminent Lecturers Will
Appear As Features Of

a Socialist House
Moves; Already
Co-operative Store To Sell
Merchandise At C o s t;
Will Be Open To Public
Michigan Socialist House No. 2,
formerly situated at 523 Packard St.,
has been moved to 308 So. Fifth Ave.,
The reason for the change is that the
Packard street house is too large for
the number of students enrolled, ac-
cording to O. H. Bridge,.Grad., man-
ager of the house. The new house
on South Fifth St. will accommodate
20 students and is already more than
half full. Bridges said that another
reason for moving was that the
South Fifth St. house was quite close
to Michigan Socialist House No. 1, on
East Ann St., and it will be much
easier for the two houses to work to-
gether than formerly,
Starting today meals will be served
served at House No. 2; and in both
houses a small store has been set up
where students may secure stationery
and notebooks at cost. "However, the
sale of stationery and notebooks will
not be limited to members of the two
houses. We will sell to any student
who wants to save money," Bridges
Union Voting Bureau
Gets 80 Applications
More than 80 students had applied
for information at the absentee vot-
ing bureau in the Union late -yester-
day afternoon, it was learned last
night from John W. Lederle, '33,
Union president.
Thirty-five students f r o m other
parts of Michigan have applied for
ballots, Lederle said, as well as 25 .
from other states ranging from Cali-
fornia to Alabama and New York.
More than 15 applications altogether'
have been sent away for registration

League Body
Opposes New
Tax, Changes
Reports Unfavorably On
Proposed Constitutional
Property Amendments
LANSING, Oct. 13. - W) -- Repre-
senting itself as being opposed to the
proposed state constitutional amend-
ments affecting the general property
tax, a special committee from the
Michigan Municipal League today
submitted its findings to the annual
convention of that organization.
The first amendment to be submit-
ted to the voters at the November
election as outlined by the committee
is known as the "one and one-half
per cent limitation amendment." By
its terms, the state seeks to limit the
levy of property taxes for all pur-
poses to one and one-half per cent
of the assessed valuation.
The second is the so-called "home-
stead exemption amendment" and
seeks to do two things; first, to ex-
empt personal property of household-
ers to the amount of $1,000 and
homesteads to the value of $3,000;
secondly, to permit any taxpayer to
fix his own assessed valuation.
Federal Relief Aid
Urged By Roosevelt
ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 13.-P(A:)-
Franklin D. Roosevelt said tonight in
a radio speech that the federal gov-
ernment was obligated to step in and
help care for the unemployed "when,
it becomes apparent that states and
communities are unable to take care
of the necessary relief work."
Speaking in reply to a question-
naire sent him by 10 welfare and so-
cial workers, the Democratic presi-
dential nominee laid down as his first
relief principle that "the primary
duty rests on the community, through
local government and private agen-
cies, to take care of the relief of un-

e The annual meeting of delegates
r of the sixth district of the Michigan
s Education Association at Hill Audi-
- torium this morning will mark the
1 seventy-ninth year of its existence,
d according to Prof. James B. Edmon-
n son, dean of the School of Education.
s Dean Edmonson said yesterday that
t the meetings are held for the purpose
, of developing professional enthus-
r iasm and pride and to acquaint
teachers with new developments in
t education. All public and many pri-
vate school teachers in the state be-
r long to the association. "The pro-
- gram is very good," said Dean Ed-
monson," and students who plan to
teach are urged to attend."
Parents who attend the convention
as representatives of the different
- parent and teachers clubs of the dis-
trict will have the privilege of hear-
ing the emient educational leaders
who will appear on the general pro-
gram as well as their divisional
speaker, Mrs. David W. Stewart of
Saginaw, who is the president of the
Michigan Congress of Parents and
Teachers. This group will meet in
the Ann Arbor High School at 2 p.
in. Friday.
Divisional Meetings
Five other divisional meetings will
be held in various places about the
city at 2 p. m. today. Divisions of
the association are based largely on
the age of the group with which a
teacher works and are distinct from'
the section meetings which will be
held Saturday morning and which
are based on the subject matter
which the instructor teaches.
With such speakers as Dr. Laura
Zirbes, of Ohio State University, who
will address the early elementary di-
vision, Dr. Rollo G. Reynolds, of Co-1
lumbia University and principal of
the Horace Mann school, who will
speak to the later elementary divi-
sion on "What a Modern School 1
Should Do for a Modern Child," Dr. J
David Friday, of Washington, D. C.,
who will talk on "How the Business
Revival will Come" at the high school
divisional meeting, and Dr. Joseph
Roemer, professor of secondary edu-
cation at Peabody College, Nashville,
Tennessee, who is to speak before
the junior high school group on the 1
subject "An Activity Program in Jun-
ior High School," Dean Edmonson is I
optimistic with regard to the prob-
able success of the meeting.
Pearce to Speak
Honorable Webster B. Pearce, statef
superintendent of public instruction,
and Professor Laurence M. Gould,q
of Carleton College, and a formert
member of the University faculty,
will speak at 8 p. m. today in Hillt
Auditorium. Otto W. Haisley, presi-
dent of the association, and Dr.
'David Friday will address the morn-
ing session at 10 a. m. in Hill Audi-~
torium. .
Section meetings will be held at 9
a. in. Saturday. The following sec-a
tions will meet tomorrow: agricul- t
ture, a r t, compulsory education, k
classical, commercial, deans of girls, t
English, elementary school princi- t
pals, general science, home econom- s
ics,. library, mathematics, modern s
languages, music, physical education, C
physics and chemistry, rural, small
high schools, social sciences, and ( v
In each of these meetings there t
will be talks by members and a busi-
ness meeting which will culminate
in the election of a' chairman for
next year.
Prof. Menefee. To Give f
Initial Tolstoi Lecturea
A series of three lectures on "The t
Religion-Science of the Future" will t
be given this semester under the au- f
spices of the Tolstoi League, it wasr
announced yesterday. The series is t
to begin with a lecture on Oct. 20 byE
Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engineer- r
ing college who will give his concep- t

Expected To Hold Meeting
For Students Interested
In Writing
Robert Frost, noted New England
poet, will come to Ann Arbor next
week under the auspices of the Eng-
lish department to conduct several
meetings and to give readings of his
poetry, it was announced yesterday
by Prof. O. J. Campbell of the Eng-
lish department.
Mr. Frost will arrive in Ann Arbor
Monday. He will speak before a
meeting of graduate students in Eng-
lish and members of the English de-
partment at 8 p. m. at, the Union.
Tuesday Mr. Frost will give read-
ings of his poetry at 4:15 p. m. in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Wednes-
day he will hold a meeting with stu-
dents interested in writing. No defi-
nite arrangements for this session
have been made.
"Frost is an authentic interpreter
of American, and especially New
England, life," Professor Campbell
declared. "He has developed a poetic
manner highly original and wonder-
fully adapted to the subjects which
he treats. There is no way to under-
stand his poetry so thoroughly as to
hear him read it."
Mr. Frost is professor of English at
Amherst College. He was poet in
residence at the University of Mich-
igan in 1921-23, and a Fellow of Let-
ters in 1925-26. He was awarded the
Pulitzer prize for poetry in 1924 and
again in 1926 and is a member of the
American Academy of Arts and Let-1
Frost heads the list of modernt
American poets, according to Profes-n
sor Campbell, while Henry Hazlitt,
literary editor of the Nation, placese
him second to T. S. Eliot among liv-
ing poets.
"His poetry is lucid and there is in
it a quiet magic which seems destinedn
to keep it alive," Hazlitt is quoted as
Keller Appeal
Placed Before
Supreme Court
Convicted Of Harboring
Criminal, Girl Carriesr
Fight To Last Court c
LANSING, Oct. 13.-WP)-The ap-
peal of Katherine Keller, Ypsilantin
girl, who was charged with harbor-f
ng one of the killers in the Wash-
tenaw county "torch murder" case
was placed before the supreme courtr
Miss Keller was convicted of being'
n accessory after the fact for hid-
ng Fred Smith, one of the trio which
nurdered two youths and their girl
In appealing to the supreme court,
attorneys for the girl, according to
heir briefs, contended she had no
:nowledge of Smith's connection witht
he crime when he spent the night at
her home. The prosecution claimedU
he had guilty knowledge because shet
aw blood stained clothing and had t
ther information.
Smith's companions in the murder
vere David Blackstone and Frank
liver, all of whom are serving prisont
George K. Hicken '32E H
Wins National Award
Announcement of the awarding of s
irst prize of $100 in the intercollegi- v
mte contest sponsored by the Ameri- t
an Institute of Chemical Engineers r
o George K. Hickin,'32E, was madea
y Prof. E. M. Baker, associate pro-a
essor of chemical engineering and
nember of the national council of
;he American Institute of Chemical t,

Engineers, last nigh4 at the first
meeting of the student chapter of f
he A. I. C. E.

College Men Kept
From Political Field
By Direct Primary
"The greatest obstacle to the en
try of the university-trained ma
into politics is the direct primary,
Secretary of the Interior Ray L. Wil
bur, declared in an interview yester
"It is a long, hard struggle for th
college man to break into politics
He is not picked out of the crowd on
his own merits but has to pick him-
self out and this involves a great dea
of hard and thankless work."
"However," he added, "govern-
mental tangles of today are so much
the problems of experts that gradu-
ates of a university are absolutely
essential if we are to have an in-
telligently governed country."
"At the present time," Dr. Wilbur
continued, "there is a great mass of
university or academy graduates in
the Geological Survey, the upper
branches of the Army and the Navy,
and other sections of the Civil Serv-
ice and their number is increasing all
of the time.
"The problems of the government
are now so complex that there is no
escape from the man trained in poli-
tical science, law and medicine. In
the past there has always been found
a way to obtain what we wanted and
I have no doubt that in a short time
most of the leaders in the country
will be college graduates."
Few Veterans
Named On '32
First Conference Debate
Is With Northwestern,
Here, Dec. 8.
Only three veterans are included
in this semester's debating squad as
selected from forty try-outs yester-
day by J. H. McBurney, Varsity team
coach. The speeches were made on
the Conference debate subject, Re-
solved: "That at least 50 per cent of
all state and city taxes should be
raised from sources other than tan-
gible property." The squad as select-
ed will meet Albion college Nov. 16
and 17, Detroit City College Nov. 21
and 28, and Michigan State and Uni-
versity of Detroit at dates to be ar-
The squad is: Charles B. Brown-
on, '35, Howard Busching '34, Mich-
ael Evanoff, '34, Phillip S. Jones, '33,
Erle A. Kightlinger, '33, Nathan Levy,
'34L, Michael Lewison, '34, J. D.
Moore, '32, Victor Rabinowitz, '34L,
Dlinton D. Sandusky, '34, Al Smith,
34, Robert N. Sawyer, '33, Samuel L.
Travis, '34, Robert E. Woodhams, '34,
kbe Zwerdling, '35.
The first Conference debate of the
ear will be with Northwestern here,
Dec. 8, when the Michigan team will
efend the affirmative. The same
ight at Madison the Varsity nega-
ive team will meet Wisconsin. Both
Af these teams have been defeated
vithin the last two years when Mich-
gan has held the Conference title.
ketive work starts today with the
irst meeting scheduled for tonight at
Two Thousand
Cheer Varsity,
Off For Ohio
More than 2,000 students and
;ownspeople made the old stone walls

. the Michigan Central station echo
with songs and yells last night as
hey cheered the Varsity on its way
o Columbus in one of the most en-
thusiastic send-offs in recent years.
An impromptu pep talk by Judge
Villiam "Willie" Heston, halfback of
he "point-a-minute" days, cheers led
ay Cheerleaders Thomas B. Roberts,
34, and William F. Temple, '33, and
Michigan songs accompanied by the
Varsity Band featured the send-off.
The special train bearing the Var-
ity Band and rooters to Columbus
will leave at 7 a. m. tomorrow from
he Ann Arbor Railroad station, ar-
iving in Columbus at about noon
ind returning to Ann Arbor immedi-
Ately after the game.
'Mac' Holds Back The Varsity
Manager A. Stanley McGaughan of
he Varsity Band, guarding his or-
;anization at the send-off last night,
elt someone push him in the back.
Some loafer trying to get in ahead



nIs Dependant
. Secretary Of The Interior
- Calls President Hoover
'Most Powerful Man In
World'; Raps Hearst
CallsHim Virtual
Democratic Ruler
1 Says Newspaper Magnate
Managed Convention At
Which Two Nominees
Were Placed On Ticket
The fate of the world depends on
the coming presidential election,"
Ray Lyman Wilbur, secretary of the
interior declared at a Union political
forum yesterday afternoon. "If we
topple, where will the other countries
of the world find a resting place?"
"When the prime ministers of
three of the most powerful countries
in the world came here last year," he
continued, "what did they come for
but to ask the most capable and pow-
erful man in the world, 'How can we
save our people?'
"Hoover Versus Hearst"-Wilbur
"Will you," he demanded, "study
issues, records and men, or will you
vote blindly for a change? Will you
vote for Herbert Hoover who has
been in the limelight for 20 years, or
will you vote for William Randolph
Hearst, who managed the Democra-
tic convention at which Roosevelt
and Garne were nominated?"
Secretary Wilbur emphasized the
fact that theeconomic situation is
not the same as it was 20 or even 10
years ago by pointing out the fact
that a Pennsylvania. farm that 20
years ago supported a family com-
fortably now has to support, in addi-
tion to the family, an automobile, a
tractor, two colleges, a new highway,
a piano, and a radio. In addition to
this, the land is nearly worked out,
and the products have to meet not
only the competition of the other
farmers in the country, but the pro-
duce of the whole world, said Secre-
tary Wilbur.
Points to World War
"Some people," the secretary said,
"have blamed the World war on this
new world competition. At any rate,
the war damaged civilization severe-
ly, it is still trying to mend its
wounds. We went in at the peak of
the struggle, provided the winning
push and we thought for a while that
we were to be immune from the post-
war economic trouble."
"However, as the depression of the
'70's followed the Civil War, so the
depression of 1929 was delayed for a
time after the World War. Never be-
fore has such a catastrophe attacked
a nation which thought itself im-
mune," he said. "There has been no
disorder, no troops and little mass
hysteria except in minor instances."
Dr. Wilbur was entertained at din-
ner last night at the Law Club. Fol-
lowing the meal he delivered a short
talk in the lobby. Other prominent
guests at the dinner were Regent
Junius N. Beal; and Prof. Charles A.
Sink, of the School of Music.
Wilbur Says Hoover Is
Friend Of The Masses
With paeans of praise for President
Hoover and his past and present
work as a Republican, and a vigorous
condemnation of the tactics employed
by William Randolph Hearst, John

Roosevelt, Secretary of the Interior
Ray Lyman Wilbur closed his stay in
Ann Arbor with a brief address at
the Whitney theatre last night.
Mr. Wilbur pointed out that the
President has, in the face of an an-
tagonistic Senate and House of Rep-
resentatives, p r o v e d himself the
greatest friend of the "mythical for-
gotten man" in all history.
"The President launched his drive
at the place where he could do most
good," Secretary Wilbur continued,
band set about conquering our great-
est foe, fear, At this time the House
of Representatives, under the leader-
ship of Speaker Garner, was begin-
ning its false drive for payment of

Wilbur Says

Play In Bridge Olympic Starts
On Oct. 19 At Leaoue Buildinr

Ann Arbor play in the American
Bridge Olympic will begin at the
Michigan League Building here Oct.
19, John C. Mathes, associate member
of the Culbertson National Studios,
announced yesterday. Ann Arbor par-
ticipants will form one of 300 city
units in the United States and Can-
ada playing sixteen prepared hands.
Fifteen of the leadingsbridge ex-
perts of the country will serve as the
Olympic committee, and from thous-
ands of hands actually played will
select sixteen to be used in the tour-

ing card company in question. The
package seals will be broken when
the players are assembled at their
respective tables.
American, State, and Province win-
ners will be determined by the Olym-
pic Committee of the National Bridge
Association from score cards submit-
ted by local Game Captains. A se-
cret scoring standard will be used by
the Judges. Trophies will be present-
ed to the various winners.
The sponsors of the contest, Ely
Culbertson and the Bridge World
Magazine, report that more than 300

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