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October 13, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-13

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LY, OCT. 13, 1932

Established 1890
- tr
Published every morning except Monday during the
Uieity ye and Summner Session by the Board in
Contro ofStden Pulictinlsm
tiMemnber thf he Western Con jeree Editorial Associa-
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to thc use
for -repulication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
pnrso herein. ellrights of republication of special
Entered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
econ Assi matere Specil rten lof postage granted by
$15ubscription during' sumer byi carrier $100 by mail,
lores: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
An Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-12t4.n
Representatives: College ublishers Representatives,
Inci, 40 east Thirty-Fourth Street, New York city; 80
Eston Street, Boston; 612 North ichigan Avenue,
Thir Assstan Potseener4al5
CITY EDITOR........................KARL SEIFFERT
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Edward Andrews, Hyman J. Aronstam, A.
Ellis Ball, Charles g. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald
R. Bird, Donald F. Blakertz, Charles B. Brownson,
Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Ed-
Hewett, Alinn SctB ifern,George Vanh lec aeron
Walker, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White,
Leonard A. Rosenberg.p
Eleanor B. Blum, Miriam Carver, Louise Crandall, Carol
JIHTITR. S:nmes aCnestl arie J. MuFrph,
ern and Harriet Spesep
CRD T MBNAEI ................HARRN BEG
AEPARTMEST MANAEaRS: AAdvertinJg Grfon Sharp
AEllisnllConratsG.Brvit, amensn;advertsinarv
ice, Noel Turner; Acounts, Bernard e. Schnacke; Cir-
lation, G bert e. Dursley Publicaons, Robert E.
Boylwan hrles Ebert. Jlk l, royso . Fred Hertrik
Jose ,lve, Allen Knuui Russell Read, Lester Skin-
ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Aigner, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy
Ly1an Helen Olson, Helen Schume. May Seegfried,
earhrynd tor.e

one of the most stupid bonbasts that have been
delivered since the conventions last ,June.
The particular fault lies in these facts:
(1) Mr. Reed insisted on devoting a great part
of his speech to the business of flaying President
Hoover's war-time policies, which have been aired
for the benefit of the public, so often that further
criticism is useless.
(2) He was so injudicious as to charge the Pres-
ident with foreign favoritism in 1032 economics,
emphasizing his attitude toward Great Britain;
which charge would be inane even if it were not
completely trite.
An adverse criticism of an administration can-
not be effective when carried into that adminis-
tration's own territory, unless the critic can pro-
duce incontrovertible facts. Unfortunately, the
President's internationalistic tendencies ever since
the beginning of his administration have been
notoriously an attempt to arrange for co-opera-
tion between the nations of the world in a crisis
that is world-wide, not a desire to restore to pros-
perity any nation, American included, at the ex-
pense of any other.
Partisan mud-throwing is exciting when it is
well-aimed, but dunder-headed critcism is always
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
A number of correspondents have protested the
elimination of Diagonal. May I express my whole-
hearted indorsement of The Daily's decision to
cease publishing the column?
The Daily has shown itself to be an advocate of
the principle that students on the campus of a
large university should conduct themselves with
some degree of dignity. The Diagonal was remi-
niscent of the lengthy columns of silly personal
comment which occupy so large a part of the
average high school publication. The readers who
sigh for the return of the column have evidently
never outgrown their taste for high school jour-
nalism and had better re-suscribe for their high
school newspaper. Diagonal \as no more worthy
of a large university's daily paper than are pots
and hazing deserving of a place on its campus.
I have had the opportunity to read exchanges
from colleges and universities in all parts of the
country and have never come across a column so
scurrilous and determined to print what should
not be printed as Diagonal, The mentioning of
freshmen by name as fraternity and sorority
rushees was an unwarranted infringement of that
unwritten code of ethics which governs the con-
duct of university students everywhere.
I am not adverse to the publication of a column
which contains those little bits of information
which are of interest to students but are not of
sufficient importance to be printed as separate
news or feature articles, but there is no justifica-
tion for imitating the worst features of the metro-
politan tabloids. The tastes of college students
are presumably on a higher plane than those of
the people who eagerly devour the numerous scan-
dal "columns in the Hearsties, and if they are not
The Daily should make some attempt to elevate
them, instead of descending to swim in the mud
with them.
By giving up the policy of relegating news re-
lating to women students to an inside page, re-
gardless of its importance; by opposing attempts
on the part of a handful of students to enforce as
"traditions" customs to which the vast majority
of the student body are opposed or indifferent; by
urging the fraternities to prove to the administra-
tion that students can handle important problems
successfully by abiding by their own pledging
rules; and now by raising the journalistic stan-
dard of its editorial page The Daily has shown
itself to be a progressive university newspaper.
For the sake of those readers who think that
some people just can't take a joke, may I mention
that I am not a member of that group whos
deeds and misdeeds came under Mr. Kane's eye?
A Graduate Student.
To The Editor:
I would like to join my protests as a reader o
The Michigan Daily, to those of other readers wh

have remarked on the regretful termination of th,
column "Diagonal." Because there are Michigar
students who, to use the slang term, "can't take
it." must the rest of us be deprived of one of th(
few things on this campus that contains a touch
of common interest?
There are (or were) three things about thi:
year's Michigan Daily that appeal to me, viz., the
new type face, the editorials, which indicate a
more mature mind behind the publication than
critics of college papers would have us believe,
and "The' Diagonal."
Let's hope some of the "pretty boys" don't find
fault with the two features remaining.
Editorial Comment

r i - -- - --

well-rounded individuals, let us have preparatory
Schools and colleges that develop what we want.
Although America seems to have decided that
it does not want students, scholars, and well-
rounded individuals but rather business men or
brokers and bond salesmen, let the campaign con-
tinue against misdirected education. After we
have decided what we want from education we can
go ahead and get it. Military education has
proved to be the biggest farce in the whole system.
Wisconsin Daily Cardinal
By George Spelvin
When "The Adding Machine" was produced by
the New York Theatre Guild in 1923, it started a
new era in the American theatre. This spectac-
ular play by Elmer Rice, which will be presented
by Play Production under the direction of Valen-
tine B. Windt within a week or two, brought to the
stage of this country a new type of drama. It was
called by the Germans, who were first interested
in it, "expressionistic".
Expressionism in the theatre is a revolt against
the usual objective method of presenting char-
acter; its aim is the subjective projection of char-
acter. This new drama was intent on displaying
on the stage the inner structure of a character,
his soul, all his half-understood "hinterland"
thoughts, so to speak. Now when you see the sub-
jective part of a character on the stage that is ob-
jective, as all observing must be, and as all theatre
must be by its very nature, and that is where
"expressionism" comes in. It is the subjectve ex-
pressed, or objectified. "The Adding Machine"
was one of the first, and remains one of the most
successful of the plays written to this type.
The play exposes the mind and soul of a "white
collar" slave, Mr. Zero, and the terrible and piti-
ful people who figure in his life. His starved ex-
istence is seen in the expression the play gives to
his warped imagination. The tragic pity this soul
arouses is maintained by the implications the play
hold that there are countless other souls like this
of Zero's. How many machine-forced minds there
must be who grind on and dn, and dream half-
articulate dreams, mediocre, baleful, and grind on!
How many pleasure starved Zeros there must be
who pilfer their poor gratification by peeping
across the tenement airshafts!
Though expressionism as it presents itself may
be looked upon as "naturalism dressed up", it has
generally risen above mere realistic detail to a
universal feeling of this sort.
The Germans, as is generally the case in theatre
experiment, had practiced this type of drama for a
good many years before it came to America. Their
expressionistic plays are more prolific than any of
those written in this country to date, but since the
Guild's experiment with "The Adding Machine"
even the German plays have found their way to
the American stage. The most famous of these is
"From Morn Till Midnight", which later the Guild
itself did, and which has since been tackled by
many little theatres.
Another American expressionistic play which
appeared about the same time as "The Adding
Machine" was a very complicated play by John
Howard Lawson, "Roger Bloomer." Eugene
O'Neill's "The Hairy Ape" dates about the same
time. "The Adding Machine" has been more suc-
cessful than either of these, being more simple in
presentation and dealing with emotions of more
widespread knowledge. Since that time the tech-
nique of "soul expression" has appeared in many
noteable plays, most famously perhaps in O'Neill's
"Strange Interlude".
A Washington
By Kirke Simpson



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Think of it! For only $36.95 you can buy a genuine re-
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they carry the New Machine Guarantee of ONE YEAR r
Small Carrying Charge on Deferred Payments
Still Time if You ,Hurry
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Studen~ts iot dd
Cast allJotIs

'T E Union's announcement of fa-
cilities to assist students in absent
voting should remove every excuse from those of
age for failure to vote in the coming election.
Probably nowhere is there better opportunity to
become acquainted with the political affairs of1
the state and nation than in Ann Arbor, where
lively discussion of candidates and platforms and
prohibition never ceases, where prominent men
make frequent addresses, and where many things
combine to make the student realize his part in
the commonwealth,
Both the politicians and the voters of a few
years hence are now in college. It is highly desir-
able that these people who are soon going to be so
important in guiding the welfare of the country
should, in the first exercise of their voting rights,
apply the methods of discrimination among can-
didates which distinguish the independent think-
er from the ballyhoo-swallower.
When the negroes were first enfranchised, can-
didates printed a picture of a watermelon or a
bottle of whisky or some other attraction opposite
their names on the ballot, and the negroes voted
for the symbols with no idea of the name or
principles of the candidate for which they stood.
Very ,similar are some of the tactics used by pres-
ent-day candidates upon supposedly enlightened
"Vote for Frank L. Smith for U. S. Senator" ap-
peared with Smith's picture on every telephone
pole in Illinois some years ago, and although no
possible reason was advanced as to why Smith
should be voted for, the populace obediently gave
him the oft.ce, although the Senate itself could
not accept him.
"A vote for Smith on November 11 will be ap-
preciated." Here is another plea to which the edu-
cated voter should turn a deaf ear. The question
is not whether the candidate will appreciate the
office, but whether he is best fitted to fill it.
College trained voters must, when they first vote
and always thereafter, select their candidate not
on a basis of mass-production publicity, narrow
party affiliations, cheap demagoguery or preju-
diced propaganda, but by sensible, thorough in-
vestigation of the merits and possibilities of each
candidate. There is no better place to start a good
habit than here, and no better time than now.

One Man Tells Another

to the
Place your order with
Campus Salesmen or
at The DAILY.Office
on Maynard Street..
Phone 2-1214

Parker reserves the right to end this
National Trade-in Sale any day!
Tens of thousands of people are trading in old pens of
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This National Trade-in Sale by farker, to make way
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These are Parker's latest and mnartet co ors, in-
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Take your old pen or pencil to the nearest pen
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beautiful new Parker Duofold Pen, or Duof old Pencil,
or both.
The pen you trade in must have a 14k gold point
but it does not have to ba er he Parker Pen
Company, Janesville, Wisconss'i,



WASHINGTON - It is typical of the perturbed
political conditions in which this presidential
:ampaign is being fought out that not only have
.ouse and senate veterans gone down in the pri-
maries, but that senators who-
have been so long in that body I
as to have become almost tr -
ditional figures am' said to be
facing the Jruiud t re-election
battl ' ofthi c a
Reed Smoot of Utah, with
five unbroken terms in the sen-
ate to his credit, is an example.
He took that seat from a Utah
Democrat, Joseph Rawlins, in
- 1903, and has held it since.
There lave been rousing bat-
tles waged around the re-elec-
tions of Smoot's Democratic
Re -95M907'colleague, Senator King, who
came up to mne senate in 1917, but Smoot's place
has heretofore seemed as unshakeable as was his
party regularity or leadership in ta'riftf making.
Today, however, with a democratic uprising
at home that has compelled the Utah vetran to
stick very closely to his own state for campaiging
purposes, Smoot's name has been notably lacking
from the republican statements replying to demo-
cratic atack upon the Smoot-Hawley tariff bill,
When Simmons of North Carolina went down to
defeat in 1930 it made no change in party stand-
ing in the senate. It did, however, elevate Reed
Smoot to the honor post of senate dean in point
of service 'with Borah of Idaho, t.4ree years his
senate junior, as second man on the roster.
And just how much of a habit it is with Utah
to keep the same men in the senate is indicated by
the fact that King is No. 10 among 96 senators,
sharing that standing with Hale of Maine, John-
soil of California, Kendrick of Wyoming, McKel-
lar of Tennessee and Trammell of Florida.
That means that for 15 years Utah has split its
power in the senate between the two major
parties. It has done that in both republican and
democratic administrations.
Senator Smoot professess confidence of victory.
More than that, he outlined a program for a bil-

and have tomorrow's
issue delivered.
- - - - - -- - - -


_ _ _ _ ._:
o - ._ -- - -


B KI EF CA -- Your Opporunity
Never before have we been able to offer SO GOOD A
The larger size and of genuine leather, $2.25 to $7.50 gat
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Reed Fails To
Offer Proofs. .
Daily in regard to partisan politics
is to preserve strict impartiality. Believing that
University students are deeply interested in the
results of the forthcoming election, we have print-
ed and will continue to print as many articles as

Now that our preparatory schools and colleges
have become infected with militaristic educationa
on quite a large scale, it is perhaps just to ap-
praise the value of pre-university drum and corps{
training as against the other types of preparatory
Mark Schorer, an assistant' in the English de-
partment, has presented us evidence to indicate
thatmilitary schools are institutions which ought
to have no place in our educational system: Mr.;
Schorer spent a year at a typical military school
as an instructor and voluntarily resigned after a
year's service. What Mr. Schorer saw, many other
educators have seen. Military education is a rot-
ting wing of adolescent training. Teaching deceit,
instead of oft-advertised discipline, crudeness in-
stead of smoothness, and demanding polished but-
tons instead of polished minds, the widely claimed
vie of the militarv rication are practically

Seals Don'tnave Cold Feetr
and neither will you if you wear
this unusual WALK-OVER Shoe
of genuine North Cape Sealskin.
Hardy, cold-resisting and distinc-
tive. Priced $8.50.


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