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October 12, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-12

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Established 1890
.ms ' a
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Assocla-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
niot othrerwiise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$ $50, During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.5.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: college Publishers Representatives,
Inc., 40 East ThrtyLFourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North ..Michigan Avenue,
elehne 92
C SIAT EDRITR.. ........... .....ANRL SEIFFERT
NIO T EDITORS: Thomas connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
Joh W. Pritchard, Joseph W.Renlhan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
BPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Edwa.rd Andrews, Hyian J. Aronstam, A.
ERis Bi Dl, C1halesG. Baardtt.z,n' eBauchat, Donald
R..rid Doa14 PV. Bankertz, ChArles B. Brownson,
Arthiur W. Carstens, ponald Elder, Robert Engel, Ed-
wdA. G",Erc Hall, Jhn C. Hfeey, Robert B.
UjOtt, Alvinz Scleter, George Van Veck, Cameron
,r, Guy M. Wihipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White,
Leonard A. Rosenberg._
leanor B, Blunt, Mira Carver, LouseCrandall, Carol
~DHann~n, Frantces Machester, Marie J. Mur1phy,
Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie West
emn ana Harriet Speiss.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvll Aronson; Advertising Serv-
lce, Noel Turner; Accounts. Brnard E.- Scinake; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin-
ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy
aylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seegfried,
Kathryn Stork.
How Fraternities
Can Help Themselves.
F AATERNITIES may as well face
the facts. There are at least 19
houses on the camnpus that will have to go out of
existence because of financial troubles. As was
pointed out in an editorial yesterday, with 409
men eligible to be pledged and 59 general fra-
ternities listed on the campus, there are too many
houses and not enough freshmen.
If 19 houses go out of existence and one may
assume equal distribution of new members for the
remaining 40, there will be enough first year men
to give each house a class of 10 a year.
This, we believe, is the minimum that a house
can take over a long period of time and still re-
main solvent.
Naturally, the period of adjustment will be diffi-
cult. One cannot help regretting the fact that
many of the weaker houses must collapse. How-
ever, it is the only solution of an unfortunate
There is one constructive measure that the In-
terfraternity Council might take in order to avoid
a similar condition in the future and to protect
the houses that will weather the storm.
A ruling should be passed by the Council asking
the Senate Committee to prohibit the installation
of new chapters here. With the return of pros-
perity, it is certain that the administration will be

flooded with the usual number of requests for the
installation of new fraternities on the campus.
If the Senate Committee would pass a ruling
that none of the petitions be granted, future In-
terfraternity 'Councils, blinded by prosperity, will
not have the power to allow the fraternity system
again to grow faster than the University enroll-
This will avoid a recurrence of the present
financial strangulation that certain houses are
Editorial Comment

fount of Up-to-Date Education; that she should
give more consideration to the student's own
ideas; and that the less the student is restricted
the more he is e-duc-ated, the more is he devel-
oped from within.
To those few pupils who still look to Columbia
as their teacher this recent action on the part of
the Butler forces has dealt a death blow to fur-
ther development of liberal expression of student
opinion. But to those one-time pupils who are
now liberal teachers themselves the action is
merely a final proof of their former teacher's re-
actionary attitude.
If education does anything at all for the stu-
dent, it should certainly teach him when, where,
and what he can speak of his own accord. But
Dr. Butler thinks differently. A member of the
faculty must say when and where the student can
speak. And if what he speaks is not in keeping
with the beliefs of the faculty member, the stu-
dent will be in grave danger of being expelled. So
treat an educated student, prescribes Dr. Butler.
In the final analysis, if Columbia University
desires in the future to be looked upon as a liberal
institution of higher learning she must first prove
herself worthy of such a title, or else she will soon
find herself classed as "just another university
where faculty supervision reigns supreme".
North Carolina Tar Heel
By George Spelvin

show is one of the most promising now on Broad-
Like Dig des, Edward G. Robinson, the original
Shurdli, has gone to the movies. He has played
star' parts in "Little Caesar," "Two Seconds," "The
Hatchet Man," and so on, and is regarded as the
super-melodrama man of the films.
Mr. Windt's cast for the play is under rehearsal
for the production which will be seen here the
week-end of the Princeton game.

~rmtly and n e~ty done i
our o sho 'jay Vn~ent
3%4 S. ,Stwe eSt.,Ann kbor#




709 South State Street

Music at Sunday Dinner and Three Nights a Week.
Our Speil-y Homemade Pies

By Kathleen Murphy

Quick Service

Give Us a Try

So many people have spoken their minds or
whatever they had in place of them on the ques-
tion of What's Wrong With Play Production that
we hesitate to bring the subject up again -even
though none of them came very close to the truth
of the matter. Their error is generally that of
blaming on the direction faults that arise from
the inexperience of the actos.
Play Production and Comedy Club have long
had a tradition of good technical work; it has been
possible to sit through their plays without feeling
the exasperations usually attendant on amateur
theatricals - false beards don't fall off, doublets
don't often come three sizes too large, nor is it
customary for the scenery to fall over. Even the
lamentable Mimes showed a renaissance in this
respect last year. The student companies have
usually, we believe, had intelligent direction. What
will be the weak point this year and what has al-
ways been the weak point is the acting.
That the common run of plays here are intel-
lectually ragged is indisputable. Their failure to
carry over a mood or a theme completely should
not be laid entirely at the door of their directors,
however. The fact is that the directors have no
proper acting talent to carry out ideas, rather
han lacking the ideas themselves.
The hope of our national drama may or may
not be with the Little Theatre as opposed to that
sordid Broadway, but it is refreshing to watch a
professional company tear into a dull script and
Bome out with a lively play simply by fishing up
bits of business from the past and playing togeth-
er one thing our amateurs can't learn. Certain-
y, as long as appearing on a stage remains a ter-
rifyingly new experience, the actor isn't going to
be very aware of what's going on beyond his own
personal performance.
The University, in its administration of Play
Production, does not encourage students to spend
more than their junior and senior years on the
subject, and though exceptions are possible, a
sophomore public speaking course normally pre-
cedes it. Freshmen are not admitted to Play Pro-
This seems unfortunate when it is remembered
that acting is the art that offers one a pre-emi-
nent opportunity to make' an ass of oneself. The
young writer and the young painter don't come in
direct contact with their public, and the young
musician (since he must begin much earlier) isn't
in nearly as bad a spot. But the young actor! He
must act before someone, and perforce his soul is
stripped naked in public.
It doesn't matter to the student body (luckily!)
that our young writers are poor specimens-we
would rather get our reading from outside, any-
how, and our music and art in the same way. But
Ann Arbor isn't getting road shows anymore, and
never did get enough of them. Undergraduate
dramatics are a necessity-and yet the University
obviously isn't training actors early enough.
Play Production, we feel, is underemphasized in
proportion to the interest it arouses and the serv-
ice it performs. And just why freshmen should
be considered unfit for the sophisticated state of
being Play Productioners, we can't pretend to
understand. We hope that some day thetcourse
can be developed into a separate department; of
more immediate importance is our belief that a
four-year undergraduate course is the only rem-
edy for the ills of campus dramatics.
The plan offers no practical difficulties, since
Play Production courses could be kept down to
their present total enrollment by careful selection
of students for the advanced classes. This column
intends to campaign for the improvement at all
opportunities, and will welcome libel, personal in-
sults-and even debate--on the subject..
By R. E. M.
Now that we have seen Helen Westley, the big
horsey landlady of "Reunion in Vienna" in Detroit
last week, our memories trot back about nine or
ten years to the spring of 1923 when this self-
same Helen Westley was showing in New York as
,the nagging Mrs. Zero of "The Adding Machine."
And why we go back to the time when Miss West-
ley was playing in "The Adding Machine" is be-
cause that play is soon to be done on campus with
a Laboratory Theatre cast. We wonder what has
happened to the original cast of Elmbr Rice's fa-
mous modernistic play.
Helen Westley, the original Mrs. Zero, is. ap-
pearing this week in Detroit, as we have said; and
a rare opportunity it is to see her at our own door,
for being a member of the Theatre Guild Bbard

her executive duties seldom allow her to play out-
side New York. She has apeared continually in
Guild shows since its organization in 1919.
Dudley Digges, who was with the Guild in its
early days, and who has been director of a num-
ber of their outstanding productions, played the
original Mr. Zero, bookkeeper drudge hero of "The
Addling Machine." No longer with the Guild, how-

Concert Overture . Maitland
Vision .....................Rheinberger
Lied des Chrysanthemes...........Bonnet
Matin Provencal,...............
Sonata in the Style of Handel.. Wolstenholme
Rosace (Esquisse Byzantine) ..........Mulet
Meditation a Ste. Clothilde.........James
Piece Heroique ............... . .. Franck
Today's organ recital will be one of contrasts
and comparisons with the i n t e r e s t centering
around the great Franck. The Overture is char-
acterized by a joyous, pulsating rythm alternating
with moods of quietness. It is in two main parts--
after a deliberate introduction, the main theme is
anounced, marked by decisive, clearly-cut writing.
The second section is in the nature of a choral, its
first two presentations being quiet, its last work-
ing up into a brilliant climax at the end, calling
for full organ. While his native ability was great,
his industry was greater, and it is as a teacher
rather than a composer, that Rheinberger is
known today. Of his many works for the organ
this Vision is called the least pedantic and the
most truly inspired. Bonnet, who needs no intro-
duction to the music lovers of today, has written
these lovely "Autumn Poems" for the smaller
"Orgue de Salon", and they can very well be term-
ed "chamber music" not intended for the demands
of the concert hall. The "Matin Provencal" is pure
program music with its morning bells, singing
birds, and happy peasants on their way to work,
which, of course, are filled in very much to one's
pleasure. The "Sonata in the Style of Handel" is
imitation, but imitation that can stand on its own
merit. It is typically Handel - pure in style and
clear in workmanship -- and so perfectly a char-
acterization of his spirit that he might easily have
written it himself in one of his better moments.
Picturization in music has been, and still is, the
source of considerable argument, but so effectively
does Mulet trace the delicate lights and shadows
of the exquisite Rose Window of the Sacre Coeur
in Paris, that this lovely sketch becomes a decided
point against the "Absolutists Theory". The Medi-
tation a Ste. Clothilde is a tribute to Franck, who
was for many years organist at this church in
Paris. There is an insistent emphasis upon one of
the themes taken from the D minor symphony
which brings before one the picture of the old or-
ganist dreaming over the keys in the quiet dusk
and thinking aloud in his music. Rightly the pro-
gram ends with the magnificent Piece Heroique
by Franck himself, one of the most important of
this composer's works for the organ, an instrument
which was such an essential part of himself that
he never could quite lose its influence, no mater
what medium lie happened to be writing for.
A Washington
By Kirke Simpson


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Many titles are typical entertainment for almost any-
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Books by such authors as Warwick Deeping, Tiffany
Thayer, Christopher Morley and others are the heigth
or depth of something or other. In addition to what-
ever entertainment value these many volumes may
possess, the public has been well impressed by the
intellectual importance of reading them.
Visit Our Fiction and NonFiction Department
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WASHINGTON - Senator Brookhart's remark
that the situation in Iowa following his defeat in
the primaries by his Republican rival, Henry Field,
is "too sweet" for him to stay out of prompts the
question: Sweet for whom?
On the face of it, the Iowa senatorial battle would
suggest that a three-way race
$J might be beneficial to the
democratic candidate.
Iowa Democrats have profited
before by the internal row
. among their Republican oppo-
nents, of which Brookhart's de-
feat for renomination is the
most recent sign.
More than likely the senator
had in mind the farmer drive
to force higher prices when he
said that the Iowa "rebellion"
was too sweet for hime to keep
1 r3 k"4ART He may have convinced him-
self, at least, that in another
campaign tilt with Field lie could turn the tables
on the victor and come back to the senate anyhow.
However it may be in Iowa, it is a curious as-
pect of American p o 1 i t i c s that an apparently
similar situation in Wisconsin due to primary de-
feat of Governor La Follette and Senator Blaine.
irregular Republicans, shapes up a wholly different
way so far as democratic hopes may be concerned.
In Iowa probably Brookhart's announcement of
his independent or third-party candidacy was
hailed with joy by Louis J. Murphy, Democratic
candidate for the senate, and by the Democratic
national campaign management as well.
Should Governor La Follette and Senator Blaine
in Wisconsin follow the Brookhart example, how-
ever, many political calculations would reckon it a
blow at Democratic hopes of doing something for
themselves in Wisconsin.
On the same day that Senator Brookhart de-
clared himself into the Iowa political pot again,
his primary defeat notwithstanding, Senator
George Norris of Nebraska accepted a commission
from the National Progressive League to stump
the west for Governor Roosevelt.
Which presents the possibility that Iowa might
be on the Norris schedule when he starts out to
urge Roosevelt'selection to the Presidency. It is
going to be a mai front of the campaign as evi-
denced by President Hoover's decision to make one
'of his few campaign addresses at Des Moines.
It would be natural for the progressive league
to date up Norris for Iowa. What would he do
about Brookhart's senatorial race? Would he





__. .. .. .. _ A . e R .. _ _._-



According to a recent issue of the Columbia
Spectator Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler and his re-
actionary cohorts have renewed their attack on
free expression of student opinion which they be-
gan last spring with the expulsion of Reed Harris
as editor of the student paper. This time they
have passed a rule which prohibits "meetings of
aiiy organization connected with Columbia Uni-
versity which are open to the public . . . unless a
faculty member' of professorial rank will volunteer.
to act as chairman" - thus depriving the students
of the full advantage of their last means of true
and unhindered expression. The Harris expulsion
put a damper on complete expression through the
columns of the Spectator, and this new ruling will
have a similar effect on student mass meetings..
The regulation might well be considered as a
direct slam at the integrity of Columbia students.
And it is certainly none too complimentary of
modern education as symbolized by Columbia Uni-

University of Miehigan Oratorical Association
r-- --
Auditorium -
Of Lectures
Oct. 29-Lowell Tomas
,I+rom Singapore to
(Motion Pictures)
Nov. 10-William Butler
"The Irish Renaissance"
Dec. 1-Frederick William
:: .;->:::.::':"' hind theScenes in
Washington" ~''.'~
Jan. 11-Will Durant
"The American Crisis"
Feb. 21-Carveth Wells
(Motion Pictures)
Mar. 9-Dr. Raymond 11.
"TheBig Animals"
(Motion Pictures)
MAlT. t tob?~ ~




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