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October 12, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-12

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The Weather
Cloudy, possibly local rains;
Thursday cloudy and rain. Not
much change in temperature.


3k igan




._ _ 1

Union Bureau
Will Assist In
Absent Voting
Political Advice Available
For Nonresident Stu-
dents Who Wish To Vote
Ray Wilbur Speaks
At Thursday Forum
Is Following Union Policy
Of Politically Educating
Michigan's Student Body
Non-resident students will be aided'
in making the necessary arrange-
ments for casting absentee voters
ballots from their home precincts by
a new bureau established for the first
time this year and sponsored by the
Michigan Union.
Starting this afternoon and contin-
uing daily from 3 to 5 until the presi-
dential e1ection this political advisory
board wil be available for consulta-.
tion in the main lobby of the Union,
according to announcements made
yesterday by John W. Lederle, '33,
president, upon the completion of ar-
Registration Blanks Available
Several conveniences will be avail-
able to assist voting in the coming
election which has aroused such in-

Football, The Daily, Law Club
In Gargoyle's Opening Tirade

The old football was primitive, sim-
ple, and direct. But now the game
requires finesse, intelligence, and in-
sight,'and combines all the bad fea-
tures of chess, checkers, ping pong,
and croquet.
That, in brief, sums up Gargoyle's
indictment of the new grid rules, pre-
sented under the title, "Football Sen-
timent and the Restraining Rule," in
the October issue of the campus
funny magazine, which goes on sale
The game was all right "before the
Humane Society went into joint ses-
sion with the Society to Prevent Un-
natural Accidents to Employees" to
revise the regulations, Gargoyle im-
plies, but now everything is changed.
And the illustrated tirade goes on
Reject Bonus
A n d Prosper,
S ays Coolidge


with an exposition of the r u 1 e
changes to show just what has hap-
pened to the grand old game.
But the gridiron sport is not the
only thing taken for a ride in the
opening fall number, the first to ap-
pear under Edward S. McKay, new
managing editor. Gargoyle, m a d e
more attractive by several refine-
ments in make-up and typography,
goes through the list of campus
affairs with its critical eye and com-
ments sagely on The Daily, the fra-
ternity situation, the Law Club-any-
thing that offers an opening.
Coach Harry Kipke provides the
subject for Gargoyle's cover, drawn
by Tom Powers, art editor of the
magazine, who also supplies illustra-
tinn fnr1Tr ft nfn n .

Ruthven Says
News Stories
Are Deceptive
Denies That University Is
Preparing Model Tax
System For Official
Existing Groups To
Advise Population'
Professors Caverly, Reed
And Carrothers Members
Of' Committee

Students from other states can
obtain information for absentee
voting from the Union political
information in the Unionlobby
daily from 2 to 5 daily until the
election, John W. Lederle, '33, Un-
ion president, dnnounced yester-
tense interest in campus circles. Reg-
istration materials from every state
and the Hawaiian Islands will be pro-
vided accompanied by the necessary
blanks and mailing instructions. Prof.
James K. Pollock, of the political sci-
ence degartment, will be available for
consultation at h o u r s to be an-
nounced today.
"This action comes as a response to
student requests for definite assist-
ance on a complicated procedure
which has kept many enthusiastic
campus politicians from the polls in
the past," commented John Huss, '33,
secretary of the Union.
In line with the Union attempts at
political education for students a for-
um will be presented tomorrow noon
featuring Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur,
secretary of the interior, speaking in
behalf of Republican interests. He
will speak at a noon luncheon for
which tickets are available at the
Union desk and at a night rally in
the Whitney theatre.
Tibbett Believes
Studying Voice
Abroad Useless
Metropolitan Opera Star
Returns From European
Vacation; To Sing Here
"We have the greatest teachers of
music, both American and foreign,
in this country. It is useless for
Americans to go abroad to study
singing," declared Lawrence Tibbett,
star of the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany, on his recent return from his
first trip to Europe.
Born in America, Mr. Tibbett, who
will sing in Hill Auditorium Nov. 2
as the second offering of the Choral
Union series, had previously spent all
of his life in America, whence he has
gained world-wide reputation. His
"first real holiday in four years" took
him through Ehgland, Wales, and
European countries by motor car.
Afterward he spent two quiet
months on the French Riviera, where
he studied "Emperor Jones," a new
opera by an American composer,
Louis Gruenberg, to be put on espe-
cially for Mr. Tibbett at the Metro-
politan Opera House early this sea-
"'Emperior Jones' is tremendous
theatre," he declared to numerous
reporters who met him at the ship
on his arrival from Europe. "I am
full of enthusiasm for it."
The musical motion picture has
not been particularly popular in the
past year, in Mr. Tibbett's opinion,
because "no one in the studios rec-
ognizes its nossibilities.

. a

Former Chief Executive
Criticizes Roosevelt For
'Silence On Questions'
NEW YORK, Oct. 1l.-tP)-Former
President Calvin Coolidge, on the
stump tonight for President Hoover,
said "assurance that the pending
Democratic r a i d s on the treasury
would be defeated by a Republican'
victory in November would no doubt
have the effect of reviving all kinds
of business."
After crediting the leadership of
Mr. Hoover with averting a "calam-
ity," which he said would have re-
sulted from Democratic proposals for
bonus payments in greenbacks, Mr.
Coolidge, voiced direct criticism of
Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt. He spoke
before a Republican rally in Madison
Square Garden.
"An early and timely word from
the Democratic candidate for presi-
dent," said Mr. Coolidge, "that he
would reject the proposal to increase
the national debt by $2,300,000,000 to
pay a bonus would have been a greatj
encouragement to business, reduced
unemployment, and guaranteed the
integrity of the national credit. While
he remained silent economic recovery
was measurably impeded.
"The more this campaign has pro-
gressed," said the Coolidge address as
distributed by the Republican Na-
tional Committee, "the more I am
convinced t h a t he (Mr. Hoover)
should be re-elected."
After the defeat of the greenback
bonus proposals and the adjourn-

ons or two of the Ieatures, as well
as a number of cartoons. President Alexander G. Ruthven
On the more or less humorous side, last night termed "misleading" an ar-
Gargoyle goes into such subjects as, ticle appearing late yesterday in a
"The Origin of the Cigar Store" and Detroit newspaper with reference to
"Why Bank Clerks Work in Cages." a "model tax system" supposedly be-
An interesting sketch of Lowell ing prepared in the University for the
Thomas, Oratorical Association lec- State of Michigan.
turer, illustrates the opening article, The article states that a committee
entitled "From Singapore to the Irish has been appointed here by "a 'state
Renaissance." Reviews of the drama official,' whose identity has not been
appear in their conventional place at revealed," and that it "has been at
the close of the editorial section. work secretly for some time."
President Ruthven's comment, ex-
pressed in an interview, was that "the
Brown Believes University is not preparing such a
plan and is doing nothing of the sort
W ilbur Best To in secret or at the request of any
state official."
Talk On Hoover Paper Names Committee
1 r The Detroit paper named as mem-
bers of the committee three profes-
sors: Harcourt L. Caverly, of the eco-
Pe nomics department; Thomas H. Reed,
Relation Between Men of the political science department;
and George R. Carrothers, of the
Who Studied Together School of Education. According to
the paper the conclusions to be ar-
(Editor's Note: Professor Brown is rived at by this committee are to be
a close friend of Dr. Wilbur. During sumtetoheLglaretis
the war they served together in Wash- submitted to the Legislature at its
ington under Hoover, and subsequently next session, in January.
Professor Brown taught history WilatsdntRtvnsidta o
Stanford University, of which Dr.yw President Ruthven said that a com-
bur is president. In the following in- mittee composed of these three pro-
terview he describes the warm rela-
tionship which exists between che fessors exists, but declared that they
Secretary of the Interior and President have no intention either of devising
Hoover.) a "model tax system" or of submit-
"Secretary Wilbur is better able ting a plan of any nature whatsoever
than any other man I am able to to the Legislature.
think of to describe the personality Explaining the functions of this
and administrative methods of Presi.- committee, the President made the-
dent Hoover," declared Prof. E. S. following statement:
Brown, of the political science de- Provides Information
partment, in an interview yesterday "The University is asked many.
concerning Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, questions, in economics as well as in
secretary of the interior, who is to other fields. We believe that insofar
speak here tomorrow afternoon and as possible our institution should pro-
evening. vide information to the citizens of
"The two men," Professor Brown Michigan.
said, "have been warm friends since "The tax problem being an urgent
their undergraduate days together at one, many requests for information
Stanford. Although Wilbur was a pertaining to it are received. Because
year behind Hoover, they early found of the importance of the subject, Pro-
that they had much in common, and fessors Caverly, Carrothers, and Reed
the respect they came to have for one have been requested to gather the
another then has lasted ever since." material needed to answer these
Professor Brown outlined in brief questions, and this data will be avail-
the careers of the two men since their able to any citizen who requests it.
graduation from Stanford, showing "Any revised program of taxation
how frequently they have touched presented to the Legislature will have
upon one another. Dr. Wilbur be- to be that of someone else. This Uni-
came Dean of the Stanford Medical versity is not in the business of pre-
School, while Hoover became a trus- paring legislative programs."
tee of the University. Hoover still
retains this position, while Dr. Wilbur 'ENSIAN SEEKS TRYOUTS
has become the University's presi- Men and women of second se-
When Hoover was appointed food mester freshman standing or high-
er who are interested in trying out l
administrator, he promptly named for the Michiganensian staff are
Wilbur chief of his conservation di- requested to attend an important
vision.qst etogat4dp. m.otnt
Following the performance of these staff meeting at 4 p. m. in the
duties Wilbur returned to Stanford. Publications building. John H.
dterHovesr wasrelted tothed.Carstens, '33, business manager,
Later Hoover was elected to the announced yesterday.
United States presidency. In 1929 he aThedesterdas.
appointed Wilbur his secretary of The 'Ensian will be on sale
staethuso"ce"moreb g the throughout the campus Thursday
and Friday of this week and at
two men together. fraternities and sororities the re-
mainder of the week and continu-
Former Senator Smith ing through next week.

Samuel Insull
Released By
Greek Police
Chicago Authorities Plan
Appeal To President For
Magnate's Detention
List Of Preferred
Investors Disclosed
Peak Salary Of Utilities
Czar Is Revealed As
$500,000 Per Annum
ATHENS, Oct. 11.-R P)-Samuel
Insull, wanted in Chicago to answer
indictments arising from the down-
fall of his utilities system, was freed
by the Greek authorities today after
Prime Minister Eleutherios Venizelos
had made inquiries to determine
whether his detetntion was legal.
After talking on the telephone with
the Premier, Minister of Interior
Btacopoulos gave orders that unless
a written request to the contrary
came from the United States Lega-
tion, the Chicagoan should be given'
his freedom.
No Grounds for Arrest
Subsequently, the public prosecutor
studied the case and decided there
were no legal grounds for the arrest.
(By Associated Press)
As Samuel Insull was released from
custody Tuesday in Athens, Greece,
authorities at Chicago announced
they would appeal for President Hoo-
ver's aid in obtaining his extradi-
tion to face charges of larceny and
Athens police said Insull was "ab-:
solutely free" and would not be kept
under police surveillance. He was
free to leave Greece at any time, and
did not discuss his plans upon leav-
ing the jail where he slept last night.
Testimony that Insull's salary from
his various enterprises at the peak of
his career totaled $500,000 annually;
was given at the Middle West Utili-
ties bankruptcy hearing in federal
court, Chicago.
Banked Fortune
State's attorney John A. Swanson,i
at Chicago, prepared with two assist-
ants to leave for Washington and
ask President Hoover to assist in the,
extradition activities. Swanson also
announced an assistant was ready to,
leaveany time for Europe.;
Also in Chicago, a list was made;
public of 1,301 preferred investors-
political leaders, financiers, -opera
singers and friends-who bought In-
sull stock as underwriters and got out
with profits of from 25 to 51 per cent.j
National Figures Will
Address Press Club
The fourteenth annual meeting of
the University Press Club of Mich-
igan, scheduled for Ann Arbor Nov.
10, 11 and 12, will be under the local
supervision of Prof. John L. Brumm
of the journalism department, who is
secretary of the organization, it has
been announced. Coming directly aft-
er the election this year, the conven-
tion will be of special interest to
newspaper men in general, Professor'
Brumm said yesterday.
Some of the outstanding features!
of the convention will be: addresses
by Prof. I. L. Sharfman, President
Alexander G.Ruthven, Prof. James]
K. Pollock, and Dr. Frederick B.
Fisher; speeches by Paul-Y. Anderson
of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Carl
Magee of the Oklahoma News, and
Marlen Pew, of Editor and Publisher.

(Continued on Page 2)
Law Students Elected
To Law Review Board
The election of the following Law
School seniors to the editorial board
of the Michigan Law Review has
been announced by Burke Shartel,
David Anderson, A. R. Arnold, L.
A. DeBow, George L. Gisler, Robert
D. Gordon, Katherine Kempfer, Ho-
mer Kripke, G. E. Leonard, H. G.
Nelson, E. D. O'Brien, C. D. Peet, H.
C. Peterson, E. J. Reed, R. P. Russell,
R. L. Sloss, G. A. Spater, Louis Stein,
Sidney Ullman, C. H. Urist, A. A.
Vermeulen, and J. Zwerdling.
Former Woman
Governor Will
Speak At Rally
Nellie. l Ross, National
Political Leader, Will Be-
On Whitney Program
'Nellie Tayloe Ross, former gover-
nor of Wyoming and one of the only
two women who have held the office
of governor in any state, will be the
principal speaker at a Democratic
rally in the Whitney theatre tonight.
Mrs. Ross has beenan internation-
al figure for the last eight years. At
the present time she holds the posi-
tion of vice-president of the Demo-
cratic national committee and is in
charge of all Democratic women's ac-
tivities during the campaign.
A dinner will be given at the
League tonight honoring Mrs. Ross.
About 100 persons are expected to at-
tend. Other speakers at the evening
rally will be William Walz, county
Democratic chairman; John C. Lehr,
Democratic candidate for Congress;

Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Col-
lege of Pharmacy, received notice
this morning of his election to hon-
orary membership in the German
Mineralotgical Society. The notice
came from Wilhelm Eitel of Berlin,
and stated that the election was in
recognition of Dean Kraus' outstand-
ing contributions to the science of
mineralogy. This signal honor was
bestowed at a meeting of the society
in Frankfurt, Sept. 23.
Professor Kraus came here from
Syracuse University in 1904. At that
time he was associate professor of
mineralogy. He was made professor
and director of the mineralogical
laboratory in 1908 nd in 1919 be-
came professor of crystallogy and
mineralogy. He has been dean of the
College of Pharmacy since 1923.
Dean Kraus attended Syracuse
University and received his master
of science degree from that school in
1897. He was given his doctorate by
the University of Munich in 1901
and was made doctor of science by
Syracuse University in 1920. He is a
fellow of the Geological Society of
America, a former president of the
Mineralogical Society of America, the
Michigan Academy of Science, and
the American Association of Colleges
of Pharmacy. He is a member of Phi
Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma
Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Delta Kappa,
and Rho Chi.
He is author of several books on
mineralogy and crystallogy and has
written many articles on these sub-
jects for educational journals in the
United States and abroad.
Kunz Talks On
Aged, Modern
Pictures Invisible Worlds;
Discusses 'Self-Discovery
By Experiment'
Representing an ancient, experi--
mental philosophy which has been
practically lost to the worlddand com-
bining with it a consideration of
m o d e r n psychological discoveries,
Fritz Kunz, international lecturer and
observer, yesterday delivered two lec-
tures under the auspices of the Theo-
sophical Society. He spoke in the
afternoon on the topic, "The Invisible
Worlds," and in the evening on
"Self-Discovery by Experiment."
Picturing these invisible worlds as
real, this philosophy, as presented by
Mr. Kunz, starts with the body and
studies man as being an invisible en-
vironment as well as in the visible
one of solids, liquids and gases. This
invisible world engulfs man, sur-
rounds him with strang properties,
and persists even in a stronger form
after death. In the light of the most
logical reasoning based on modern
scientific ideas the invisible worlds,
according to Kunz, are to be con-
ceived' as being made up of radiant
The most important application of
ic. nh-cnv a n +h --a Aitm--

BURLEY, Ida., Oct. 11.--1)-Sen
William E. Borah (Rep., Ida.) in an
address here tonight advocated a
four-point program for economic re-
covery-adjustment of World War
problems, expansion of the currency,
elimination of extravagance in gov-
ernment, and adjustment of private
debts to conform to the change in
money values.
Addressing a meeting arranged by
a local service club, the chairman of
the Senate committee on foreign re-
lations suggested expansion of the
currency enough "to do business and
afford the people a medium of ex-
Senator Borah served notice that
he would present his views without
regard to party platforms or the
presidential campaign in which thus
far he has withheld his support from
President Hoover.
Discussing the major party plat-
forms, he commended both President
Hoover and Gov. Franklin D. Roose-
velt for what he termed their disre-
gard of important parts of Republ-
can and Democratic platforms.
"After paying lip service to these
sterile decarations early in the cam-
paign," he said, "they proceeded to
put them aside. It is the most en-
couraging event in the campaign.
,I am going to discuss the situa-
tion as I see it. I shall not permit
myself to be embarrassed in the least
by party platforms or by the fact
that a political campaign is now in
"There are a number of questions,
local and national, which one might
well discuss. But the great funda-
mental problems, upon which all
others depend, are:
"1. World markets have been des-
troyed and the great problem: how
to restore them. Until we do so, we
cannot hope for a rise in the price of
"2. The momentary systems of the
world have been broken up and de-
moralized and the problem is: how
to restore them, and how to adapt
them to present conditions. Until we
do so, we cannot hope for that con-
fidence which brings prosperity to
"3. The last 25 years have witness-
ed such an increase of waste and ex-
travagance in the government from
the lowest unit to the highest, that
taxes are now literally destructive-
to own property is to invite ruin. The
expenditure of public money ap-
proaches a national crime.
"4. By reason of adverse economic
forces and the change in m noeauvly
forces and the change in money
values, debts have piled up begin-
ning with the farm and ending with
government until men no longer are
working with a view to build, to con-
struct, to develop, but to pay, as it
were, for a dead horse."
Cohen Says Socialist
Fall Sale A Success
The first fall experiment of the
Michigan Socialist Club book ex-
change has been a successful one, it
was announced by Zeldon S. Cohen,
'33, who has been in charge of it this
"We urge all students who wish to
save money to co-operate with us
When the book-exchange opens again
at the end of this semester," said
Books that have not been sold may
be called for at Michigan Socialist
House No. 1, 335 East Ann Street,
and money received from books sold
may be called for at any Socialist
Club meeting, according to directors
of the exchange.
'Stability' Is Worley's
C' 1 * . . t.


Lies In Grand Rapids
GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 1.1.-(A)-
FormerUnited States Senator Wil-
liam Alden Smith, whose quarter of
a century of service in Congress em-
braced both the Spanish-American
and World War periods, died at his
home here this afternoon. He was 73
years old.
Known as "the friendliest man in
Michigan," his ability to call count-
less men in almost every hamlet of
the state by their first names was the
envy of friend and foe alike.
His interest in politics continued
even after his retirement from the
Senate in 1919, after serving two
terms as senator. He had been active
in the Hoover campaign in his home
city until Saturday, when he suffered
a slight heart attack. He was be-
lieved on the road to recovery when
the second and fatal attack came late

Ann Arbor And County Sure
To Go Democratic, Abbott Says

The Literary Digest returns on Ann
Arbor in its nation-wide poll are
significant although not indicative of
the voting trend in the city, accord-
ing to Horatio Abbott, Democratic
national committeeman.
The Digest vote, he said, was drawn
mostly from the Republican strong-
holds on the east side of the city.
However, he declared, the strength
of Governor Roosevelt surprised him
for the vote would ordinarily be 10
to one for the Republican nominee.
Sure of County and City
Mr. Abbott asserted in an inter-
view yesterday that both the city and
the county are sure to go Democratic.
As to the state vote, although Michi-
gan is normally heavily Republican,
he said that there is a chance that
Governor Roosevelt will carry Michi-

state, Abbott sees little chance for
Mr. Comstock, although the guber-
natorial nominee has many friends
in parts of the state, he said, where
Governor Roosevelt is not so popular.
Welcomes Lippmann
Mr. Abbott welcomed the support
of Walter Lippmann for the Demo-
cratic ticket. Lippmann, he said,
"straightened a lot of things out for
a lot of people." He said that Lipp-
mann's lack of appreciation for
Roosevelt's opinions at the start of
the campaign had irritated him. He
pointed out that the Detroit Free
Press had been severely criticized for
even carrying Lippmann's article and
had written a "weak-hearted" editor-
ial in answer to the writer, "Lipp-
mann," Abbott said, "is bigger than
the Free Press nutfit"

Faculty Registers
F ninn% Rpido.-

Tan rn n


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