PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAL4Y TUESDAY, OCT. 11, 1932 Yost, Sample To Talk At Meeting At Wesley Hall Blakeman Tells Of Work Performed By Students In Temperance Class AgainstBootleggers Campus Debaters Invited To Join; Teams Appear At Churches And Clubs Fielding H. Yost, director of ath- letics, and Circuit Judge George Sample will be the principal speakers at a meeting at Wesley Hall at 7:30 p. m. tonight. They will appear be- fore a group of students being train- ed to present the cause of temper- ance by Robert McCulloch, a grad- uate student in political science. The students are divided into three teams and have had several requests to appear at young people's rallies, churches, and men's clubs, according to Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, direc- tor of Wesley hall. At present one date has been filled at Hudson. The first speaker set forth the cause of the Wets. The second, a medical student, described the effects of alcohol on the human body and the third speaker took up the social and moral side of the case, Dr. Blakeman said. "We consider that in the political campaign there are many moral as well as political issues," Dr. Blake- man declared. "We are opposed to the'bootlegger as he operates in this and in other communities, but we consider him a victim of those who buy, who pay him high prices, flaunt the law and get away with a swagger as though they were better than the man who sells the stuff." McCulloch issued an invitation to any campus debaters who may be in- terested in the project to get in touch with Wesley hall. Debate Season For Women To Get Under Way Riley Iells Of Inportant Differences In Policy; Many Veterans Return With a number of veteran debators back and several promising newcom- ers trying out, this year's women's debate season will soon be underway, according to Mr. Floyd K. Riley, coach of the women's squad. There are a few important changes in the debate policy which ought to be noted, he went on to say. One of these is that women's debating will be an entirely extra-curricular activ- ity, instead of its being treated as part of a debating course, as it has been in previous years. At the first meeting of all women who are at all interested in debating, to be held within the week, this pol- icy will be stated. It has been ar- ranged also that everyone who works with the team will be given a chance for some experience. Two Subjects Proposed Thee team will be prepared on two subjects, one the regular varsityde- bate question, which has not yet been selected, and the other that chosen by the Michigan State League with whom the squad expects to hold a number of debates. Their question is "Resolved, That the representa- tves in the lower house of Congress and the state legislatures shall be elected by and in proportion to the membership in the occupational group." The fourteen colleges in the Michi- gan State Debate -League include such schools as Michigan State Col- lege, Western State Teachers College, Detroit City College, Michigan State Normal College, and Albion College. Veterans Return The members of last year's varsity team who are back this year are Gladys Baker, '33, Dorothy Davis, '33, Alice Gilbert, '33, Eleanor Gilmore, '33, and Jeanne Hagaman, '33. As an additional attraction to team try-outs women who debate on the twovarsity teams are awarded fifty dollars each from the Eleanor Clay Ford fund instituted for that pur- pose. There are 600 miles of fishing streams in the Great Smoky Moun- tains national park area. Hoover Welcomed By Ohio Citizens DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I ________i (Associated Press Photo) When the presidential special bearing the Hoover party passed through Crestline, Ohio, en route to Washington from Des Moines, Iowa, the chief executive exchanged hearty handshakes with citizens who gathered to greet him. North Carolina Michigan State Citizens Strike Decrees Death (Continued from Pa c 2) or Juniors interested at 4:00 o clo,;k, Student Offices, Michigan Union. Hillel Players ;meeting at H-illcl Foundation 4:00. All students inter- ested in trying out for autumn dra- matic presentation of the Hillel Play- ers report at 7:45 Tuesday night to, Michigan League. Tryout room will be announced on bulletin board. COMING EVENTS Junior Group of American Associa- tion of University Women: The first supper meeting of the Junior Group of A. A. U. W. will be held on Wed- nesday evening, October 12, at 6:15 o'clock in the Women's Athletic Building. New fac'ulty wives or grad- uate students who are eligible for membership and interested in at- tending are urged to make reserva- tions by calling 23225 during the day. After six o'clock please call 8310.1 Reservations must be made by Tues- day noon. Scabbard and Blade meeting Un- ion Wednesday, at 7:15 p. m. Quarterdeck Society will meet in room 345, West Engineering Building, Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. International Relations Club will meet Thursday at 8 p. m. in the Poli- tical Science Seminar Room, 2036 A.H. All students seriously interested in the current problems of the in- ternational situation are cordially in- vited to attend. Such problems as International Debts, the Lytton Re- port, Germany's economic and politi- cal condition, will be discussed throughout this year. Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour- nalism fraternity, will meet today in the Union. Karl Seiffert Druids luncheon at the Union Thursday noon. All members are ex- pected to be there. Latin-American Club will meet Wednesday, at eight o'clock in Room 'Moonshine Ruin,' Great Dane, Reported Missing "Moonshine Rum, III," a great ! n~ i f~+ ~~urdn CtnP l d LECTUREI Mr. Fritz Kunz, international lec- turer and observer, will give two lec- tures for the Theosophical Society. At 4:15 p. m. the title will be The Invisible Worlds, and at 8:00 Self- Discovery by Experiment. Both lec- tures will be held in the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. Everybody invited to attend. Sigma Rho Tau To Hold Year's First Meeting Tomorrow Sigma Rho Tau, engineering foren- sic society, will hold its first open meeting of the year at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, at the Union. A program of speeches, music, entertainment, and refreshments has been planned for the large number of freshmen and sophomores who are expected to be present. Alfred H. Lovell, assistant Dean of the College of Engineering, will be the principal speaker of the evening. Prof. Robert D. Brackett, society ad- viser, will tell the prospective mem- bers of the task and functions of the organization. Edward Nell, a charter member of Sigma Rho Tau, has arranged to be present tomor- row night to address the gathering. According to Professor Brackett, there, will be more than 100 fresh- men at the meeting. -11-wp"Wmo t a Watch Our Windows for Specials In CANDIES The Best Quality For Just a Little Less The Betsy Ross Shop In the Arcade 319, Michigan Union. New dates will be introduced for ance. We Deliver Dial 5931 F i i .1 candi- accept- Bandits Rob Strollers; Halt Moonlight Walks EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 10.-,Big Ten) -The Northwestern University grounds' officials and bandits have taken almost all of the pleasure from the moonlight strolls along the Northwestern campus shore of Lake Michigan. A law prohibiting stu- dents on the campus after 10:30 in the evening is strictly enforced. Sev- eral couples daring to walk on the secluded pathways have been robbed- College Graduates Are One Per Cent Of Jobless MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 10.- (Big Ten) -Only 1 per cent of those unemployed in November, 1930, were college graduates, according to a sur- vey just completed by the Employ- ment stabilization project at the University of Minnesota. The proj- ect is making a study of depression conditions in the Twin Cities and Duluth. At School Reds Petition Governor To Oust Unidesirable Students' From University RALEIGH, N. C., Oct.- 10.-- One hundred prominent North Caro- linians, aroused to wrath by the al- leged influence of Moscow on the campus of the University of North Carolina, have petitioned Governor 0. Max Gardner to oust "the unde- sirables at our tax-supported insti- tutions of learning." "We are not attacking the univer- sity" stated the one hundred promin- ent North Carolinians. "On the con- trary we are rallying to the defense thereof to prevent further poisoning by the enemy of those now attending or who may hereafter attend. "It is up to you, O. Max Gardner, governor of the state of North Caro- lina. What will you do about it?" Student publications, the petition continues, "are straws that show whether the wind is blowing-toward Moscow, and whence it is coming- the class rooms." Governor Gardner has* issued no statement yet. More than 80 per cent of the total timbered area of Indiana is owned by farmers. SAN DALS with that vening Gown TINTED FREE so For Traditions Action Of Student Council Removes Trivial Bans From Underclassmen EAST LANSING, Oct. 10.-Revi- sion of all but five campus traditions at Michigan State has been an- nounced by the Student Council as a final death-blow to a welter of antiquated and trivial bans hereto- fore imposed upon underclassmen. The five tradtiions still in effect are as follows: (1) No one is to smoke on the campus or in any campus building, with the exception of the Union; (2) students are to greet all passersby on the campus whether he knows them or not, in order to foster an atmosphere of congenial- ity; (3) all freshmen are to wear a green pot; (4) no one is to cut across the lawns; (5) no one is to deface college property. The student council did not come out on the important question of disciplinary action in the event that the five extant rules are not obeyed. Pot wearing will be enforced by campus fraternities and military units, it is believed, while student opinion is thought to be strong enough to insurace the continuance of the other four rules. EBERBACH &S ON CO. ESTABLISHED 1843 Scientific Laboratory Supplies 200-202 E. LIBERTY ST. SOPHOMORES and U PPERCLASSMEN A nationally known manufacturer of men's leather necessities will appoint one undergraduate repre- sentative at University of Michi- gan to sell its products. A sopho- more or upperclassman who is wholly or partially self-supporting, who is well liked and active in extra-curricularaffairs; and who is willing to devote one or two hours a day to earning a generous monthly commission is preferred. No outlay of money will' be re- quired; and no special training is necessary, although previous sell- ing experience will be helpful. Further details will be forth- coming upon the application of anyone who feels that he meets the foregoing qualifications. In applying please give whatever per- sonal information you think nec- essary. THE ARCON LEATHER PRODUCTS COMPANY 150 West 30th Street New York City, N. Y. IMODERATE PRICES ; I *e E.L'1y TO s E.L bat Phone4434 AN OFFICIAL MICHIGANENSIAN PHTGRPIR cane, is lost, strayea, or suoecn, uau efforts by members of the Chi Psi house have failed to disclose his whereabouts. "If anyone knows anything about "Rum," I wish he would let us know," said Lawson Becker, '34, in a plea to The Daily last night to .help find t'he lost dog. - WRISLEY BATH SALTS A full five-pound bag of delicately scented Bath Crystals. Eye.ptional for softening water. LAUNDRY CASES 59c CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUG CO. 324 S_. State - 818 So. State =- 1101 So. University - Ypsi-Ann Bldg. of the larger size and of every kind-Straw, Canvas, Fibre 75c to $2.00 Every one guaranteed at New Low Prices ,._ ,,,o$5.95 Newest Materials Doe skmin Pastel Shades Fialle Moire Satin Remember! TINTING FREE r ~at ! Jacobson's Oppomite Michigan Theatre (UNS aind AMMUNITION The season opens on Squirrels and Pheasants next Sunday. Be ready for the fun. Buy your ammunition and guns at Fisher's. JNO. C. FISCHER COMPANY Main and Washington WAH R UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 316 State Street - '- -'- -' r I I ______ . i Michigan League GRILL ROOM TEMPTING HOMECOOKED FOOD from Spotless Kitchens, Staffed by Women Cafeteria Service i FREEMAN'S DINING ROOM One Block North from Hill Auditoriumn i I I