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October 11, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-11

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Established 1890
- V
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications. %
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion aind the, Big Ten News Service.
The' Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republica ion of special
disatchies are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
secoid class 'matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
1*ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$I-. Duringregular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices:rStudent Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ante Arbor, Michigan.- Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publishers Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
Cfl'Y EDITOR :...............KARL SEFFERT
SPORTS 'EDITOR..... . ......... .JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Edward Andrews, Hyman J. Aronstam, A.
]i1Ps Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James Bauhat, Don.ald
R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. "Brownson,
Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Ed-
ward A. Gez, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B.
Hewett, Alvin Shiifer, George Van Veck, Cameron
Walker, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White,
SLeonarzd A. Rosenberg. -
Eleanor B. Blum, Miriam Carver, Louise Crandall, Carol
J. Hannan, Frantces Manchester, Marie J. Murphy,
Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie West-
ern and Harriet Spess.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Adverisng Serv-
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ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin-
ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Ag ler Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy
Layin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seegfred,.
Kathryn Stork.
Fraternities Face
A Natural Law.
F OUR hundred freshmen for 57 fra-
ternities; an average of seven men
for each house. Obviously, some fraternities on
the campus will be forced to close their doors.
Also, obviously, the fraternity system at the Uni-1
versity has expanded more rapidly than enroll-
ment and consequently must face a natural law,
survival of the fittest.
While the figures on which we are basing our
facts are the first ones released by the dean of
students' office and may be changed slightly in the
future, several generalizations may be drawn from
In the first place, at a glance, it is apparent
that, for the most part, houses that pledge large
classes last year repeated this year and houses
that pledged small classes again fared badly.
Secondly, only 25 houses pledged more than
seven men. This first group pledged in all a total
of 278, almost three-fourths of the entire list.
Thirdly, the 32 remaining houses pledged a total
of only 122 men or 3.8 men per fraternity, as an
Assuming that each of these houses loses two
men from the chapter every four yeas and that,
it continues to get the same number of pledges;
every year, it will eventually have a chapter of
13.2 men.

It is certain that no fraternity can afford to run.
any sort of house, with only 13 men to pay the,
bills. Therefore, it is evident that many houses
will have to close their doors to meet treditors.
What will be the result? Are fraternities as a
whole doomed ? We do not believe so. As large
a percentage as ever of the freshmen class is join-
ing fraternities. The outcome, it would seem, Will
be a strengthening of some houses at the expense
of others. But this brings up a new problem.
With the strengthening will come a conseiuent
increase in the chapter rolls, and the majority of
the members will be unable to live in the fra-
ternity houses.
Perhaps then, we may look for a gradual evolu-
tion of a system such as the one in effect on the
Yale campus, where there are six or- seven fra-
ternities Lhat serve only as eating clubs.
Would such a condition be wholesome on the
Michigan campus? We doubt it.
Sportsmanship At
Northwestern. ..
T HIS EDITORIAL, in any disapprov-
ing remarks it may contain, has no
reference to the fine Purple football team that
went down fighting in the Stadium Saturday:
It does have direct and pointed reference to
the attitude of a cerain student sports writer at
Northwestern and a great many Wildcat fans.
Northwestern seems to think it has an ancient
feud with Michigan. Need we say that the feeling
iK not annarent here? Revond the rivalry natur-

that wasn't theirs to give. Perhaps a quotation
from his column will make his position clear:
"A number of scores are scheduled for settle-
ment when the Wildcat eleven invades Ann Arbor
this week-end. It all started back in 1925 when
the best team in the history of Michigan engaged
the Purple at Soldier's field and came out of the
battle on the tail end of a 3 to 2 score. . . . and
you can't blame the Wolverines for not remember-
ing to forget the incident . . . it deprived them of
an undefeated season and crushed all hopes for
mythical national honors .. .
"The Purple victory that year, however, did not
deprive Michigan of a conference title due to the
fact that Northwestern magnanimously waivered
all claims to the honor . . although each team
had lost only one game ... you see, Fielding Yost
and the boys from Ann Arbor swallowed their
pride and did right by their alma mater by accept-
ing the spoils . . . well, that's school spirit . .
or something . .
Why did Northwestern offer us the title if she
didn't want us to have it? So, it was just a ges-
ture after all? And she got angry when we
thought she meant it?
x ,
"Since that memorable meeting on the Chicago
lake front in 1925, the two teams have tied for the
championship without once meeting in actual
combat to settle the division . . . in 1926 both
elevens were undefeated in the conference . .
the same condition existed in 1930 . . . then last
year . . . that three-way tie between Michigan,
Purdue and Northwestern . . . Coach Hanley has
scheduled a protest meeting for this Saturday at
Ann Arbor .. .'
* * *
We thought it was Fielding H. Yost who was
trying so hard to get a game with the Wildcats.
Mr. Yost's refutation in The Daily last Friday
should be all that would be needed to show up
the Daily Northwestern's attitude for what it is-
childish. As he pointed out, Michigan won four
out of five conference games in 1925 while North-
western won only three out of four, and Mich-
igan therefore had a clear title to the champion-
ship. The percentages were: Michigan, .833;
Northwestern, .750. The only other accepted sys-
tems of rating, the Dickinson method and the
Charles method, also gave Michigan as the leaders.
Somehow, the Northwesterners have never since
been able to forgive us for their own rather spnri-
ous display of magnanimity. It was such a pret-
ty grand-stand play and it fell so FLAT!
In the seven years that have intervened since
the noble fiasco the truth of the matter has been
explained often to the Purple partisans, and just
as often have they dug up the old complaint next
season. What a difficult time they must have in
Evanston, trying not to see the facts in the case.
For seven years they have succeeded in doing it.
Sut they can't keep up the fight much longer.
Some day they're going to burst outlaughing and
let the matter drop.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
onstrued as epressng the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining theselves o less than
300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
I was very sorry to read this m o rn i n g that
"Diagonal" is to be discontinued. I donot neces-
sarily think it worth while but I think its the
most interesting of all the things in The Daily .. .
To The Editor:
Your "Diagonal" in the Daily was good while it
lasted, and certainly got readers to the editorial
page, and the people whom you showed up, I be-
lieve, deserved it, but naturally, objected. You ex-
pected them to object to an unfavorable reflec-
tion, of course, so why let them make you quit.
Though some of your stuff was a bit over-ripe,
I conglratulate you on your courage, or gall.
A Student

To The Editor:
I wish to add my protest to that of Cato '34, in
regard to the discontinuance of the column,
Diagonal. It is deplorable that such a well-hand-
led department in the Daily must be dropped
merely because once or twice it carried items
which injured the pride of acr e 1 a t i v e 1 y few
I should like to see thatdcolumn and its editor
reinstated, and I am confident that I am not one
of a few who feel this way. I wish that others
would express their opinions, and I suggest that
an editorial be written e x p 1 a i n i n g clearly the
DAILY'S position on this question. A Senior
Editorial Comment
The ways and means committee for providing
means of education funds for many Illini is
about due for a rude jolt. The most unfair or-
ganizations on the campus, the honoraries, are
about to take their year's toll from the student
body. While many of these organizations are
founded upon high and upstanding principles, the
national organizations connected with the campus
chapters demand such atrocious amounts in initi-
ation fees and dues that it is utterly silly for a
man or woman to join one of these organizations,
especially in such a time as this.
The "favor" of selecting you from a group for
some outstanding achievement or standing in your
scholastic activity or other field, is expected to be
returned by pledging these organizations. There
would be less room for complaint if the honoraries
campaigned for those who could pay the price
rather than those who are merely outstanding in

sense of the value of a dollar because they see one
so seldom. The local honoraries have no excuse
for the exorbitant fee charged by some of them.
Of course a man who can make the requirements
of an honorary wants to pledge in most cases, but
any organization that stoops to taking such large
sums under such conditions should be ashamed to
parade its achievements before the world. The
demand for the return of the favor for selection
for proficiency in some field or scholastic excel-
lence is irritating no end, and some change in
policy should be made by the honoraries, or more
drastic methods may be used to reveal their high-
handed tactics in the future. The purpose of
many honoraries is laudable, but it is not worth
the asking price at present.
Tle Daily Ilini
It is about time we commented on the football
team's scheduled trip to Ann Arbor next year.
There are two points of view. Loud are the la-
ments of the undergraduates and townspeople
who have counted on the two good home games
at least every other year in the past. Their lot
will be a sad one. They now look doubtfully at
the money's worth in the A. A. membership books,
despite its proven mathematical content.
But from the angle of the starved alumni in
the great open spaces in the West, the game is a
great boon. Already large numbers of the Western
Cornellians are looking forward to seeing the Big
Red team in action for the first time in many
years. They feel that they will get in real touch
again with affairs Cornellian, after barren years
of straining at the radio.
If a Western game could be scheduled, say,
every four or five years, without loss of one of the
major home games, Cornell would gain real sup-
port from the vast Midddle West. It is true that
this argument places great overemphasis (that
old bugbear) on football's role in college and
alumni life, but it is an emphasis which is ac-
cepted by the interested parties. The coming of
the football team does in fact mean more to them
than perhaps it should, but facts should not be
scorned in any form. The Cornell Daily Sun
Screen Reflections
Waring's Pennsylvanians, now playing as a spe-
cial stage show at the Michigan, played their
first engagement on any stage at the Majestic
theatre in Ann Arbor in 1921, Fred Waring, di-
rector of the orchestra, said last night.
Ed Beatty, manager of the Butterfield theatres,
gave the orchestra an audition in Detroit, and
then decided to try them on the dog in Ann
Arbor. Needless to say, they made an immediate
Another connection that the band has wih Ann
Arbor lies in the fact that "Stew" Churchill, the
tenor of the "Ave Maria," is a member of the
class of 1928 on the University of Michigan cam-
pus. Waring first heard Churchill singing in the
Parrot restaurant and hired him on the spot.
Churchill was enrolled in the School of Music at
the time. He sang overtures at the Roxy theatre
during Waring's entire run from last December to
June and caused a great sensation there, accord-
ing to Waring. Morton Downey said that Church-
ill's voice was the sweetest he had ever heard.
Eighteen out of the 22 men in the orchestra as
it is playing here are college men. Waring said.
As the band was first presented, it consisted en-
tirely of students from Penn State, but it has been
enlarged until it contains men from 13 different
Much of the music that is being played here,
according to Waring, was written by Tom Waring,
brother of the director and one of the originators
of the band, and Charlie Henderson, co-author of
"Deep Night" and "So Beats My Heart for You."
These two men wrote a show some time ago con-
taining the drinking song and the domino num-
ber. Henderson, a member of Waring's company,
wrote the arrangement for "It Was So Beautiful"
that is used by the group singing as a glee club.
John Richardson of the University of Pennsyl-
vania, who does such a delicate Piece of work in
the violin solo for one of the few classical num-
bers presented, at one time played in the Phila-
delphia Symphony under the direction of Leopold
Stokoivski, Waring said, and he emphasized the
fact that Richardson is primarily a classical vio-
It is an interesting fact about this organization
that every man in it sings. Even during the run
at the Roxy Theatre last year, where Waring was
leading a 60 piece organization, the choral num-
bers were participated in by the whole band. It
is also interesting to note that no music is used
by the orchestra throughout the entire program.
At the conclusion of the run here on Wednes-

day night, Waring will take the band to Detroit1
where he will be on the stage at the Michigan
Theatre. Following that engagement he will re-
turn east where he plans to make several record-
ings. Among them are several college songs and
also several songs from Europe, which he recently
brought back to the United States from a vacation
trip abroad.
Featured in the show are the Lane sisters, Rose-
mary and Priscilla, who -have been with the or-
chestra for only seven weeks and are 19 and 17
years old respectively. Evalyn Nair, dancer, is well
known on Broadway, having appeared in several
New York muusical comedies.
Accompanying the orchestra during its stay in
Ann Arbor are Arthur and Florence Lake. Arthur
Lake had the title role in the moving picture pro-
duction of "Harold Teen" and has been in numer-
ous shows since then. Florence Lake, his sister,
had a featured part in "The Rogue Song" with
Lawrence Tibbet and is now under contract for
six comedies.
Training and breeding were characterised by
Miss Lake as two requisites for a successful mov-
ing picture player. These two characteristics will
do very little to help a young woman break into
the movies, but they will be, according to her, of
inestimable value to her in achieving stardom.
The players in the show unanimously expressed
their appreciation of the spirit of the student au-
diences they have met in Ann Arbor. Playing to
such an audience, they said, is a pleasure.
After an acute illness or a serious operation,
careful and skillful nursing of the patient is high-
ly necessary. This is as true of a nation as it is
of a person.
Every time Mr. Smith tries to mention Gov.
Roosevelt's name, he reminds us of a cat trying to



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