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March 02, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-02

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> - '

Published every muorning except Monday during th
University year and Summer Session by the Board i
Control Of Student Publcat~lons.
Mamber of thn Western Conference Editorial Associa
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it o
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local new
published herein. All rights of republication of specla
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Offlce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted b3
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; b3
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street
Ann Arbcr, Michigan. Phonc: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; -8
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR.......................KAL SEIFFERI
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connelan, John W. Pritchard
Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw
Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber
Albert Newman, Hannoi Wolfe.
REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball. Charles G
Barndt, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William
G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B
Hewett, George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richardson
George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Elle,
Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishmran
Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois J'otter, Helen Levi
son, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, 'Marjori
Telephone 2-1214
CREDIT MANAGER......................HARRY BEGLEA
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E
ASSISTANTS: Jobn Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Clove
land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett Beulah Chapman, Dor
Gilnuy, Billy Griftths, CathineLI McHenry' May See-
fried, Virginia McComb.


Union Haircuts
The Union is still charging 45 cents for hair-
cuts. Every other shop in town is charging 35
cents. The Union, a student club, is a non-
profit organization and exists solely for the
students. Yet the Union will not meet the town

more about the Odonata than any other entomol- - --- - -- - - -
ogist. He was the only scientist who had a worldt
y picture of the "mosquito hawks" and their li ' Editorial C oment
histories. He built the collection in the University
museum to 40,000 specimens, the largest and fin-
To the layman, entomology may seem of lesser The two latest developments in the Japanese
d importance than so-called "practical things" but question are of vital significance to the world at
the conservationists know the value of this branch large and to this country in particular. In solemn
of science, and "E. B.'s" discoveries will remain session the Assembly of the League of Nations has
and be useful long after the "practical men" have passed unanimous judgment against Japan in her
been proven "foolish prophets." conflict with China. At the same time it was
Internationally known as a zoologist, "E. B..' voted to extend a formal request for the co-opera-
triumphed also as a breeder of beautiful flowers. tion of the United States and Russia, the two im-
New varieties of the iris developed at his farm portant extra-league states.
near Bluffton, Ind., were sensations among To understand the present and predict the fu-
fanciers of this flowers. This spring and for a Lure we must know the past. Neither of these ac-
L hundred years to come his creations will blossom tions is entirely unexpected. They are outgrowths
n in American gardens. "E. B.'s" choice would be of distinct trends that are fast moving to a
the exquisite Dolly Madison. climax.
Today Japan stands alone against the world.
The resources of that country are such that only
r fin combination with some other power or powers
W dqcan she ever hope to sustain her present political
sT- i.rsituation. In the past Japan has at various times
Y "THREE TIMES TE ,OU " been associated with the United States (1872-94),
S--A PREVIEWI Great Britain (1902-22), France (in the decade
,y following the dissolution of the Anglo-Japanese
When a student drama editor reviews a play, Alliance), and Russia (from the Treaty of orts-
, he is expected to lambaste the actors, to draw Aothtoe advent of the Tvet m Oe
, and quarter the director, to annihilate the author, m
0 by one within the last few months, these nations
, and to leave no doubt in the minds of his eager haoe within the ioths eseatios
have withdrawn even their passive support Russia
(nay, avid) readers, that the dramatic opus underwp
consideration is a thoroughly impossible affair. A sthetO Dec came the aneouncement that
H faculty reviewer, on the other hand, is supposed
xto hwmr oeac~oetladelgz h the Soviet had resumed diplomatic relations with
s to show more tolerance, to extol and eulogize the ina. The very next day M. Paul-Boncour of
a company, to praise all concerned. The present Chnae erntdaynm cal-BoNu
writerfinds himself in the latter class. Yet he re- France proposed drastic action inimical to Nip-
, members the proud vitriol of his undergraduate pon.. Sir John Simon carried the Japanese load
, hat Geneva for a time, but Sir Francis Lindley,
pen-how htheatrical ambitions of British Ambassador at Tokyo, was recently in-
the aspiring Mrs. Fiske, how he silenced the
gole throa of Gi-kurci hi iscrt structed to inform the Japanese government that
golden throat of Galli-Curc (stretching his crit- tlrneb ra rti a t ned ial
tolerance by Great Britain was at an end. Finally
ical abilities into the field of music), how he the recent League session completed the process
n throttled that presumptious English actor, George lof placing Japan in a position of political isolation
Arliss=-because they sent his college paper one
' prss assinseadof wo.Buthenjos hs p such as few nations have ever known.
press pass instead of two, But he enjoys his po]~ i- It is difficult to predict what will be the result
n tion at the moment. He has not reviewed a play of the League's invitation to the United States.
for a college daily since, with reference to the In the past the policy of this country has swung
e thespian incompetency of Blanche Yurka, he com- between the two extemse of intervention and
posed a phrase which he thought surely would be- non-intervention, with the latter more prevalent.
come a part and parele of contemporary American
~a The acquisitions at the turn of the century weref
Y criticism: "her voice is like a sour wind, screech- Teaciifestations of extreme intervention. So were
Ing at infinity." He did not know what those
the open-door notes of that time, On the other
;words meant the does not know now, but be
- thought they were good. He is not at present hand, the passage of the Hawes-Cutting bill,
-. aywhich looks toward the independence of the Phil-
devastating simile reprinted; nor at that other ippines in the definite future, would indicate that
- fact (the truth of which he now realizes)--that the present trend is one of non-intervention. The
Blanche Yuka 's voice is one of the few beautiful naval limitation and non-fortification agreements
things in the impoverished American theatre. But of the Washington Conference also point towards
~ ic owh ut ofr o h rncpe fa policy of non-intervention. t
since nowy heuwer,' e finds himelf able, aer In the last analysis, unless we treat the Wash-
the fault reiewr,'hefins hmsef aleeagrinigton treaties as mere scraps of paper, American
willing to praise the efforts of Comedy Club; not .
alone for the direction, the acting, the play- manoenvers in Asia can never take the ultimate
"Three Times the Hour", by Valentine Davies- form of armed intervention. At the same time,
but as well for the way in which Comedy Club is when a well-night inevitable disruption of Asiatic
undertaking its present tasktrade is effected, it is entirely plausible if lament
undetakng ts peset tsk.able that public opinion in thiscountry may force
The organization has turned itself, for the mo- intervention on a scale that has never before been
ment (and we hope permanently), into a little contemplated -Dartmouth.
theatre group, wherein each member has some-
thing, no matter how small, to do with the ven- 'ROOKS' SHOULD WEAR LIDS
ture at hand. After witnessing the performance O SD A
at dress rehearsal last night, the reviewer is able Oregon State traditions were challenged last
to say that the effects of co-operation within the night by a gang of rooks when they refused to go
Club are distinctly noticeable in the quality of the through Beaver Knight court. The Beaver Knight
production. organization is the authorized committee for en-
Let us consider the play itself, then its acting forcement of freshman traditions and its'members
by the persons now presenting it. Mr. Davies has so explained their duties to rooks who appeared
engaged himself in a technical experiment; and at the court, some by request and many more
n one which is extremely interesting to watch in looking for trouble.
, development. The play depends for a part of its All but about ten of the rooks took their pun-
r success upon the unity of time: moreover, upon ishnlent; the rest chose to lay their case before
the reptition of tinie. So the author has had to the student council. The council is prepared to act
e forsake plot unity in attaining to the repetitive with all its power on those who refuse to co-
effect. He gives us three plots, so to speak, which operate with the traditions of the institution. As
t take place (if a plot can 'take place') at the same long as such traditions are in the constitution,
moment: 10:50 p. m. We follow the action from they will be enforced.
l the first-floor lobby of a Fifth Avenue residence, It's about time some groups realized they can't
- to the second-floor hallway of the same residence, run the campus and stop telling the rooks not to
- 4nd finally, to the third-floor study of Mr. Blake. wear lids. If they feel the tradition should be dis-
g The interesting point to notice here is that Mr. carded, why don't they work for its abolition
s Davies does not let us get lost during the sta i rather than disrupt the morale of the campus
r clinbing; and that whil we have unity of place with such affairs as that at the armory last
d along with our repetition of time, we -cc our play night? -Oregon Daily Barometer.
e enacted in three different settings. The idea is ,__
n quite original; its proper execution gives the play
its appeal. It may ndt be a brilliant piece of
l dramatic writing, but it is refreshingly novel, and

exceedingly clever.'I_ _
n The situation established in the first act,
namely, one dealing with the failure of the At-
lantic Natinal Bank, will appeal, unfortunately,
- to those of us who are unwittinigly ilterested in -B Kud Sciffert
the ti'end of the times. The pr'esent financial sit-
t, uation is neatly echoed in the pliy-evcn to the
presence of a Mr. Blake, who is prepared, it would To The Editor:
d seem, to throw in his private fortune, like a Ford The Daily of March 1, carries condolences
or a Couzens, in order to stem the tidyof.finan- to three Michigan men for working without
g a Couzensminy oder to stemy the tide ofhfina- salary on the Detroit Learder, a new liberal
g cial calamity. There xill possibly be somn. chuckles weekly newspaper Little need be said of the
r (which Mr. Davies did niot call for) in the first
act, inspired by the local bank tie-up. The play column headed the Stars and Stripes wherein
, will amuse you; it will also make you clutcl the quip appeals. Its inanities are only
what's left of your money. equalled by the infantile babble of goo oos.
It is not the business of the present writer to Of course Karl Seiffert is not equipped to
r pick flaws, nor to point out excellencies; that he appreciate that incentives for work other
d leaves to the regluar editor of this column. But than money do exist. If he was the result
e he thinks you vil enjoy the dumib detective's re- would be evident in his column. Those men
mark concerning the condition of the dancirz'-, ho are responsible for the Leader have no
- wearing apparel; you will admire the sets. They use for your condolences, Mr. Sieffert. They
arc quite ingenious, though diflicult and slow o- -care iaged in a mighty and glorious struggle
cn. u a d ai to1seethe - thi which has for its goal justice peace and
t ege You raish der 'au 1 y ttt quaility, and they believe in doing more than
face-slapping, rib-jabbing, and the works' - lend quiescent lip service to their convictions.
cept for Commissioner Mulrooneys well-known IFor them there need not be a money reward
piece of rubber hose). The propriety of this situa- -an idea r. Seiffert, that you and your ilk
i tion is assured, however, for the slap-dispenser is cannet ueddrst.nd-hen
C. politely dressed in evening clothes. It may painn ,S gnede Zeeden . cohen.
you to notice the break-dovn in the Colombian All we h1ivc to say, dear reader, is go out
envov's dialect: but he twists his moustaches wit and buy a copy of the Leader-a couple of the
propel' South American finesse even though he local news agencies carry it- and then let us
sometimes speaks like a citizen of Ann Arbor. The know what you think,
ladies (a thousand pardons) will approve of Mrs. .II :r
Y Blake's gown. SYDNEY, .March 1.-No more jails are .to be
n "Three Times the Hour" is a play worthy of built in New South Wales, Minister of Justice
- production; risking the accusion of collusion, the Martin having declared them obsolete.
y, reviewer dares even say that its treatmen 't the -News Item
c hands of Comedy Club m'ikes it worthy of goed It must be an international trend: they're


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Sophomore Heaven And
Unclassified MoronS...
A SK THE AVERAGE fraternity mar
what he thinks of the auto ban
house party regulations, andthe University liquo
In almost every case the answer will be th
same, "I'm old enough to look out for myself. I'x
a mature individual. Nobody needs to tell me wha
to do. Why when I'm at home my father-"
But enough of this conversation that we al
know so well. We agree with the average frater
nity man. He is old enough to look out for him
self. But one would never know it by observing
his actions. In fact, if one tried to guess hii
intelligence quotient by observing his behavio
during sophomore heaven, "hell week," one woul(
undoubtedly arrive at the conclusion that thi
undergraduate is at best an unclassified moroi
with a mental age of 12.
Let us look at some of the insanities of "hel
A freshman counting the railroad ties from An
Arbor to Ypsilanti.
Men being beaten to make a class a unit.
-An anaemic senior whipping a helpless fresh
man football player to "make a man of him."
People staying up all night, night after night
for no reason.
Scared first year students looking for dea
mice, cockroaches, and pigs' tails.
Smug upperclassmen beating and bullyinf
freshmen, acting serious, laughing behind thei
Frozen freshmen standing on a windy corner
counting windows in the University Hospital.
Freshmen being whipped.
And finally we get a finished product. Afte
several pages of ritual have been memorized ant
after a few solemn vows have been muttered w
get the average fraternity man.
Is he mature? Is he ready to take care of him
And is he ready to beat the hell out of nex
year's freshman class to "wveld them into a unit
and to "take the cockiness out of them?"
No wonder we have the automobile ban, hous
party regulations, and a University drinking rule
B. 9. i lialllsoot
Creator Of Beauty . . .
has passed from the Michiga
campus in the death of Edward Bruce William
son, research associate in the Museum of Zoolog
one of the very few men about whom it can b


~~ ~~ ~

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Keenly aware of the problems of business, large
and small, Bell System commercial men are con-
stantly devising special telephone plans to custom-
fit service to the user's needs.
For example, a plan they worked out for a
coal distributor helped him to contact 50% more
dealers. A manufacturer, using a telephone selling
plan, sold 700 dozen pairs of hosiery through
one Long Distance call. A great meat packer
handles complex sales and distribution problems
efficiently with the aid of planned Long Distance
and private wire services.
Systematic telephone plans are helping many
users to build business - cut costs -handle collec-
tions - unify nationwide organizations -increase
profits. And Bell System men are seeking still
other ways to make the -telephone more useful.

from the
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everything from Rooms,
Typing, Tutoring, etc,
to SWai-ed-A J-Hop
Date." Get in the habit
of reading the Classifieds
because they are interest-
ing and they offer many

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