IIIGAN DAILY, IlI [r K1 A. xa in the Bulletin is construetive Copy received at the office of th, a. m. Saturday. WEDNESDAY, M L BUJLLETIN Explorers Pushing Fearlessly Slutz To Open Items From Other Campuses nAte eflmtmer Onward Through Tunnel Depths Lecture Series NO CO-EDS ALJLOWED STUDENTS 'SNUGGLE' ARCH 1 1933 No. 107 Ed. Note: The following article is vestigate the place. In a gruff voice he e r e Tomoit MADIS N, Wis., Feb. 28.-Men of SYRACUSE, N. Y., Feb. 28.-Uni- the second and last installment of the.I the University of Wisconsin are tak- orcditv nf Wiptt, rinwt r.- IXI NOTICES Presidet and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the University on Wednesday, March 1, and on Wednesday, March 8, from four to six o'clock. Notice in regard to salary checks: Salary checks for one-half of the regular monthly salary will be ready Wednesday morning and will be dis- tributed in the usual manner. Persons who have not been receiving checks reglarly in departments or whose checks are not deposited in banks may re eive checks by calling at the Business Office. The Cashier's Office will be ready to cash any outstanding salary che k issued prior to February 22. All persons holding receipts for uncashed salary checks may have the balance due on such checks by calling at the Cashier's Office. Shirley W. Smith Apparatus Exchange: The Regents at their meeting in March, 1927, authorized an arrangement for the sale of scientific apparatus by one de- partjnt to another, the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the bud- get aclount of the department from which the apparatus is transferred. lDepartments having apparatus which is not in active use are advised to, end description therof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Pro-. fessor R. J. Carney is Director. The Chemistry Store headquarters are in Room 223 Chemistry building. An effort will be made to sell the apparatus to other departments which are likely to be able to use it. In some instances the- apparatus may be sent to the University Chemistry Store on consign- enta and, if it is not sold within a reasonable time, it will be returned to Ohe department from which it was received. The object of this arrange- ment is to promote economy by reducing the amount of unused apparatus. It is, hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the ad- van tage to themselves and to the University in availing themselves of this tpprtunity. Shirley W. Smith University Brodcasing-Wednesday-2 p. m. "Raising Young Trees for Reforestration"-Leigh J. Young, Professor of Silviculture. "Solving the Mrblem of the Small Stage for Amateur Plays"-Leonard O. Andrews, Techer of Social Studies. StudeCts, College of Literature, Seience, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week of the semester. Sat- lrday, March 4, is therefore the last date on which new elections may be pr oved. The willingness of an individual instructor to admit a student would not affect the operation of this rule. ro nson-Thomas Prize in German (value about $50) open to all un- ergraduate students in German will be awarded on the results of: (a) aissay l Gerina on the following subject: "Der Wandel in Schillers gesell- se 0t-llen un d kunstlerishen Ansichten von den Raubern zum Don Larlos" to be handed in on or before Friday, April 21, 1933; (b) An ex- a .nti n to be held on Friday, April 21, 1933, consisting of questions on Slr's life and works with special reference to his Storm and Stress period . N4ameS of intending candidates should be handed in to the office of the German Department, Room 204 U.H. Badminton-Men and Women Students: Beginning Wednesday, March 1, at 7:30 there will be mixed Badminton in Barbour Gymnasium. Rubber soed shoes must be worn. Students need not bring partners. Beginners .ll reeive coaching.( Comedy Club Receetion: Undergraduate women guests of Comedy Club on Thursday evening may have one hour's late permission for the recep- ti n whih follows "Three Times the Hour." Black Quill Try Ots: Manuscripts must be handedin to Lucile Ander- s8tn, 1236 Washtenaw, by 6:00 p. m. March 3. Varsity Glee Club-Important: Rehearsal for trip and concert-Thurs- day 7:30p. M. Coaching Period-Wednesday 5:00 p. m. In the club rooms. University Outing Club will meet at 1 p. in. Saturday, March 4, at the League. Reservations must be made with Miss McCormick at the Leag~ue. ACADEMIC NOTICES German Examination for Ph.D. Candidates will be held today at 2 p. m. in 203 University Hall. Sociolgy 163 Make-up Final Examination will be held Friday, March 3; at 2 p. i., Room 102 Economics. Sociology 51 Make-up Final examination will be held at 9 a. m. Satur- day, March 4, Room 102 Economics. Make-up Examinatin in Botany I StuIents who were absent from the Final Examination in Botany I will be given an opportunity for a make-up on Thursday, March 9, at 2 p. m. in N.S. 2003. Economics 51-Make-up Final: Will be given on Thursday, March 2, between 3 and 6 p. m. in Room 207 Ec. Bldg. English 125 and English 183: A make-up examination will be given in both of these courses on Friday afternoon, March 3, in Room 3221 A.H. L, A. Strauss history 33 Make-up: Saturday, March 4, 9 a. in, Room 4001 A.H1. Psychology 31: Make-up examination for last semester students will be held Thursday evening from 7 to 10 in Room 1121 NS. Philosophy 31: The imake-up examination in this course will be held on Thursday, March 2, from 3:00 to 6:00 p. m., in 202 South Wing. history 23 (Prof. Aiton) and history 258 (Prof. Crane): Due to the lecture by Professor SalveNmini at 4:15 this afternoon, in Natural Science Auditorium, the meetings of the above seminars are postponed to the regu- lr hour next week. Geology 31 and 32: The make-up for the final examination will be given today at 2:00 in Room 3055 N.S. a Make-up Examination, Anthropology 31: Monday, March 6, Room 4506 Museums. Earhart Foundation Seminar (Sociology 262) will meet today from 4 to G. Important meeting, EVENTS TODAY Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. Richard Schneidewind will be the: speaker at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg., on the subject, "Malleable Iron." Sigma Rho Tau: Meeting at the Union, 7:30 p. m. Prof. A. D. Moore will speak on "Personality." Reorganization and the new Speech Plan will be completed,. official account by Admiral Robert M. Bleary, famous explorer and scientist, of his daring dash into mystery-shroud- ed heating tunnels of the University of Michigan. The previous installment, relating the prepartions and start into the passageway, appeared in a previous issue. By ROBERT M. BLEARY "8:16 a. m.-It seems days since I last wrote in my journal but actually it is less than seven hours. After making the decision to enter the chamber, I groped about the walls until I discovered a light switch. For an instant before turning it I won- dered if it was worth the sacrifice to discover what lay beyond. Surely sights such as no other man had witnessed were there; but almost as surely it meant capture-perhaps asked where W ashington was. I re- - l_ S os__ _h plied that it was the capital city of , . the United States but he still re- I S. C. A. Will Sponsor Eight mained ignorant or puzjled. Lectures On Problems "The child-like meant ty of these Of Married Life men gave me an inspiration. It is such thinking in emergencies that' -distinguishes the true explorer.I The first of the lectures on marital offered him a bar of chocolate from relationships will open today when' a supply that I always carry on trips Dr. Frank D. Slutz of Dayton, O., of this sort. This action evidently speaks at 8 p. m. in Lane Hall. pleased them for they ate the bar These lectures, which have as theirE rapidly. Perceiving my advantage I purpose education and discussion of immediately offered them more. This marital relationship, psychological they also ate and seemed delighted. and physiological problems of mar- "In clear, slow words, as though I riage, eugenics, and child guidance, were addressing children, I asked are being sponsored by the Student; where we were. Although I could Christian Association. A series of not understand the answer fully, I eight such lectures is being planned ing a firm stand in refusing co-eds admission to their annual Gridiron banquet. The banquet, an affair pre- sented by the Sigma Delta Chi, hon- orary journalistic society, at which national, state, and university per- sonalities are "kidded," is the last campus activity remaining solely for men. FROSH DINES AT SORORITY URBANA, Ill., Feb. 28.-A prac- tical joker called up a University of Illinois freshman of two weeks standing and invited him to dinner at the Delta Delta Delta house, which happens to be a sorority. He rang the bell at the proper hour and was muchesurprised when a pretty co-ed admitted him. Not wishing to show his ignorance of fraternities and seeing a crowd of other boys, he did not enquire about the numerous girls around. About halfway through dinner, one of the girls asked him where his pledge pin was. Then it broke on him that he was at a sorority dinner for frater- nity pledges. He kept a smooth face, however, and went to a show after he finished. versity s 6Uens on nUL ecx , au- cording to a veteran Syracuse taxi- cab driver. He' has driven students around the city for eight years and denies that they "neck" more than anyone else. He describes their ac- tions as "snuggling." CO-EDS TAKE UP PIPES NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 28.- Co-eds at the University of Tulane are smoking pipes instead of cigar- ettes these days. Not only are pipes much less expensive, but the girls saw English girls in a newsreel smok- ing corncobs. The Tulane co-eds have not received official permission for the pipe smoking as yet, but meanwhile are enjoying their pipes after dinner and at bridge. PURSES FROM SOWS' EARS CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 28-The old adage, "You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear." has been disproved by a firm of consulting chemists. They achieved the impos- sible by extracting a glue-like sub- stance from a dead sow's ear. From the extraction they made a beautiful purse of silk. death. found out that we were in one of "Scientific curiosity welled up with- their power houses. I had evidently in me and I made the contact. In- made friends with them for they stantly a tall room was illuminated, made chuckling sounds when I told The walls were bare and gray, re- them that I was a famous explorer. flecting the light strangely. In the In fact we seemed to impress them center of the spacious room was a very favorably for they began smiling huge cylindrical metal housing. It broadly. Then the two strange beings was from this that the low hum pro- motioned for us to follow them. We ceeded. About half way up-'about went up the ladder-evidently toward1 20 feet-the steel catwalk was placed the surface. We soon arrived before around the housing and across the a heavy door. We thanked them for room where it disappeared into a accompanying us out of the dark dark hole in the wall. runways and they smiled in a friend- "Suddenly the sound of running ly manner and disappeared down the feet echoed on the catwalk. I mie- ladder. diately switched off the light. A "On opening the door I discovered rough voice called to us to halt. In why they had smiled. The tempera- the confusion I did not stop to con- ture was down to 13 degrees below sider that the words were in English zero and Percival and I were in our but merely accepted them. I knew shirt sleeves. We travelled more than that if Blascombe and I tried to a mile back to camp in the intense escape t h r o u g h the tunnel we cold. Never in all my explorations wouldn't have a chance. The tunnel in the interior of northern Siberia or proceeded for some distance in a in the Antarctic have I experienced straight line and we would be easy such cold. Eventually we arrived at targets for these men before we our base and we immediately crawled rounded a corner. I decided to sur- into our sleeping bags to warm up." render. Perhaps they would be So ended our trip into the fantastic friendly. depths of the tunnels. We have "The first of our captors, a creature gained some idea of the, character of that came puffing down the steel these passageways and of the people ladder from the catwalk, very much who inhabit them. Such an unsocial resembled the ordinary American or race will probably require centuries European. He was about average before they can live in close contact height but rather stout and un- with civilized and cultured people. shaven. Scrawny, weak-looking, gray-, whiskers covered the lower part of Dean Says Colleges Are his face. A brown stain on the strag- Dropping Hon('r Sstein1 gly hair about his mouth was espe-- r cially revolting. His first rush of (Continued from Page 1) words was unintelligible, but seemedd to consist of several words repeated dshonest wor hstudent is require over and over. He constantly men- .uoniss ra en there is uncting tioned the word 'god' and at inter- fuless orsan er cymslisn vals called for someone's 'son.' No factor, he is permanently dismissed. doubt he was puzzled as well as angry University of Illinois. S t u de nt at discovering us and was calling on found guilty by Committee of Disci- some heathen deity to enlighten him. pline in classroom work is dropped "His companion, a little wizened fel- from course with loss of credit. Dis- low with bright eyes but with the honesty in final examinations leads same dirty brown stain around his to suspension, usually for the next thin lips, seemed calmer. The most succeeding semester..y curious feature about him was the Indiana University. Penalty varies well developed "brow ridges" of bone from loss of credit to suspension for that arched over his eye sockets. This a fixed period. is a formation well developed in early State Uniersity of Iowa. Mini- man, pithecanthropus erectus and mum penalty : (1) exclusion from others, but is seldom keen on modern course and loss of credit; (2) the man. I recognized him as a Custo- addition of the numper of hours so dia bythechaactrisic igh khkifailed to total required for gradua- dian by the characteristic light khaki tion; (3) notification to parents. coat that is a part of the uniform of Heavier penalties when dishonesty is "In slurring but intelligible English premeditated or in case of second he said, 'Whatthahell areya doinhere.' offense. While nature of offense and I took this to be an inquiry as to our penalty are made public, names may purpose in entering the tunnels and be withheld even from parents at answered that we were sent by the 'dean's discretion. governmenthat Washington to in- University of Kansas. (College of Liberal Arts). for tis semester. Dr. Slutz is an authority in the field of education, having 'held the position of educational advisor to the. Chicago Teachers College for the last six years. Dr. Slutz will disclose his plans for the operation of a third party at a political speech at 4:15 p. in. today, in Lane Hall. His contention is that a third party that did not put can- didates in the field, but merely gave its support to the ablest man could have a great influence in purifying -"--- l r i aI l J 7 f l J I r r ~politics. Qy published by dismissal. Tjniversity of Minnesota. As a rule, a hearing is held by the Students' Work Committee of the college con-; cerned, and penalties vary from fail- ure in course and loss of nine quar- ter credits to suspension for a quar- ter or a year, depending upon flag- rancy of case. University of Missouri. Under pre-, vious regime, penalty had been loss of credit. Since 1924, offending stu- dent has usually been suspended for one semester. More drastic policy. has recently been adopted; one stu- dent had already been eliminated, from the university in January, 1931, and this was expected to be future procedure. University of NorthCarolina. Fresh- men frankly confessing fault lose credit as lightest penalty, but more] often are suspended for remainder of quarter; if cheating occurs at end of a quarter, all credit is denied for courses taken during that period. Spspension for two or three quarters is probably penalty for students above freshman year; consideration always given honesty.k Ohio State. If a student is guiltys of cheating during a quarter, he is suspended for the remainder of the CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified coihunns close at three o'clock previous to day of insertion. ffox numbers may be secured at no extra Charf;(. Cash in dvaIce-- 1i per reading line (on basis of live a arage wvords to line) for one or two insertions. Minimum 3 line per insertion. lic per reading lnue for three or more isertious.. Telehone rate---1Sc per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per repeling line for three or more insertions. 10% discount If paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month .......... ...........8c 4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months........8c 2 lines dauly, college year.........7c 4 lines E,.t0. D., college year......7c 100lines used as desired......... 300 lines used as desred.........8c 1,000 lines used as desired... ......7c 2,000 hiies used as desired.......6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch, Ionic type.upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. TIhe above rates are for 7% point type. LOST LOST-Male Fox Terier. Color white. Black spot on back and base of tail. Answers to name of Beppo. Write Dr. Meyer, 1917 Washtenaw Ave. or phone 6223. Reasonable re- ward. 334 LOST-$15 in bills on campus or downtown business section; liberal reward. Phone 2-1241. 920 Monroe. 336 LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c STUDENT - And family washing careful work at lowest prices. Ph. 3006. 6c FOR SALE FINANCE CO.--Is selling late model cars for balance due. 311 W. Huroi). 2-2001. Open evenings. 19c TYPING TYPING - Typing carefully done. V e r y, moderate rates. 0. K. Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad. theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED-Housework by woman of three years experience. Afternoons desired. Will cook. Apply Michigan Daily, Box 32B. 335 A T T E N T I 0 N - Fraternities. Ex- perienced white cook will run your kitchen on percentage. If your house is not on paying basis let me have an interview. WriteBlox 34A. -333 NOTICE FIRST CLASS--Woman cook. Best of references. Hotels and fraternity experience. After March 1st. Write Box 14A. 303 MONEY-You can always use extra money! We pay the highest prices for men's old and new suits and overcoats. Cash for your old gold. Chicago Buyers. Phone Ann Arbor, 4306. 34c UPHOLSTERING - Fine furniture repairing, refinishing, and uphol- stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard- ing, 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c BLUE BIRD BOOK NOOK, lending library. Sc daily.,'Clean covers. Uni- versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30, 21c S S r Cl e i. S Y t quarter; if offense occurs during fi- nal examinations he may complete remaining examinations, but will be suspended for following quarter. In-. eligibility follows reinstatement. University of Pennsylvania. In clear cut cases, student is immed- iately dropped. In doubtful cases, student is given a failure in the course which he must repeat at the' first opportunity, and is put on con- duct probation for a year, which. necessitates a weekly report to the. personnel officer. Princeton. Honor system. Expul- sion, with publication, in extreme cases. If recommendation for leni- ency is made, the minimum punish- ment is immediate suspension foruone term, or 18 scholastic weeks; such action only in exceptional cases. University of Texas. Usual penalty: suspension for current semester. Dean Moore stated, "Disciplinary probation when case is not flagrant and the offender is inexperienced or. particularly dumb." I i I LOST-Brownish Tiger cat with white nose, throat. and feet, from 1106 Willard. Phone 2-1196. 329 LAUNDRIES WASHING-And ironing, Called for and delivered. Silks and woolens guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478. 611 Hoover. 15c at 4:15 p. m., Wednesday, March 1, in the Natural Science Auditorium on the subject "Florence In the Time of Dante." The public is invited. Varsity Band: Very important full 'band rehearsal at 7:00 p. m. sharp. All members must be present. Frank Slutz, of Dayton, Ohio, will speak at 4 p. m. in Lane Hall on the subject "A Third Party Without Candidates." This will be an open forum meeting.k I. Minimum penalty - five nega-' tive hours and five negative points. Maximum for first offense may in- clude any or all of the following: (1) failure in course; (2) suspension, for one semester; (3) ineligibility for one semester after reinstatement. II. Maximum for second offense may include any or all of the follow- ing: (1) failure in the course; (2) suspension for one year; (3) ineligi- bility for one year after reinstate- ment; (4) publication. III. A third offense should be fMICHIGAN LAST TIMES-QTDAY Done Him, 1, I- ENTER NOW! TYPING- SHORTHAND- BOOK E E PING General Business - Stenographic - Private Secretarial Every Subject a Money-Maker ANN ARBOR SECRETA R I AL SCHOOL 205 South State Phone 3330 MAJESTIC NOW! bad n a an she lived up to it Ild f 1 .. ., Rehearsals for Junior Girls Meeting Today: 3:30-Waiters Chorus. 4:30-Waltz Group, 7:30-Girls Chorus. 8:30-Male Chorus. The above all meet in the bal of the League. Play lroom Beginners Class in Contract Bridge will meet at 7:45 p. m. in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the Michi- ga4 League. Checks will be accepted. You may come with or without part- ners. COMING EVENTS Geological and Geographical Tour- nal Club: The Club will meet Thurs- day, March 2, in Room 2054 N.S. at 8:00 p. m. Program: Prof. E. C. Case, The Problem of the Shinarump Cong- lomerate, and Prof. R. Hall, The Hiinokawa Plain. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Mr. Stewart Way will speak on "Critical Conditions in Bars with Combined Transverse and Axial Loading." Mr. Fred M. Cousins will review a recent paper. The meeting is Thursday at 7:30 p. m, in Room 445 West Engi- neering.E BANK TROUBLE? Comedy Club offers a solution . . see how Phillips solves the problem.. LIKE A LAUGH? "Three Times the Hour offers them at more frequent intervals-along with, DEEP, DARK MYSTERY ; t ;; . :, . f . - P. ~. ' t _ _ . s Wrong lit 2 MAE WEST Cary Grant Valentine Davie's Owen Moore "CHALK IT UP" Willie Hoppe Reel CARY G RANT CARROLL, - SCOTT* a qaramount qicture men saw in her eyesan\ invitation... that 11 Et "THREE TIMES THEPOUR "PLEASURE ISLAND" Musical Brevity A Presentation of Comedy Club I Vf' I A k A rLI1an e C' C L..I "rT L A "rn e