THE MICHIGAN DAILY 5-Year Term Is Prophesied For itler Ministry Leader Of 'Steel Helmets' Predicts Nazi Victory In Next Sunday's Elections CampaignHeightens Eight Deaths In Political Rioting OVer Week-End; Kaiser's Son Speaks BERLIN, Feb. 27. - (A) - Franz Seldte, one-armed chief of a million 'Steel Helmets" now fighting side by side with Hitler's "Brown Shirts" for victory in next. Sunday's elections,. predicts the Hitler coalition cabinet will remain in power for five years. This was an outstanding statement in the flood of oratory loosed over the week-end curng which eight more deaths were laid to political violence. It comes in the wake of statements by leading Hitlerites that Sunday's voting may be the last ever held in Germany and that the result cannot end the Hitler regime. Suppress Newspapers Three of the eight slayings oc- durreed Sunday, Meanwhile, the lead- ing Communist organ, Rote Fahne, was put under a six weeks ban and the Baamberger Volksblatt, a Catholic] paper, was suspended four days. Two persons were shot fatally in a Communist-Nazi fight at Wupper- tal. Five were wounded. Two Nazi youths were stabbed, one fatally, at Linderfels. Another Hitlerite was stabbd at Breslau and three were shot and wounded at Falkensee. Skldte, who is minister of labor in the Hitler Cabinet, spoke Sunday in Berlin. He said the Cabinet, in which 3- ti nalist party members outnum- her the National Socialists, including Chancellor Hitler, would not even Change in composition for at least five years. Cabinet United H" e declared dte cabinet was united in purpose. (The motto of his Steel Helmets is "the fatherland above all parties" and Seldte joins Hitler in denouncing parliamentary govern- ment. At present they are seeking, however, to increase their minority support to majorities in both the reistag and Prussian diet in the Sunday elections.) Prince August Wilhelm, familiarly known as "Auwi," fourth son of the ex-kaiser, was loudly cheered in Magdeburg, Saxony, Sunday when he delivered an address while planes tearing Nazi emblems flew overhead. He is an active leader in the Hitler forces Nazi flags waved from the Hohen- Zollern castle at Potsdam where Wil- helm Frick, minister of interior, made a speech, Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen and Hans Kerrl, president of the recently dissolved Prussian diet, were other pro-govern- ment leaders who made Sunday ad- C . r Capitol Hill Prophets Foresee 7'hese New Faces Around 'Ihe LCdbinet I'able Worrell Discovers W"y To.Pronounce Ancient Egyptian Scholars can now pronounce as well as read the inscriptions on the monuments along the Nile, written in the ancient Egyptian symbols. Prof. William H. Worrell, of the department of Oriental Languages and Literature accomplished the remarkable feat of figuring out how the ancients pronounced their lan- guage, by applying the general rules of phonetic changes to the changes which have come into the language. E The discovery has attracted atten- tion because this language has the longest history in written records of any language known to men today. The first records date back to some- where near 3,000 B. C., and the lan- guage was still used as late as the Tenth Century after Christ. Study Pronunciation For almost 100 years, now, scholars have been working on the problem of reading ancient Egyptian, now they will be able to pronounce it as well. Professor Worrell said that he used Coptic, a language of Egyptian written in Greek letters, as his start- ing point, since its pronunciation was known. "By this method we established certain principles of vowel changes," he said. "For example, we found out that the sound 'k' changed to 't,' and by establishing a principle, in this case the principle of palatization, we presumed that the sound 'g' changed to 'd,' and so on. "By checking our results at several places along the way, we were able to make sure that we were on the right track," he declared. "The whole process was one of .comparison with cognate tongues." Proper Names Clue -Associated Press Photo Seven of the men shown above have been definitely chosen by President-Elect Roosevelt as members of the "New Deal" cabinet. They are Sen. Cordell Hull, secretary of state; James A. Farley, postmaster- general; William H. Woodin, secretary of the treasury; George H. Dern, secretary of war; Harold Ickes, secretary of the interior; Sen. Claude A. Swanson, secretary of the navy; Henry A. Wallace, secretary of agri- culture. Other selections which are conceded by informed Washington circles are that of Daniel C. Roper for secretary of commerce, Sen. Thomas J. Walsh for attorney-general, and Miss Perkins for secretary of labor. Admiral Bleary: Tells1- Story Of, Thrilling Dash Through Tunnel SSlosson Says British Spirit Fights Crisis Irison Costs As Much As College ALBANY, N. Y., Feb. 27.-It costs as much to keep a man in prison as it does for a father to -send his son to college, according to the calcula- tions of New York State's parole commissioner. ScholarshipsI Provided For Prep Students Create 50 More Awards For Incoming Students }1,o ill Michigan Schools Outstanding students of the high schools of the state will again be aided in entering the University this fall by the granting of 50 more Mich- igan Alumni Undergraduate Schol- arships, according to Dr. Clarence S. Yoakumi, vice-president of the Uni- versity. These scholarships are granted to students who have established them- selves as being on a scholastic plane considerably above the average, it wa aidand are awarded to en- courza~ thec attendance of those who would not otherwise be able to enter the University. Recommendations are made by the University of Michigan Clubs throughout the state and the names are sent to the University, where the final decision is made on the basis of past records. Sometimes compe- titive t? :inations are held to de- termine the most worthy of the ap- plicants. At the same time, Dr. Yoakum stated that there is a possibility the scholarships of this type now held hy sophomores in the University may be renewed for the junior year. It v:s originally intended that they ould be for o'y the first two years,I but in eaes of students who have made excellent records in the firstI Iwe years this rule may be amended, DC. YoaNkum said. Ed. Note: The following article is the firs; installment ofthe official ac- count by Admiral Robert M. Bleary, famous explorer and scientist, of his daring Wiiti nto the mystery-shrouded heating tumnnels of the University of Michigan. Another installment will ap- pear in an early issue, By ROBERT M. BLEARY From my earliest school days I have wondered at the unknown fate of Captain Bartholomew Prender- ;ast and his gallant company of 11 anen who, in 1897, ventured into the unexplored recesses of the tunnels honey combing the earth imediate- ly beneath the buildings of the Uni- versity of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan., In the fall of 1932 ' was approach- ed by men representing various busi- ness interests who urged me to un- dertake a survey of these strange subterranean passageways. The Sec- retary of the Navy graciously granted me a furlough of two years and I im- mediately began preparations for the Expedition. Space will not permit the enu- meration nor description of all the problems I had to face. I was partic- alarly fortunate in obtaining the aid f such capable and experienced men 'as Doctor Cyrenus T. Winklehaus, in- ternationally known authority on the phycochromologic aspect of blue- green algae, Professor Cornelius Van Valkenkleek, prominent Dutch phys- icist, Cadwallader Alonzo Tunicliffe, III, millionaire sportsman, and other men equally outstanding in their fields of endeavor. Following are excerpts from my journal in which I carefully recorded my experiences during the dash through the tunnels: "12:03 a. m.--Everything is ready for the start. I have chosen this early hour as the best time in which to travel without arousing the natives of the place. These curious people, called Custodians, have occasionally been observed in our world but usu- ally content themselves *with scutt- ling from.,one edifice to another and disappearing from view. Little is known of -the home life or habits of this race but they are 'reported to be of a mild and self-effacing dis- position except when aroused. In such a state it is said that they dis- play unusual anger and gnash their teeth most vilely while muttering un- intelligibly to, themselves. "12:07 a. m.-The weather report is just coming in on our midget set designed especially for me by the In- ternational Radio Cbrp. P e r civ a Proctor Blascombe, the brave fellow who accompanied-me on the explor- ation of the Ghost Land of Western Madge!scar, is sitting calmly by tak- ing the,.radio message. The only sound breaking the oppressive quiet is the shrill, sharp buzz from the in- strument. "The equipment is all packed on a shiny coaster wagon selected after exhaustive tests from the stock of Montgome(ry, Ward & Co. . .m.-Here'sthe report. 'Temp. minus 11 degrees. Air press' 347.1 m.m. Wind velocity 27 m.p.h. Forecast: Continued clear but colder. Good Luck . . , Jeckerson.' Condi- like structure for a distance of 50 yards. I dislike the idea of giving notice of our presence, but our elec- tric torches would not last long were we to use them. The walls and ceil- ing are of good brick construction and seem fairly recent. Onward. "12:24 a. m,-Gettn, much war- mer. Thermometer registers 88 de- giees. Proceeding cautiously. As yet we have seen little signs of life other than the brick construction of thel walls. We are .just passing small pools1 of warm, brackish water that haveI formed in shallow depressions in the fior., This would seem to indicate that we are continually proceeding deeper into the bowels of the earth. Have passed several branches of the I low passageway but have kept to what seems to be the main line. "12:42-a. in My God, it's hot. Temp. 103 degrees. The air is so close that Percy and I can scarcely breath. By this time we must have covered two miles, at least. The passage is so winding that the distance is hard to estimate. A short time ago the na- ture of the tunnel changed notice- ably. We are now in a much older part. The ceiling is so low that I must' bend my head to keep from bump- ing it. The walls are of worn red brick and are crumbling. "12:53 a. m.--Here is our first ma- terial obstacle. The tunnel seems to run into another at right angles. The passage is almost entirely blocked by a huge steam pipe. To go on we must climb over the hot pipe. What lies on the other side? Perhaps this is an outpost of the Custodians. We approach silently. By climbing on top of the pipe and cautiously shin- ing my flashlight around I perceive that no one is about. We must aban- don the wagon and equipment.- With it we leave our coats and proceed in shirt sleeves. We will recover them when we return. "1:04 a. m.-There seems to be anI air of foreboding surrounding us. The silence is so intense that it fairly, beats down upon us. Something is going to happen." "1:10 a. m.-A low hum that sounds as though it was emanating from some giant turbine can now be heard. We are proceeding without the use of the overhead lights for fear of attracting attention. On our right is an opening that seems to go into a larger room. At any rate the rays of our pocket lamps are dispersed in- stead of being reflected by walls. This is a crucial point in our trip, We can go on down the tunnel or we can go into the chamber? What is there? We must find out." (To Be Continued) Former Writes Britisli Isles British buoyancy of spirit sur- mounting the difficulties of the trade crisis, unemployment and debts, and taxes which are higher than those in either France or the United States is-the picture which Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the history department, presents in a tter which was re- ceived r-ecently from England. Professor Slosson is lecturing at the University of Manche ;ter under the auspices of the Carnegie Foun- dation for Internation- Pwiv'- ''ter having completed a successful series of lectures at the University of Bris- tol. He wlil go next to the University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland. No Prosperity Since War If the Englishman cannot say "business as usual," writes Professor Slosson, he is holding firm to his second famous motto, "we'll muddle through somehow." Another factor which makes it easier for the Briton to bear the present situation, according to Pro- fessor Slosson, is the fact that it ha, been going on so long. American minds, he says, stretch back as far as the prosperity of the period from 1923 to 1929, while the"British have not known a prosperous year since the War. "The American, rightly or wrongly, still thinks of the conditions which have existed since 1929 as abnormalI and sure to pass," he wi'ites. Unemployed in Best Years Even in the best years which Brit- ain has had, says Professor Slosson, there have been at least one. or two million unemployed to burden the budget. "It is not at all improbable that the population of Great Britain has passed the economic optimum, and that the country has already about as great a population as it ever will have," according to the letter. The birth-rate inhEngland has been falling off greatly during the last few years, he says, and emigra- tion proves to be of little avail as a method of reducing the population Chicken Sandwich 10c OPEN ALL NIGHT BALTIMORE DAIRY LUNCH Across from Augell Hal Ladies Invited The commissioner said, "Prisons ncw cost $4,000 a cell to construct, and it costs the state $500 a year to keep a man in prison who should be out working to support a family.' Yet it costs only $75 a year to super- vise him when he is out." There are 7,000 convicts in prison and 7,000 out on parole in New York State, said the commissioner. The commissioner's problem is to devise a pLan to keep the right men in jail and let the right men out, thereby' effecting a great economic saving for the state, he said. o a size which can be employed gainfully under the existing indus- trial conditions. Overbalance of Industry "The United States and the British DoIninions are closing their doors on unrestricted immigration; and in any case the town-bred artisan or clerk is poor material for log cabin pio- neering and has no capital for sci- entilic farming, says Professor Slos- son's letter. The preponderance of industry over agriculture was seen by Profes- sor Slosson as a contributing factor to Britain's economic ills. "No other nation in the world has such an overbalance of industry as compared with agriculture," he says, "which means that no other' nation is so dependent on the world market." "The present attempt to reverse the trend of the last 150 years by 'Empire Tariffs' and 'Buy British' campaigns may be justified as a temporary expedient," says Professor Slosson, "but in the long run, noth- ing but a general revival of world trade and an extension rather than a contraction of freedom of trade can set all the factory chimneys smoking again." Tired? Thirsty? Hungry? CALL 3494 Sodas - Sundaes - Shakes Cokes --G-Ales - Orangeades Tasty Sandwiches Prompt Delivery Professor Here Of Conditions In' Babylonian, Greek, Hebrew, Ara- bian, and Coptic as spoken in church ritual were used by Professor Worrell as he checked back his results against the other languages. Proper names which were carried from one nation to another were a clue to pronunciation of many letters, as were names of objects used by one people and not by another, accord- ing to Professor Worrell. "When Herodotus wrote, he used names of Egyptian persons and places, and his works afford us a chance to compare the way the same sounds were spelled in different lan- guages at the same time." Professor Worrell has been inter- ested in rationalizing the sound changes in the language, and this has helped, he said, in rationalizing the grammar changes as well. Slutz Will Lecture Twice Tomorrow Frank D. Slutz, well-known edu- cator, will deliver two lectures hereI Wednesday, one on the subject of marital relations at Lane Hall and another on the formation of a new third political party in Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. Dr. Slutz has been educational ad- viser of Chicago Teachers College since 1927. In the past he has been superintendent of schools in Alliance, Ohio, and Pueblo, Colo. He is also a member of the Natioanl Educa- tional Association and the Progres- sive Educational Association. Four years ago he and Sherwood' Eddy wrote the book "Am I Getting an Education?" At the present time he is vice-president of the Dayton Structural Steel Company and the Northwoods Camp Company. Dr. Slutz is a graduate of Mt. Union College, Alliance, Ohio, and holds de- grees from Harvard and the Univer- sity of Denver. D e auw Dean Sees A Change In Fraternities Believes College Students Are Unable To Manage Fraternity Finances CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 25.-(Big Ten) -Fraternities and sororities will learn three lessons from the present depression, writes G. H. Smith, freshman dean of men at De- Pauw University, in an article en- titled "Fraternities Feel the Depres- sion" appearing in the January issue of Banta's Greek Exchange. According to Mr. Smith the fra- ternities will learn that it is un- reasonable to expect a youth 19 or 20 years old, of limited, financial ex- perience, to handle finances for the entire management of a business which requires the annual collection and disbursement of approximately $20,000. The second point made by Mr. Smith is that undergraduates in charge of chapter finances should be selected on a basis of merit and abil- ity rather than because they are crack football players and in need of money to go to college, Finally he says that fraternities must limit their building program so that chapter rivalry will not lead to the construction of houses too large and elaborate for the needs and best interests of the group. Zoologists Will Contribjute To New Magazine Museum Of Zoology Staff llembers To Write For 'Michigan Sportsman' Staff members of the Museum of Zoology are to contribute short ar- tiles each month to a department called "Nature's Own iaiy" In "The Michigan Sportsman," a new outdoor magazine, the first issue of which was placed on sale late last week. The new monthly, devoted to the promotion of all outdoor Interest in Michigan, is edited by Jack Van Coe- vering; who also edits the wild life page of the Detroit Free Press; and 'is published by a group of Michigan sportsmen, with offices at Lansing. More than 60 pages of articles and departments are contained in the March issue. In addition to the de- partment written by the Museum staff here, the present issue contains a photograph of the Museum's mounted timber wolf, the largest ever taken in Michigan in recent years, in connection with an article, "Why We're AAfraid of Wolves." In "Nature's Own Diary" for March are contained articles on the "Fowler's" toad of the Lake Michigan sand dunes, snow buntings, which migrate to Greenland for the sum- mer, and cecropia moths. The mu- seum will gladly answer inquiries concerning the fauna of Michigan and identify specimens, it is an- nounced. Other contributors to the first is- sue of the Sportsman are Bob Becker, Ben East, Carl Johnson, Chase S. Osborn', "and 0. M. Ken- nedy.Qus sBabcock is writing several "believe it or not" stories of the North woods, the first of which is "You Can't Kill ,a Swede," WATERVILLE, Me., Feb. 27.-Free tuition is being given to unemployed graduates of Colby College this year if they desire further study, Franklin W. Jones, president of the institution, recently announced. :I FREEMAN'S DINING ROOM One Block North from Hill Auditorium NEW PRICES -- BY THE WEEK TWO MEALS PER DAY $ . ..$4.00 THREE MEALS PER DAY . . . . . $5.50 SINGLE MEALS Breakfast 30c Lunch 30c Sunday Dinner 50c Dinner 40c Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. PROMPT SERVICE - EXCELLENT FOOD Serving Michigan Men and Women for the Twenty-ninth Year I EBERBACH & SON CO. ESTABLISHED 1843 NOTEBOOKS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ON al