w-.mg THE MICHIGAN DAILY tipervisor Of Eisgah Forests To Visit City, A. Mattoon To Address1 knd Confer With Those Interested In Forestry 1. A. Mattoon, supervisor of Pis- National Forest, will come here iorrow to spend several days aking to and conferring with for- y students and others interested the subjects of fire control, tim- and wild life management, rec- tion, and other forest uses. 'he visit will be made as part of policy of the U. S. Forest Service, ch sends forest supervisors to various schools each year in order acquaint students with its activi- Mr. Mattoon will be one of the t supervisors to come here from eastern forest preserve, and will loubtedly present a different angle he work, according to Prof. Rob- Craig, Jr., of the forestry school. 'orestry Club will hear Mr. Mat- a at its meeting Wednesday eve- g. Four public lectures will be1 m at 9 and 11 a. m. Thursday and iay, all in room 2039 Natural ence Building. Classes in the tool of Forestry and Conservation . be dismissed at these hours. tudents and others wishing to ter with Mr. Mattoon will be able see him each afternoon through iay and also Saturday morning in mn 2046 Natural Science Building. iiversity Library NoW Contains 800,000 Books )ver 800,000 books are now on the Ives of the University Library, a cnt count shws. ince the establishment of the li- 'y in 1837 at Ann Arbor, the num- of books has increased 226 times, ord ilg to the latest figures. Last .r alone 39,765 additions were dc to the library. n 1838 the first large purchase books for the new library was de in Europe by Dr. Asa Gray, famotus botanist. ?he General Library contains over f of the 839,338 books and some ,000 pamphlets on the shelves of other University libraries. The library, which ranks second in e, contains over 95,000 volumes. UOPWOOD AWARDS SOON Vinners in the Writing Contest Freshmen, a division of the Avery I Jule Hopwood Awards, will be oinced next week, according to. f. Erich A. Walters, a member ofj committee on the freshman DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) 7 30 p.m in Room 1139 N.S. Papers by Dr. Baxter, Floyd Otter, Theodore Coile, Robert Cockrell, and Koloman Lehotsky. All interested are cordially invited. Graduate Club in Educatiio: The February meeting will be held in the library of the University Elementary School promptly at 7:30 p. m. Lawrence L. Musser and Francis W. Dalton will review their theses for the Master's degree. The meeting should be of special interest to can- didates for the Master's degree inj Education. . Athena: Short business meeting at 7:00 in the Athena room. Alpha Nu meets in Alpha Nu room, fourth floor Angell Hall, at 7:30. Dis- cussion of University of Chicago. edu- cational system to be led by Walter Bury. All members expected to be present and those interested are cor- dially invited to attend. Tau Beta Pi: Dinner at Michigan Union at 6:15. Especially important meeting and everyone is requested to be present. Prof. Hoad will de- liver the address. Eta Sigma Phi meets at 7:45 at the League, lounge 1. E. S. McCartney will speak on "The Influence of An- cient Superstition on Our English Vocabulary." Mu Phi Epsilon: Special meeting 8:00 p. m. at the League. Sigma Delta Chi: Regular lunch- eon meeting in the Union at noon today. Gargoyle Business Staff meeting at 3:30. Zeta Phi Eta: Important meeting of all actives and pledges in chapter room at 7:30 p. m. Discussion of con- vention plans, and further plans for plays. Michiganensian Editorial Staff: Tryouts and eligible freshmen inter- ested in trying out for the editorial staff report to the Press Building at three o'clock.- in Room 348, West Engineering Building. All members must be pres- ent for instructions and new flying. groups will be formed. Anyone not. completely paid up will please bring the necessary money with them to the nieeting. Flying will start on Thursday, Feb. 16. Dr. A. W. Beaven, president of the Council of Religion meets at 4:15 Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, In Lane Hall. will be in Ann Arbor Wednesday, February 15, and will meet with all Christian Science Orgarnzation who are interested in religious work meets at eight o'clock this evening of any kind in Lanc Hall at 3 o'clock. in the chapel of the Michigan build- ing. All faculty and students inter- Varsity Glee Club: Important spe- ested are invited to attend. cial rehearsal Wednesday, February 15, 7:30 p. m., for Wilson theatre en- Hillel Players meeting 7:15 at gagement Friday evening. Unless an- Foundaioita NewJmembers i-bei nounced later, there will be no re- Kitche Talen, Good Plans For Spring Parley to insure a repetition of it this year. . m IAlthough a definite program has not Looks, Mate Requisite ho oBe Discussed Today yet been decided upon, it was under- PALO ALTO, Cal., Feb. 13.-(Spe- Plans for the continuation of the thetsociology department, would b cial)-Kitchen talent and good looks spring parley, inaugurated last April, the main speaker. are the chief requisites for the "per- will be discussed at a meeting of the Last year's parley, which was spon- feet mate" at Stanford University. committee to be held at 7:30 p. m. sored by several student leaders, had Intellect is not so important as these. ' today in the League. as a subject "Concepts of Freedom." This fact was brought out in a This committee was appointed at The subject for the next parley has the meeting of the parley last year not yet been announced. survey published by the Stanford ___ ____________________ Daily recently. It indicated that °- :=-E students wanted beauty first, cookingS second, and intellect third. One girl wanted a man who can really cook. Another asked for "an angel with a devil's smile." Business valued at more than $47,- 000,000 was reported by United States exporters to the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce as direct results of the trade promo- voted upon. Plans for spring play to be announced. COMING EVENTS Research Club: The February meet- ing will be held Wednesday, Feb. 15, Room 2528 East Medical Building. Program. The Far Infra-Red--its D e v e 1 o p m e n t and Significance. Prof. H. M. Randall. A Study in the Determination of Regional Limits in an Illinois Prairie. Prof. S. D. Dodge. The Council will meet at 7:30 p. m. Chemistry Colloquium: Wednesday, February 15, at 4:00 p. m., Room 303 Chemistry Building. Speaker: Dr. J. Gilbert Malone. Subject: The Ionic Nature and Dipole Moment of Covalent Bonds. German Department: M o n t h 1y luncheon on Wednesday, February 15, at 12:15 in the Michigan League, Main Dining Room. Forcstry Club: Meeting Wednes- day, Feb. 15, at 7:30 in 2039 N.S. Su- pervisor M. A. Mattoon of the Pisgah National Forest will speak. Refresh- ments. Quarterdeck Society will meet in Room 340 West Engineering Bldg. Wednesday, February 15, at 7:30 p. in. Glider Section: Important meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 7:30 p. m. hearsal Thursday, February 16. Michigan Technic Staff Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m, in the Tech- nic Office. tional activities of that organization. al!ZVAS=13!39& - ,', ,, O'Z- 164 -W Tryouts for Spring Play of Hillel Players, "The Dybbuk," will be' held Wednesday and Thursday at 7:15, p. m. in the League. Play includes 38 speaking roles. All students, in- cluding freshmen, are eligible. Meet- ing room posted on bulletin board. Music Section of Faculty Women's Club will meet Wednesday, Feb. 15 (note change in date) at 8:15 p. m. at the home of Mrs. R. E. McCotter in Lakewood Subdivision. A program of Italian and Spanish music will be presented under the direction of Mrs. Nelson Eddy. Those planning to attend are re- quested to notify Mrs. John John- stone, 2-3779. Bankruptcies in England increased by 260 to 4.618 in 1932. I, DRUGS ALL FOUNTAIN PENS 25( CCTO 50(/ OFF SODAS H'earSAH Here's Some Real Bargains On Necessities 35c HEAVY BATH TOWELS . . 2 for 55s Double Thread 35c YARDLEY SOAP . . . . . 3 for $1.05 75c Toilet Water Free RUBBER SHOWER CAPS . . . . 19c up ALL 10C SOAPS . . . . . . 3 for 25c LARGE WASH CLOTHS . . . . 3 for 25c 25c DR. WEST TOOTH PASTE . 3 for 35c MOORE PENS Lifetime Guarantee 50% Off $1.35 GEM-COLGATE DEAL . . . . 49c Contanis $1.00 Gem Razor, 5 Blades, 35c Colgate or Palmolize Shaving Cream 75c EVERSHARP PENCIL DEAL . . 39c One 50c Pencil and 25c Pkg. Leads } GUARANTEED ALARM CLOCKS. . 85c up WESTCLOX ELECTRIC ALARMS . . $1.95 -r ..-,-r rr. - - - -41~- CANDY LIGHT LUNCHES 3 KLEENEX Formerly 50c Size special, 19c 75c BORDERED STATIONERY Michigan Seal-7x11 Sheets PENNANT STICKERS . . . 49c 2 for ~c THE BETSY ROSS, SHOP 13-15 Nickels Arcade POUNTAIN SERVICE $3.50 Value A subtle and intriguing Corm- pacte! It holds one's correct and individual shade of Cor- pacte Powder, Lip Rouge, and Powder Rouge - intensely scented with the favoured COTY Qdeur. Special $1.69 CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUG COMPANY At Our Soda Fountains - Special This Week C C-F VELVET --A Smooth Sundae-Try One Today . . . . . . Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co.''' TOASTED SANDWICHES We Deliver - Dial 5931 I KODAKS 324 SouthState Street 818 South .State Street 4th and Washington South U. at East U3. CANDY SA.., . .S.. A.. . ..A. .A. aA 4...A. I -t _.____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ ... _ r . _. __ .. _ .. ____ __vr..._.__.._ __.._ __. _.___a__ _. _ ..._ .__ . _.______._.____ _ _ _._ ..._..._ - _. .___ _ -- --__-.__ d - - . -- - __ I I I I' We are ready with just loads of SECOND -HAND BOOKS for Every Department N 1 -I BARGAINS IN LEATHER NOTEBOOKS LAB. SUPPLIES, FOUNTAIN PENS, ETC. at 11 I WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE I