THE MICHIGAN D ILY__ _ _ _ _ G.E."UhInbeck Returns Fron European Trlip Program For 1933 Summer Session Made (Continued from Page 1) i pI1 rWrI Ijer T ft's i .n.aL ne I l % 1YITment July 6. while July 10 Prof. Experin eta l Work At Kenneth C. McMurry, chairman ofI Cambridge University the department of geography, will give an illustrated lecture on "Isle Prof. George E. Uhlenbeck, of the Royale as a National Park." physics department, returned from "Romanticism of Edmund Spenser" leave of absence at the beginning of is the topic of a lecture to be given the second semester to resume his July 11 by Prof. Henry S. V. Jones of classes. Most of his leave was spent the University of Illinois, and Prof. in Holland at the University of Ley- John S. Worley of the College of En- den, although he also visited in Italy gineering will give an illustrated and England. talk the following afternoon on "The At the University of Rome, he con- Antiquity of Things New." ferred with Prof. Enrico Fermi, who July 13 a lecture will be given by is coming to Ann Arbor this sum- Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, of the history mer to attend the symposium for department, on "Presidential Des- theoretical physics. Just before re- potism in Hispanic America"; July turning he visited Cambridge, Eng- 17, "The Pompeian House, Its Fur- land, where very important research niture and Decoration," an illustrated work is going on. talk by Prof. James E. Dunlap of He visited and worked in the lab- the Latin department; July 18, "A oratories at Rome and Cambridge, View of Contemporary American doing research work in "certain prob- Drama" by Prof. O. J. Campbell of lems in statistical' mechanics." the English department. Professor Uhlenbeck said that he "Tax Troubles" is to be the subject was "particularly impressed by the j of Prof. Blythe E. Stason of the Law experimental work now going on in School on July 19; "Can America and Cambridge.".In their research lab- France Co-operate in World Affairs" oratories is where the neutron was on July 20 by Prof. Charles A. Knud- recently discovered. He "looks for- son of the French department, and ward to more discoveries there, which "The Outlook for the Railroads" by will throw light on the structure of Prof. Eliot Jones, of Stanford Uni- the nucleus which is the central versity, on July 24. problem in physics at the moment". Prof. John Sundwall. director of Ltocd Scout To Receive Award Of Gold Cross A local Boy Scout will be deco- rated with the highest awards for bravery that the Boy Scouts of America or Great Britain can give when he appears before a special Court of Honor March 7 in St. Thomas high school auditorium. Henry V. Aquinto, 13 year old Ann Arbor Boy Scout, saved two English boys from drowning in the Firth of Forth when he was vis- iting in England last summer. Lord Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the world, has authorized the award of the Silver Cross for gal- lantry with considerable risk, and American officials have awarded the Gold Cross. The British consul from Detroit will be present with a delegation of Canadian Scouts to award the British medal. WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES i Churches Will Offer Variety Of Programs (Continued from Page 1) H. Anderson will preach on "The Economics of Christ," which will be1 the final sermon of a series dealing with "Christ and the Modern Crisis." Crrent Topics at Wesley Hall Bryon Heis will give a talk on "My Philosophy .of Life" at the ,Young PNople's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Wesley Hall has planned a number of topic discussions closely related S v. tV11 UL~Nkl, Ulut V the division of Hygiene and Public Health, will give an illustrated talk on "Some Impressions of Modern Russia," on July 19; Prof. Dwight L. Dumond of the history department will talk on "The Twelve Apostles of the Anti-Slavery Movement" on July 20, and Prof. Frederick B. Wahr, of the German department, will speak on "Gerhart Hauptmann," on July 27. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman o' the Board in Control of Athletics, will talk on "The Trend in Collegiatf Athletics" July 31 and the following afternoon "Diet and- Nutrition 'a: They Relate, to the Decay of the Teeth" will be discussed in an illus- trated lecture by Prof. Russell W Bunting, of the dentistry school Prof. Roy W. Scllars, of the philos- I a to current events for this afternoon ophy department, will discuss "Th( and evening. At 3:30 p. m. the Oriexi- Radical Theories of Today" Aug. 2. tal-American Group will discuss "So- "Some Problems in Defaulted Rea' cial Customs in Japan. At 6 p. m. Estate Bonds" is to be the subject of the Student Guild will hold a debate a speech Aug. 3 by Earl S. Wolaver on the subject, "Resolved: That the professor of business law. Prof. Al- Christian Church Has Been a Lag bert C. Jacobs, of Columbia Univer- on Culture." At the same time h sity, will discuss some phase of famil3 Graduate Forum will hold its regular law in his talk Aug. 7. meeting, and Gordon Halstead will "Chateaux of Touraine" is to br speak on a "Moral Equivalent for the topic of an illustrated talk b: War." Prof. Rene Talamon, of the Frenct At the Sunday services of the Hillel department, Aug. 6, and the last 1c- Foundation in the Women's League ture of the session will be Aug. 9 or Chapel, Rabbi Bernard Hellier will "Social Welfare in a Changing So. speak on "Judaism and the Dawn of ciety" by Prof. Arthur Wood of the the Modern Era." A student meeting sociology department. will be held at 8:15 p. m. to discuss The 11 excursions planned for thE Technocracy at the Foundation, session will be conducted by Prof Wesley H. Maurer of the journalism -Viola Mary Wintz. department. The first excursion will SCHOOL OF be a tour of Ann Arbor and the vi- EDUCATION cinity, the second a tour of Detroit Batchelor of Science in Education and the third an inspection of the -Lawrence Francis Butler, Lawrence Ford plant at Dearborn. Bishop Ferris, Dorotha Adaline Jack- The fourth excursion will be a two- son, Madeline Josephine Snyder. day trip to Niagara Falls and vicin- Bachelor of Arts in Education-- ity under the direction of Laurence Ray Emmerson Akey, Burton Handy, M. Gould. The fifth trip will be an- Jr., Mabel Clark James, Jean Aileen other tour of the Ford plant-a repe- Johnston, Dorothy Sylvia Klein, tition of the second. Excursion num- Alice Lynds Meader Korwin-Pawlow- ber six will be to General Motors ski, Lucille Fay Priest. Proving Ground and the seventh an SCHOOL OF inspection trip of the Ford airport BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and Greenfield village. Master of Business Administration The eighth trip will be to the -Ailene Mae Yeo. schools of the Cranbrook Foundation SCHOOL OF in Bloomfield Hills, while the ninth FORESTRY i will be a repetition of the sixth trip. Batchelor of Science in Forestry- The tenth trip will be to Put-in- *Ralph Rupert Wilson. Bay on Lake Eric, under the direc- Master of Science in Forestry- tion of Mr. Gould, and the last tour -Louis Albert Pommerening, Gordon will be of the Michigan State Prison Zander Rayner. (at Jackson. Propose U. .. Guarantee Of Bank Deposits (Coitinued from Page 1) United States. This guaranty would apply to both state and national in- titutions for some stated period of 'ime. It would apply only to banks still in operation and not to banks vhich failed prior to the passage of the bill. Bold Measure Needed "It is our belief that the nature of he banking emergency and the pros- )ect of continued adverse reactions tpon business throughout the coun- ;ry justify such a bold measure. We loubt whether, in fact, this measure will prove to be as costly as the con- ;inuance of piecemeal assistance to elected banks through the. present %perations of the Reconstruction Fi- iance Corporation or as radical as he various proposals for inflating he currency now urged before Con- ;ress. Would Restore Confidence "Such action by Congress, if taken. :nmediately, before Federal credit is urther undermined by the drains 4hich present methods entail, we be- leve would restore the confidence of epositors at once, check hoarding, ,nd result in a prompt return of :uch hoarded cash to banks. Guar- *nty by Congress would make bank !eposits just as safe as postal de- osits or government money, with he possible exception of gold. So ar there has been relatively little .oarding of gold in this country, and t is likely that such hoarding would e minimized rather than accentuat- d by Federal guaranty of deposits,- ecause of the assurance given to he public and to foreigners that no nore bank failures, involving losses o depositors, would be permitted. "The scramble of banks for re- ;erves and the drain of funds towards 'ew York and Chicago (as in the )etroit case) would be checked at >nee by making all banks equally afe. Bankers, thus relieved from the :anger of runs and drains on their leposits, would pursue a more orderly ,nd just liquidation program with re- ,pect to their existing assets and ex- .rcise a more reasonable policy in naking new loans and investments. :t would no longer be necessary for )anks to refuse safe loans or to con- fine their loans entirely to paper eligible for rediscount at the Federal 1eserve Banks, as the great major- ity do at present." Only Temporary It was pointed out that the meas- are proposed is designed solely as an emergency step. "It is not intended,' the message continued," that such a measure should unduly or interfere with permanent reforms. It has be- come apparent that a general over- hauling of our banking system i; necessary and Congress and the var- The pleasant aimlessness, usually so prevalent after exams and the first touches -of spring fever seem to have been disregarded this year. Women are entering into almost every activity with interest and en- thusiasm. *' * *~ Wednesday is losing its popularity as a favorable mid-week night for dating since John Johnstone, tennis and fencing coach, has begun his fencing classes. At the second meet- ing last week the quota of 25 was reached and many more enthusiasts are clamoring to take up their foils that they may be initiated into the sacred art of self-defense as prac- ticed in "Ye good olde days." 4 * The ignorant have been heard to scoff at ping-pong as a child's game. Just let them come around the League when match games for the tournament start Monday, and they will have an opportunity to see amaz- ing action. Thoroughly exhausted from climb- ing over drumlins and eskers, but smiling with the satisfaction of knowledge newly attained, the Ram- blers returned last night from their geological exploration trip with Dr. Russel C. Hussey. Tennis players, while waiting for the courts to open in the spring, will find badminton an excellpt substi- tute. Ten minutes of poaching is suf- ficient for one to learn the rudiments of the .game. Mlss lilda Burr is available for this purpose every Wednesday from 2 to 4 p. m. while courts also open in Barbour Gymna- slum Fridays from 4 to 6 p. m. And Saturdays from 8 to 10:45 p. m. One, two, slide, step, repeat . and thus J. G. P. hpruses are train- ing intensely that all may be primed for the opening night. If you wish to eter into intercol- :legiate comnpetitio, come out for riflery. It's the only intercollegiate sport for women . . . matches start this week. When the sophomore basketball team was playing tlansng last Satur- day a masculine spectator was heard to remark, "I always thought wom- an's place was in the home." On see- ing the senior team in action, he seemed to change his opinion, for he said, ,"Now this is real basketball" i . ncidentally both teams were victorious. In spite of the recent report that feminine ice-hockey tryouts were having great difliculties last week, reliable accounts state that women are still holding their own. Rita Gabler. '33, has been appointed an ex-officio member of W. A, A. in' charge of ice-hockey for the remain- der of the season. ious states have been grappling with the problem. It is not necessary here to pass judgment upon compulsory Federal incorporation, branch bank- ing, compulsory membership in the Federal Reserve System, and the like, or upon the detailed provisions of the Glass bill. In our opinion, Federal guaranty of deposits at the present juncture would strengthen the Fed- eral Government in carrying through its reform program and allow suffi- cient time for the formulation of sound and considered changes." Federal Aid Necessary "We believe," it was concluded, "that Federal guaranty of bank' de- posits is the only effective measure which can now be taken to stop bank failures, bring about the cessation of hoarding, and loosen the funds neces- s sary for the normal resumption of - business." t L-#jxvllvlvk VA l-.. - ---- I ........... .. Ci 9 I d j' . . ^"'° i -- -, 1 ; _ t r will be seem' you4. meets attracted a lot of stu- dents during the past week, and the semi-holiday con- tinues to make CHARGING a popular pastime, as well as a convenient one. An- other moratorium, which was cheerfully HEARD by the student body was that of the extension of time on deferred tuition. To finish up this BUSY week, wise students, as usual, will eat at THE R & S LUNCH at 605 Church M __--- . -.-.. - IL 7a-+ s Nu c- 0 day: 11 We are continuing to serve in the same old -style-No 5 percent portions r