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February 26, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-26

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'.. 2.F,'
Published every morning except Monday during the
rniverslty year and Summer Session by the Board in
9ntrol of Stixdent P~ublicationis.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Assocla-
on and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or.
sot otherwie credited In this paper and the local news
ublished herein. All rights of republication of special
ispatches are reserved.
Entered at the PostOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
econd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
'hird Assistant Potstmaster.-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
p4i1, $4.50.
Offces: Student Publications Building, Maynard street,
nn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: 0o1lege Publications Representatives,
ri., 40 East Thirty-fourth Street. New, York City; 80
oylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
TORTS EDITOR.. .................JOHN W. THOMAS
IGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connelan, John W. Pritchard,
Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
Glenn R. Winters.
PORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
EPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G.
Barndt, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William
G. Ferris, Sidneyi Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B.
Hewett, George M. Holmes, Edwin NV. Richardson,
George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple,. Jr.
Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. 1lum, Ellen
Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman,
Jeanette Dluff, Ciirol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Marie .J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, MnrJorie
Telephone 2-1214
EPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
iee, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
ulation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert ..
Finn. ,
SSISTANTS: John. Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land Charles Ebert, Jack Efroynson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
EliabethI AigIer, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris,
Gimmny, Billy Griffiths. Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McComb.
* * .
Union Haircuts
The Union is still charging 45 cents for hair-
cuts. Every other shop in town is charging 35
cents. The Union, a student club, is a non-
profit organization and exists solely for the
students. Yet the Union will not meet the town

and a bass, doubled in each part. The first move-
ment of the Franck Piano Quintet, so character-
istic of its composer in the broadly sweeping chor-
dal themes and the gradual growth of intensity
that finally reaches magnificent climaxes-is the
next work, which will be followed by the string
sextet "Verklarte Nacht" of Arnold Schonberg.
Hamilton's "Epochs in Musical Progress" describes
the Schonberg, "though the author of a textbook
on accepted harmonic principles, he chooses ut-
terly to disregard these principles in his own
compositions, and consequently to launch a series
of ear-splitting discords upon his bewildered au-
diences--rhythms tumble over one another in an
animated crazy quilt, while all formal melody *is
avoided as a childish device." Although an early
work, the unsurpassable beauty and the emotional
atmosphere achieved by this composition, give it
a musical significance that transcends any such
dictatorial opinions as that quoted above.
In an opposite extreme to Schonberg's sophis-
ticated textures is the humorous suite "The Car-
nival of the Animals" of Saint-Saens, which has
been re-edited and partly re-orchestrated by Mr.
Pick to eliminate the less inspired characteriza-
tions, leaving a most charming, colorful and
highly amusing musical picture of the various
animals in a zoological garden. This composition
was written on the occasion of a mardi-gras cele-
bration with Saint-Saen's intimate friends and
was not published, except for the serious num-
ber "The Swan," until after his death. The pro-
gram will conclude witli the Gavotte and Finnle
from the Septet for piano, trumpet and strings by
this same composer.
-Kathleen Murphy.

'Screen 1Refl'etons
Four stars means extraordinary: three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture:
no stars keep away from it.
Imhotep ................. Boris Karloff
Helen Grosvenor........Zita Johann
Frank ................. David Manners
Dr. Muller ......... Edward Van Sloan
Sir Joseph.............Arthur Byron
"The Mummy," as you might expect from its
title and Boris Karloff, who has the title role, is
a horror picture that ranks with the German
silent production of "Dracula," "Frankenstein,"
and "The Cat and the Canary." Its tense mo-
ments are not as far between as those in some
alleged thrillers, while certain scenes do to you
exactly as advertised-make your heart beat
quite a bit faster, make you wonder about going
down cellar after you get home, and, most amaz-
ing of all, actually force you to take some cred-
ence in the plot.
The plot is far-fetched for consumption in an
enlightened age. It concerns the bringing to life
of an Egyptian priest (Boris Karloff) 3,700 years
after he was buried alive for a sin committed in
the name of his blind love for a tribal priestess.
An Egyptologist digs up, in 1921, the sarcopha-
gus containing Mr. Karloff, and certain magic
words, spoken inadvertently, bring the mtinmy
to life. This is really the high moment, -horror-ly
speaking, of the -tale. But there are more creeps
to follow. Imhotep finds in Helen; Grosvenor
(Zita Johann) the reincarnation, without the
correct soul, of his beloved priestess. He seeks to
recreate. in her the love she had once had for
David Manners is unsatisfactory as usual in
his portrayal of Frank, a research assistant who
falls in love with Helen. Zita Johann is a pleas-
ing Helen, brunette and wide-eyed.
Karloff's 22 pounds of make-up are good for
22 thrills. The sinister star of "Frankenstein"
and "The Old Dark House,'' and the scurrilous
reporter of "Five Star Final" has, in "The
Mummy," pushed across a n o t h e r unique
triumph. We pass on the word that fans who go
in for thrills will be overjoyed by "The Mummy;"
that faint hearts would do well to stay away.
Added attractions: "Too Many Highballs," a
Lloyd Hamilton comedy-OK; Hearst Metrotone
News; "Sport's-Eye-View," a Grantland Rice
-G. M. W. Jr.






316 State Street


m As
at $ 2.89 $3.9 $4,.89 $5.89
Our Readjustment Sale Ends March 4


U;,'- -

. .. .. ,.. ..4. ...__._ ... aA"

evelt Should Oust
s President. .

T HE COMING of Franklin D. Roose-
velt to the American presidency,
according to recent reports from Washington,
may end the long terrorist regime of Gerado Ma-
chado as president of Cuba.
Roosevelt, it has been hinted from authentic
sources, plans either to demand the resignation of
the Cuban dictator and send a detachment of ma-
rines to Havana to enforce his demand or to give
aid to revolutionary movements now in progress-
there and directed by persons in this country.
Some persons will question the right of the Amer-
ican executive to interfere in the political des-
tinies of a foreign nation. They will brand the
move as a further extension of imperialism, and
unbecoming of a supposed liberal president.
However, action of this nature by Roosevelt
will not be out of harmony with his liberal char-
acter. The United States has a right to interfere
in the government of Cuba, a right that it did not
have in Nicaragua or Haiti. When Cuba secured
its independence from Spain at the end of the
war of 1898, through the military intervention
of the American forces, the United States was
granted a protectorate over that nation.
Cuba was given its independence but the United
States reserved the right to act at any time in
the interests of law and order. Machado's regime
has not been one of law and order but of terror-
isin and oppression. He has maintained his posi-
tion at the cost of the freedom of the Cuban
masses. Blood has been shed copiously, news-
papers suppressed, freedom of speech and the
press curtailed, elections fixed. Corruption and
military high-handedness have run amuck.
Presidents Coolidge and Hoover, in supporting
Machado, have not done so in the interests of
the Cuban people but for the protection of Amer-
ican capital. Machado has always succeeded in
keeping the friendship of the American financial
czars who had holdings in his country. Non-inter-
vention in Cuba has run parallel to intervention
in Nicaragua. Both were portions of the same
reactionary policy.
Roosevelt, as a liberal, has as distinct a duty
to interfere in Cuba as he has not to interfere in
Haiti or Nicaragua. The expulsion of Machado
will be in the interests of good government and
will be conducive to good will between the United
States and the countries of Latin America.
Musical Events
This afternoon at 4:15 p. m. the chamber music

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymouscommunications will be disregard-
ed.. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
I have been delighted to see that at last there
is a possibility that the supposedly prime interest
of University students, that of the acquisition of
learning, is about to receive some consideration in
their official organ, the Michigan Daily. I, too,
-have suffered at the hands of some of those men-
tioned, and of many others not mentioned.
If we postulate that the offending professors
are acting intelligently in delivering their lectures
in the disorganized monotonous manner in which
they do, we may conclude that the deadliness of
their manner of presentation is due to a belief
in the antiquated theories of exalting the mind
at the expense of the flesh, and that that which
is most difficultly obtained is longest remembered.
In the first case we might suggest that they
add a noisemaking machine, and the second, that
they translate their lectures into Greek, that the
potency may be increased.
However, before abandoning an institution we
should make sure that it is not the way in which
it is used in particular cases, rather than the
underlying idea, which is at fault. We do not con-
demn all birds because the crow makes an un-
pleasant sound. It may be that something is to
be said in favor of aural education as opposed
to visual. Certainly it is a more primitive, hence
more fundamental mode of learning. It may be,
too, that the explorers in the field of knowledge
should, by virtue of being explorers, contribute
something of their spirit to those who are to be-
come future explorers; but they are failing
miserably in this function cannot be gainsaid, for
who can gain the slightest feeling of enthusiasm
from the bored features and manner, and the
"cut-and-dried" speech of a great majority of
professors. Boredom is quite as contagious as en-a
thusiasm, and this may undoubtedly account for+
the common inertia of students in the face of
knowledge. A high type of personality, finding
something of value, will endeavor to impart some
iota of it to all who come his way. In the past,,
the transference of the knowledge of the race was
one of the sacred duties of the parent. I recently
had the opportunity of questioning a number of
professors' children concerning what their fathers
do." I received the invariable answer, "He works
at the University." I then asked, "What does he
work at?" To which they all replied, "He teaches."
Then I said, "What does he teach?" and received
the reply, "Students." When I further inquired
what he taught to the students, they shook their
heads doubtfully and looked at me as though it
were, indeed a very foolish question, I cannot but
feel that there is something very much amiss in a
man of learning making his business a thing so
private and detached that his own children have
no inkling what it s about. One might think that
a professor would find great joy in painting a
picture of the delights of learning for his chil-
dren, or can it be that perhaps he himself has no
delight? A man who is holding a position which
is that of passing the torch of learning to future
generations is to be condemned quite as heartily
for performing his duty inadequately, as for hav-
ing imperfect knowledge, and if he is cultivating
knowledge for his own personal enjoyment, he has
no right to do it at public expense.
In my opinion, the function of the professor
is inspirational; through his personality the stu-
dent should come into a knowledge of the pleas-
ure to be attained through study in his particular
field. The professor should give an impression of
living more completely and adequately; literally,
of being more alive, because of his years of study.
If we would come to the conclusion that a Uni-
versity is a place for the exercising and growth of
thinking power, rather than a place for the learn-
ing of innumerable facts, after much the same
manner as a little dog is taught to shake hands,
roll over, and jump through a hoop for a lump of
sugar, which has its university equivalent in the
shape of grades and degrees, we would have made
great progress. These facts will not make a cul-
tured man, any more than does a heap of bricks
make a house. Bricks without the architect are
senseless things, and university students are not
hoina f40,1rnhx4-to lea nri-n artc. of 1t a, n, 4





By Karl S eiert
Dear K. S.: Let by-gones be by-gones. What if
I did make "Stars and Stripes" look sick by
means of my praiseworthy efforts in the J-Hop
extra? Can't you take a joke? This will save you
the trouble of writing your daily dirge today:
Comstock closes up the banks,
Honjo orders out the tanks,
Strikes fill up the jobless ranks-
Happy days are here again.

If your domestic date.

If your imported date.

In fact, if you're havin any trouble-

0 0

Madman shoots at Franklin D.,
Lindsay drops across for tea,
Taxes new for you and me-
We'll get back our beer again.



Cold wave sets a record low,
California gets its snow,
But if we can't get our dough-
How can we buy beer and gin?
.-Judas P.
Sure we can take a joke, Judas. To tell you the
truth, we hadn't even read your stuff in the J-
Hop extra until we got your note. We liked "Ours
and Swipes," Judas; we laughed and laughed. But
about this poem, now. The drys will ask, "What
beer and gin?" but we only remark, "What
"Their brief honeymoon will end Monday when
the bride resumes her studies at the University."
-Excerpt from news item.
And the groom sets out to reorganize his
* * 4
A Chicago man pleaded in court that he had
used a slug instead of a nickel in a telephone be-
cause he had promised to call his wife but was
broke. No, Cyril, the charge was NOT slugging his
wife by telephone.
What can you expect? Didn't the Repub-
licans promise that everything would go hay-
wire if Roosevelt was elected?
We can't help feeling a big glow of confidence
in the basic integrity of American law, now
that Congress has repealed the Eighteenth
Amendment because even if the political sci-
entists do say the stales will never ratify, it's
good to know that the good old U. S. A. is
sticking to its principles. Since 1918 the coun-
try has been kind of dampish dry and now
it looks as if it wih change to a sort of dryish
wet, which is a good middle course any way
you look at it.
* **
This moral lag they write about is when
there is a law against something, but the
people haven't got around to making it a sin

.. ..;



... and Keep the memory of soft lights,
and sweetmusic-and a real evening

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