Weather y fair Sunday; Mon- ,ted and somewvhat ain. ig 00 LA A6F of an 4 t Daiii Cuba's P] litorials 7cit Should 'resident. No. 105 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEB. 26, 1933 PRICE FIVE _ _., " Bess Men est Bank Restrictions Tie-Up Draws Demands For Release Of More Cash From City Banks Closing Of Stores May Be Necessary Statements Of Merchants Prove Impending Food Shortage Rumor False University Econ Federal Guara Copies of this plan in full may be ob- tained by writing Prof. Waldo Abbot, dir'ctor of the University Broadcasting Station. Federal guaranty of. bank deposits was advanced as "the only remedy" for the present situation, and "piece- meal" emergency financial measures were flayed, in a recommendation drawn up by five University econom- ists, forwarded tohWashington,and delivered last night by Prof. I. L. Sharfman from the University broad- casting station. The committee which framed the proposal consisted of Professors Sharfm~an and Leonard L. Watkins of the economics department, and Dean C. E. Griffin and Professors R. G. Rodkey and W. A.-Paton of the School of Business Administration. Steps recently discussed at Lans- ing, designed to permit reopening of Michigan banks and guard against too rapid withdrawal of funds, by segregating the assets of all banks into "liquid" and "non-liquid" groups and issuing transferable certificates for the frozen assets, were regarded in the proposal of the committee as "preferable to complete collapse of Churches Will Offer Variety Programs Series Of Plays To Open; Talks On Unemployment Ins urance, Great Men A meeting last night between rep- resentativs of the Manufacturers' association and local bankers failed to produce any solution to the prob- lem of obtaining cash to meet pay- rolls.: T h e Manufacturers' association claimed that the governor's procla- mation exempted payrolls from the holiday restrictions but C. J. Walz, president of the Ann Arbor Clearing house association said that the doc- ument specifically banned any pre- ference being made in the release of cash. A new proclamation by Ru- dolph E. Reichert, state banking com- missioner, releasing the payroll sums is expected soon, it was said. Breech Widened The rift between local merchants and bankers arising out of the bank moratoriumf appeared measurably widened yesterday as local business men presented a protest to Governor Comstock' at Lansing on the man- ner in whilch banks of the Ann Arbor area are landlng the situation. At the same time rumors of an impend- ing food shortage circulated in the city and wvee denid by leading mer- chants. A. J. Wiltse and Hora'ce Prettyman, Ann Arb1or buliness men, presented the protest to Governor Comstock in the name. .of 7 merchants of this area. They asked that the governor use his dictatorial powers to force the local banks to release more cash to b mes oncerns ior payments to ; declared that if the present restrictions were con- tinued they would be forced to close, precipitating a food shortage. "We do not want to loot the banks," Prettyman said, 'but we must meet our payrolls,. "Responsibility is Yours" "We know," they told the gover- nor, "that you can open up the banks for more legitimate business. You cannot throw off the responsibility now. If the people don't stand by you, they are traitors to their state. We must do something to let business go on." Reports circulated among business men to the effect that a shortage bf food in the city threatened brought a denial from Frank Liver- nois, president of the Retail Gocers and Meat Dealers' association. Ie explained that the merchants' de- mands for cash were due to difficul- ties faced by a few in the payment of their bills and not "to any general immediate emergency. He said that an abundance of fresh vegetables was available, Welfare Crisis Averted The threatened crisis in the wel- fare fund distribution was averted when the bas agreed to release suf- ficent cash to meet all indigent re- quirements, The governor's second proclamation exempted these funds from the limitation regulations. The sum released amounts to approxi- mately $12,000 and will provide $20 in each for the 000 families on the welfare. DETROIT, Feb. 26.-W- Michi- gan's bankers, eager for legislation which would lift, at least in part, continued limitations on banking business, tonight saw in passage of the Couzens bill in Washington the first definite step toward loosening 'the state's financial jam. The bill; signed by the President late today, would give the uomptrol- er of the currency the same emer- gency power over national banks as may be enacted by state legislature. In Michigan, legislation, is now pend- ing to enable the segregation of frozen assets in banks, and to make available to depositors funds up to the percentage of liquid assets. The passage of national legislation, bank- ers believe, has assured similar ac- tion by the state legislature next week. This, they say, would bring about an immediate reopening for larger withdrawals of most of the state's institutions . 1 1 C f r i I ornists Propose Program For ntee Of Deposits '33 Summer the banking machinery," and repre- senting about the maximum relief Sch olc which the states can render, but S hoot M ade it was alleged that these measures "fail to solve the present difficulty. Series Of 27 Plays To Be nfailures have dissipated public con- Presented By Summer fidence in our banking system and it is difficult to see how piecemeal Repertory Players methods and extraordinary arrange- mentsgcan do other than continue Prominent Facilty and augment public distrust." V "The signers of this memorial," the i ien To Give Talks message read, in part, "have agreed that another approach to the solu- tion of our continued banking diff~rrips T" Nearby Points culties is imperative. State action is Of Interest Included In insufficient to cope with the basic difficulty and Federal actionthas thus Plans Of Dean Kraus far been ineffective. We believe that the problem is one for the Federal With more than 75 special feature Government to handle by the pass- planned for the Summer Session of age of a prompt and courageous 1933, one of the best programs of measure destined to restore confi- extra curricular activity ever held dence in the entire banking system. here was prophesied yesterday by This measure, in our opinion, should Edward H. Kraus, dean of the Sum- be an immediately guaranty by the mer Session. Federal Government of the deposits A total of 27 lectures on questions of all institutions doing a commer- of contemporary importance by cial or savings bank business in the prominent members of the faculty (continued on Page 6) are scheduled and 27 plays will be given during the session by the Sum- mer Repertory Players. Conspiracy TO The series of plays, extending ovei the first seven weeks of the session W reck ocialwill be given under the auspices o a is the department of speech by stu- dents in Play Production. Prof. House Charoed Thomas Wood Stevens, director of the Artist Guild Theatre in St. Louis, and Valentine B. Windt, director oI Founders Protest Action Play Production, will again direct the productions. Of Mass Leaders Who The entire program, with the ex- Sold Horse's Furniture ception of the Observatory visits, I, open to the public as well as to Uni- Charges that the persons guidinzg versity students, although admissior hrgestdat the ersns gidin will be charged to the plays and the the student mass meeting Friday in cost of excursions to points outside a plea for "needy students" are at- (of Ann Arbor will be based on actual tempting to wreck the Socialist traveling expenses. House, operated for the benefit of the Six concerts will be given during' same "needy students" were voiced the peiod by members of the faculty same"nedy sudets, wer vocedof the School of Music and there wilt last night by Stewart Way, Sher I also be several band concerts in front Quraishi, Thomas Brown, Wayne of the Library. The first lecture will Erickson, and Erwin Linhorst, grad- be given June 26 by Prof. Joseph R uate students who founded the house. Hayden, of the political science de- The persons indicated in the charge partmnent.. on "The Amerivw-Polcy s e gen K1ne, '$, O ro Brido In -the Far Eastern Crisis." T h Grad., Robert Steen, Grad., Wilfred lowing day Prof. Heber D. Curtis di Sellars, '33, and Arthur J. Ruhlig, rector of the observatory, will discus '33, three of whom took a part in the "Observing Total Eclipses." meeting. "Drug Addiction--A World Prob- Through what was termed a breach lem," is the subject of a lecture to be of parliamentary procedure t h C given by Prof. Charles W. Edmunds, Kuhne brothers and their followers head of the department of materia obtained control of the Socialist medica, June 28, while Prof. Laur- House several weeks ago and voted ence M. Gould, second in command to evict four of the founders from of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition and membership. An executive commit- former member of the geology de- tee was elected after the alleged il- partment here, will discuss "The legal discharge of the four founders. Geology of Niagara Falls and Vicin- The four carried a protest to the of- ity," in an illustrated lecture June 29. flee of Joseph A. Bursley, dean of "The Political Parade of 1933," is students, as a result of the election, the topic of a talk to be given July 3 the ouster move, and conditions un- by Prof. Everett S. Brown of the po- der which the new group were oper- litical science department, and Prof. ating the establishment. Dean Burs- Ernest S. Bates of New York City ley removed the committee and ap- will speak July 5 on the subject "Is pointed Way, one of the men facing There An American Culture?" ouster, as dictator of the house activ- An illustrated lecture on "The Ap- ities, preciation of Urban Scenery" will be The accused group was discharged delivered by Prof. Harlow O. Whitte- from the house on grounds of mis- more, of the landscape design depart- conduct and now claims that the (Continued on Page ) house furniture had been sold to ,__________________) Joseph Hettinger; '34, by the defunct N committee during its term of office, No inu ate M ei e acc df.lirn fnNT n rh rMli _ 41 4, f C a l Wolves Defeat Gopher Sextet! In Fast Game Michigan Finally Breaks Minnesota's Continuous String Of 11 Victories Last Night's Game Features Thrills Both Teams Hindered By Epidemic Of Penalties' In Last Of Final Period By JOHN THOMAS Coach Eddie Lowrey's hockey team turned the trick. After the Minne- sota team had turned in three deci- sive victories over the Wolverines, Michigan showed complete disre- 3pect by trouncing the mighty Go-, ;)hers, 3 to 1, and breaking a contin- Ious string of 11 victories for their season's play. Never have Reid and Crossman cisen to the heights as a combination )f stellar hockey players that they, lid last night. Before 1,500 rabid lans, the Michigan team avenged the ,hree defeats administered by the :ast-skating, hard-checking t e a m from the North. The thrilling heights of the first ;ame here Friday night only servedw is warm-ups for the thriller of last Mght. Sherf and Jewell played the est game of their careers, the latter .teing .unbeatable on all net shots, after Gray got the lone score for his axn late in the first period. Doctors StillHope For Mayor Cermak MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 26.-(Al)- Dr. J. W. Snyder said at 8 p. m. last night. "All present indications are that Mayor Cermak will live through the night. "There probably will not be an- other glucose injection. "We probably will allow the patient to rest." Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago rallied today after a blood transfu- sion and at 5:15 p. in, his physicians said he had maintained the gain made as a result of the treatment. He was sleeping at that hour and his daughters, who have kept ananx- ious vigil at his hospital room door, went to their Miami Beach home, cheered by news that their father's condition had improved. Cermak was in an oxygen tent, a treatmentdecided on this morning. He took nourishment-the first by mouth in 24 hours-late today and his physicians issued this bulletin: "His temperature is 9.9:4; pulse 128; respiration 26." ' Dr. Frederick Tice, of Chicago, one of the attending physicians, said af- ter the transfusion: "I have never been completely downcast, but I am more encouraged now." However, another transfusion is contemplated, probably tomorrow. Dr. Tice and Dr. Karl Meyer said soon after the transfusion that their patient's condition is "more promis- ing now." Purdue Blasts Championship For Wolves,1 Dispatch Sent To Geneva Sanctioning Movement Taken Against Japan Hull And Stimson Agree Upon Move Reply To League's Cable Expresses Hope That End Of Conflict Is Near WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.-(P)-The Hoover and Roosevelt administrations united tonight to tell the world that America is in "general accord" with the action of the League of Nations in passing judgment against Japan's military policy in Manchuria and recommending peaceful means of set- tlement. Out of a conference between Henry L. Stimson and Cordell Hull, outgo- ing and incoming secretaries of state, there emerged a carefully worded note of endorsement dispatched forthwith to Geneva where the League's momentous action yester- day led Japan to withdraw from its assembly. The American cablegram was in reply to a communication for the secretary-general of the League of Nations, Sir Eric Drummond, of Great Britain, addressed to non- members of the League who are sig- natories of the Paris Peace Pact or the Nine-Power Treaty relating to the Orient. The League cablegram to which the American and Russian replies were eagerly awaited expressed the hope "that they will associate them- selves with the views expressed inthe report and that they will if nee- sary concert their action and their attitude with the members of the League." In expressing the general accord of this nation, the .Anicrigal replycX presed. the hope that world opinion as expressed through the League would bring to an end the long and bloody conflict that has raged inter- mittently in the Far East since mid- night of Sept. 18, 1981, when Jap- anese troops captured the city of Mukden in Manchuria. "The American government earn- estly hopes," says the note, "that the two nations now engaged in contro- versy, both of which have long been in friendly relationship with our and other peoples, may find it possible, in the light of now clear expression of world opinion, to conform their poli- cies to the need and the desire of the family of nations that disputes between nations shall be settled by none but pacific means." For two and a half hours, before the reply was sent, the tall, quiet Tennessee Senator who will handle America's foreign affairs under Franklin D. Roosevelt, talked it over with Secretary Henry L. Stimson at the state department. League Acd Endorsed a United St "Henry Ford and James Couzens --Two Detroit Gentlemen" will be the topic of the sermon to be given by the Rev. H. P. Marley at 10:45 a. m. today at the Unitarian Church. The object of the sermon, accord- ing to Mr. Marley, is to use the two men as symbols of practical idealists in industry and practical idealists in government. "The present trend," says Mr. Marley, "is toward closer co-operation in government andI business." He will also present anal- alysis of Henry Ford and his acvf.i- ties both in the factory and in the field of social reform. Prof. Margaret Elliott to Speak At the regular meeting of the Lib- eral Students Union at the church in the evening, Prof. Margaret Elliott of the department of economics will speak on "Unemployment Insurance in the United States." Dr. Peter F. Stair will be in the pulpit of the First Methodist Church this morning to speak on "Restraint or Release?1! "He Came Seeing" a play by Mary P. Hamlin, who also collaborated with George Arliss in the writing of "Hamilton," will open the series of pre-lenten plays to be given by the Methodist church with the co-opera- tion of Ann Arbor churches at 7:30 p. m. in the church auditorium. The series is built around the theme of "The Challenge of the Living Christ." Christianity and Mohammedanism Dr. Leroy Waterman of the de- partment of Semitics and chairman of the Department of Oriental Lan- guages andy Literatures, will speak at the Congregational Church Fellow- ship at 6 p. m. on "The Highlights of the Difference Between Christian-I ity and Mohammedanism." The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will deliver a sermon on "The Prophet of the Poor" at the 10:45 a. m. services at the Congregational Church today. At the regular period of morning worship at 10:45 a. m. today at the First Presbyterian Church, Dr. Merle (Continued on Page 6) - William A. Comst Once Member Comedy Club knew Gov. William' A. Comstock when he was "Cummy" back in 1899, it was revealed in a. letter received here recently by mem- bers of the club from Euphemia Hol- den, '97-'99. When Miss Holden was in college the Sorosis house was located on Madison Street, the cake-walk was all the rage and the girls stayed in fraternity houses on Friday night until after 2 o'clock. Excerpts from her diary tell that she was in a play in 1899 in which the present gover- nor had the part of a fashionable young doctor and the youthful Joseph A. Bursley was the stage man- r J l , . 1' 3 ' ; The players started as fast as they aad previously ended any game, and Boilermakers Win 37-33- .he pace was increased as time went m. Getting the jump early in the Michigan Leads AtHalf; Irst minutes and holding it until Petrie, Moore Stand Out ,he end, Michigan out-skated and ; ut-passed the Minnesota sextet. LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 25.-(/P)- The final period had the crowd on Purdue wrecked Michigan's Big Ten sf greater magn timude th thrills were'championship hopes tonight by con- )f graeantd httoeO urn the Wolverine netmen, 37 he previous game and the crowdh W to 33. stopped play for five minutes when M.ichigan held a two-point advan 3herf scored the first point. a gitga! the end of thefirsP eriod" --The first- period eas marlied by itg tteedo h rtpnk The lrs~ prio ~w~ mrke bybut Purzdte took the lead midway in She tendency of Minnesota to rough the final half and never was headed things up and Referee Traub had a fagain. fusy time sending men to the penal- Pie f ay bx a th math dvelpeI Petrie, former Huatington, Indl., y box as the match developed,,d star, stood out for Michigan. Par- i wross-chrcing, holding, and trip- mentor and Wehring played great singwereprealen, . floor games for the Boilermakers but John Sherf scored after eight min- 10gmsfrthBoemkrsut Joh Serfscre afereiht ~n 1Doxie Moore led his teammates in utes of the first period with a longDh shot from the side. The crowd went scorig. Wild, but Sherf and David provided pTSUMMARIEST still more thrillers during the period Cottomrdue. F.G. F.T. T.P. to keep them on edge. M O C , f.............4 1 1 Gray scored by pounding in a re- Moore, f ........ .... 4 3 11 IFehring, c .......... 3 2 8 bound in front of Jewell. The rub- Shaverg..............2 0 4 ber had not been cleared and Gray Parenter g2 swooped in and drove it into a cor-, ner. Totals.............15 7 37 In the second period the Gophers Mi.1)man7 7.G. F.T. T.P. pressed the play but fine goal tend- Eveland, f... .3 2 8 ing by Jewell kept them from scor- Petrie f...5 1 ing. Michigan fans breathed easier Garner, c............2 1 5 after the end of the period as the Altenhof, g...........3 1 7 score was still 1 to 1. Petoskey, g .. ... . 1 0 2 The final period was just like the second until midtime. An epidemic of Totals.............14 5 33 penalties in which both teams shared Michigan..............20 13-33 hindered both teams. Crossman, on Furdue.................18 19-37 a solo dash, got the second Michigan Personal fouls: Moore, Fehring 2,' tally after some 10 minutes had Shaver 4, Parmenter, Eveland 2, Pe- elapsed. He dribbled through the de- trie, Garner 2, Altenhof 2, Petoskey. fense and pulled Clausen out of po- Referee-Feezle, Indianapolis. Um- sition before he shot. pire-Maloney, Notre Dame. Reid repeated the play five min- utes later for the final score. Mich- BIG TEN BASKETBALL igan had three men on the ice in Northwestern 30, Wisconsin 28. front of Jewell on two occasions but Indiana 32, Chicago. 34. still Minnesota could not score. Iowa 37, Ohio State 29. r vng o way. They claimed that the committee had had authority to make the sale. Quraishi and Way charge that the committee had no right to make the sale and that Het- tinger had never negotiated the sale, with the whole house nor even with all the members of the committee. The four founders of the house also charge that the expelled members re- moved property from the building at the time of their departure which did not belong to them, a fact but: recently discovered. Lock, 'Cummy' Of Comedy Club Again, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1899, For Committee Of Military Ball Sopihomores, Freshmen Will Vote For Two Men Each On Ball Conmmittee Nominations for freshman and sophomore representatives on the Military Ball Committee have been completed, it was announced today by Lieut. R. A. Coursey, of the mili- tary science department, and elec- tions willbe held in the, regular class periods this week. John C. Healey, '35, John P. Sager, '34E, and Joseph C. Wagner, '35E, Sex Instruction To Be Offered Here In S. C A. Lecture Course the Athens Theatre with Florence all sophomores in the department, Page, '99), Daisy, (Marguerite Gib- have been nominated to the commit- son, '00. now Mrs. H. B. Freeman of tee as representatives of their class. Hartford, Conn.>, Mr. Comstock and A vote will be held in the second year I came home and made a rarebit." sections early this week and two of "Three Times the Hour," by Valen- the above three will be selected. tine Davies, is being presented by the The same procedure has been fol- present personnel of Comedy Club lowed with respect to freshmen in on Msh 2he3,ad 4 at moeLydaethe course. Robert S. Fox, Darwin Mendelssol inTheatreAmhe lydtaeR. Neuineister, Terrill Newman, as at the curtain in the second act Henry J. Gaston, and Gerrit J. is now being displayed in the windwdeGelleke were nominated by their of a State St aetdbinkte w wfellow students last week and a vote treet bookstore will be taken to select two of them The actors have been photographed' in the 9 a. m. and 10 a. m. sections and cut-out, mounted figures of the Tuesday and Wrlnediav T Liunnto By GUY M. WHI'PLE, J1. A series of eight weekly lectures on marital relations and home-mak- ing, subjects which have been class- room taboos from time immemorial, will be offered by the Student Chris- tian Association, it was announced yesterday by Sherwood Messner, '34, a committee chairman of that or- ganization. The course will be de- signed especially for serious-minded students, either married or unmar- ried, who have an interest in the sub- jects to be considered, Dr. Frank D. Slutz, of Dayton, 0., will open the somewhat iconoclastic series at 8 p. m. March 1 in the Up- per Room of Lane Hall, with 'The Problems of Modern Marriage." Dr. Slutz's lecture will serve as an intro- duction to the physiological and cul- of being together," Messner added. "It is an attempt to help young peo- ple in their psychological and physi- ological difficulties. We intend to make a distinct effort to discuss at necessary length subjects now con- sidered unfit for the classroom." Messner voiced the hope that suc- cess of the project would force in- elusion of a sex education course in the sociology department. "For some time," Messner declared, "students of the University have felt the need for sex instruction. A com- mittee appointed by the Student Christian Association has put forth evcry effort to secure speakers who are authorities in this field, and we feel sure that the course will be of I utmost value to married as well as unmarried students. Realizing that . not only the nhvsinninal nnd' n..- ' Hedda Gabler' To H1ave Last Showing Tomorrow "We are delighted with the recep- tion which has been given our pro- duction of 'Hedda Gabler,'" Valen- tine B. Windt, director of Play Pro- duction, said yesterday. "We are es- pccially pleased because we did not expect this play to be popular, both because of its serious nature and of the bank holiday." The last presentation of the play will be tomorrow night in the Labo- ratory Theatre. There will be none today. Very good sales for all of the per- formances for last week were record- ed, Mr. Windt said. ,'Because there is not a strong emo- tional appeal in this play, becausc Hedda is not a very attractive char- acter and because the plot is some- what sinister," Mr. Windt continued, "We had a feeling that the show might not be well received. But many expressions of personal appreciation have come in to us which have been extremely gratifying, as this is un- doubtedly the hardest play that we have ever attempted to put on here." 'ie Calme Seeing' Will Be Presented Tonight "He Came Seeing," a play written by Mary P. Hamlin, who also colabo- rated with George Arliss in writina