THIE MICHIGAN DAILY ;; 3."- II ept Monday. during ,the ession by the Board in dd every morning! exm er of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- d the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASFOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use iblication of all news dispatches credited to it or .erwie credited in this paper and the local news ed herein. All rights of republication of special hes are reserved. ,ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Assint Postmnaster-General. ription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, Dtring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by 4.50. s: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, bor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. sentatives: College Publications Representatives, )East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 a Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 irNG EDITOIZ.............F'RANK~ B. GILB3RETH 1DI.OR .........','....'... KARLSDWFtT S E2DITOR....... ...IN W. THOMAS! V'S EDTO ..... ...MARGARET O'BRtEN ANT WOMEN'S EDITOR..,...MIRIAM CARVER EDITORS Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, W.x rtchard, Joseph A .Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, ley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. S ASSISTANTS: L. Ros Bain, Fred A. Huber, tNewman, Harmon Wolfe. rERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A.- Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Charles 'ornon, Arthur .W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter,j in G. Ferris, Sidney Firankel, John C. Healey, t B. Hewett. George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richard- 3eoire Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stod- White. ra Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor- B. Blum, Ellen Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, te Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi. Marie J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie rn. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 SS MANAGER ................BYRON C. VEDDER C MANAGER. H.RR.....H AR BEGEY PI' BUSIN~88 1VANGL'1..,. . . ,ONNA BECKER TMENT MANACRS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; tising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- oel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- on, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. ANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen.Cleve- Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, : Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, ' spinner, Joseph. Sudow, Robert Ward., eth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Dolris Ly, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc- , Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, yn Stork. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1933, less costly government-the proposed amendment would authorize the electors of any county to frame, adopt, or amend charters that could sub- stantially reorganize and reallocate the forces of local government. It is a bit unfortunate that the measure was incorrectly reported as having been prepared by the Michigan Municipal League. The farmers' lobby at Lansing is inclined to attack League pro- posals, and might conceivably line up their forces against the amendment without studying it enough to see the very real benefits the farmers' would derive from it. But it should not be unduly optimistic to expect that the farmers' lobby will learn, if they have not already learned, who the real authors of the measure are, and what desir- able changes it proposes. In the interests of better and more economical government we hope that the amendment will succeed. Cheek And Double Check.. . NE GOOD TERM deserves another. Shortly after the holiday began, State Street merchants proceeded to show that they were willing to co-operate with temporarily embarrassed students. Credit was extended to al- most everyone, and was applied to articles of mer- chandise which generally are bought for cash as a matter of course. Checks were accepted almost without question, everywhere. Without this co- operation, it would have been extremely difficult for a majority of students to live comfortably, or even, in some cases, to live adequately. , As a result of this wholesale extension of check acceptance, thousands of the vouchers are now on the hands of various merchants, who find them- selves unable to cash them because of new holiday developments. For these dealers to notify their debtors that the checks must be made good would entail great eXxpense. entail great expense. It is highly disadvantageous, both to the dealer's business and to the students' credit, if the checks are left unredeemed in the hands of the payees. It is advised that each student call immediately on those dealers to whom he has issued checks. If payment is impossible, notice to that effect will be greatly appreciated by every merchant. CampusOpinion Letters published i this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. LIFE MEMBER TELLS WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE UNION To The Editor: With reference to your editorial "Non Profit- Yet Highest Price" you state "Something is rad- ically wrong. What is it?" Here is my opinion as a business man with my own business. I have thought of this long before your article-it has popped up before. As I see it, basically the trouble is as follows: The Union has a coupon book. Five dollars and fifty cents supposed to sell for $5. Sometime ago instead of lowering prices they (the Union) made a sweeping reduction of the book to $4.50. This has precipitated a lot of trouble. What should be done is to revise specific prices, i. e., the 45c lunch say to 40c and raise the coupon book back to $5. Then, these glaring anomalies of price will dis- appear-the Union went off the gold standard so to speak. Herein is the- basic trouble with prices at the Union-it is obvious to me-can't you see it also? --A Life Member of the Union and Business Man. DENTON RAISES HIS VOICE ment we have in mind, a practical industrial en- gineer . . . estimated that a saving in. clerical labor representing between $5,000 and $10,000 per annum would be secured by recording all weights and measures in the metric system, eliminating the inconvenient avoirdupois and troy systems, both of which were used in thi special plant. Editor Wade states that wherever the metric units have been introduced in mechanial and electrical industries in the United States no embarrass- ment or difficulty in production has been experi- enced.."Indeed to many engineers who have given thought to the matter the practical efficiency of the use of international metric weights and meas- ures is a single argument sufficient to warrant its adoption." Hydra Metrica, Head No. 5. 'V. W. Denton. MR. WELLS, THE UNINTELLIGENT To The Editor:! The students and townspeople who have at- tended the last two lectures given by the Ora- torical Association should certainly be glad for the enlightening and educating lectures which have been given. Mr. Will Durant spoke quite sincerely about a war between the United States and Japan, which in truth is a bit far fetched. He then spoke of an impending war between the United States and Great Britain. These remarks can only mean in- creased international ill-feeling at a time when above everything else international co-operation an dgood will is necessary to bring peace to a sick world. In addition he made a good many other remarks which can be summed up as meaning "nothing." Enough of Mr. Durant. Tuesday evening Carveth Wells, introduced as Ann Arbor's favorite entertainer, entertained with as unbiased and open minded a lecture as has been heard here for a long time. Mr. Wells re- marked at the outset that he spent the astound- ingly long period of one month in Russia and from this stay he drew his conclusions which were: (1) There is no five year plan, (2) Lenn was a brainless individual, (3) Stalin has caused more human misery than any other man in the world's history, (4) that everything in Russia was "kaput" (busted) or in short that everything Rus- sian was just no account. Mr. Wells would ask me if I were ever in Rus- sia, and upon answering in the negative he would say, "Well then you don't know." It is true; I do not know from actual experience, but I think that one can surely believe something that has been written by such men as George Soule, Maurice Hindus, Sherwood Eddy, Michael Farbman, Knickerbocker and last and most important of all Chamberlain who spent seven years in Russia in the preparation of his book. These are all men who command respect in America as intelligent men, Mr. Wells notwithstanding. Lastly Mr. Wells could not confine himself to the economic element but he had to attack the in- telligence of the Russian people. Surely no one can call a people which has produced the music and literature that Russia has, a "dumb people." In attacking the intelligence of the Russian people I think Mr. Wells showed one thing very clearly, an absence of intelligence in himself. -MartinWagner, '3. STARS*** If yOUr imported dlate . N10 LONGFEI WRITES- If yourt dom-es tic date. WON'T ANSWER THE PHONE I Uft, iif yu' e having ary itroule- BUY 'A and keepthe memory o Soft lights and sweet music -and a real evei CALL 2-1214 r-: and your' picture will be delivered or rig or iikto the. Student Publications Bitdintg I I 'cuts pion is still charging' 45 cents for hair- 'ry other shop in town is charging 35 he Union, a student club, is a non- ganization and exists solely for the Yet the Union will not meet the town [ay Remain ie University. . .; W E CONGRATULATE the Board of Regents. lay, that body met to decide on the fate :udents who had not paid the money. ie "sixty-forty" tuition notes. The ques- without precedent and was not an easy -_ &A STRIPES The situation was this: Nearly 300 students were unable to pay the University 40 per cent of their tuition which they had borrowed from trust funds in September. The University, as required by law, had turned over a full tuition, for each student enrolled, to the state. Under the deferred notes, this tuition was partly paid by the student and partly paid from the trust funds. The Regents decided that they would declare a moratorium on the tuition notes after personal attention had been given to individual cases. The purpose of the personal attention provision was to protect needy students from students who are not needy and yet are not willing to pay. Eventually, the trust funds will be repaid for credits will be held until the notes are met. And in the meantime, 300 students will be getting an education instead of recruiting in the army of the unemployed. The Reed-Bromage Amendment... A CCORDING to a recent bulletin of A , the Michigan Municipal League, Michigan cities are faced with the need for dras- tic curtailment of their budgets. The statement is based on the rock-solid fact that only one out of seventy typical cities surveyed by the League is operating within the limits imposed by the fifteen-mill tax-limitation amendment which was ratified last November. Many persons believe that the amendment is too severe, but no one will disagree that large- scale economy measures are imperative. . We are proud that one of the best economy proposals to date was drafted by members of the University faculty-Professors Thomas H. Reed and Arthur W. Bromage. Their suggestion is. in the form of a constitutional" amendment that would permit county home rule and set up alter- native forms of county government. It was intro- duced in the Senate at Lansing Wednesday by Senator Van Eenenaam. Professors Reed and Bromage offered their amendment as part of a report which they pre- pared at the request of ex-Governor Brucker's commission of inquiry into county, township,.and To" The Editor:I If I raise my voice in favor of the metric system, it is because the issue at stake is much greater, than a mere question of yards or meters: the burning question of our age is whether the unifi- cation of mankind shall be accelerated or retard- ed. Russia has set a good example by abolishing the old-style calendar, while Turkey is introducing Western usages in numerous fields. America and England are part of an international society of nations, nearly all of which have accepted the metric system. It is regrettable that a member of the University speaks disparagingly of South American nations as "banana republics," espe- cially since our Campus welcomes students from these countries and they can teach us many a lesson in progressive legislation; also, that he fails to mention Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Swe- den and other leading nations which constitute fifty-five that have adopted the metric system. One may make light of the fact that the teach- ing of the old illogical weights and measures con- stitutes mental cruelty. The fact is, however, that virtually every educational organization in Amer- ica has urged this metric progress, including the national Parent-Teacher organization. The Gen- eral Conference- of Women's Clubs has also strongly urged general adoption of metric stand- ards. Do we have a community of interest in weights and measures with Great Britain? The fact is that our weights and measures are vastly different from those of the British. Trade with British countries is hampered-not aided-by our having3 units with names similar to theirs but with un- like capacities. Our vast petroleum trade with Britain is in gallons that are not British gallons; our trade in grain is in bushels that are not Brit- ish bushels. We are handicapped in these, as in nearly all other markets, by using old local weights and measures, rather than modern inter- national standards. Doubtless, a change to the metric system would involve some expense. If the National Wholesale Grocers Association, the National Druggists As- sociation, and fifty thousand drug clerks urge the adoption of the metric standards bill they are surely willing to bear the cost of new measuring equipment. At least, the demand for measuring y Karl Sei fert According to a psychologist, "fraternal" twins are those born from two separate germ cells. But wearing the same tuxedo, no doubt. Invitations to a party at the University of Pennsylvania hint at the real reason for the pop-' ularity of the function. They read: "The -party will gin at 10 o'clock." When you came into the room, All manner, grace, and poise, I held my breath-it would be crude To dare to make a noise. We put our cocktail glasses down, "Who's that gorgeous creature?" I looked deep into your soul; You said. "I'm pleased to meetcher." -G. B. S. A Grand Rapids sports item points out that St. Joseph will play SS. Peter and Paul, which hardly seems like good sportsmanship. CLASSIFIED AD: Have small business which can be built up, will swap for small cement mixer with motor, lot on improved street or what have you? Or anything, in fact, that doesn't need build- ing up. DRIVER SUES HIMSELF TO COLLECT FOR ESTATE -Headline Following, it seems, a precedent set by Huey Long, inventor of one-man debates. The mayor's committee in Detroit admits now that some of the 10,000 or so automobile strikers were definitely not Communists. It{ seems they found less than 7,500 copies of "The New Masses" in the crowd. It seems one of the strikers' chief com- plaints is against "dead time." As far as we can find out, that's when you go and hang around the factory wasting your time and not Jxe r IO s r-lActivites -r F IRST MET HOD IST EPISCOPAL WESLEY HALL H ILLEL CHURCH E. W. Blakeman, Director FOUNDATION State and Washington Streets -CorE. Univ. Ave.andioaikiaod 17r, Binard TI1hilr rDirector Minis ters 3:3t 1.M.---COientai-American Group.. Frederick B.1Fisher Subject: "Social u istoms n , , n Peter F. Stair 1)zrz." 6:00 P .M.---Studen Guild. Debate on 11:15 A.M. egular Sunday services 10 45--Morning Worsh'p the subject, "Rlesolved: that the at the Women's League Chapel. "'EST'RANT OR REEASE" Chritianfl Church has been a Lag Rabbi Heller will speak. Subject Dr.stir C ulture." "JUD.AISM iAND 1T1P YMWN OF r. StairE MODERN ERA. 7:30-Evening Worship 0:00 P.-.--Graduate Forum. Gordan Halstead will speak on a "Moral 8:15 P.M. - Student discussion on "HE CAME SEEING" Equivalent for War." Technocracy at the Foundation. A Religious Drama by Mary P Hamlin THE FIRST FIRST BAPTIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHURCHEast HuronVwest of State Huronand Division Streets R. Edward Sayles, Minister rnDO NOT Howard R. Chapman, Unlversley Merle H. Anderson. Minister Pastor Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister NEGLECT 9:30 A.M.-The Church School. Dr. 30A.M.--StudentClassatteLogan, Superintendent. Church House, 1432 Washztenaw UR. Avenue. Y10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship. Mr. 10:45 A.M. - Morning Worship. __ "Sayles will preach on REtLI GIO US "THE FRUITS OF 'A CHISTIAN Dr. Anderson will preach on "The EIFE U Economics of Christ," the final ser- Mon in the series on "Christ andCTIV TI the Mocern Crisis." ACT I ITIES 12:00 M.-The student group meets for forty minutes at. Guild House. j 5:30 P.M. -Social Hour for Young People. 6:00 P.M.-Students at Guild House. 6:30 P.M. -Young People's Meeting. Mr. Chapman will speak on, "The Speaker, Byron Heis on "My Phi Church and Religion." losophy of Life." I I ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) Third and West Lilierty C. A. Brauer. Pastor Sunday, Fc b'ruary 26 9:30 A.M.-Bible School. 9:30 A.M.--Service in German. 10:45 A.M.-service in rnli h. Ser- mon' Topic: "THE G~REATEST IS ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at 5th Ave. E. C. stelborn, pastor 9 A.M.-B.ile School. Lesson Topic: -JESUS' POWER TO HELP" 10:30 A.M-Service with sermon oi: "UNDERSTANDING THE PASSION BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod) South Fourth Avenue Theodore Schmale, Pastor 9:00 AM.--Bible School I I I 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship.