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February 25, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-25

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S.C.A. Announces
March peakers
The Student Chr iian Association
has just announcedl forums sched-
tiled for the month of March, which
includes two local and. two out of the
city speakers.
Frank D. Slutz, trustee of the pub-
lic library in Dayton,'0., will deliver
the address at the forum March 1.
His subject, "A New Citizenship,"
deals with the proposal for the for-
mation of a third party without can-
The following day Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department
will give a talk on "Does Youth Need
a New Culture?" "The World's Fair
and Its Purpose" will be the subject
of a speech on March 16 by Richard
Morison, Architect from Chicago.
The last forum of next month,
which comes on March 23, will be
led by Prof. Howard McClusky of
the department of educational psy-
chology who will speak on "How
much Reform Can Human Nature
Endure?" Gordon B. Galaty, '33,1
chairman of the Discussion Commit-
tee of the Student Christan Asso-
ciation, is in charge of these forums.
HNvr Gs ess
Novy Address
SCI ene Group

Rufus Speaks


Items From Other Can



At Observatory
Professor Talks On 'An
OldKorean Planisphere'
Before Astronomy Group
Prof. W. C. Rufus, of the astron-
omy department, addressed the Ob-
servatory Journal Club recently pn
the subject, "An Old Gorean Plants-
phere." In addition to slides show-
ing old Korean monuments, which
illustrated his description of the
early astronomical records kept by
the people of Korea, he showed an
authentic rubbing of the famous
Korean astronomical stone.
This stone, he said, was first
brought to Korea when ancient China
entered the territory bringing' its
civilization to them. The first ruler
brought this astronomical tablet on
which star maps and tables were
Daring one of the many wars the
tablet was thrown into a river. Rub-
bings were kept, however, and wlhen
a new dynasty came into power, one
of these was presented to the ruler.
He had a new stone made, which
years later wore out. Before it had
completely been defaced a new stone
tablet was made embodying correc-
tions which were found necessary.
These early maps of the heavens
were much revered and used on num-
erous occasions. Plantings and har-
vesting-s of the oeoDle were dependent


n i

BOZEMAN, Mont., Feb. 24.-Un- A
dergraduates of Montana State Col-.
lege speak a new collegiate language li
which sounds like this: p
"Get in gear, you dumbsquawks-
let's amble. The heifers are having
hissies to cruise out to the jig for a
"Okay, okay,,youse blubs. Do me
and the bim have to ride in the
gopher seat of your hack? Oh, well, s
if it's not too cold we can play '
It means this: the first student t
wants to start a party, and adds that
the fair sex are eager to ride to the
dance for an enjoyable evening.
The other student answers: "Very
well, you fellows. Are my girl and I
obliged to ride in the rumble seat of
your automobile? Oh, well, if it's notr
too cold we can enjoyourselves." ,
Some of the other favorite combi-
nations are: "to blank some one ont
the gourd"-hit some one on the
head; "hold your teeth"-calm down;
"banana burnishing" and "apple pol-
ishing"-flattering professors to ob-t
tain good grades, and "How's your
face?" instead of "How are you?"
BERKELEY, Cal., Feb. 24.-Walter
Lippman, noted editor and columnist,
has been selected as Charter Day,
speaker at the University of Cali-3
fornia, according to statements re-;
leased by the California Board off
Regents recently.

Each play of the series presents
some challenge before the public. Sigma Xi Members Hear
There is the challenege to see, to be- Desriptios Of Work In
lieve in human nature, to live abun-
dantly, to suffer, to love, and to serve. Various IDepatinents
A play given every Sunday night em--
bodies one of these in the order The February meeting of Sigma Xi
named. was held Thursday night in the East
To Present Shaw Play Medical Building. Dean Carl G. Hu-
On Feb. 26 will be presented the ber, professor of anatomy, Prof.
dramatic production, "He Came See- Frederick G. Novy, director of the
ing"; March 12, "Friends and Ene- Hygienic Laboratory, and Prof. Rob-
mies of Jesus';; and March 19, "Saint ert Gesell, head of the department
Joan," a story by George Bernard of physiology, each gave informal
Shaw. talks, the member, of the club were
A play by John Massefield, "The conducted through various research
Trial of Jesus," wil be introduced rooms and laboiatodies, where ex-
March 26. April 2 the play "Good hibits were shown them.
Friday," written by Tracy Mygatt, In accordance 44th the action
will be presented, followed on April 9 taken by the chapterat its last meet-
by the last of the series, "The Other ing, the committee reported that
Wise Man," by Henry van Dyke. $250 were pesented to the University
Participants in these productions to be used as a loan fund for grad-
are members of various student uate students. 1
groups and organizations on the
NONTMAN, Okla., Feb. 24.-Wheng
three co-eds graduate from the Uni o
versity of Oklahoma this June, the
school of geology and geological en- 1A Reerds
gineering will be left without a sin-
gle woman major student. This is
the first time in 20 years that this - (Connuecfrom Pae )
has happened. The result will not Buckley Shull, '33, Ann Arbor; Wil-
only 'be a lack of women but Chi fred James Smith, '33, Ann Arbor;
Upsilon, honorary geology society, Louis Wells Staudt, '35, Harvey, Ill.;
Will become extinct. Samuel Stearns, '36, Dorchester,
Mass.; John Gordon Steele, '36 M-
11:00 a, m. Morning Prayer and Ser- neapolis; Josephine Helen Stern,
mon, "What to teach about Prayer" '33,.Detroit.
by The Rev. Henry Lewis. David Wylie. Stewart, '36, Saginaw,
Mich.; Flora Ellen Tilton, '33, Red-
Lutheran. Student Club will leave lands, Calif.; William James Warner,
Sunday afternoon at five o'clock '35, Detroit; Cleo Myrtle Wood, '33,
sharp from the Zion Parish Hall for Grand Rapids.
Ypsilanti. All who have prorised to Part-time students, carrying six
attend, please be there on time. hours or less, also receiving all "A":
Elizabeth Forest Bugher, Ann Arbor;
Congregational Student Fellowship: William Henes Caley, Menominee,
Regular meeting at 6 p. m. Sunday Mich.; Phyllis Jeannette Fuhry, De-
in Church parlors. 20 cent supper. troit;.Marjorie Esther Johnson, Ann
Short program of serious music by Arbor; Winifred Alice Kammerer,
the University Salon Orchestra. Dr. Portland, Ore.; Geraldine Kathryn
Leroy Waterman, Professor of Semi- Kohler, Bluffton, o.; George Edward
tics and Chairman of the Depart- Marin, Manistique, Mich.
mentof Oriental Languages and Lit- Jeannette Murray, Ann Arbor;
erature, will speak on "The High- Martha Rowlett Schmidt, Washing-
lights of the Differences between ton, D. C.; Esther Sherman, Detroit;
Christianity and Mohammedanism." Geneva Smithe, Ann Arbor; Dorothy
Houghton Soule, Ann Arbor; Edith
Baptist Students, Sunday Noon at Lynn Spaulding, Ann Arbor; Esther
Guild House, study group on Mark's Wave Warren, Camden, Ind.; Re-
Gospel. 6:00 p. m. Students' Guild becca Downey White, Ann Arbor.
Meeting. Topic for discussion, The _
Church and Christianity Today. Mr.,1
nChaman and others. Tenator Thomas Walsh,
To Wed Ciiban Widow
St. Paul's Lutheran Student Club:c
Sunday Dr. John H. Muyskens, of the MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 24.-(P)-Sena-
lingiistics department, will speak on tor Thomas J. Walsh of Montana,
the topic; "Changing Views and Edu- 74-year-old veteran of Washington's
cation." Lutheran students a n d congressional halls' few from Miami
friends are cordially invited to at- today for Havana, Where he will be
tend. Social gathering, 5:30 p, m. married to Senora. Nieves Perez
Supper, served by ladies of the con- Chaumont de Truffi, widow of a
gregation, G:00 p. n., for 25 cents. wealthy Havana business. man.
Dr. Muyskens will speak at 6:0. Their honeymoon "will be a trip
I from Havana back ,tp Washington,"
Jewish students are invited to at- I Senator Walsh said before boarding
tend services at the League Chapel, the Caribbean Clipper for the two-
Sunday at 11:15 a. m. Rabbi Ber- hour flight to the Cuban capital. "We
nard Heller of the I illel Founda- will return in a couple of days," he
tion will speak on "Judaism and the added, saying they probably would
Dawn of the Modern Era." arrive here by plane Monday. The
Iwedding will take place at the United
Presbyterian Student A p o i n t- States embassy in Havana.
ments. Sunday:
9:30-Student classes meet at the BORED BY CRICKET
Church House. SYDNEY, Australia.-(MP-Wives of
10:30--Morning Worship, Theme, the American tennis players, Vines,
"Christ and Oar Economic System." Allison and Van Ryn, watched the
5:30-Social Hour and Supper. Englishmen and Australians at play
6:30-.Student Forum, Mr. Byran. in Qhrir national gane-cricket-and
fie will speak on the Subject, -mMy were bored. "Baseball has real thrills
Philosophy of Life." but cricket none," said Mrs. Vines.

I I ,

upon it. WHY, MR. MASEFIELD!
KINGSTON, Ont., Feb. 24.-Johnf
r - .Masefield, B r i t i s h poet-laureate,
Exhibit Books when asked, during his recent lecturer
i at Queen's University, what the titlef
By Wonen In of one of his books of poetry," Odtaa, 'f
Mai__Libr, ary CLASSIFIEDj
Women as Authors, a new display,r
is now on exhibition in the show CTASSIFIF1
cases of the main corridor of the
General Library. A -VERT.
Classics and modern works are in-
cluesin the exhibn thk ae m- Place advertiseinents with Classified
covers Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
poetry, drama and fiction. European The classified columns close at three
and American authors are represent- oclocx previous tocay of insertion. j
ed in both English and foreign lan- extacagers a e eredn atno
guages. Cash. in advance-le per reading rie
figst e(on basis of five average words to
A first edition of Harriet Beecher ie) for one or two insertions.
Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," con- minimum 3 lines per insertion.
the s moste powerf Cnovel ever oc per reading line for three or more
sidered the most powerful novel ever insertions.
written to plead the cause of op- Telephone rate-15c per reading ln.
for one or two insertions.
pressed humanity, is one of the high- 14c per reading line for three or more
lights of the display. Insertions, paid within ten days
Apha Behn, who lived in the 17th from the dlate o last insertion.
Minimum three lines per Inserton.
century, was the first woman to ear'n By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
her living by the pen. Her work month........................e
forms an interesting study because 4 lines daily, ollge yearo..n.t.tis
she wrote to please the court of 4 lines E. O. D., college year.....7c
Charles II. 100 lines used as desired.........9
300 lines used as desied .....c
Another English woman writer of 1000 lines used as desred.........c
note was Margaret, Duchess of New- 2,000 lines used as desire........ c
The above rates are per reading line,
castle, who was the first writer of basd on eight reading lies per inch.
prose fiction in England. She has Ionic type, upper and lower ase. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
definitely gained the aim of her am- letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bition, "To Live By Remembrance in bold face, upper and ower ase.Add
10c per line to above rtes for bold face
After-ages." capital letters.,
One of the first writers for the The above rates are for 7 point type,
rights of women was Mrs. Mary
Wollstonecraft, English revolutionist, SITUATIONS WANTED
who, becoming interested in the
works of Voltaire and Rousseau, WANTED-Any kind of work by ex-
wrote, wrote in behalf of the rights perienced electrician and me-
of women. chanic. Has had commercial
There are a host of others, includ- course, Typing and short-hand
ing Maria Edgeworth, whose repre- writer. Fxperienced in carpenter-
sentation of traits of national char- ing, cooking, painting, waiting.
acter is said to have' influenced Wrtie Box 13, Michigan Daily or
Scott's Waverley novels; Ann Rad- Phone 7444. 326
cliffe, founder of Gothic romance;
Mrs. Lennox, intimate friend of Dr. NOTICE
Johnson; Mary Lamb, brother of FIRST CLASS-Woman cook. Best
Charles Lamb; Louisa May Alcott, of references. Hotels anc fraternity
writer of stories for young people; experience. After March 1st. Write
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, author Box 14A. 303
of "Aurora Leigh" which is often
considered the best novel in verse; HAVE-Your snap shots developed
and the famous author of "Adam at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer-
Bede," Mary Ann Evans. sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
Among the moderns are Vicki tion. 29c
Baum, Katherine Mansfield, Edith
Whar'ton, Rebecca West, Edna Fer- MONEY-You can always use extra
ber, Martha Ostenso, Pearl S. Buck, money! Weupay the highest prices
Dorothy Canfield, and Edna St. Vin- for men's old and new suits and
cent Millay. overcoats. Cash for your old gold.
Chicago Buyers. Phone Ann Arbor,
LONDON.-(9P)-So funny looking FOR RENT
is a well pedigreed colt in a famous ---
Newmarket stable that he has been FOR RENT - Single room, 722
given the name "Grock," after the Church. Phone 6845. 325
famous Belgian clown of that name.
But so much is thought of his possi- THREE-Or four nicely furnished
bilities that he has been entered for housekeeping rooms. Private bath.
the two thousand guineas, the Derby, Reduced prices. South East Sec-
and the St. Leger in 1934. tion. Phone 2-2829. 327

meant, replied, "One Darn Thing
fter Another."
"An American said that it was just
ike life so I called it that," he ex-
BER EtEY, Cal., Feb. 20.- The
University of California is looking for
nen wJthout women. A call was is-
ued recently asking all men who did
not have dates for basketball games
.p sit xn a section together in order
o create a better cheering section.
BOULDER, Colo., Feb. 24. -The
deal co-ed must be able to say good
night graciously, headed the list of
requirenents which a delegation of
six anonymous students drew up at
the University of Colorado. When
their whole list of requirements was
compleed, it read a follows:
She must be able to say good night
graciously; she must be susceptible
to the attention of men; she must
smoke mild, inexpensive cigarettes;
she must abhor alcoholic beverages;
she must detest strong cigars and
pipes; she must not chew tobacco.
-BJIRKELEY, Calif., Feb. ,24.,-Iso-
lation of the engineer at the Uiver-
sity of California, as far as the co-
educational part of the campus goes
is not their fault, they claim. To
eliminate this difficulty an engineers'
"date bureau" has been organized.
So-called "suitable companions"
for the traditional he-men are in de-
mand Co-eds with a yen for engin-
eering might take one turn, at the
fly-wheel of chance.
+INAW-E CO -Ts selling late mod
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001. Open evenings. 19
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
WASHING-And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices, Ph.
3006. Go
TYPING - Typing carefully done.
V e i y moderate rates. 0. K.
Thacher. Phone 6734. l1c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
A. man of 29 who spent all his
time in bed and would not get up
even to draw the dole was sent to
prison at Liverpool, England, for ne-
glecting to maintain his family.
Sunday Matinee and Night 25c
Daily Matinee 20c
- "KONGO '
" If I Hd Milli
With 15 STARS

as the czar of industry hn
a damita - glenda farrell
harry langdon conedy
"betty hoop for
paramount news

l-NlclK i bS°1'T' 1';1 2 kDRAMA Iii



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