Tl.HE IIC HIGC'AN DAILY .. . CAMPUStft '1A SOC! ' "Victo rian Trends In Moderi St-Vles Seen in1 Ply Cost[ E {I 1.D-cssiis ForSireed r 7{1 I Sp ring rb(lVii niees ScbeujedF o Social Program YIra ern i isSororities rio With D~inners Awl Teas Fr~atrnities and sororities will be busy during the week-end with sev- eral dances, both formal arcd inf or- maln. Sororities %will also continue their rushing dinners and teas for ahlumnae anid guests. TAUT DELTA P1JI The pledges of Tau Delta Phi vwill honor the active nmmbers of the fira ternity with a forma~l dance tonight. Mutiic will be provided for the affair by Blue McAllisters. Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Sachs and lair and M/rs. Samuel Paul will chazperon, the dance. Additonal guests are to be: air. MV. R. McGarvey and Mr's. Mc1~arvey; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ben- yas, Detroit; ITr. Jack Eliasohn. Lud- ington; MVr. A. Herbert Eiges III, De- troit; Jean Dujardin, Grad.; Han- nah Fein, Detroit; Julia Forman, De-f troit;~ Lola Weinberg, Detroit; Ger- trude Friedman, Ypsilanti; Zona K~eyes, Windsor, Ont.; L.ucy Guest, Cleveland, Ohio; Ruth Satin, Chi- cago; Dorothy Steinberg, '36; Blanche Goldstone, '36; Nadene Lewis, '33; Hanna Kaplan, '34; Sey- ri Schoen, '36; Janet. Nieman, '36; Emily Luxemberg, '34; Rosalind Greenberg, '35; Florence Kemp, '36; Phyllis Stewart, '36; Marian Atrani, '33; Harriet Jacob, '36; Edith Gold. f '36; Florence Travis, '35; Ruth Hlur- witz, '34; Fay Lorry, '36; Jane Ha- be,'36; and Edith Bergman, '34. Novel IProgam I1s Fe atr At Catholic ixer1! 11 PrStudent Alffair Men-fbers of the St. Mary's Stun dent Chapel plan af mixer from 3j until 5 p. m. Saturday.I Besides the regular dance pro-I gram, several specialty numbers by{ the students will be feat Iused. Mary J,,ne, Busch, '34, will give musical comedy dances. Frances Johnson, '33, who sazng at thI at ,Imier, will sing seve :l nu.mbers and Marie Reid, '35, will do a nove-lty tap) number. -Walter B. Allen, '33, and Mary Paul, '35, both Newman Club offi- cers, are in charge of the dance. They wtill be assisted bay: marry L. Merd-, zisk~i, 134L, Anthony F. Klute, Jr.,I ' - E, Leon L. Gordon, 34, Charles J. DePutron, '34, David A. Mutchler, j y CAROL, J, IIANAN the use of lace were all in vogue tbh No Wec'ililustration could be as now. madec of the tr endt in fashion today The pale yellow silk gown Wo tow ard the f vbelows. of the Victorian b iinChni h is c periods than con. rasr, of the gowns! the same fitted lines.. the bro worn in play Produtction's presenta- tion of "Hedda QGabler" to the pres-! shoulder effect, and the square nec ent mode, l'ine that are so much in favor nc "Ph, 0_.Pf ll full ~vcst:jil Translatecd into modern terms the square anci hgh necklines, and Chartered-Bus Available For Performane 'Emily White, of Ihe physical edlu- caition diepar'tment, annountced today that plans are being made to charter a bus to attend the Detroit performi- ance of Mart ha Graham, at t he Baon- stelle Theatre at 3:15 Sunday. The bus will leave the League at 1:30 a nd return by 6:30. Miss White went on to say that with the interest shown in Miss Gra- ham's recitals in Ann Arbor there will probably be many interested in making the trip, and reservations w old nmake a lovely dinnler-tea gown. M ~ iss Cohien's frock in the second act was a copey of a gown wvorn by Lynn Fotntaine. I was composed of (dark green crepe with fitted bodice and, hi;" lin,a zlong trailing skirt with the fullnes s all in the back and huge pc uffed brocade d sleeves that tighten at the elbow to the. wrist. For a be autiful andi very modern dinner gow.n or, ironically enough, many of thfe ew so-clled "speakleasy dresses" are beingi made along These lines, the only mdfcto neces sary would be in the simple ma (tter of length. The black Otffieta frock worn in the last act is inic'ative of the present flare for taffeta. Thle short pan-cak~e puffed sleeves of the dress are the type being shown on the newest spring forma ls and while modern de- signers have not quite convinced us of the need for bustles, at least they hay. qu. ifled thc original idea with bringing all the fullness of the dress to the back. Spring street dresses, seen at a New York fashion show, jacket on the mnodel at the left'is much in vogue this -year, befla to -uatch, shown at the right, constitute the chic rainy -Associct e Press Photo feature checks and capes. ,The double breasted and the reversible checked cotton cape and umn- day ensemble._ __ _ . v .,. ...,..,.e,... ... WhitwortliAndg M5'Clelland Vows SSaid Recently, Prof. Philip L. Schenk of the Eng.. lish department was a dinner guest Susan>< Shorts, E. . Ryani at the Trigon house last night.,rcMarid nxriat U'H1A EPSILON PU! r ared I rvt Alpha Esilon Phi will entertain Cre ny nSgia eight guests at a rushing dinner to-___ ni~t, he arriage of Lucille French . G~AMfMA PHTI BETA Mc~lelland, '32, to Robert FrederickI ~The' Gamma Phi Beta alumni of Whitworth, '29, took place at the Detrit nd nn rborareentr-lome of the bride's parents in Detroit' taining the Ann Arbor mothers and Wednesday. The ceremony was per- (;he active chapter with a tea Satur- formed by the bride's* grandfather,Ic day. Mrs. J. S. Breakey, Mrs. Dean the Rev. W. P. French, with her sis- W. Myers, Miss Rose Anderson, Miss ter, Carol McClelland, as maid of Grace Anderson will pour. Decora- honor. Richard K. Amlerson, of Lans- tions will include spring flowers and ing, assisted the groom as best man. creamn-colored tapers. FolwnCh eeoya h ALP'IIA OMICRON P> dome a wedding breakfast was served Six guests are to be entertained Ito the guests, many of whom were Monday night at a rushing dinner from out of the city. at the Alpha Omicron Pi house. Ivory Miss .McClelland was a member ofr tapers and spring flowers will deco- Alpha Phi sorority while on campus rate the tables. and her husband was' a member of!c Cki OMEGA Phi Delta Theta fraternrity. Spring flowers, blue tapers, andI An other marriage whh .took place a lace table cover were the attr active recently was that of Susan Shorts decorations at a rushing dinner given 'and Edmond Colbert Ryan, '32. The last night at the Chi Omega house! ceremony took place Saturday at the for fourteen guests. Mildred Todd,I bride's h1ome in Saginaw. Only mem- 1 '32, who is now playing at the Civic bers of the family 'were present. theatre in Detroit, was also a guest The bride is a formoer" member of of the sorority.I Alpha Phi sorority and was a student. DELTA DELTA DELTA last year in the music school. She Delta Delta Deity is giving an in- is the daughter of Regent R. Perry forma.l house dance from 9:30 to 1 Shorts. Friday, F'eb. 24. The music will beJ Mr. PRyan was a member of Alpha supplied by Pete Blornquist's orches- IDlta Phi fraternlity, M~ichigamua tra. Paula Fales. '33, who is in charge and the Sphinx~. He. was captain of p of the decorations, is carryinlg out the Varsity tennis team last year. t the unique idea of covering the walls of the rooms in which there will be dancing wth caricatures of comic- iD, nce To Be Held ByI strip characters cut from newspaper's Gaii" 1 1IC t iidcii Is Here and colored. The chaperon es for the danice will! The next in a series of gradua te be Mr. and Mrs. Georgte E. Lewis, Mr. s ticent dan) ces is scheduled for 9 toI and Mrs. Wa lter Reichert, and Mrs.' 12 p.n. on Satur'day, Feb. 25, ac- F Thomas Anders on, Delta Delta Delta cording- to Miss Jeanette(;oPerry, as-I ho~ s -t o h .M r a e e n B o va i tI d i f v' m l 11 a a u it 33E, is inl charge of the dance. advi. or . As w as done ini the case of - -it e f r n z ii °. h s a f i s t "i tSm ke 1el be held in) the Women's; Athletic First ' ino cr .I- Cld Buildinzg. The. admission charge is f By P a' _ -q-p Psi 30 cents per person.!r B A ph K r Miss Marie D. .Hartwig, of the _____-~ physical education decpartment, andc First of a series of smokers plan- Gordon L., Jensen, of the engineer-z ned for thec next few months by Al- inlg colleg'e, will be in charge of the1 pha Kappa Psi, professional busi- ; alfair. nress administr ation fraternity, was _ --_________________ that held from 8i until !I p. n1. Tues- day at the chaptc3r housw- ot1325' i~tbc Ictr It)Asist. Wqtishtenaw. The affair was, attendedT * by 40 facuilty memb11a ead students , i Aaucroir 1o of the' businecss admlinistraition school, WNith t he comningof Miss~ Franices A hi; blight of the eelnng As the I Mainche(skier to assist in the League. diicsifi'oln of;['osp~1ial Ma 'agemeut hosierly shp, n e1 w'A lei":1~slnship Un Aconig (~ I :u ct d 1by nrirthodls 7are bei ingitroduced ianId George'P. Buckley, '26, ollice maz~n- neexv imlpetus has bccen given to s les, ager, Of ithe Univrclsity IHospital. M'iss Manc{hester is from Mack anld This tieries of smokers has been Co., and, besides assisting in the planneidc by Alpha Kappa Psi as a shop, will instruct the women work- group of professional progrlams to in- for honlor points in the art of prov;ide for- the students and f'aculty slsaihp a discusision of lbus ine'ss views on subi- 'The shop10 has ,.1a,dedblouses to its jects oi Professional and Political inl- s ocl: which_ formerly included hos- D~rnioryWoenSpeilLounges LeveFoJ~oidy~Available For A number of Mosher-Jordan worn- J en deft Ann Arbor over Washington's Union,~ n e birthday. From Mosher Louise Krause, '35, went to Chicago; Jean} Hammer, . '36, to Detroit; Dorothy Special lounges for organizations Hall, '35. 'to Highland Park; andI attending one of the regular Union Harriet Fishmnan., '35, to Detroit. membership dances will be provided F'rom Jordan Janice Rice, '35, and on the third floor of the building~ F'lorence Harper, '36, to Detroit; Ada beginning with March 10, John W. Roach, '33, Ruth Collins, '33, and' Lederle, '33, Union president, an- Helen Jacobs, '34, to Newport. I nounced yesterday. A 'special dinner was held at the Any fraternity, student organiza- dormitoxy for residents and their Lion, or group of independents who guests. The decorations as well as the can guarantee ten tickets for the courses were carried out in a pa- evening will be furnished with one tniotic color scheme. of the rooms as a private lounge for Mrs. Shirley W. Smith and Mrs. their party. This plan is considerably Charles 13, Vibbert assisted by Dor- more economical than having a pri- othy Birdzell;, assistant; director of vate party and paying for the or- xodnBl ordysedya h chestra, Lederle pointed out, but pro- wueekly Mosher-Jordan,,, tea held in vizdes the some congenial atmosphere. Mosher hall. Entertainment was fur- Comfortable chairs and divans will, nished by the Freshman Girls' Glee be provided in the rooms and the Club under the direction of Gwen- service will be provided from the dolyn Zoller, '32SM. fountain at no more than the cost of Edna Henley, '33, was in charge of the order. It is expected that the arranigements for the tea, while Vir- room openin g off the balcony with ginia Smith, '36, Katherine Yates, windows onto the ballroom will be inI '35, Yvonne WAatson. '35, Virginia great demnand, he said. Several fra-R Meyers, -'36, and Clarabelle Neu- ternities have already signed up for becker, '36, assisted her in serving, the. first few nights, Lederle stated. .Ble hacithsandblue taper-s4 It was also announiced by Lederle wue hydeain sd. tat Helen "Ta]l" Tal )o, the blues werethe ecortion use. snger, who has been featured on re- centUnion dance programs, .has spe- ;,, I cially prepared a newv group of. num- I '~I~#I 1.1 YJYJ Ibers for this week-end. motion Piottures: Michigan1, "The .l Match 'King",Majestic, -Hrtg f AR O NH N t he Desert" Wuerth. "Stret fof !oE-OIAiN "34, MaL~rie E. Heid, '35, Marion E. r.ay lbe made by calling 4121, exten- Foley ,UIIJE. Edna L. Henley, '33, and 71 Miss Ettsch. soMiss graham received the Guggen- -- helm prize for th.e most outstanding' CUiLDRnEN'S PLZAYS GIVEN work l- ast ycar and she is considered Two children's plays entitled "Six to have the most. completely unique, Who Pass While the Lentil's Boil," and original type of movement used and "Six David Wears a Crown," are in the dance world today. to be given at 10 a. in. Saturday inI "She is one of the fewr people inter- thte Lydia Miendelssohn theatre by es-ed in the dance as a. serious art, the memxbers of Zda Phi Eta, wo- not as a form of entertainment, mnen's spech':s( Ciety i. Thephtys "ae 1i} iss Whi tEe oncluded, and her d cane- bel ig_ d. irated by Eleano GiCCll Inor, I"ghs rqetybeen om27pared t o '3;3. Anyone 7ne'se s invited .to Iulr-oenpitg for se^, use's attend. siiaprnpl. Flowers.,,are iacessary atl''the present Ii', s teyber ifcee.fl ressg Take F;LOWERS B:iNG-CHEER FLOWERS,.l#FLOWE rRS, FLOWERS Flowers delivered to all parts-of the world at 'Short notice bay' r. If tim-e is allowed no extracharge is made and you r rma y send your own card, "Time, Out!" BETWEEN classes or late t nihtiere's 1nothiil ; like a bowl of Kellogg's ]Rice K ispies to pack you up. They'Ire so crisp - ac- l ually crackle in milk or cream. And they satisfy hunger without taxing the systenM. fade by Kellogg in, Battle Creek., Listen! Memnbe'r of thje FLQRTST'S TELEGRAPH ASSOCIATIQN THE UNIVERSITY FLOWlVER SHOP, INC. Phone c 90'55 606 East Liberty St.' They Grow Their Own" 4 'I __ ) men." Plays: "Hedda Gabler," 8:30 p. in.,, Labora-tory Theatre. At hleticE Ivents: Hockcey,,Michigan1 vs. Illinesoaa 8 p.mi., Arena. F'Nx iWit: Student art exencl u H-ostess Roomz. League; Persian ar- al Library; Leat~her book Jbidinlgs, Willian) Clenwnts Libi lly, Dances: Tea dancing, 3 to 5 p. in., League grill. Informal dancing, 9 p. mn., League ballroom; Informal dznc- ing, 9 p. in., Union ballroom; Formal dance, closed, Alpha Xi Delta; For- mal dance, closed, Delta Gamma; Formal dance, closed, Taus Delta Phi. ITI LEAGUE I-c ASensati VL AV Mir B 0- TE 0 whidi WCI,-C "out of stock" 1last week can n~ow bc had, WA..H.R UNIVERSITY 'l alE V Pi1lES RICE RIIS S 'J. pnvl 1 r eeacl fe 3 16 State Street 1 HE !on al New S tock fin R '+ ''; ' 2 . ;fib ; 7 ' ' , !'3 J OWN . - ~' w e V. cAm. AVS HOSIERY 7-77 77- I .erest. jery, ling