THE MICHIGAN DAILY N DAILY NI~ °I "-, _Y .i Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Mmber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Assoclated Press is exclusively entitled to the usel for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved.. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscriptionduring summer by carrier, $1.00. by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier. $4.00: by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbcr, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. - Representatives: College Publications Representativei, inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street Boston: 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago EDITORIAL STAFF 'telephone 4925 MfANAGING EDITOR............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR.............. . .KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR ...................JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR......MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS. Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf: Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ros. Bain, Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe. REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, Jaynes L. Bauchat, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richard- son, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stod- dard White. Barbara .Bates, Marjorie E..Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen, Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- son, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie Western. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ...............BYRON 0. VEDDFE CREDIT MANAGER ....................HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .....DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising; Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv ice, Noel Turner; Accounts. Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: JaclC Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuust, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward: Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beula Chapman. Gimmy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc- Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. States destroy one another, would again be undis- puted mistress of the sea, and see her colonizing power accordingly re-expanded. "I think that if you remember the attitude of England in the past year," said.Mr. Durant, "it will be evident that she has been following such a -policy.".The chief feature of this policy, Mr. Durant said, was to remain on the best possible terms with Japan, primarily by refusing to co- operate with the U. S. Stimson Ioctrine of non- recognition of Manchukuo. Mr. Durant's picture fit together as smoothly as a jig-saw puzzle. The audience rewarded him for his exposition with resounding applause. But last week the British delegate to the League of Nations committee of 19 declared that "the non-recognition of Manchukuo is essential." Eng- land's 'leniency to Japan has turned out to have been due to soon-ending patience, and not to the sinister design imputed by Mr. Durant. So the soundness of last month's prophecy collapses like a house of cards. =And the discredit of Mr. Durant's logic is fur- ther contributed to by the consensus of current editorial opinion, which is that England's gesture was made, not from a policy of non-co-operation with this country, but for precisely the opposite reason-because President-Elect Roosevelt has an- nounced that he will continue to follow the Stim- son Doctrine. Perhaps this tendency of Mr. Durant to indulge in the far-fetched explains why most members of the philosophy department smile "hen anyone mentions "The Story of Philosophy." Editorial Comment No Stars Screein Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MAJESTIC "HERITAGE OF THE DESERT" OLD-TIME WESTERN FROM THE NOVEL BY ZANE GREY READ THE MICHIGAN DAILY WANT ADS Jack .,.................. Randolph Scott Judy ...................Sally Blane Adam Nabb ........ J. Farrell McDonald Snap .................Gordon Westcott Holderness .............. David Landau Windy. ... ........Vincent Barnett "Heritage of the Desert" is a horse opera adapt- ed from the-}Zane Grey novel -of the- same name. Not so long ago a radio comedian said "He's the kind of guy you'd use for a blueprint. if you wanted to manufacture idiots." Similarly, "Heri- tage of the Desert" would make an excellent blue- print for the manufacture of westerns. It has every characteristic of the dramas which some years ago inspired boys of from ten to four- teen years to stand outside moving picture houses and argue with absolute sincerity the relative las- so-throwing ability of Hoot Gibson, Tom Mix, and Buddy Roosevelt. There are not one, but two, vil- lains; a pretty heroine; a bluff old father; a lean, tanned, gray-eyed hero; many horse thieves; a comedian; and of course, a -land dispute. The denotation "no stars" is not meant to in- dicate that there is no merit whatsoever in the show concerned. "No stars" means you can easily find more profitable entertainment. If "Heritage of the Desert'" is viewed purely as a western, fa- vorable comparison with its brother pictures, which are legion; is possible. But in an age which has repudiated the western 100 per cent except as a children's Saturday morning show, it exacts real resolution to watch a feature-length movie of this type. Briefly: Young, pretty Judy is loved by Snap, black-sheep son of Adam Nabb, whose strategi- cally located claim is sought after, honestly at first, then crookedly by villain Holderness. An eastern surveyor, Jack, is waylaid by Holderness' men before he- reaches the Nabb- establishment. He suspects things. Who wouldn't suspect David Landau. of something? There are, two or three plots to undermine Nabb, an almost-wedding, gun-play, a bear's attack on a herd of sheep, and then the inevitable showdown with the "good guys beating up 'on the bad guys" as it used to be put. And Jack marries Judy-he wasn't badly hurt after all. Added attractions: Novelty-good; Hearst Metrotone news; Mickey Mouse cartoon-excel- lent.. -G. M. W. Jr. WE THANK YOU So great has been the appreciation expressed by Students and Townspeople for our co-operation in lowering barbering prices that we feel our action has been entirely justified. However, we wish it understood that there has been no reduc- tion in the quality of our work - it's still the best. Our New Price on HAIRCUTS Men and Wom en, Children.. . . .35c Keep Well Groomed at the GROOM-WELL BARBERS 615 East Liberty (Near Michigan Theatre) 812 South State (Near Packard) TYP E WRI T ERS8 e- r a dSold IRe -te4 Fc.Yanged.Ilepai e( Large choice stock.Masy +ei~s, 0*Df. o0RRILL 334S* toSt.7m rbr. Have You Heard About Foo- Foo? 1 EQUIPPING YOURSELF WITH A WORKABLE PHILOSOPHY- Freshmen and many other students who have given little thought to forming a philosophy of life received some valuable information from Dr.{ D. S. -Robinson who spoke on "Building a Philo- sophy of Life" at convocation Wednesday. Prof. Robinson pointed out that upon entering college a student is confronted with three courses, one of which he must take. The first path is one of complete indifference .to the influence of the new environment. The second course is one of abandoning the old principles and ideals and un- resistingly adopting all the newly proferred ones. The third way is one of clinging to many of his original principles and modifying them according to new circumstances. The latter idea of steering down the "middle of the road" is advocated widely and has been adopted by most broadminded individuals. It is easy to find examples of rock-ribbed conservatives who cling tenaciously to dogmatic beliefs im- pressed upon them in childhood. On the other hand, it is not difficult to point out gullible stu- dents whose philosophy has been so plastic that after a few months at college or away from home they undergo a complete revolution. The. world changes -constantly and we should mould ourselves to allow for evolution. Now is the time to take stock of our equipment, throw away the dogmatic and after deep consideration, adopt worthwhile modifications. One of the purposes of education is to enable students to think clearly and co-ordinately. To do that we must have open minds to consider all things fairly. -Indiana Daily Student. The Theatre 2/ The desk-sergeant The moment a crime is reported to hecadquarters, the desk-sergeant reaches for his Radio Telephone ... puts clearly spoken instructions "on the air." Instantly radio- equipped police cars start racing to the scee . . .crn- inals are often caught in the act! In tweny-sevdn cites, Western Electric Police Radio Telephone is speeding-up the war on crime, making get-a-ways harder. Producing new kinds of sound transmission apparatus to meet new needs is an interesting outgrowth of Western Electri:'s 50 years of experience in manufacturing telephone equipment. Westerrchsertrio Manufacturers . . . Purchasers . . . Distributors He'd never been around . . until he got lost .. and he'd never have come home S. except for Daily Classifieds. Watch for the story of Foo-Foo. Michigan Daily classifieds will find your lost dog, or notebook, watch, too.. CALL AL the AdWTaker at THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1933 Union Haircuts The Union is still charging 45 cents for hair- cuts. Every other shop'in town is, charging 35- cents.. The Union, a student club, is a non- profit organization and exists solely for the students. Yet the Union will not meet the town rate. Ann Arbor's Water Supply Dilemma. . TARE ANY ordinary group of' Ann .1Arbor citizens, Say they are stand- ing on the corner, lazily discussing the weather, the bank holiday, Prohibition repeal. Suddenly a demon appears out of the air and whispers one magic word, "water," into each conversationalist's ear. There is an immediate, startling transforma- tion. Everyone starts yelling facts, figures, theor- ies, arguments, insinuations, a whole mass of verbiage, and no one will listen to anyone else. If one wants to start a fight in Ann Arbor simply mention the word, "water." Things are bound to happen. The Michigan student's position on this is simple enough: he- doesn't like the water. It is much too hard. It has a disagreeable taste and often a disagreeable odor. It cakes upon the skin after one takes a bath. The student wants to see some change made, either by installing a water soften- ing plant and pumping the present well supply to that plant, or by taking water from the Huron River and ridding it of impurities by a filtration process. The Board of Water commissioners has ex- pressed itself in favor of the latter proposal, but Ann Arbor taxpayers have protested against the' cost of constructing such a filtration plant. The Board replies that most of the money can be bor- rowed from the R. F. C., and the additional costs can be carried by the Water Department's present revenue, without an increase in taxes. The taxpayers respond that it will be necessary to pay the money some day and that this burden will fall upon them. There cannot be much questioning of the tax- payer's position. If a filtration plant is going to be built it is going to cost something, and the. citizens, who will benefit from the plant will have .to pay for it. But it is equally true that a water softening plant will cost money; that, in short, if we are ever going to get decent water in Ann Arbor the citizens are going to stand the bill. Finally, the citizens are paying for bad water. The toll annually taken on plumbing by hard water, plus the cost of operating private water softeners, is no small sum. This expenditure will exist so long as the city continues with its present water arrangement. Thus it would appear that the costs are fairly even whatever happens. It would seem, therefore, that the advantages to be derived from a decent permanent water supply should lead the citizens, as they led the Board of Water Commissioners, after an exhaustive study of the problem, to a filtration plant at the Huron river. STARS ,._.. & STRIPES VIVIAN COHEN'S HEDDA-GABLER By GEORGE SPELVIN 'Play Production opened "Hedda Gabler" aus- piciously last night. For if nothing else--and we- certainly did not say that there is nothing else- last night's performance of the Ibsen classic dis- closed two facts. First, it proved that Edward Freed can be and is the most promising character actor on campus today; second, it showed that Vivian Cohen has a remarkable insight and in- telligence in playing intricate tragic parts. Hedda last night was powerful, menacing, frus- trated, and it was Miss Cohen that made her so, in spite of the fact that through over-inten- sity and over-ambition she at times threatened her own purpose. For Vivian Cohen's acting is a curious mixture of almost startling brilliance and unfortunate overplaying. In her best moments she held the stage un- questionably. A remarkable stage presence coupled with the ability to be significant every moment she was on the stage served their purpose well and makes the mention of her weaknesses almost unkind. But they are weaknesses, traceable generally to the very potency that gave her what was un- doubtedly a success. Her voice, in general power- ful and imbued with the quality of unusual ver- satility, at times carried her beyond her goal. She cooed just a little too much; wailed once or twice when wailing was not in order; sneered when she need only have spoken. Her other weakness is also merely an outgrowth of a strength-her gestures. They were either exellent or bad, and, happily, far more. often the former. Her grace in moving on the. stage at times approached the point where it might best be described as floating. Mr. Freed, for his part, was considerably more consistent, more completely the character than any of the rest of the cast. He gave George Tes- man a simpering, indulgent loathsomeness that speaks well for Mr. Windt's direction. Although at times hampered by voice, through his work he was without question the maladjusted, unseeing scientist of the play. Mary Pray, as Mrs. Elvsted, was charming and alert, though mightily overshadowed by Miss Co- hen, while ;James Doll created a distinguished Judge Brack. By Karl Seiff ert- sw FAILURE! A burst of -inspiration hit me late last night. I thought by careful figuring I might Succeed in doping out a verse Unusual, peculiar, terse, And pointedly bizarre, In fact triangular In contour, but I hit a rut. It seems My dreams Were not So hot- I thought I'd ought To fit Some wit Into A few Absurd Last words, But I'd Have died If I Had tried To keep Inside. Instead You see Conclusively I've let It get Away And go Amiss Like this. 0 TEMPORA, 0 MORES Dear Editor: Reverberations of 19th century boys' school tactics have recently echoed forth from the sedate cloisters of one of our ne plus ultras. Following the much-too-hastily-hushed-up dissatisfaction occasioned by the deluge of re- quests from students desiring to be relieved from rooming contracts, comes a choice bit; in fact a possible raison d'etre: maids and janitors have orders to snoop and pry into hidden corners for reminiscences of visits from John Barleycorn. Evidently the zeal with which the august learned coerce the student's mental activity has not escaped his own private affairs. What fodder for revolution! Small wonder that such conduct creates the very creatures whose mother could scarce intend should be borne. The elder replies, "This is my house and by God you do what I say or get out." But where is the alternative? It might not be out of order to remark that the rub is that they can't get out. -Indignant. Quite so, Indignant, quite so. SINCE 1;882 FOR THE BELL SYSTEM I sN"T TH15 THE M 05 STATEm U RTANT EVER' MADE IN A >1GARETTE ADVJERTISEMENT? IT IA FACT, well known by leaf tobacco ex- ports, that Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular