THE MICHIGAN DAILY vDAILY -Atj : '-7 / -, Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of Epecial dispatches are reserved.. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postrpaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school y-lar by carrier, $4.00; by mall, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representat.ves: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc.. 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..............C. HART SCHAAF CITY EDITOR.....................BRACKLEY SHAW SPORTS EDITOR ........... .....ALBERT H. NEWMAN WOMEN'S EDITOR....... .......CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George Van Vleck, Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Marjorie Western. REPORTERS: Caspar S. Early, Thomas Grochn, Robert p. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Manuel Levin, Irving F. Levitt, David G. Macdonald, S. Proctor McGeachy, John O'Connell, George I. Quimby, Floyd Rabe, Mitchell Raskin, Richard Rome, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D. Silverman, L. Wilson Trimmer, William F. Weeks. Marjorie Beck, Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies, Jean Htn- mer, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson, Hilda Laine, Kathleen Maclntyre, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Mary O'Neill, Jane Schneider, Ruth Sonianstine, Margaret Spencer BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER............. BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER ................HARRY R. BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......Donna C. Becker DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, W. Grafton Sharp Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, 'Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick; Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skinner, Robert Ward, Meigs W. Bartmess, William B. Caplan, Willard Cohodas, R. C. Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert Gregory, Milton Kramer John Marks, John I. Mason, John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal, Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Williams. Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See- fried, Virginia McComb; Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman, Liilain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose. SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1933 turpitude or to exhume the remains of an un-- fortunate incident in the annals of college jour- nals. We wish merely to help recall to the public that it may mistakenly accept a warped state- ment from a former editor as the gospel of Amer- ican collegiate journalism; we wish merely to sug- gest to the public that which we have suggested before: that Harris is capitalizing on his notoriety and seeking to squeeze from it every drop of pub- licity-pleasure and every cent before that no- toriety fades and his name is forgotten; and we wish to ask Mr. Harris whether, in his anxiety to bite the hand that once fed him, he is not over- ;tepping his bounds and basing his argument on a premise which is, to us at least, obviously false. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. ROOSEVELT AND HITLER To The Editor: It certainly was an unpleasant shock to me to read your editorial entitled "Roosevelt and Hit- ler." It would seem much more at home printed in one of Germany's Nazi-dominated papers than in a dispassionate, impartial American press., The editorial states, " . . . it now appears that most Jews were persecuted principally because of their Bolshevistic sympathies." Was the boycott of Jewish stores, including the great department stores, a boycott of Communistic enterprises? Was the order forbidding all Jewish children from kindergarten up the right to attend school justified as a defense against incipient Commu- nists? (Later this order was recalled due to the intervention of a horrified German clergy.) Is the system which removes all Jews from the government service, and from professorships; which kicks Jewish doctors out of hospitals, and drives lawyers from the courts, devised as a de- fense against the Communists? Was the law forbidding Jews the right to have their meat slaughtered according to Jewish ritual and which also banned the import of Kosher meat from abroad necessary because there is something about the taste of Kosher beef which makes men Communists? The Daily says, "How much of the blame for the Nazi action in this respect (persecution of the Jews) must be placed upon the chancellor one cannot say." Yet all of these orders mentioned above were issued by the Nazi government, and not by "a certain hoodlum element." One of the main planks in the platform of the Nazi party, as printed in its campaign literature, is defi- nitely Anti-Semitic. Does the editor honestly believe that Hitler, known by the world 'to be a wolf, has changed overnight into a philanthropic sheep-just be- cause of his last speech delivered, not to the im- passioned German people, but to a sane world awaiting his answer to Roosevelt's challenge? The American press and world press were uni- formly astounded by the great change that speech manifested from his usual tirade. In all of his previous orations, made for German and not world consumption, his theme has been out and out un- disguised anti-Semitism. In the face of these facts-while a horrified world press condemns the action of Hitler-while such great papers as the New York Times and Manchester Guardian stand aghast at his rank prejudice-the editor of The Michigan Daily com- placently not only condones his actions, but ac- tually compares Hitler to Roosevelt. Even the staunchest Republican would not make such an attack upon our President. '35 & '33L. STUDENT COUNCIL OR FASCIST CABINET To The Editor: The members of the retiring Student Council were men enough not to be bamboozled by the Michigan Daily into abdicating right in the middle of their term of office. The majority of them had enough sense of justice to vote down the Daily's ex-officio plan, although they were themselves members of the favored and closed so- cieties into whose hands the council would be placed. rThe administration, however, without consult- ing the student-body, chose a committee of stu- dents, who, if they made any decisions at all, lacked that sense of justice. Or perhaps they were told what to do. In any case, they have pre- sented us with a government of, by, and for the 'elite'-that is, a Fascist government. And we, the rabble, have not even the chance to vote it down-this gift from the powers above us. There is no more student government; the misleading name, Student Council, should not be allowed to the new 'Cabinet of Closed Corporations.' If we have to have an ex-officio assembly, at least can it not be drawn from a representative group of organizations? The Cosmopolitan Club is an important campus group: The Council of Religion, the Neuman Club, the Hillel Foundation, the S.C.A. and the Protestant Church groups are, every one of them, more serious and more repre- sentative of the student body than the closed, secret, big-athlete, play-boy clubs which are now to 'represent' us. What about the Socialist Club, the National Student League, and the Co-op- eratives; these are the most civic-minded and en- terprising groups on the campus. Scabbard and Blade represents a point of view which should be represented. They have given us the worst imaginable ex- officio set-up. This was said of the original Daily plan, because members of Michigamua, Druids, Sphinx, Triangles, Mortarboard, Senior Society and Wyvern do not represent anybody except themselves. But the Dean's committee has out- done the Daily, it has given Triangles, Sphinx, and Wyvern two seats each! The other societies-the Union, League, Daily, Interfraternity Council, Pan-Hell and Tau Beta Pi-are more nearly representative, but with the exception of Tau Beta Pi, they represent only one- third of the campus-the fraternity-sorority A representative of the Michigan Socialist Club approached the chairman of the Dean's Commit- tee, inquiring if there would be a hearing where students could present proposals for a real council. He was told that a hearing would be announced later, but none was. The Socialists maintain that an ex-offico plan is wrong in theory, even if it draws from a proper list of societies. We are anxious to submit a plan for proportional representation, which is designed to secure every group with enough interest to vote, its exact share of representatives on the council. Proportional representation is the only scheme yet devised to assure truly representative assemblies. While the public of this country is not yet aware of the relative merits of various elec- toral systems, it would seem that a University community should take the lead in demonstrating how a representative assembly can be constituted. The Socialists are aware of the short-comings of two party geographical representation, or its par- allel, a State St., vs. Washtenaw gang fraternity representation. Democracy is difficult enough under the most favorable electoral system, but it can not be called a failure until it has been tried. No Student Council will be in a position to take over real responsibility from the Administra- tion until it has earned the confidence and respect of the students, administration, and Regents. A Council elected by proportional representation would have a possibility of earning that respect. If a democratic body could not, then why pretend there is a student council? We have heard the inside story, how certain Sphinx and Triangles got together and lobbied the Daily, how the Daily put through our new gift. It worked boys, but no one believes that the pres- ent, if any, ex-officio council can gradually and honorably assume a share in the government of the University. Imagine the new Council starting a co-operative book store! -Charles A. Orr, Grad. T he T h ea1tr LOVE AMONG THE: ARTISTS Noel Coward is reported to have written "De- sign for Living" especially for himself and the Lunts. That is how the inside information boys have it. However, our private suspicion is that Coward really had Mr. Kerr, Mr. Powers, and Miss Heming in mind. There are remarkable similarities physically and histrionically between the New York and Ann Arbor Ottos and Leos, and Tom Powers and Geof- frey Kerr are consequently able to reproduce the original performance magnificently. Naturally, their own personalities give the production here some slightly different flavor than the New York one-it would be wrong if they did not. Kerr is perhaps even quieter as an actor than Noel Cow- ard, and Tom Powers puts Otto on a better pay- ing basis intellectually than Alfred Lunt. Lunt specializes in taking off fluffy-headed romantics; Powers puts all the unconventional dash and en- thusiasm in but at the same time makes Otto more important to the philosophy of the play, such as it is. Miss Heming, while presenting a strong con- trast to Miss Fontanne's conception of the part, fits the character perfectly with her bright and bitter wittiness displayed to its best advantage. HIGH POINTS-Mr. Powers and Mr. Kerr get- ting a beautiful snootfull at the end of Act Two -Mr. Powers and Miss Heming gayly seducing one another shortly before-Otto and Leo telling of vague, vast travels, Act Three-Frank Comp- ton and Bertha Frohman in supporting roles-the fine scenery. LOW POINTS-The fact that a couple of minor characters in the Third Act were not so terribly expert. SUMMARY-A veddy suave, sophisticated play. REPERTORY PLAYERS TO STAGE SHAKESPEARE'S "ALL'S WELL" By DAVID MOTT It is incredible that so sparkling a comedy* as Shakespeare's "All's Well That Ends Well" should have had only one production in Amer- ica previous to its production by Thomas Wood Stevens in St. Louis this spring. But such seems the case. Otis Skinner, veteran player of Shakespearean parts, who joined with Director Stevens in search for an earlier production than the one in St. Louis, could only find record of a single perform- ance of the play. The performance was on March 8, 1799, at the old Federal Street Theatre in Bos- ton. The record came from Harvard's extensive collections on theatrical literature. Why, the question naturally arises, has a com- edy with a title so familiar been omitted from Shakespearean repertoires in this country? There are several reasons, two of which show what pro- hibition's passing notions of propriety can im- pose. Although the story of how a gentlewoman, Helena, forces her love on a birth-proud noble- man, Bertram de Rousillon, seems mild enough in the post-war theatre, it was regarded as high- ly improper in the nineteenth century. Girls did not do the wooing in the Victorian years-at least not on the stage. Moreover, Helena is not only a husband catcher; she also appears in the role of a feminine physician, and the "lady doctor" was among the unmentionables of a generation ago. If these objections have not served, the fact that there is no role for an Edwin Booth or a Henry Irving would have sufficed. The male stars used plays with roles for male stars. Director Stevens is to produce this unfamiliar play in the repertoire of the Michigan Repertory Players this summer season, which will be the third time of recorded production in America. In all things, the play is characteristic of Shake- speare. Yet audiences which can repeat whole passages with Juliet cannot say a line with Hel- ena. Spectators long familiar with the prank played on Malvolio find the inquisition of brag- ging Parolles a wholly delightful discovery. The result is a centering of interest in the plot, a ----.!~rl-o opc o a I at Lowest Cost. Satisfac- N o S THE TIME to buy the tools and implements for your yard this summer. We have a com- plete line that will be sure to include everything you will need. Come in and see us! ANN ARBOR IMPLEMENT CO. 110 S. Ashley St. Phone 2-1614 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS tion and Safety guaranteed. Every load insured. 0 NATIONAL AAERO F UR NIT URE iJ LI MOVERS FURN ay Iower Ann Arbor Agent Esifor"Cartage C-o. equipment we operate. Ex- pert packing, modern equip- ment, courteous service Phone 4297 117 N. First St. i Starr Comionwealth's Tag Day To(ay. . O N SOME THIRTY street corners in Ann Arbor persons will be sta- tioned today to collect offerings for the Starr Commonwealth for Boys. The Starr Commonwealth is the only place in the State where boys under 12 may be sent for rehabilitation. It is in no sense a house of punish- ment. The philosophy of its director is positive; he is bent on helping youth, in both the physical and spiritual sense. The records of the boys who have had the advantage of his tutelage affords ample proof of the successfulness of his method. The Starr Commonwealth is a model institution. Its director is acknowledged one of the world's most eminent authorities on boy problems. What he accomplishes redounds to the benefit of all of us. A good cause deserves support. Tag Day today is in a good cause.a Again, Columbia's Disgruntled Ex-Edit or. . REED HARRIS, the man Columbia expelled for his attitude about ath- letics and affairs in general as expressed in the Columbia Spectator, and who, peeved, resigned again when re-instated, is at it again. Since he left Columbia, Harris has been publicizing himself and his methods by -writing sensational articles, for newspapers not overly discriminate, "expos- ing" alleged rackets in colleges, and screaming to the public the lesser but worse side of college life. His tirades have been largely confined to the tabloids, but last week a major Chicago daily saw fit to presents its readers a two-page spread, gar- ishly illustrated, in which Reed Harris shrieked to a non-collegiate public a multitude of collegiate sins which he charged to "paternalism" in the universities. Pictures and vivid words decried drinking, wild parties, lowered moral codes, and sex excesses, caused, according to him, by an over- strict "paternal" code set up artificially by the institutions. Harris, too eager to capitalize on a name which the public knows from its newspaper notoriety, has committed an error in logical order, which to any sane thinker, will render his writings ridic- ulous. He has put the cart before the horse. He has forgotten that there are no laws made against murders until murders are committed. Briefly, the Spectator's disgruntled former editor is blaming a paternalistic attitude for vice. The attitude is the result of the vice. It would be futile to enter into a discussion of the reasons for any of the conditions which Har- ris describes. Excesses in drinking and moral turp- itude are certainly in the minority in the conduct of the average college student, but they do exist; blame a depression, blame a post-war period, blame a pendulum swing from the prudishness of other days-it must be admitted that there is a Re ligio0usActi vities FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH State and Washington Streets Ministers Frederick B. Fisher Peter F.Stair 10:45 - Morning Worship. "THE CRI IS IN CHRISTIANITY" -Dr. Charles Clayton Mor- rison, Editor of the Christian Cen- tury. No evening service. 1:00 P.M.-Guild devotional service honoring the Seniors at "TH'IE MEADOWS. " Leavc Wesley Hall at 5:30. ATTEND CHURCII REGULARLY ZION LUTHERAN CCHURCH Washington St. at 5th Ave. E. ©. Stellhorn, pastor 9 A.M.--Bible School. Lesson Topic: "THE GIVING OF TIlE HOLY SPIRIT" 9:00 A.M.-Service In the German Langu age. 10:30 A.M.-Confirmation Service. 3:00 P.M.---Meeting of the Student Club.. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Streets Merle H. Anderson, Minister Alfred Lee Klacr, Associate Minister 9:30 A.M. - Student Classes at the Church House. 0:45 AM. -Morning Worshlip: Rev. Alired Lee Klaer will preach on "RELAGIOUS VITALITY" RELIGIQUS SERVICES SHOULD COME FIRST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH East Huron, West of State R. Edward Sayles, Minis°ter Howard R. Chapman, University Pastor 9:30 A.M.-Th Church Schoo1. Dr. Albert J. Logan, Superintendent 10:45 A.M. ---;Worship: Mr. Sayles will preach. Sutject: "TIE MAGNATISM OF JESUS" 12:00 M.-Student group will meet at, the Guild House. Mr. Chap- man in charge. 6:00 P.M.-Student Devotional Meet- ing. M~iss Florence Hwang will give the address. Social hour and re- freshiments will follow the pro- gran. 5:30 p.M. - Social people. Hour for Young 6:30 P.M.-Young People's Meeting, UOno f ST. PAU L'S LUTHERAN (Mj-souri Synod) Third and West Liberty C. A. Braucr, Pastor Sunday, June 4 9:30 AM.-Church School. 9:30 AM.-Service in German 1 n~ .9f A '.f-f nn~ov evie DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR RELIGIOUS BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod) South Fourth Avenue Theodore Schmale, Pastor Sunday, June 4 9:00 A.M. - Bible School. r I I I I