THE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY _ - selected a decent story to present the hard-boiled, loud-mouthed, devil-may-care doubhboy. As it is, the story is nothing but a flimsy thread and the characterization of Tracy is the only outstanding feature of the film. Gloria Stuart adds a bit to the sequence but she isn't given enough to do to make her part worth while. The picture contains the same "shots" of the war as all the other war pictures, but lacking in strength, the presentation is one of the weakest we have seen. "The Past of Mary Holmes," based on Rex '- ~" V 4 i . I ii Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- Asoi-tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMn BER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or r not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news publishe herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.5. During regular school yar by carrier, $4.00; by mail. $4.50. Offces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street. Boston. 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. NationalAdvertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF ' Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR. ....THOMAS K. CONNELLAN EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...............C. HART SCHAAF CITY EDITOR.:.................BRACKLEY SHAW SPORTS EDITOn..............ALBERT H. NEWMAN WO1tEN'S EDITOR....................CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George Van Veck, Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird. Donald R. Bird, Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Marjorie Western. REPORTERS: Caspar S. Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert 1. Gutie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Manuel Levin, Irving P. Levitt, David G. Macdonld, S. Proctor MGeachy, John O'Connell, George I. Quiniby. Floyd Rabe, Mitchell Raskin, Richard Romec, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D.1 Silvera , L. Wilson Trimmer, William F. Weeks. Marjorie Beck, Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies, Jean Ran- mer, Florence. Harper, Marie Heid, Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson.ldai Lane KathleenvMaclntyre, 1 ~Josephine McLean. 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Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Gimniy, Billie Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See- fried, Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman, Lillain Pine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933 Roosevelt And Hitler. . T"' WO MEN dominate the political and economic limelight ofathe world today. In the hands of these two men lies much of the responsibility for the future of hu- man relationships. On the one hand, there is fiery Adolf, child of the Versailles Treaty, the humble paper-hanger who has skyrocketed to power with the aid of his magnetic personality and the troubled condition of the stricken German nation. Hitler has been thought a demogogue, a sham who would betray his incapacity when entrusted with the responsibility of office. But Hitler has proved more clever than anyone expected. Just when Germany appeared on the verge of an isola- tion comparable only with that of its pre-war days, Hitler dramatically summoned the sus- pended Reichstag into special session, delivered a stirring speech which thrilled both Germany and the world, and very nearly shifted the blame for the European war fever upon the shoulders of security-loving France. Nazi-ism has been some- what distasteful to a great number of people be- cause of its treatment of the Jewish population in Germany. How much of the blame for the Nazi actions in this respect must be placed upon the chancellor one cannot say. It must be borne in mind that each revolutionary movement carries with it a certain hoodlum element. Further, it now appears that most Jews were persecuted princi- pally because of their Bolshevistic sympathies. Hitler's appearance on the German scene may in the end even prove a blessing for his protesta- tions may arouse popular sentiment to such a de- gree that the unfortunate treaty of Versailles will be abrogated or at least altered. Most of us have hoped to see this accomplished without so violent a flare of public indignation, but it is only fair to admit that our hopes have so far been in vain. Here in the United States is the other individual of predominating position in the world's attention -our new President, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Just as a war-torn world turned to America's Wilson in 1918, so is the war-fearing world of today look- ing toward the first Democratic president since Wilson. In the earlier case, 'though through little fault of Wilson, the world met disappointment. Will it do so again? Roosevelt can play the part of the great paci- fist. It will be up to him, among many other things, to keep France pacified while granting a "new deal" to Germany. The task will be difficult. If Hitler refrains from bombastic belligerance and if Roosevelt can be persuasive enough in a middle course, the acute problems of today may be solved without the costly and inhuman destruc- tion that is war. Screen Reflections Beach's story, "The Goose Woman," is an unusual piece of work in a few respects, but is otherwise quite an ordinary every-day sort of movie. The story fascinates somewhat but is too slow-moving for the type of tale it represents. Helen Mac Kel- ler, as "the goose woman," is hardly convincing, and Eric Linden does the only real acting in the picture. Of course "Skeets" Gallagher is there as the typical wise-cracking newspaper reporter. But we're really a bit tired of having our newspaper- men portrayed on the screen as a distinct type-- all from a common mold. But that is only one of the minor faults of the picture. "The Past of Mary Holmes" is actually just another few thou- sand feet of film. -E. J. P. COMING TO THE MAJESTIC "REUNION IN VIENNA" John Barrymore is starred in "Reunion in Vienna," the picturization of Robert E. Sher- wood's Broadway hit of last season. In the new film, which comes Saturday, June 3, to the Ma- jestic Theatre, Barrymore plays the role of the impulsive and irresistible Hapsburg archduke, Ru- dolf, who returns to Vienna from exile to recap- ture the memory of kisses that lingered long after the royal reign toppled and the glory of the glamorous court life faded. This role, created on the stage by Alfred Lunt, with Lynn Fontanne in the feminine lead, is said to match Barrymore's individual talents and per- sonality with flawless fit. It follows his acclaim in "Grand Hotel," "Rasputin and the Empress," "Bill of Divorcement" and "Topaze." Diana Wynyard is the leading macy, filling the Fontanne role of Elena, the Viennese beauty who marries an eminent psychiatrist in an effort to forget the romance that swept her off her feet in the gay court days. This characterization is said to offer her the finest opportunity of her career. Sidney Franklin, who was responsible for "Pri- vate Lives," "The Guardsman," and "Smilin' Through," directs the picture. --E. J. P. The Theratre ANGNA ENTERS' SECOND RECITAL By GEORGE SPELVIN For the benefit of those to whom unconven- tional art forms invariably involve the disturbing questions, "What is -it?" and "What does it mean?" we hadintended to view Angna Enters, whose second recital on Robert Henderson's Dra- matic Season was presented Tuesday night, with a particularly analytical and speculative eye..We were going to mull over everything that happened that night on the Lydia Mendelssohn stage and then formulate a nice little platitude with which1 to quiet the unhappy searchers for Trut% and Significance. That was what, we intended to do. What hap- pened was that after we had assembled allour. mental notes and checked them off against each other, we found that all that was left were two apparently incompatible statements. Regardless oft the seeming insanity of the two claims in light of each other, both are nevertheless indisputable. They are (1) Angna Enters is a circus clown, and (2) Angna Enters is a dramatic, artist of a calibre equal to that of the recognized leaders in any other field of contemporary art. The only complete generalization which can be made regarding Miss Enters is that she is an artist with a sense of humor. She, so far as we.know,1 is the first who has successfully mixed whisky and' gin. On the one hand, her ''Boy Cardinal," "Peon's Heavenly Robe," "Queen of Heaven," and "Dance of Death" represent a form of dramatic dancing' carried on at an uncompromisingly high pitch of expressiveness and seriousness. These presenta- tions, while they are infinitely more than mere pantomimes, can not rightly be called dramatic abstractions. They are rather dramatic generali- zations in dance form of themes which are always apparent and always vitally forceful. In her other mood she gives one things like "Pique-nique," "Piano Music," "Entr'acte," and "Farmer in the Dell." These numbers all given in pantomime form, are four of the most amusing skits we have ever seen. Yet they are more than skits. The absence of voice gives. one the feeling that he is observing the character at a moment when she supposes herself to be utterly unob- served. Miss Enters brings to these characteriza- tions of widely varying types of women an intel- ligence which is almost unbelievably acute in its attention to detail. In her serious moments, Miss Enters, general- izing always, makes use not only of the bodily movements which are the essence of abstract dance expression, but also of facial expression and movement with the result that she is always an individual presenting her entire character in her actions. So completely do her moods change .with ,her various characterizations that it is with a distinct start that one realizes from time to time .that Angna Enters the comedienne and Angna Enters the dramatic artist are identical.1 SIR NOEL COWARD By ROBERT HENDERSON It is being whispered that Mr. Coward ,and George Arliss are to be added to the English peer- age this spring with the announcements of His Majesty's lists. It is also whispered that Mr. Cow- ard is delaying the London production of "Design For Living" until next fall for this reason. He prefers the staid royal circles to remember him at the moment for "Cavalcade" rather than for the highly unusual "Design For Living," which, in his own opinion, is his most important play. - - . .2..-Am vr: 9 c . nlnlw.. > . t - -v1--- rnn ness contacts. Particularly during rehearsal of a piece he's snappish and politely rude, posting his business manager and chief collector of royalties, (Mr. John Wilson), as human barricades between himself, his cast, and his callers. No more businesslike artist exists. He charts his time like an efficiency engineer. He divides his year into six month, of modified loafing, six months of work (fall and winter)-active, physical work of directing and playing and. going through what he deems the necessary evil of nego- tiations with managers and selecting his casts. He insists on personally selecting casts. He also insists on, limiting his own personal appearances in any play to three month. He quit "Private Lives," a sensational hit, when the three months were up and tickets were selling at a premium. After an intense theatrical season he retires from New York or London, as the case may be, and hides himself where nobody can reach him, to read voluminously and to write, to wander at will or whim. This summer he is going to Peru and Chile. A tramp steamer, a cabin in the South Seas, a tourist-proof hotel in Malta or some other out- of-the-way spot. That's where you'll find or will not find Coward. "I work fast," he explains, "writing furiously by hand and typewriter; but I never act on a quickly conceived dramatic idea in either music or book. Everything I try to compose rapidly peters out. Thanks to a relentless memory-a gift for which any man must be thankful-fugitive ideas never escape me. They play hide and seek in my mind, getting other ideas to join them until, in due time, I have a plot or tune completely hatched." While on a tour around the world, he boarded a battleship as the captain's guest and wrote that energetic classic of serio-comic melodrama, "Pri- vate Lives." At a reception in Honduras he laughed quietly and explained the laugh to nobody-for the key- line of a lyric sprang to his mind, to be followed months later by the tune, both wedded in a satir- ical ditty worthy of Gilbert and Sullivan at their best: "Mad Dogs and Englishmen Walk Out in the Midday Sun," the song being a gazetteer of Brit- ain's tropical possessions, and sung in "The Third Little Show" so hilariously by Beatrice Lillie. Noel Coward likes to work alone. Yet it's on record that this exemplar of solo versatility had a collaborator. He was on a freighter in the Pa- cific, writing "Design for Living." Commanding the freighter was a Norwegian skipper, whose salty personality fascinated Mr. Coward. They used to talk by the hour. Thus it is that the climax of Act II in "Design For Living" is spoken in Norwegian. It is a single line (in Norwegian), and the line is: "How are you?" in Norwegian. About Books 'WHATEVER YOU REAP'- To The Editor: i We find the supercilious and patronizing review of Anne Persov's "Whatever You Reap" most ob- jectionable. The review is too stupid to deserve serious consideration, but nevertheless, since the Daily reaches the entire student body, most of which is uriacquainjed with, and may not soon have an opportunity to. read the book, it is neces- sary, to correct the impression created by Mr. P. M.'s loose and vague generalities. We will not attempt a "purist definition" of the word "poetry,". nor the. word "verse," regardless of the fact that these words have apparently no logical meaniug for Mr. P. M. It may. be "dan- gerous".for.him,"to attempt to generalize on any- thing as complex and debatable as modern poetry" but Mr. P. M. is no coward. He walks in where angels fear to tread. His entire review is com- pounded of turgid and meaningless generaliza- tions. For example, Mr. P. M. says: .:'Whatever You Reap' is decidedly good modern poetry or verse, or what you will.' Leaving aside the fact that Mr. P. M. has failed to define poetry or verse,.we ask what "what you will" can possibly be meant to convey. In the same paragraph, he goes on to say, "In other words, it meets certain standards set up by Miss Persov's immediate predecessors. It is gaudy, it is passionate, it is crisp and hard." We ask again, what are these "certain standards?" And what "immediate predecessors?" The field of contemporary American poetry includes, after all, a variety of figures and a variety of standards. Certainly,.such poets as Robinson Jeffers, T. S. Eliot, Edna Millay, Robert Frost, and Hart Crane, do not stand for precisely the same thing, Exactly what does Mr. P.. M. mean by cults, trends and isms? Good modern poetry is certainly self-con- scious. Good poetry of any period is, Mr. P. M. has made no discovery. He has thus failed to differen- tiate modern poetry from poetry of any other pe- riod. In particular reference to Miss Persov's work, we say with absolute finality, that whatever, else her work may. be, it is not gaudy. Mr. P. M.'s definitions of words are undoubtedly private and personal. We understand by the word "gaudy" something which is showily vulgar and gay. Miss Persov's poetry is singularly restrained and re- served. Nor do we understand what Mr. P. M. means by "crisp" and "hard." Miss Persov's work is decidedly lyrical in its nature, as the most cas- ual reading will prove. Mr. P. M.'s comparison of the concluding lines I of one of Anne Persov's sonnets with a few lines of one of Amy Lowell's poems, to show a likeness between the two poets, illustrates the heights of ineptitude which the reviewer seems to reach with no difficulty at all. No two, poems could be more dissimilar. Has Mr. P. M. really read Sappho? Andt has he honestly read Miss Persov's book? Any reviewer has a legitimate right, providing he has adequate grounds, to like or dislike a book of poetry. But Mr. P. M..has no legitimate literary grounds to like or dislike any piece of literature whatsoever. He has nothing on which to base his opinions, not even taste. In a high-schoolish at- tempt to be impressive, he succeeds only in being gaudy and vacuous. Since the Hopwood Awards are an important event at the University of Michigan, surely the i I , i 1. , i i . i U BEER OULLENJS BEER BEER BEGINNING TODAY DRESS SALE CLEARANCE Of All SPRING DRESSES BEER Pont d nd Plan Cepes and Sheers Senior $t ORMALS NEW ARRIVALS IN TODAY A ND COMING DAILY * Vriped organza with piquie or taffeta coats +whi te aind pastel crepes 'wvith siwagger coats all str rhk 'l y beau f id /oit;, s1 lky lines he/ I NSo 519-531 .. Liberty SMichigiTheatre Bldg. DAILY CLASSIFIEDS ADS ARE EFFECTIVE Sizes from 12 to 44 $95 -$1275 EXTRA SPECIAL plain Crepes, Prints anid2-piece Knits Sizes 12 to 20 $395 -$695 Dancing FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS ALL HATS MUST BE SOLD Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 50'c $1.00 $ 2.0 Group 4 No charges- $3.00 No returns- McKINSEY AAT SHOP 227 South State The Elizabeth Dillon Gown Shop 520 East William Street 4 ,r cA Star in Stripes 2 pc. Seersucker Sport Dresses Young sports on the campus are raising a hue and cry over this seersucker, the coolest and most comfortable of all summer sports wear. Casual, careless, with open throat, tuck-in shirt (that is long enough so it won't pull out), short sleeves, cool colors, it laughs at the sun and bounds with a merry heigho over the links, the court, the fields and the lake. Stripes in yellow, blue, peach, red. One inverted pleat in back, two, in the front. Sires 14 Mo20 I 6 { J <' l {~ > wf; LAGUE HOSIERY SHOP_ CASH PAl D for your USED BOOKSo A Square Deal Always at I