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May 27, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-27

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Published every morning except Monday during the
university year and Summer Session by the Board i
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Assoca-
tion and the Big Ten News Service
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214..
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
S ft., New York, N. Y.
Teephonec 49.5
CITY EDITOR...... ...............BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR........ ..........CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris,
SJohnC. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George Van Veck,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie
Murphy, Margaret Phalan.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Marjorie Western.
REPORTERS: Caspar S. Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert
D,' Guthrie, Joseph L. Karplnski, Manuel Levin, Irving
F. Levitt, David G. Macdonald, S. Proctor, McGeahy,
JohnO'Connell, George I. Quimby, Floyd Rabe, Mitchell ;
Baskn, Richard Rom, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D.
Silverman, L. Wilson Triuner, WilliaIu F. Weeks.
Marjorie Beck, Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies, Jean Han-
mer, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Margaret fHiscock,
Eleanor Johnson, Hilda Laine, Kathleen MacIntyre,
Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Mary O'Neill,
Jahno Schneider, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer
Telephone 242144
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, W. Grafton Sharp
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
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culation, Gilbert E. Bursley Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertriqk, Joseph Hume,
Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Leste' Skinner, Robert
Ward. Meigs W. Bartmess, Willav B. Caplan, Willard
Cohodas, R, C. Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert
Gregory, Milton Kramer, John Marks, John I. Mason,
John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joseph Rothbarl, Richard Schiff, Gerge R. Williams.
ElIzabethi- Agler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmny., Billie qrifflth, Catherie Mfenry. May See-
fried Virginia McCob. Mera Abot, Betty Chapman,
Lillain Fine, Minna Gifen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose.
SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1933
On Faling1
To Pay 111s.. .
ISTRESSING information for hon-
est students: reports from local
merchants, banks, and real estate men point
strongly to the conclusion that not a few fra-
ternity men are taking advantage of depression
to welch on their debts.-
The times are such that in numerous cases bills
really cannot be met, at least not in their entirety.
Most business men have shown themselves willing
to deal leniently with those who cannot for the
time being meet the-ir obligations; to impose upon
this generosity is small, dishonest, and in the end
will gain nothing..
Every fraternity bill that is not payed means
higher prices for every house. In addition it sub-
jects the University to criticism, just or otherwise,
for permitting the condition to exist.
Further than this, chapter members who dodge
bills they are well able to pay hurt themselves
quite as mnuch or more than they do others. For
it is not pleasant to live with persons whose action
is open to suspicion of disloyalty and shirking, and
the welchers are bound to find themselves sooner
or later living in a disagreeable atmosphere.
So think twice before you say, "Sorry, but I'm
afraid I can't pay it."
New -Procedure
For Leosaor . . .
lative procedure has come from
Speaker Bradley, of the Michigan House of Rep-
resentatives, who proposes establishment of a leg-
islative council to meet between regular sessions

of the Legislature for the purpose of compiling a
program and gathering pertinent information for
the use of the body when it reconvenes.
Speaker Bradley's suggestion is the result of
the appalling inefficiency he has witnessed at
Lansing during the present session. What he has
seen from his presiding position in the House has
forced him to the conclusion'that nothing, includ-
ing a group of legislators, can"'get very far with-
out some sort of a plan.
World conferences invariably open with a defi-
nite agenda. The problems before them are far too
delicate and involved to permit other than the
most orderly procedure in their consideration.
How well Speaker Bradley's proposal would
work in practice can only be guessed.
The value of a legislative council appointed by
an expiring Legislature would obviously be du-
bious. The short history of the present Legis-
lature, ho't ever, can leave little doubt that some
method of eliminating undirected discussion is
pretty badly needed. If Speaker -Bradley's sug-
gestion is not followed as it now stands, perhaps
it will at least open discussion leading to ultimate

since first there was such an institution as the;
stage, but it is much to be doubted that any play-
wright has ever done such a complete job of piling
them all up into one lilac-scented heap and kick-
ing them into a particulaly ridiculous cocked hat
as Benn Levy did when he wrote "Springtime for
There have been risque comedies by the thou-
sands; there have been naughty farces that played
on every imaginable aspect of the inevitable
theme. But there probably has never been a com-
edy as completely bawdy and as devastatingly
critical of romantic love as this nose-thumbing
burlesque that did not leave one with a slight
trace of Mae West's evil (bad taste in the mouth).
"Springtime for Henry," which opened yester-
clay afternoon as the second play on Robert Hen-
derson's Dramatic Season, is, first of all, fran-
tically funny; secondly it is charmingly smart;
and thirdly it is completely disrespectful of moral
virtue. More important than all those things, to us
at least, is the fact that this play-granted that
it be bawdy, risque, naughty, what you will-is so
completely light and giddy that not its sourest
critic could accuse it of being anything but nice.
It seems that Mr. Jelliwell's married life is not
always entirely happy. Oddly enough, those mo-
ments coincide exactly with the periods when Mr.
Dewlip is NOT carrying on an illicit affair with
his wife. And there is the story, if you can call it

Mr. Dewlip, bosom pal ever since "lower third"
of Mr. Jelliwell, has, apparently over a consider-
able period of time, been paying THAT kind of
attentions to Mrs. Jelliwell. A new secretary, who
is "just terribly keen on the decent thing,"
changes all that. Mr. Dewlip stops drinking; he
stops gambling; he stops being a social parasite.
But most important of all he stops paying the
proper-improper, if you prefer-attentions to
Mrs. Jelliwell.
And so everybody blows up. Finally the hardy
Dewlip sees the error of his ways and agrees once
more, partly for Jelliwell's sake, but mainly for his
own, to become the normal old rake he once was.
"Was it worth it?" he barks. "No, by God!"
Tom Powers is Mr. Dewlip, Robert Loraine is
Mr. Jelliwell, Rose Hobart is Mrs. Jelliwell, and
Violet Heming is Miss Smith, the "decent thing"
secretary. So of course the acting is superb. Only
Robert Loraine is unknown here; we will pause
only to remark that he is a comedian of excep-
tional and at times overwhelming gifts.
'Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily..Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however be re-
garded as confidential upon reques. Cotribulorsare
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible
To The Editor:
Mr. WEHausen's attempt to defend the Nazis
makes one "WEH ums Herz" twoeful at heart).
He betrays ignorance at the start by implying that
Jews are Aryans. Individual cases of maltreatment
of negroes in our country are certainly disgrace-
ful but the lynchings are conducted by irrespon-
sible mobs and the Ku Klux Klan, whereas in
Germany the GOVERNMENT systematically per-
secutes Jews; even if the government claims that
it does not desire the beatings and murders, it
must be remembered that Hitler and his clan
since the inception of the Nazi movement have
inflamed the storm-troops who are committing
these outrages; they are therefore morally re-
sponsible. By liberating the four Nazis who had
been condemned to death for murdering a com-
munist in Breslau last summer, Hitler has sanc-
tioned murder as a political weapon against the
48 per cent of the population which remained
sane. Americans can best picture present condi-
tions in Germany by imagining what would hap-
pen in the United States if the Grand Wizard of
the Ku Klux Klan became president of our coun-
try and would replace the governors of the 48
states by his henchmen.
Mr. Wehausen (who I hear is an excellent stu-
dent) would oblige critical Americans by answer-
ing the following specific questions:
1. Is it not true that President Von Hinden-
burg, elected with the votes of the Socialdemo-
cratic and Center parties, broke his solemn oath
to uphold the Weimar Republican Constitution
when he, little by little, permitted Von Papen to
trample on this constitution and finally turned
all power over to Hitler who boasts of the com-
plete annihilation of the constitution? If a private
citizen broke his oath in this manner he would be
ccnsidered dishonorable; will not future genera-
tions of Germans be deeply ashamed that this
broken pledge marked the "revival" of the so-
called "German Spirit"?
2. Is it not true that Jews owed their positions
of leadership to superior intelligence and dili-
gence? Is it not despicable and cowardly for Ger-
man nationalism which feels itself incapable of
defeating the French, the Poles and other "en-
emies" to vent their wrath of impotence on a
small, unarmed minority within their borders-
the Jews?
3. Has not Hitler proved himself very harmful
to the very aims of nationalism by making Ger-
many's position much worse than it was under
Kaiser Wilhelm? No nation is sincerely friendly to
Germany now and in many countries a boycott
has' set in; even Austria, the one reliable ally of
the last decades, has been alienated by the boorish
tactics of Nazi leaders.
4. Hitler failed to pass the entrance-examina-
tion of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, is a
poorly educated man, and has less knowledge of
economics than hundreds of stude'nts on our cam-

pus have. Does not the fact that such a "low-
brow" can make himself dictator of highly edu-
cated Germany show that a wave of mass-insan-
ity has seized considerable portions of the Ger-
man population? "Delusions of grandeur" is the
disease according to a New York professor.

not forget that Hitler has insulted and robbed
Einstein, discharged numerous leading professors,
including Nobel prize winners; and that Ger-
nany's leading painter, Lieberman, has resigned.
The fanaticism and barbarism which now has
gained full sway in Germany, expressing itself in
childish burning of literature, concerns every
thinking person in America.
Japanese militarism and Hitlerism must be at-
tacked by the one weapon at the command of
each individual: a persistent boycott. Raw silk is
Japan's economic life blood and represents 90 per
cent of all Japanese exports to the United States.
Therefore we should only buy non-Japanese silk.
Forty per cent of Japan's foreign trade goes to
the United States and thirty-six per cent to
China. Thus, with our assistance, 76 per cent of
Japanese foreign trade can be suspended and her
militarists compelled to submit to the decisions
of the League of Nations and to the Stimson
Detailed information concerning the anti-Jap-
anese boycott can be obtained from the Amer-
ican Council for Non-co-operation with Aggressor
Nations, Hotel Ambassador, Park Avenue at 51st
Street, New York City.
-A Pacifist.
Have just been disturbed for the third night by
the howling of what would in March look like a
group of respectable young men. May and the
exam period are the signals for these gentlemen
to have conferred on them the honor of "he who
can make the most noise" or membership in that
venerable society-Michigamua. The leaders of
this diabolical tribe take special pleasure in send-
ing these young "braves" into the thick of the
studying campus with directions that if a certain
standard of noise-making is not reached, member-
ship will be refused-but if the shouting reaches
approved proportions titles of "horse-in-the-
throat," "blue-in-the-face," and "paint-in-the-
eyes" will be granted--truly a noble organization.
May I suggest to these ingenious leaders that
there are excellent voice-treating facilities in the
many woods surrounding Ann Arbor-not more
than seven or eight miles distant.
-Maurice Methner, '34.
Editorial Comment
Within a short while the World's Fair at Chi-
cago will open its gates with all appropriate cere-
mony. Thousands will flock to the midwest metro-
polis on the shores of Lake Michigan and there
will see on display the wonders and achievements
of science and industry. From all reports, no ex-
pense has been spared that a dramatic pageant
of the scientific improvement of the world may
be effectively shown.
This gigantic spectacle of the world's techno-
logical advancement will be staged at a time when
almost every major nation is wrestling with the
task of reconstructing its economic system. From
all appearances, these same scientific and indus-
trial advancement which will be on display in
Chicago have materially furthered the cause of
the world's economic breakdown. Yet no sensible
person would advise the wholesale scrapping of
luxuries and improvements which scientific ad-
vancement has brought. Thinking people do
recognize, however, the necessity for intelligent
and far-seeing industrial control and planning
which will make for a more equitable distribution
of the fruits of scientific advancement.

Vegetables slow?
They're probably
A might-have-been garden
never pays. Feed your vegeta-
bles the square meal for plants
-Vigoro. Completebalanced.
4 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. will bring
amazing results! It is clean,
odorless, easy to use-and
"The Square Meal"
Lawn Mowers, Rollers,
Rakes and Seed

Folund a Dog?
Wanta Rde r?
or Perhaps a Roon?
meihod of advertising is inexpensive and
the returns are many. Try The Michigan
Daily Classifieds, they pay.

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Religio us Activities

To the average man, industrial control and so-
cial planning are relatively intangible "some-
things" which are to be associated with the con-
tents of dry political theory books, the preachings
of staid professors, or the outbursts of enthusiastic
but impractical young students. This word im-
practical may be used to dismiss a multitude of
embarrassing ideas. It is used to cover a timidity
of experimental activities in governmental and
social fields. Moreover, because political theories
are in the fields of the intangible they cannot be
displayed at fairs and shows. Perhaps the better-
ment of society as a whole suffers on that score.
-University Daily Kansan,
Hopes that the railroads--along with other
great industries of the nation would soon begin to
see the light of recovery were rudely upset yester-
day by the announcement that the roads would
ask the railway labor organizations to agree to an-
other cut.
Despite increased car loadings and reports of
heavier shipments of all kinds of goods, the iron
horses are still pulling pitifully small trains. Ex-
cept for a few comparatively small, rich roads of
the east, most of the railroads are still running
in the red. Deficits, which have reached alarming
proportions during the last dark years, continue to
The labor groups, of course, look upon the pro-
posal for an additional cut as preposterous. Said
A. F. Whitney, chairman of the Railway Labor
Executives' association, "-We will tie up this en-
tire country before we will accept a one penny
cut in wages. They (the railroads) are not going
to cut wages, and we're not going to permit any
more deflationary moves because we're down to
bed rock now."
But that is the traditional attitude of the rail-
way labor unions. It is highly probable that they
will be forced to agree to a cut after several
months of time and a great deal of money has
been wasted in heated conferences. The nation is
becoming used to that procedure.
The cut is probably necessary and will probably
be effected. From that point on it will be the duty
of the railroads to band together with all their
strength in support of the president's reorganiza-
tion program. In that lies their only present hope
of salvation.
The railroads will not fail because the nation
will not 'allow them to fail. But they must and
will be reoraanized. Duplicating services, obsolete

State and Washington Streets
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:45 - Morning Worship.
Dr. Fisher
at Weslcy Hall
3:30 PM.---Oriental-American Group.
6 :00 P.M.-Devotionlal service. Pro-
fc sor Dabistron, will speak on
"Personal values"
No evening ,ervice.


Washington St. at 5th Ave.
E. C. Stollhorn, pastor
9 A.M.-Bible School. Lesson ''opic:
10:30 A.M.--Pre-Confirmation Serv-
2:30 P.M.-Junior Mission Band.
5:30 P.M.--Annunl Senior Banquet
to 'whiclall mmb ers of the Stu-
dent Club arc invitedl.


Huron and Division Streets
Merle 11. Anderson. Minister
Alfred Lee Klacr, Associate Minister
9:30 A.M.-Student Classes at the
Church house.
10:30 A.M. - Morning Worship.
Dr. Anderson will preach on:
5:30 P.M. -Social Hour for Young
6:30 P.M.-Young People's Meeting,
Installation of remedy elected om-


East Huron, West of State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard W. Chapman, University
":30 A.M",-The Church School. Dr.
Albert J. Logan, Superintendent
10:45 A.M. -- Worship:
Mr. Sayles will preach. Subject:
12:00 M.-Thcrstudent group period.
Arthur Bernhardt,. Grad., will be
In charge of the study. Student
meeting and Social Hour Remin-
iscences by upper class members,
Refreshments will be served.


(Micsouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Sunday, May 28

(Evargelical Synod)
South Fourth Avenue
Theodore 8chmale, Pastor



Sunday, May 28
9:00 A.M.-Bible School.

Indenendent of the answers which Mr. We-

1 9:30 A M-Church School.

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