The Weather Partly cloudy and cooler Sat- urday; Sunday generally fair. LY 4itigat. ~~ar Editorials On Failing To Pay Bills; New Procedure For Legislator. vv . XLIII No, 174 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Gold Embargo Bill Proposed By oosev elt Would Legalize Existing Paper Standard For All Contract Payments Unconstitutionality Predicted By Glass Congress Surprised At Administration's Action; Little Comment Heard WASHINGTON, May 26..-(P)-A surprise bill was sent to Congress to- day providing a permanent provision for the ue of legal tender m~ney in-' stead of gold in the payment of all existing and future contracts, private and international. It was presented by teadmistration Introduced in both House and Sen-3 ate by the chirmen of the banking comimittes it brought an immediate asseon fm Senator Carter Glass (Dem., Va.) that the measure would be held unonstitutional "if there is anyintegrity left in the courts with regard tothe sanctity of contracts." It was described by President Roosevelt as simply designed to le- -galize an already existing fact since the United States went off the gold standard in effect by the imposition on the recent gold embagoand the. issuance of Presidential order calling in gold held by private citizens. The proposal would permit the government as well as private debtors to meet their obligations with legal tender money instead of gold. De- spite outspoken opposition from some members on both sides plans were made for its speedy consideration. Few Congressional leaders would comment on the legislation without further study, but Senator Charles L. McNary (Rep., Ore.) predicted it would meet with opposition "because of the retroactive feature." The resolution asserted that "the holdings or dealings in gold affect the public interest, and are therefore; subject to proper regulation and re- striction." It then asserted that obligations "which purport to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold of a particular kind obstruct the power of the Congress to regulate the money of the United States and are inconsistent with the declared policy of the Congress to maintain at all times the equal power of every dol- lar." With this preamble, the resolution then proceeded to declare all such provisions "to be against public pol- icy" and forbid any such provision in future obligations. Appointments Announced .for Summer Daily Upper-staff appointments to the Summer Daily were announced yes- terday by Frank B. Gilbreth, '33, managing editor, and Byron C. Ved- der, '33, business manager. Karl Seiffert' '33, John C. Healey, '35, E. Jerome Pettit, and Powers Moulton were named by Gilbreth as his editorial staff. Vedder announced that Harry R. Begley, '33, will serve as assistant business manager. Ved- der will also have charge of the Sum- mer Directory and said that it would be issued soon after the Summer Ses- sion opens. Seiffert has worked for four years on the regular Daily, as tryout, re- porter, night editor, and city editor. He is a member of Michigamua, Sphinx, Sigma Delta Chi, and Sigma Nu fraternity. Pettit is a former member of the editorial staff of The Daily, having worked as tryout, re- porter, and night editor. He attended the University in 1930-31, and 1931- 32. While here he was also promi- nent in speech, having won in 1931 the annual prize offered by the Ora- torical Association for the best ex- temporaneous speech. He was a member of Adelphi House of Rep- resentatives, and Sigma Delta Chi. Healey has served on The Daily for two years, as tryout and reporter, and was recently appointed night editor for the academic year 1933-34. He is a member of Sphinx and Sigma Delta Chi, of the Executive Council of the Union, and is an officer of the soph- omiore class. Moulton is also a former member nf the staff of the regular Daily. Century Of Progress To Open Today With Parade Of Officials CHICAGO, May 2.-(MP-With the pomp demand by a show so broad in its theme and so long in its staging, the Century of Progress Exposition will open tomorrow. At 8:30 a. m. the turnstile will click behind the first visitor, and he will view a spectacle of what man has wrought during the past cen- tury. Fair officials have worked for years selecting for presentation the drama- tic elements of humanity's conquest of nature and building a proper set- ting. The first visitor will enter the Ex- position City at 8:30 a. m., but the official opening of the fair will re- quire much more pageantry, solem- nity and the flourish of a high gov- ernment official's pen. First, down Michigan Boulevard, alongsChicago's front yard and be- fore its imposing file of skyscrapers, a long parade will move. In the procession will be represen- tatives of the Federal, state and city governments, officials of the Century of Progress, army and navy units, and costumed and uniformed dele- gations from several national groups. Dropping of a time ball at the north entrance of the fair grounds will signalize the beginning of the fair and ring up the curtain an a 'pageant of nations, staged by vari- ous groups dressed in their native costumes to symbolize the interna- tional character of the exposition. The parade is scheduled to enter Soldiers Field at 11 a. m. Immedi- ately after a review of uniformed section of the procession, dedica- tory exercises will take place. Post- master General James A. Farley, representing President Roosevelt, will accept a pen from the Century of Progress' Queen of Beauty and scratch his signature to a proclama- tion opening the five-month show. At noon, Bishop George Craig Stewart will pronounce invocation and Postmaster-General Farley, Ru- fus C. Dawes, president of the ex- position; Gov. Henry Horner, of Illi- nois, and Mayor Edward J. Kelly, of Chicago, will give brief addresses. At night those who assemble in the great court of the Hall of Sci- ence will see the fair city blaze into many colored glory, through the ef- fect of a ray of light from the star Arcturus, 40 light years away from the earth. The beam that starts this World Fair left Arcturus during the World Columbian Exposition in 1893. Four observatories will ensnare the ray of light, amplify and relay it to the Hall of Science,where it will turn on a master switch that will light the exposition grounds. Lantern Dance To Be Attended, By 200 Couples Lea ue Garden Will Be Open To Men For First Time In History Following a check-up late last night, the central committee for the Freshman Lantern Dance reported that about 200 tickets have been sold. Max Gail's 10-piece orchestra will play for this all-campus affair, which is to be held from 9 p, m. to 12 mid- night today at the League. Tickets Priced at one dollar are on sale today at the main desk of the League. In addition to dancing in the Ball- room throughout the the evening, the formal garden will be open to men for the first time in the history of the League. Here refreshments will be served, and at-11 p. m., in order that the Dramatic Festival audience may witness it, a program of enter- tainment will be presented by fresh- man women. These entertainment features are to be given on the bal- cony overlooking the garden. The entertainment is to consist of a tap chorus of nine girls, a waltz chorus led by Jane Fletcher and ac- companied on the harp by Betty Bell, and a singing chorus of 20 voices led by Mary Ann Mathewson, '34, and accompanied by Max Gail, '34. Vari- colored lights will play on the chor- uses, supplemented by the lanterns which will overhang the entire gar- den. "As this is an entirely new venture in Freshman women's activities, it deserves whole-hearted campus sup- port," was the comment of Miss Ethel McCormick, social director of the League and advisor of the activ- ity. "Much commendation is due the Freshmen for utilizing the League equipment and facilities to make it a very attractive and enjoyable party. The dance this year is an economy measure in place of the Freshman Pageant, which cost about $200, this amount being assessed the freshman women. This year the dance will be entirely self-supporting and no as- sessment will be made on the class.. The central committee in charge is composed of Margaret Ballard, gen- eral chairman; Jean Seeley, assistant chairman; Hazel Hanlon, finance chairman; Winifred Bell, refresh- ment and music chairman; and Nina Pollock, publicity chairman. Alumni To Give Six Courses In Fourth Session College Men And Women Offered Annual Chance To Continue Education An opportunity for the college man and woman who feel that education is never completed, that it is a life- time effort, is extended to Michigan alumni in the fourth annual session of the Alumni University, which will be held June 20 to 24. The courses to be given for the benefit of alumni are open to all stu- dents of the University, whether they are graduates or non-graduates, as well as to friends who wish to attend with them. The five days of the ses- sion offer, according to Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alumni relations, a period of stimulating study and rec- reation under the most favorable and attractive conditions. The program as planned offers six courses of five lectures each, in American history, the civilization and art 'of the Orient, finance, the mod- ern novel, European politics, and modern conceptions in physics. The members of the University faculty who are to give these courses are all well-known in their fields and have had long experience in the presenta- tion of their subjects. Well attended in the past three years, it is expected that this year's program will also receive favorable comment. A feature of this session. is that no two lectures will be offered at the same hour, as has been the case in past years. This will permit those who so desire to attend all the sessions. Adding to the attraction of the program outlined are the Dramatic Festival plays, "The Mad Hopes" with Violet Kemble-Cooper, and "Twelfth Night," starring Jane Cowl, Tom Powers, Walter Kingsford, and Lewis Martin. Medical alumni will be interested in a symposium on "Peptic Ulcer" to (Continued on Page 2) Fingerprint Experts To Aid In Solving Robbery Fingerprint experts were called in from Lansing yesterday to aid Ann Arbor police in the detection of the thieves who entered four fraternities last Wednesday evening. British Laud, Attack Policy Of Roosevelt Great Britain Not Willing To Go Further In Mak- ing Security Obligations Conflicting Attitude Shown In Commons Simon, Foreign secretary, Outlines Five Principles Of British Policy LONDON, May 26.-(IP)-While welcoming the American govern- ment's decision to consult with other nations in the eventofta threatof war, Sir John Simon, British foreign secretary, told the House of Com- mons today that Great Britian had reached her limit in assuming obli- gations for security. In the course of a long Commonr, debate, the American enunciation of policy was criticized by George Lans- bury, leader of the opposition, as containing "limitation;is which mili- tate against its effectiveness," and was lauded by Sir Austen Chamber- lain, Conservative and former for- eign secretary. Laying down five principles of British foreign policy, Sir John Simon announced that the first was, 'we must warmly welcome and warmly respond to President Roose- velt's message." The second principle, the foreign secretary said, is that Great Britain has already effected immense reduc- tions in armaments and cannot go further without a general agreement among the nations. Recognition by the British govern- ment and the British people of the validity of the concern which lies behind the demands of certain states for security, was the third princi- ple cited. The fourth, Sir John said, was: readiness to join in consultation with countries of the world for the pro- motion of security, The fifth principle enunciated by the foreign secretary was that Great Britain will assist in every way in furthering international disarma- ment. Japan Threatens Refusal Of Disarmament Treaty GENEVA, May 26.-'P)-Japan cannot sign the projected general disarmament treaty if it refers to the Washington and London naval con- ventions which bind her to the short end of a 5:5:3 ratio, Tokio's spokes- man ambassador, Naotake Sato, in- formed the disarmament conference today. Reference to these former agree- ments, Mr. Sato said, would amount to perpetuating the present propor- tion in the new treaty, which is con- trary to Japan's desires. Three Bands Considered For Senior Dance Ace Brigode, Ben Pollock and Frankie Masters are being considered for the Senior Ball, to take place June 14 in the Union Ballroom, John Huss, '33, co-chairman with Robert Fuoss, '33, announced last night. Brigode has been playing in the Merry Garden Ballroom in Chicago and will soon be starting on a tour of the prominent hotels and ball- rooms throughout the East. Pollock has been doing a great deal of rado work during the winter months, while Masters has recently come North after playing several engage- ments in the South. The price of the tickets has been set at three dollars, Huss stated. They will be on sale tonight at 6 p. m. at the Union, League or from the following committee members: Huss, Fuoss, Ross Bain, Rehn Nel- son, Ray Bolcher, Oscar. Perkinson, Myron Blank, Catherine Heeson, Ro- berta C. Henry, Margaret O'Brien, Margaret Keal, Paul Kingsley, Walter Bell, Kenneth Hartwell, and Henry Schaefer. One Hurt As Wind Demolishes Homes Pay Old Debt First, France Told By U.. No Settlement Is Possible Until December Interest Is Paid, Herriot Reveals Washington Talks Result In Demand Former French Premier Tells Chamber Of Stand Taken By Roosevelt PARIS, May 2.-()-Payment of France's defaulted war debt interest due last December was an essential condition laid down by President Roosevelt in their Washington talks for any settlement of the Franco- American debt problem, Eduoard Herriot, former premier, announced in the Chamber of Deputies today. President Roosevelt told him, M. Herriot said, in their recent Wash- ington talks, that if France would agree to pay the $19,000,000 interest installment overtue since Dec. 15 last, negotiations for a settlement of the issue could be undertaken imme- diately. "When I discussed the debts with Mr. Roosevelt," said the special en- voy to the Washington conversations, "I found a man as well disposed to us as a chief of state can be, but a man in the grip of difficulties. "What Mr. Roosevelt told me was that the condition of all re-arrange- ment was the payment of the Dec. 15 instalment. Payment of this was the the essential condition, according to him." Later M. Herriot extended his re- marks. "Negotiations have taken place be- tweenEngland and the United States," he said. "They have not been addressed to France, and it is thus that confusion has arisen." PubDic ,Works Program Goes Through House WASHINGTON, May 26. - (MP) - The industry control-public works bill was passed today by the House. The measure is designed to give employment to millions of men and will empower President Roosevelt to establish fair codes of competition in industry. Passage came after de- feat of a move to insert a general manufacturers' sales tax to finance the $3,300,000,000 public works bond issue. The House spent two days on the measure, considered by President Roosevelt as one of the most impor- tant in his emergency legislative pro- gram. It provides an increase in the in- come-tax rates, raises the gasoline levy to one and three-fourths cents a gallon and makes corporate divi- dends subject to the income rates- all these levies designed to raise $220,000,000 annually to cover inter- est and amortization charges of the bond issue. REED TO ENTER PLEA A motion asking that the court set aside the first degree murder plea and the life sentence at hard labor imposed on George D. Reed, Detroit fireman, for the slaying of his former wife, Ruth, will be made today before Judge Arthur D. Sample. Hearing Continues --Assocaved Press Photo J. PIERPONT MORGAN Union To Hold Special Dance Next Monday Executive Council Meets For First Time, Takes Up Plans For 1933-34 A special dance will be held in the Union Ballroom Monday, May 29, with the regular Union Orchestra furnishing the music, according to plans announced recently. The party has been planned for this night in- asmuch as the following day, Deco- ration Day, is a holiday in the Uni- versity. Robert Saltzstein, '34, new president of the Union, announced that there will be no change in prices for this event. At the first meeting of the new Executive Council held yesterday, a brief summary of the plans of the Union for the year 1933-34 was pre- sented by Saltzstein and by Edward McCormick, '34, recently installed re- cording-secretary. One of the sug- gested innovations will be the issu- ing of Union membership cards to students at the time they pay their fees in Barbour Gymnasium, instead of requiring them to come to the student offices for them. Last Dance June 3 It was mentioned at this time that the last dance regularly scheduled + for this year will be held Saturday, June 3. Their will also be a dance the preceding evening in accordance with .the regular schedule. According to Saltzstein and Mc- Cormick, one of the aims of the Un- ion during their administration will be the encouraging of fraternity men to take part in Union functions more than they have in the past. Thef Union Daily Bulletin will also be continued next year and it was sug- gested that it be mailed to frater- nities and similar organizations in order to arouse more interest in the events which are sponsored. Council Members Listed Members of the new Executive Council are as follows: Douglas Welch, '35, O'Neil Dillon, '35, Owen Crumpacker, '35, Lawrence Clayton, '35, Earl Goodier, '35, Hugh Kuder, '34, Melvin Kempner, '35, Henry Fel- ker, '35E, Allen McCombs, '35, Wil- liam Isaacson, '35, Lewis Kearns, '35, James Wallace, '35, Theodore Borst, '35, Richard Shoupe, '35, John Don- aldson, '35, and John Healey, '35. A proposed change in the distribu- tion of these men among ' the five committees of the Union: house, dance, reception, publicity, and co- operative, provides that they will not be named to a particular chairman- ship but will alternate on the various ones; Sen. Glass Asks Point Of inquiry Senate Quiz Shows Huge Utility Interests Held By J. P. Morgan Company Ferdinand Pecora Hints Resignation One Dollar Options En- titled Company To Take $30 Profit Per Share WASHINGTON, May 26.-(P)-An uproar, precipitated by a demand from Virginia's quick-speaking Sen- ator Carter Glass to know the goal of the inquiry into J. P. Morgan & Co., climaxed a disclosure today that the firm had an interest in utility concerns whose territory embraces almost half the population of the country. Breaking the rigid rules of silence, a crowd broke into vigorous ap- plause when Ferdinand Pecora, the banking committee counsel, hinted that he was ready to resign if Sena- tors were dissatisfied with his work, Then as Morgan sat by apparently amused at the unusual spectacle re- solving' Senatorial dignity into a roundtable squabble, Glass retorted, half facing the crowd: Calls Trial a Circus "Oh, yes, that's what it's all about. 'e're having a circus and all we need now is peanuts and colored lemonade." George Howard, president of the United Corp., was on the stand at the time of the Virginia Democrat's interruption into Pecora's digging questions. He was telling of the or- ganization in January, 1929, of this great Morgan holding unit with in- terests in utility companies doing 22 per cent of the nation's electricity and gas business and serving areas with over 50,000,000 peopler The testimony delivered in the op- pressive heat of the Senate caucus room showed that United Corp. re- ceived from Morgan & Co. at $12,- 000,000 less than market prices, large blocks of utility stocks. In return, United gave the Morgan House 600,- 000 shares of preferred stock, 800,000 of °common and 714,200 in option warrents. S .'Option Plan Revealed Then, a few days later for $10,- 000,000 Morgan & Co. bought an ad- ditional 400,000 shares of common and 1,000,000 option warrents. The options cost $1 each and entitled the holder to purchase a share of United common at $27.50. Less than a month later these would have real- ized a $30 profit on the market. While Pecora was drawing this in- formation from Howard, Grass inter- rupted: "Wait a minute. I don't know what this is all about." "Has there been any violation of Federal or state laws in issuing these securities?" Glass asked Howard. "No, sir." "I have examined the minutes and I don't find at any time that the em- ployment of Mr. Pecora was author- ized," Glass stated. "There is no question of the au- thority in my mind," Senator Ed- ward P. Costigan (Dem., Colo.) said, "I found no record of the employ- ment, but that is immaterial," Glass continued, "because I think the com- mittee is satisfied with Mr. Pecora's employment." Senator Couzens asked Chairman Duncan U. Fletcher for a ruling on Glass' challenge of authority and Fletcher said that Pecora was carry- ing out instructions of the Senate. Glass accused Couzens of liking "to dig at me." Rogers Will Head R. O. T. C. Here Official notice of the appointment of Maj. Frederick G. Rogers of the Army War College in Washington to the post of commandant of the University Reserve Officers Training Corps was received here yesterday by Maj. Basil D. Edwards, retiring head who will go to the- office of the assistant secretary of war in Wash- ington. Major Edwards will take up his new duties there Sept. 1, remain- Dean Lloyd States That Women Have Superior Governing System Geoffrey Kerr Calls New 3.2 Beer An Excellent Beverage' Ann Arbor's Division Street con- troversy over 3.2 beverages has as- sumed international aspects, it seems. Geoffrey Kerr, distinguished Eng- lish actor who arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday for rehearsals in connec- tion with the 1933 Dramatic Festival, was much perplexed when he found it impossible to procure the new beer in a State Street restaurant. dramatic season last year, returns to play the part of Leo in Noel Cow- ard's recent comedy success "Design for Living," which opens Thursday, June 1, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Commenting upon the play, Mr. Kerr stated that it was undoubtedly an extremely brilliant and amusing comedy. "The lines," he said, "are unusually clever and the situations By MARIE MURPHY "Women have a better system at present for .controlling student con- duct than the men have had," Dean Alice Lloyd stated yesterday when approached on the question. "With the fall of the Student Council as it previously existed, an excellent opportunity has arisen for the changes necessary to 'make this body effective. The women have a Judiciary Council as a part of their Self-Governing Association before which women who have broken the rules concerning conduct appear," that is working successfully and I should not like to see it interfered with=" Miss Lloyd con'tinued. "It would be possible for two organiza- tions to make arrangements to cover matters where both are concerned and then to work together in en- forcing them." "On a campus as large as Michi- gan the difficulty lies in the fact that so many students are either ignorant of dr not interested in the matter of student government. With as highly organized a system of self-govern- ment as the women have, there are