THE MICHIGAN DAILY Latest Map Of Campus Placed On Sale Here New Perspective Plan By Bukovsky Is Being Sold At Bookstores "The University of Michigan cam- pus in 1933," the first map of the campus to be published in several years, was finished recently by Prof. Paul Bukovsky of the engineering college and is now on sale at local bookstores. The map is a perspective from the point of view of 3,500 feet up and 3,500 feet northwest of the corner of State Street and North University Avenue, looking in the direction of the Engineering Arch. Professor Bukovsky came to the University in 1926 from the Ford Motor Co., where he had been em- ployed since his arrival in this coun- try in 1923. He was born in Lenin- grad, Russia, in 1881, and was edu- cated there in a cadet corps, the Michael Artillery College, and the Michael Artillery Academy. He spent several years as an officer in the Guard Artillery and then devoted himslef to teaching mathematics, drawing, and descriptive geometry. During the World War he was an in- structor of artillery in the Grand Duke Serge Artillery School in Odessa, where he held a rank of col- onel of the Grand Artillery. He occupied the chair of descrip- tive geometry in the Polyetechnic In- stitute of Odessa, and when political events compelled him to make his home in Yugoslavia, he was elected professor of descriptive geometry at the University of Belgrade. He is the author of several books, "An ti-Aircraft Gunnery," which has been incorporated in a Russian mili- tary textbook, "Comparative Analysis of Russian, French, German, and. Austrian Field Guns Firing in 1915," "Evolution in the Use of Artillery During the World War," and several textbooks in descriptive and elemen- tatry geometry. Senate Clears Federal Judoe Of 5 Charg es Louderback Is Acquied After Nine-Day Trial In Washingto ti WASHINGTON, May 25.-P)- Federal -Judge Harold Louderback is free to take again the bench in Cal- ifornia, acquitted by the Senate on the five impeachment counts brought against him. He said to resign now would be "silly" and like playing into his en- emies' hands, even though a major- ity of the Senate registered disap- proval of his conduct in receivership cases by voting against him on the final general charge of conduct prejudicial to the dignity of the j udiciary." "I feel that it is a vindication," he smilingly told those senators who crossed the chamber to congratulate him when the verdict had been rend- ered late Wednesday after nine days of trial. On that last charge, summarizing the other four, the majority that voted "guilty" fell far short of the two-thirds needed to convict. The senators had debated his case in exe- cutive session for two hours before readmitting the public to the ballot- ing. Conviction on a single count would have removed him from office. Louderback was accused of "tyr- anny," "favoritism," "unlawful con- duct as a judge," "misbehavior in office," and with being a "hindrance to litigants" in the various charges. The prosecution was based on his appointment of H. B. Hunter as re- ceiver for the Russell-Colvin Broker- age Co., San Francisco and J. D. Short as his attorney; appointment and alleged granting of fees to Mar- shall Woodworth as attorney and Samuel Shortridge, jr., as receiver for the Lumberman's Reciprocal As- sociation; appointment of G. H. Gil- bert as receiver for the Fageol Motor Co., and upon his grant of receiver- ship papers for the Prudential Hold- ing Co. Morgan Questioner Defoe's Works Prominent In Library Hubbard Collection -Associated Press Photo Ferdinand Pecora, New York at- torney, questioned J. P. Morgan dur- ing the Senate banking committee investigation of private banking. Chase Bank Cuts Suplus $50,000,000 NEW YORK, May 25.-dP)-The Chase National Bank yesterday an- nounced a reduction of its surplus to $50,000,000, one reason for which was to provide for writing off or covering by reserves of obligations of the Fox Film Corporation and the General Theatres Equipment, By S. PROCTOR McGEACHY Although Defoe would undoubted- ly be chagrined and bewildered to learn that his great story of Robin- son Crusoe is considered primarily a children's book today, he probably would also feel highly gratified to peruse the Hubbard Special Collec- tion of Imaginary Voyages in the Rare Book Room of the main library. "It is one of the most interesting collections we have and is well- known both here and abroad," said Miss Ella M. Hymans, curator of rare books, while displaying some of the faded and worn editions yester- day. "It is interesting," she said, "since it contains several rarities and a great many editions, translations, adaptations, and imitations of Rob- inson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels, as well as many universal items; all of which have siginificance as part of the collection." This collection contains over 2,800 volumes, half of which concern Rob- inson Crusoe. One fourth is devoted to Swift's works, primarily Gulliver's Travels. An unusual subdivision under the Defoe section is that of Robinsonades, and pseudo-Robin- scns. These are books considered to be imitations of Robinson Crusoe, all having the theme of insular seclusion from human society. Robinson Crusoe gained such im- mediate popularity after its anony- mous publication in 1719 that within six months there was published an imitation. It was called "Adventures and Surprising Achievements of James Dubourdieu and His Wife," and is now exceptionally rare and valuable. The first edition of it was only recently added to the collection after years of search. The est known of the Robinson- ades is the Swiss Family Robinson. Other rare and well-known titles contained in the collection are "Life of Peter Wilkins," "Masterman Ready," "Rival Crusoes," "L'Isle In- connue," "Voyages of Richard Fal- coner," "Adventures of Sir Peter Quarll," and "Les Nouveaux Robin- sons." The foremost authority on "ades" and original editions of Defoe is Hermann Ullrich, a German scholar. Bishop's Appointment Causes Church Dispte BERLIN, May 25.-(/P)-A conflict loomed today between the United Lutheran churches and the German Christians, a Nazi group, over the direction of the proposed new United German Protestant church. The United Lutherans Wednesday rejected the Nazi candidate for evangelical bishop of the reich, Rev. Ludwig Mueller, and nominated as their own candidate Rev. Friedric von Bodelschwingh, internationally known director of a social settlement at Bethel, near Bielefeld, in West- phalia. The appointment of the social di- rector was announced by Hermann Kapler, president of the German church unions, recently named with two collaborators to work for refor- mation of the church in negotiating with the Nazi regime. He compiled and published a com- plete bibliography of these works in 1898, and his personal copy of it, in- terleafed with his notations, is now in the H~ibbarcA Collection. Other rare editions highly valued are the first issue of the original and the first Dutch and the first French translations, which were both pub- lished in 1720. The immense popu- larity of the work is illustrated by the fact that four editions were is- sued the first four months of its pub- lication. Defoe wrote a second volume containing further adventures of Robinson Crusoe and a third, which was an expression of morality and religion. This last, because of its subject matter, was not popular. Lucius Lee Hubbard, donor of the collection, has just recently retired from his position of Regent of the University. He made his gift in 1922 and has added to it continuously since. Very little of the present col- lection has been purchased by the library. Dr. Hubbard is now 84 years old, but still highly interested and thoroughly familiar with this large collection. He is a geologist at Houghton, Michigan, but from an early age has made books his hobby. Cuban Terrorism True Weighed By Delegates HAVANA, May 25,--P)-Proposals for a "truce on terrorism" was re- ported under consideration today by representatives of groups opposed to the regime of President Machado. The truce was said to have been proposed Wednesday night at a con- ference of delegates who were repre- sented as believing that Sumner Welles, United States ambassador, may take a hand in placating Cuban political disputes. Members of the Nationalist Union and followers of Miguel Mariano Gomez were under- stood to have attended. A short time after the ambassador called on Orestes Ferrara, secretary Child Nursery New Project Of University Elementary. School Office Announces Plan For Children 12 To 4 The University Elementary School is to operate a nursery group for chidren between two and a half, and four and a half years of age this summer, according to an announce- ment received from the Director's office. The session will be six weeks in length, and will begin on July 5th. The membership of the group i:; made up of children now enrolled in the school, children on the wait- ing list who expect to continue in tHw fall, and summer visitors. The program offered during tho summer includes a luncheon at, school and an afternoon nap. Much the same schedule is maintained as during the winter months, except that many of the activities are trans- ferred to the out-of-doors. Parents of children who are en- rolled in the nursery group pay a nominal fee to cover the cost of food and other special services provided. Miss Elizabeth Paddock will be im charge of the nursery group, and Dr. Janet Barnes will give medical su- pervision. This is the third summer that a nursery school unit has been oper- ated, and interest in it has increased each year. Many parents and stu- dents have studied the practices with children at these ages during the past summers. Some of these have been casual visitors, and others have been enrolled in courses that use the nursery group for observational pur- poses. of state, Wednesday, orders were given to newspaper censors that no mention of the interview be made. Later the order was revoked. i , ._ -. - I Corporation. "At its meeting Wednesday," said an announcement, "the board of di- rectors of the Chase National Bank directed certain charge-offs and ad- ditions to ieserve accounts and au- thorized the reduction of the sur- plus of the bank to $50,000,000. "As one of the results of this ac- tion, the obligations of the General Theatres Equipment Corporation and the Fox Film Corporation and its subsidiaries have been written off or covered by reserves, so that the total amount of such obligations now re- maining are approximately $15,000,- 000. "The capital of the bank will re- main at $148,000,000, the surplus as stated will be $50,000,000, and the undivided profit account will be in excess of $7,500,000. The total cap- ital funds will therefore be in ex- cess of $200,000,000. "It is the firm belief of the di- rectors that the bank will have sub- stantial recoveries in many of the items which were subject to the ac- tion taken Wednesday." I CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY I ,f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at three o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no Pxtra charge. Cash in advance-le per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. 0c per reading line for three or more insertions. Telephone rate-lSc per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 101/ discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line--2 lines daily, one month....................8.$ 4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months........8c 2 lines daily, college year.........7c 4 lines E. O. D., college year.......7c 100 lines used as desired..........c 300 lines used as desired...........7cB 1.000 lines used as desired..........7c 2.000 lines used as desired........ 6 The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per Inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add' Ge per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bcI!d face, upper and lower case. Add 100 per line to above rates for bold face c'apital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. WANTED WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD AND NEW SUITS AND OVER- COATS. Will pay 3, 4, 5, to 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor, 4306. Chicago Buyer. 34c HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-Two high-grade men to open savings accounts for national banking institution. Per- manent. Tel. 4075. 452 TYPING Rev. Lewis Says Advisability Of Student Marriages Varies TYPING-Mimeographing, Binding. Quality at the right price. Brum- field & Brumfield,.308 S. State. 50x TYPING - Stenography. Miss E. Wells, Phone 4546. 24x TYPING-Notes, Papers, and Grad. theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35x TYPEWRITING-And Mimeograph- ing promptly and neatly done in our shop by experienced operators, at moderate rates. O.-D. Morrill, The Typewriter & Stationery Store, 314 S, State St. 101x LAUNDRIES STUDENT - And ramily washing careful work at lowest prices. Ph. 3006. 6c LAUNDRY --- Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c BICYCLES RIDE A BIKE-Phone 6553, Russel Reed, Camden Court, opposite Women's Athletic Building. 60x NOTICE BLUE BIRD BOOK NOOK, lending library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni- versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30. 21c FOR RENT FOR RENT-House suitable for fra- ternity at 1022 Forest. Inquire, Mrs. Spaulding, 210 S. Thayer, 5772. 444 MICHIGAN Katherine Hepburn in a Stirring Drama Chr I stopher By MANUEL LENIN The advisabiii'y of student mar- riages depends upon individual prob- lems, said the Rev. Henry Lewis of the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church recently when asked his opinion on the subject. Mr. Lewis expressed the belief that, generally speaking, it is a difficult matter to obtain an edu- cation and build a home at the same time, although it is often advisable to make the attempt. "I have little patience with the modern custom of the young wife supporting by hard work the hus- band who some day hopes to get a degree and spends his time in what is known is studying, while she brings in -the-few hard earned dol- lars," Mrs I eis said. "On the other hand there are many cases where the man does better work in his studies if he is married, though I be- lieve, as I have said, that it is unwise for him to do this at the, expense of his wife's having to support him. Not only is it hard on the wife but it produces a bad mental reaction in him." Reverend Lewis defined marriage as follows: "Marriage is a mutual contract. Its main business is the building of a home with or without children, and therefore each part- ner to the contract must share equal-' ly, as far as possible, in the building of that home." Many students who contemplate marriage in college arel placed in a dilemma, however, fori economic reasons. Reverend Lewis stated, "In general this would seem to be impossible in college from an economic standpoint, though biolog- ically it would doubtless be of bene- fit to both partners. One of the things we should look forward to and work toward should be the readjust- ment of our economic and social life so that young people who have com- pleted their undergraduate work and desire to go on into the professions should be able to be married if they so desire," said Mr. Lewis. U' FRESHMAN LANTERN DANCE Michigan League Ballroom MAY 27 9-12 Tickets $1.00 at League Desk and Angell Hall \vUER Tix Today-Janet Gaynor & Charles Farrell in "Tess of the Storm Country" -Saturday-JOAN BLONDELL in- "TH1REE ON A MATCH" 1I Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre OPENING MATINE E TODAY at 3:15 Strong Wirth MAJESTIC -- Now 11 SECRETS of the LONELY HEARTS Also Tonight and Saturday Night at 8:15 *Violet HEMING 'Rose HOBART *Tom POWERS *Robert LORAINE in Benn Levy's Current New YorIk lit "SPRINGTIME FOR HENRY' Be Seats at matinees for "Springtine for Henry" ROBERT HENDERSON says, "May I personally recoimend the two dance recitals Monday and Tuesday by ANGNA ENTERS. From the angle of individual charm and creative genius, she re- i t AM ALON' LYGIR1- ana I w&nti. ve I 1 n I d Iree.,..wt ttt"' t .tg have I havc rt the ' h r l Clubs REVEALED! WITH MARJORIE RAMBEAU EDDIE QUILLAN DOROTHY J0OIDAN 'Directed by RALPH MURPHY aCt -ararnount g9wiw? COLIN CLIVE B ILLE BURKE HELEN CHANDLER also ING CROSBY "Blue of in the Night" BURNS & ALLEN in "Let's 'ance" ICKEY MOUSE - RADIO REVUE NI' 11