THE MICHIGAN DAILY Til Truce Declared In ar Zone By China And Japan Forial Signatures To Be Affixed By Two Factions On Thursday At Miyun~ Fighting Renewed MissionariesaRepor 10 Chinese Slain Ini Latest. Outbreak Near Peiping TOKIO, May 24.-(-P)-The for- eign office, confirmed today reports that an agreement for a Chinese- Japanese truce in the North China war zone had been reached at Peip- ing. The agreement provides, the an- nouncement said, that Chinese troops will remain southwest of a line running from Yenking to Chang- ping, Shunyi, Paoti and Lutai. Formal signature was scheduled to be affixed at Miyun Thursday. Yenking is 50 miles north of Pei- pin. The lie below which the Chi- nese forces would be kept runs from that point in a southeasterly direc- tion to within 15 miles of Peiping, terminating at Lutai, which is 30 miles north of Tientsin. Previously the war office had de- clared that danger of a conflict for possession of Peiping apparently was over. The Japanese activities in that1 area, the announcement said, were "practically finished" without the city being occupied by the invading forces. PEIPING, May 24. -(1 -Advices from American missionaries at Tung- chow, 13 miles east of here, said to- day there was renewed fighting Tuesday night on the eastern out- skirts of the town despite reports of a Chinese-Japanese truce in the North China war zone. Ten unnese were killed, said the missionaries, who are connected with the American board of missions. They have stuck to their posts after evacuation from Tungchow between 70 and 80 American children, who attended school there. Chinese reinforcements were said to be arriving, with further hostili- ties apparently imminent. The Tungchow mission compound was crowded with 10,000 Chinese refugees. Peiping, however, was more peace- ful today than for many days. Re- lic was marked as the result of the reported truce. TOKIC, May 24. - (iP) -- A Rengo (Japanese) news agency dispatch from Chinchow, Manchuria, said to- day Col. Takayoshi Matsumuro, chief of the Japanese special military mis- sion in Jehol province, had been in the wreckage of an airplane near Weichang, north of Jehol city. It was believed Chinese bandit had shot down the plane, in which Matsumuro left Jehol City Sunday. The body of the pilot also was found. Sceetmic Wlio's Wo ContaiLs Faculty Namne Fort Hunt lBonus Seekers Sign Up For Forestry Camps Exhibition Of Paintings By Bailey Openis Today The College of r hitecture yes- terday announced that until further notic an cxhib ion of painting and1 sketches \ ill be on display from 9 a. n. to 5 p. m. daily, except Sun- day. in the Architectural building. This current exhibition consists of work by Prof. Roger Bailey, of the architectural college. European landscape and architec- tural subjects are shown; there are included pictures4 i ater color, pas- tel, and penicil--ini part, the work done by the exhibitor during a three- year stay in Europe, as holder of the Paris Prize Fellowship in Architec- Lure. There is also a study for tle Chicago War Memorial, the first prize for which was won by Mr. Bailey in association with another New York architect, and a study for a memeorial to mark the site of the Appomattox Court House. Professor Bailey shows a wide field of interest in the formal as well as picturesque aspects of architecture and land- s;cape. Itailian hill-towns, gardens with fountains, and rich planting, are represented, as well as various architectural motives showing an ex- tensive range of form and color. 100 ENGRAVED CARDS and PLATE $2.25 "- Any Style - DAVISAx OILINGER 109-111 East Washington St. Phone 8132 Second Floor .. -CxrjaSpeci*als THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATUR1DAY at all FLETCHER DRUG STORES 7 7~ ? C), % I , WILSON SUCCESS GOLF BALLS A Good Distance Ball -Associated Press Photo Many of the bonus-seeking veterans at Fort Hunt, Va., have signed up for work in the government reforestration camps. Some are shown in line as their applications were taken. Pennsylvania Tennis Balls 3 for $1.10 $1.00 Ovaltine. . 63c 5 l bs. Ba th Saits.. 49c $2.00 Chamois. $1.00 $1O Lady Ester Face Powder .. .73c 25c echc Olson Reports Extensive Work In Field Of School Organization -- 3for 9c An extensive effort is to be made to detremine what things are learned by children, and how effectively those things are learned under vary- ing types of school organization, cur- ricula, and methods of teaching, ac- cording to a statement by Dr. W. C. Olson, director of research in child development in the University Ele- mentary School. Dr. Olson has just returned from a meeting at the Institute of School Experimentation of Teachers College, at Columbia University. The meeting, he said, was attended by representa- tives of private schools, public schools, and research centers, and the conference was devoted to a dis- cussion of what things should be evaluated and what measures of ap- praisal are possible. A report was also made on the re- sults of the study up to the present time. The investigation is intended to encompass both elementary and secondary schools, declared Dr. Ol- son. In addition to the measurement of achievement in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and organized fields of subject matter, Dr. Olson explained, the study will attempt to appraise ac- complishments in the fields of music, art, and construction. He declared that a difficult part of the investigation consists in the de- STANI)INGS termination of the growth of children in initiative, in ability to co-operate with others for common ends, in problem solving, and in various types of social and emotional adjustment. Some effort is to be made to de- termine how well abstract knowl- edges and skills are co-ordinated in' doing complex and meaningful tasks. The feeling of the conference, Dr. Ol- son said, was that appraisals of this type were important in order that factual data on a wide-spread scale would be available to answer the kind of questions which are raised con- cerning educational planning. Dr. Olson estimated that the study will probably cover a period of two years as a minimum, and may be ex- tended beyond this time. The pro-j gram is being financed by the Insti-! tute of School Experimentation att Columbia University, it was stated. Federal Reserve Buying 1 25 Million In Securities WASHINGTON, May 24-(A')-The Federal Reserve system is in the open market for government securities, launching on a first trial of the con- trolled credit inflation powers newly conferred on the President by Con- gress. For the present, the Reserve's open market committee is purchasing $25,- 000,000 of such securities. The law authorizes buying up to three billions to ease credit and release currency. Though the initial purchasing au- thorization was small and the time over which the buying would be spread was not indicated, the action was accepted as indicating the Re-[ serve system is in full accord with1 the President's expansion policy. } Black Friar's Dance featuring PIETRO BRESCIA and THE HARLEQUINS Fri., May 26 Michigan League Ballroom $1.00 per Couple Tickets on Sale atLeague Desk, Hut, Den, Slater's. Wahr's Y1 Lilac Vegetal ....69c 1 Oc Clgates Soap. 5c Flashlights . Complete with ....39c Batteries $5.00 Folding Vest Pocket Camera Sturdily Built Good Lens Neat Appearance 1.98 - 25c Kotex, 2 for 29c A Full Half Pound EiTLE s SW cHOCOLATE/ ALMONDS "RICHEST a IN CREAM: . ' /NEsTLE-s 'ALMoNococoCLArE Nestle Chocolate Bars 15c $3.50 Ben Wade Pipes Special, $2.59 ""Hal 11,110 CALKI NS-FLETCHER DEPENDABLE DRUG STORES $1.50 Curling, Full sized-Switch in Ample Cord 69c rons Handle I p r4 I IFNOW PLAYI N-- IIN4 ~ W~ W '7ugh Tong~ue ThreadIr Razor BladJes Copyright. 1933, R.3. Reynolds T1rob~wom~parn AIUER.ICAN LEAGUE W . 11. lgcw York............20 11 -.hicago. .. Washing ton . Nhiladelphia . Clevel'alld. Detroit ... I t. Louis . JBoston .. .... S18 14 20 16 ....... 17 14 S1 16 14 19 .... 14 22 .........11 20 .645 .563 .556 .548 .529 .389 .355 I (CoIntnIIed from 1%)gn 1) iames and included many Miclilga'' faculty men and alumni. Promincnt among these were Alexander Ziwet and Wooster W. Beman of the mathematics department, Robert S. Woodward, Henry S.. Carhart, Karl E. G;uth, and John . Reado of the physics depairtnieint, and Albert B. Prescott, Paul C. Freer, Eugene W. lilgard, L. M. Dennis, Edward D. Campibell, Victor C. Vaughn, Moses Gomberg. Frederick Q. Novy, George A. HuleLt, and John J. Abel of the chemistry department. W. W. Campbell, Asaph Hall, and William J. Hussey of the astronomy department, Israel C. Russell, Frank Levertte, and William H. Hobbs of the geology department, Volney M. Spauldcing, Frederick C. Newcombe, and Bradley M. Davis of the botany department H. S. Jennings, Jacob E, Reighard, J. P. McMurrich, J. B. Johnston, and G. Carl Huber 'of the r'oology lepartment, and John J. Abc1, Warren P. Lombard, and Henry Sewall of the physiology de- Partment were also listed. Aldred S. Worthin of the pathol- ogy department and John Dewey and Walter B. Pillsbury of the psychology department complete the list. Sipce this first edition there have been many other local men added to the list. In the latest edition there arc but three women listed among the 250 outstanding ones, and only 725 in the entire group. Tables in the appendix* show that the aerage age of the men in the different fields is largest for those in gcjlogy, it being 49.4 years, and smallest for those in mathematics, theirs being 36.1 years. Altogether there are 48 men se- lected from the state of Michigan and the quota taken from the Uni- versity was the fifth largest in the United States, Harvard, California, WAdnsday's Re iults Dotroit, :3--10-. -1, Bridges and Hayworth; Washington, 1 -1 --0, Weaver and Sewell. Philadelphia, 7--6---3. Cain, Claset. Grove, and Cochrane; St. Louis, 4-. 5- 0, hadlcy, Knott, and Ruel. Cleveland-New York, rain. Chica ;o -13os ton, rain. NAT1IONAL LEA C.UE Pit tsburgh New York. St. Louis ., Thston. .. Cincinna ti, Brooklyn. Chicago . . Philadelphi W. L. 22 11 19 14 .....,......19 16 ............17 19 .16 18 ............14 16 .,........ ..16 19 a ......... .13 23 Pet. .667 .576 .543 .472 .471 .467 .457 .361 Wednesday's Results Cincinnati, 3-7-1, Smith and Hemnsley; New York, 1-7-1, Uhle, Bell, Starr, and Mancuso. Pittsburgh, 6--14--0, Swift, Ilarris. Chagnon and ,Padden; Brooklyn, 5.-- 13-0, Shaute, Mungo and Lopez. Chicago, 5-10-0, Warneke and Hartnett; Philadelphia, 2-8-0, Hol- ley, Pearce and Davis. Boston-St. Louis, rain. TYPEWRITERS - PORTABLE Snith-Corona, Noiseless, Underwmod, Boyal, Remington. Sol&~d-a efpEed. 4 S. State St., Ann Arbor. WANT A T JOB? S BUSINESS looks forward we are expanding our large organ- ization, There are a few places open for college men who want to start their careers with a nation-wide business offering unlimited oppor- ";cis: "{: :i: 1 s.. , 1 i:" :+ : Sriss::: .is sw '- I U XI 41...... ...A om