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May 25, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-25

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. -.--

'"7.- ,

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
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CITY EDITOR .. ................. .BRACKLE'Y SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris,
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GiMmy, Billie Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman,
Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose.
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1933

do not want their sons and daughters to drink
beer, and that if they do, they must, somehow, be
very bad parents indeed.
I object to that statement of Mr. Hoad's. It
seems to me that he is assuming something which
is hardly within the sphere of even a University
professor. At home I drink beer, wine, and an
occasional cocktail, and so do my parents. This
has not, really, left me a mental, moral and
physical wreck. My parents have no objection to
my drinking these beverages. They would, I am
sure, be most amazingly disappointed if I should
grow into such an individual as those represent-
ing the dry side at the Common Council meeting
Monday night.
There must be others in this University who are
in a position similar to mine. To this group of
students, whose parents drink, Mr. Hoad's infer-
ences are a direct insult.
If Mr. Hoad can not be fair in city legislative
discussion at least he ought to be decent when
discussing the parents of University students.
-A Student.
Although the paragraph below appeared in the
Michigan Journalist some time ago, April 7, to be
exact, the question involved, we are sure is of
great importance and of vital interest to everyone.
"'Students sit and take what the professors
give them in the classroom and then ask for
values at a Spring Parley,' accused Prof. Bennett
Weaver, of the English department, who believes
a little skepticism is a healthy thing (as students
in his classes have found out). 'There is too little
retort;' he said, and thereby got retort that kept
the 1933 Spring Parley from being Professor
Brumm's so-called 'last tender stand of the Re-
publican Party in Michigan.'"
We wonder just what that "retort" could have
been. Did the champion of the students bring out
the truth and nothing but the truth? Did he (or
she) admit that most professors (including in-
structors) are human beings after all? Did he
truthfully contend that they also resent criticism
and retoi'ts, especially when they come from
'mere' students.
You may ask, "what happens when a student is
bold enough to make a retort? Usually, he is
given a 'black spot' making him a marked man.
Then sarcasm, gentle sarcasm, flows spontane-
ously from the lips of the disgruntled 'prof'-
gentle,-biting sarcasm.
No, we don't accuse all 'profs.' of the last men-
tioned act for there are exceptions, of course.
But, what about the bold students? Crushed
and silent he receives the sympathetic advice of
one of his more experienced classmates after class.
-"You don't want to doubt any prof's word or
even make any retorts, especially with this new
prof. we've got. Don't you realize that he is the
guy who gives out the marks at the end of the
semester. Get wise to yourself, brother."
Heeding this brotherly advice, our former 'bold'
student keeps quiet after that even if it some-
times hurts. There are no more retorts or skepti-
cisms from him, for he can't afford it, if it means
lower grades.
The average student has been 'bold' or skeptical
once, perhaps twice, but after that he gets "wise
to himself." And what average students on the
campus doesn't know that such is the situation.
What broad-minded professor?

.the annual fee from $6 to $10, providing, as my
friends have correctly stated, that $5 go to main-
tenance and $5 to capital ac count, all to 'be ad-
ministered by the Board of Governors of the
Union. And heat, light and power to be supplied
by the University without charge. Now there IS
charity amounting to many thousands of dollars
per year! And may I be pardoned if I continue
unconvinced that this charity is given in a way
to be most useful or to a group utilizing it in a
valuable manner. The Union was built during the
war, at war prices and at war sentiments of un-
limited funds. A building far beyond any logical
size or expense was constructed on the assurance
of compulsory membership and easy bond issues.
Wartime was a time of compulsion. Bond issues
are a source of grief foisted upon a future gen-
eration and only those who enjoy the sadism of
grief should be allowed to shoulder the burden of
their own deliberate sorrows. Gentlemen, if the
lovers of the Union and the users of its facilities
can not voluntarily support it let the bricks
crumble and the bonds decay!
I am writing today to the Board of Governors
inquiring from them reasons why I was not given
a refund by the Union when I applied for it last
November (accusations of ignorance to the con-
trary). I would value highly detailed information
regarding the $40,000 in student wages which has
been mentioned as disbursed by the Union. This
information to be of value must state names,
amounts, and services rendered as well as hours
worked. I wish also to be informed as to what
organizations and the membership of each which
meet without charge in the Union rooms. Please
do not count overlapping membership. The actual
number of persons using the Union in this way
are desired. You may count me, too, for I have
participated in such meetings.
In conclusion I feel called upon to repeat my
admonition to clear athletics of its compulsory
features. In May 1925 the oft-quoted Board of
Regents authorized $0.50 of each student's Out-
door Physical Education fee to be used for the
maintenance of the Band! Put that in your horn
and blow it! I cannot reach the note.
-Thomas M. Brown, Grad
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture:
no stars keep away from it.
"Strictly Personal" is a good show if only be-
cause Dorothy Jordan is the sweet young thing
around whom the story is woven. She doesn't have
much to do in this picture but, as usual, she does
it beautifully.
Marjorie Rambeau is her old self in a part
which fits her perfectly. But to Edward Ellis, who
plays the part of "Soapy," an ex-convict who is
trying to "go straight," go the real laurels for
acting. He does a polished bit of work in this case,
although the story itself is a bit weak in spots.
Eddie Quillan also has a part that only he
could play, aside from that we see nothing re-
markable in what he does for "Strictly Personal."
The story, as you probably know, concerns the ac-
tivities of the Lonely Hearts Club, one of those
organizations which arranges for meetings be-
tween lonely women and lonelier men. A suave
confidence man has a bit to do with the develop-
ments which take place and-but maybe you want
to find out for yourself. -E. J. P.
Editfor]ial Commen.t
Is there a dictator in the White House? Maybe,
but he isn't afraid to say, "I don't know."
Some readers of a newspaper feature yesterday,
in which a Washington correspondent praised
Franklin D. Roosevelt for his honest ignorance,
may not have been aware of the way in which
the "dictator" is said to work.
He is willing to listen, those who know him say,
to anybody. It is known that he received even
Communist leaders of Bonus Expeditionary Force
activities as governor of New York. More signifi-
cant as to advice, however, is that which he

The President is almost unanimously described
as a good listener-so good a one that he too often
gives a wrong impression, that he agrees with the
talker. In a campaign conference, his associates
recall, he would hear what everybody had to say,
call for ideas from all. His decision-and it would
be his decision-would depend not upon the
source of the idea but upon how well the ideal
appealed to the Phi Beta Kappa president's in-
Another leading feature of the Roosevelt tech-
nique has been his consulting of experts rather
than of interests-including the much maligned
"brain trust" of college professors.
What the outcome will be, how well the tech-
nique will hold up, remain to be seen. Already
the President has yielded to the interests-they,
aren't called interests, but they are in fact-of ag-
riculture and of organized labor on specific legis-
lation. His farm bill is perhaps the worst of the
legislation that has come out of the mental grist
mill. Yet even that he has confessed is an experi-
ment which may not succeed.
President Roosevelt may be a dictator, but he is
making some attempt to gear his dictating into
the main driving forces of the nation's life. And,
undictatorlike, he is willing to say without em-
barrassment, "I don't know." That high brand of
humility is the kind needed for these changing
times. -Daily Iowan
J. P. Morgan may declare from now on until
doomsday that he has received no income for the
past two years, but there will always be millions
who will express their entire willingness to swap
earnings with him, just the same.
'rhaRiscianr~rnnifnn mp..finnns e se 2t


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3 16 State Street

Main Street Opposite Court House


I l

Hail and


E iht Men
Against Seven. ..
T IS WITH a feeling of distinct
disappointment that merchants,
students and townspeople living east of the Di-
vision Street line receive the Common Council's
recent decision to refuse East Side merchants the
right to sell beer.
We have credited anti-beer members of the
council with sincerity in their belief the beverage
could not legally be sold east of Division Street.
It begins to look, however, as though they are
taking refuge in a quibble. The opposition contend
the Ann Arbor charter amendment prohibiting
beer is constitutional and cannot be violated.
When a formal statement from Attorney-General
O'Brien holding the ruling no longer valid is pre-
sented the council, they reject it as unofficial-be-
cause the attorney-general has not sent it directly
to that body.
The fact that only a court can give definite
ruling in the matter has little to do with it. The
opinion which prevails among the lawyers of the
State and with members of the Law School faculty
here is that the Division Street ruling was invali-
dated by the amendment to the State constitution
ratified in November. Thus, the eight members of
the council who oppose East-Side beer support
their attitude with an argument that we have
every reason to believe is unsound.
The chief thing the council is seeking to pre-
vent is the sale of beer to high school and Uni-
versity students. Professor Hoad, at the Monday
meeting, declared high school ftudents would
surely become demoralized through introduction
of beer. We can only point out that there is a
clause in the State beer bill prohibiting its sale
to persons of less than 18 years of age, which
pretty well covers the high school students. Pro-
fessor Hoad and the council are also bent on keep-
ing the beverage from University students, who
are over 18. In doing this, they are attempting to
defeat the purpose of the Michigan Legislature,
which was to make 3.2 available to anyone over
Surely the council must realize that as long as
beer is sold west of Division students will get it
anyhow. The only thing their refusal can do is
antagonize the students they seek to help and
establish a vicious discrimination against East-
Side merchants.




It is with a great deal of pleasure that I note
the friendly interest aroused by the letter appear-
ing in this column last Saturday. It is a satisfac-
tion to learn that those who oppose my views on
making the Health Service, Union, and Athletic
fees optional with the student do so without ran-
cor toward one whom they do not know per-
sonally. Thank you. Good breeding is an attribute
worthy of sincere admiration whether developed
in the atmosphere of the Union library or in a
student's attic. To one struggling in a just cause
such encouragement is an incentive that is bound
to succeed.
Perhaps my friends will allow me to make some
further remarks regarding the fees under discus-
sion. The Registrar's office pleasantly informs me
that there are now present in the University 6468
men (male students.) Of these approximately one
tenth, or more than 600, are part time students
paying the $25 special fee which permits only 10
hours of work to be carried. This group of 600
are in the category of part time men for the
preponderant reason that they cannot afford the
additive fees. It is to be noted that these people
may at their option pay the fees in question.
Now it seems very, very reasonable to permit all
who so desire to elect full time academic work
without paying fees for outside activities. They
who cannot pay the whole $98 are penalized by
the compulsion to give a year's time for only one
third of a year's potential credit. Now, Gentle-
men, this is unjust, no matter how excellently the
fees are administered or how worthily you main-
tain their value to yourselves. Furthermore, none
of these part time students have been given char-
ity at the hands of the University or the Health
Service as someone has hastily supposed they
might. I have known some special students who
have been sick this year-and I wished I might
have permitted them to utilize my own fee, but
such is not allowed. These men would gladly have
paid the Health Service fee if they had been
able to obtain sufficient funds or had the fee itself
been reasonable. Every means short of compulsion
should be used to induce all students to pay a just
fee for health-but to make it arbitrary and ex-
orbitant is a deplorable wrong.
May I quote from the minutes of the June 1926,
meeting of the Board of Regents: "Resolved: That
beginning with the University year 1926-27 and
until further action by the Board, the Health
Service element of the annual fee shall be in-
creased from $6 to $10 and the Health Service
element for the summer session shall be $2.50."
Regent Beal voted no on this resolution. My re-
spects to Junius! Of course, since 1926, the ele-
ment above was again increased to $15 though
the minutes of the action are not in print. We
cannot possibly be two and a half times as ill as

r '1
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s- i 1

In the last issue of the year the
retiring staff takes a parting shot
at the campus and its evils. The
tyrants McKay and Rush present
their swan song. If you like the
abandon of the last performance
of a spicy play, then, by all
means, read the June issue of

Preposterous People No. 7
Genius Unrecognized

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.


Poetic justice
With benefit of Clergy
Campus Talk


I '


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