THE MICHIGAN DAILY kL BULLETIN President Rloosevelt Signing uscle Shol perati on Bill dtive notice to all members of thes1 T' the Assistant to the President until MAY 25, 1933 N.7 CES of the University Chor al Union are *"' ie chorus should be re.tur ned to the "> ~ ;" uric, Maynaid Street, on or beforeĀ£ r $2.50 will be paid to those returning refunds will be mnade. ni are avaliable in the office of the )Ur last opportunity to pay class dlues e lobby of Angeil Hall between 10:00 been received. by the Dean of Stu- A. A. SLUDGE, PRES. BUREAU, CHIICAGO, ILL. .:?"""":""': :; :.* May 23, 1933; is._ letter on your bulletin board?-Ascae ,Pitr men who wish to be employed at the Ending a 13-year contest over disposition of the Muscle Shoals power and nitra'te development Presi- sume mnts.dent. Roosecvelt signed the Norris-Hill bill calling for government operation of thc piojeet and broad.c *- [ OFOBTAINING SITUATIONS, velopment of the entire Tennessee Valley. Left to right: Senator Smith, cfi uhCrln;Rpceitv SOFMcSwain, of South Carolina; Senator MfcKellar, of r'cncssee; !llgcoI, Olivicr, and lfl, f AI-ib. ni;anld THAI 577UN V 12, T AVENUE Senator Norris, of Nebraska. Looking ever Senator c rs' slicuhk'r is Rcpresenta Live Ai~dnon, oil Il ;_ama, ['HN JNE 2, 933 -in whose district Mu Lscle Shoals lies. 'D ENVELOPE._________________________________ ICLASSIFIED DIRECTI ___ i 4' tCLA SSIFIED ADVERTISING PFace advertisemnents With Classified A(!vertisilng Departmnent. Phone 2-1214, l,1w cia,sitie ci columins ecse at three o'clock prev is to day of inseriIoU. Bio': 1nu;:bers may be seculred at no gash in advance-lic per readiiij line :oil 1~i ca 'vi- vemuv erag e wurIm to li 'e) for OOJ01 V l WO isertltorls. AMinimumtG 3 line, e neto 10c: p-rreading lith:xor three our more i nrerc itions. l'eiephofle rate-15c per reading line tooie o w npreos.Vc ,r readting line for three or gnore 10"',di:=connt~ if paid within ten days from the daite of last insertion. M1'inimu11m three Hiues per insertion, lly cowi r ct, perlilne--2 lies daily, one 4line-s t! . 61)., 2 imonthis .........8d 2 1l1is dally, (collcee yer...........7c 4 linles F. C0. 1., college year........ 7e 100.) ine n" es'd assdosred1............9c 3(,0 ljn~e. used aw desired.........Be 10)t10 lines; u:sQ edrasdesired...........'Ic 2,+J& line, used 1as desi-red.........6 1 ;W above rates are pe~r reading line. sa.ed n eghtreainglines per inch. ~ ~yie.upper ati lower case. Acd 6, p r lineV to above rates for azll capital c" .lerst. Add 6e per line to above for '.. lface, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 71/2 point type. BICYCLES RIDE A BIKE--Phone 6553, Russel Reed, Camden Court, oppositec Women's Athletic Building. 6Ox ing of European architectural and landscape subjects, by Professor Roger B~ailey, is now on exhibition in the Architectural Building. Open daily 9 to 5, excepting Sundays, until further notice. EVENTS TODAY Applied. Mechanics Colloquiuzn: Mr. W. H. Taylor---"Some Studies on the Flutter of Airfoils. and Propellers." Prof. R. A. Dodge-"Flotation in Flowing Water," at 7:30 p. m. in Room 445 West Engineering Building. All interested are cordially invited to attend and take part in the discussion. Political Science Journal Club meets in the Political Science Seminar Room from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m. Motion Studies: An illustrated lecture on Motion Studies in Industry w ill be given by Mr. F. J. Can Poppelen of the Cadillac Motor Car Co., in Room 316. Michigan Union, 8:00 p. m. Anyone interested in this phase o~t labor management is cordially invited to attend, Le Cercle lFraneais: Important meeting at 7:30 in the Michigan League. All members are urged to be present. Short program and refresh- ments. "Importance of Being Earnest." The class in the Oral Interpretatoin of Dramatic Literature will give a review of Oscar Wilde's "The Import- ance of Being Earnest," at 7:30 p. m. in the Laboratory Theatre. This is free to the public. This review will be given without special scenery, and the cast will be changed for each of the three acts. A.I.Ch.E.: Meeting today. Professor Brier~ will speak on "Paint and Lacquer." Ref reshments. Life Saving for Women: Senior Life Saving Tests will be givenl in (,he -Union Pool tisii (veiiiigat 8:15. Varsity Glee Club: Final rehearsal of the year, 7:30 p. in., Union. ,Kindly arrange to be present; important matters "'will be discussed. University Girls' Glee Club: Final meeting of the club AT 5 O'CLOCK ATr THE LEAGUE. It will be given entirely over to business discussions. Thus it is IMPERATIVE THAT ALL members attend. Michigan Technic Staff and Tryouts: Last meeting of the semester in Room 3046. East Engineering Building, 7:30 p. mn. Tryout exam will be given after meeting. Tryouts must be present. COMING EVENTS Lunlieni eetu~:Luncheon meeting of the Alumni Club Scholar- ship women Friday af 12 noon in Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Crafts.,enz: Annual banquet Friday night at 6:30, Masonic Temple. All members expiected to be present. Seeh i3 ones Members of the six classes in Speech 31, beginning course in speech, have elected their respective candidates for the speech contest to decide the best speaker in the course. The contest will be held at 3:15 p. m. today in the Laboratory Theatre. Those chosen are George Hall, '35, Robert S. Ward, '35, Orvil Aronson, '34, Reimer Schacht, '34, Clark Schell, '35, and Warren Mayo, '34. The representatives have been se- lected as the best speakers in their classes by their classmates. Each will have five minutes in which to deliver an address of his own choosing. The winner will be awarded a gold medal by the University Oratorical Asso- ciation. Presbyterian S t u d e n t Appoint- ments: Monday, May 29, there will be a dinner and a dance held at Huron Hills Country Club for Pres- byterian Students and their friends. This will be the last get-together for the year. All those interested call 6005 to make reservations for the dinner and transportation. Wil __=Today and Friday - Janet Gaynor, Charles Farrell in "Tess of the Storm Country" WANTED WANTIED TO BUY MEN'S4 OLD AND NEW SUI'TS AND OVER- COA'TS. Will pay 3, 4, 5, to 3, 9 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor, 4306. Chicago Buyer. 34c TYPING-Notes,y Papers, and Grad. theses. Clyde Hleckart, 3423. 35x TYPEWRITING-And Mimeograph- ing promptly and neatly done in our shop by experienced operators, at moderate rates. 0. D. Morrill, The Typewriter & Stationery Store, 314 S. State St. 101X LAUNDRIES STUDENT - And ramlly washing careful work at lowest prices. Ph. 3006. 6c LAUNDRY -- Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c me.&tance ---to- READE T'IERCE'S MUSIC Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 0 REFRESHING BEER WITH YOUR MEALS ---0- ullen's Cafe NOTICE HAVE--Your snap shots cieveloped at Francisco Boyce, 719 N. Univer- sity. Mere fine work is twh- t,,di- Lion. -- -- - 2:)c- FOPT RltNT FOR RENT-House suitable for fr-- ternity at 1022 1Forest. 1Iquire, Mrs. Spaulding, 210' S. '1'haye , 5772. 444 LOST LOST-'-Signet rin , with iinitial ",>". Sunday between Main Library tand M. Union. Phone 7941. HERE AND TllERE Observings from here ;and there ,. Gum chewing increases theu peppi- ness of the, gum chewer aboutt eight peer, cent, says a Colgate psychology. professor . . . Yale students are paid $2 by a local undertaker every time they act as pall bie rers--Loyola Uni- versity will oifer a course next yeai;, for underwriters a n d insurancer agents leading to a defree- FRESHMAN LANTERN DANE M ichigan League Ballroom AY 2'7 9-12 Tickets $1.00 at League Desk and Angell Hall Katherine HePburn in a Stirring drama IChristophe r wi th CLIN CLOVE HELEN CHANDLER ____-also- BING CROSBY in "'Blue of the Night" 216 South Fourth Lf ACE HAND LAUNDRY 1212 South University Avenue Dial 4303 Personal Laundry Service Whiie inensM and Flanniels a Specialty 25/() Discouint for Cash and Carry in "Let's Dance" Sunday BA ,RYMORE in '"SWEEPI NGS" I SNo owI Everyone knows PRICES ARE ADVANCING especially leather prices Offers you a rare opportunity to save real money on Footwear 1 _ _. , ~ . i ,. _ , - ro = ._ _ WOMEN'S NEW SPRING SH!OES We must greatly reduce our large stock before college closes. Here are prices that sure do the j work. Whites, Browns, Blacks and Two Tonies for Street, Dress, or sport wear. 359 13'2489 $3.89> $4.89 $5.89 I Valites $5.00 to $10.0M BUY NOW f __ r FOCETO CUT 0OWN OUR HEAVY S' OC EFORE COLLEGE CLOSES 11 V .I a.d-e I Un. as - l~ iilvww o Iu rmIilr6'7^f l'Y I / ' I