i 6.0" Mitchell Case Judge CLASSIFIED DIRECTO -1 _ 11;dululJ n UA\, Ulu r CCI* I U1 "UOUJ vc; ! i,,_ . Board today went into the open mar- - - ket for the purchase of $25,000,000 in One-Time Congregationali government bonds. Secretary of the Treasury William Church Head Here Now H. Woodin explained the purpose of Has 'Larger Parish' the move was to replace $25,000,000 in government bonds with currency. In an article in the June issue of No currency inflation is involved, the A icn M he Drn Llod rather credit expansion is sought, heChe ADrcng a nepstr.oyd addd.Cassel Douglas, once .pastor of thei added.__i-local Congregational Church and au- thor of typo recent best-sellers, "Mag-' League. The tap chorus will practice nificent Obsession" and "Forgive Us at 3:30 in the W.A.A. building. Our Trespasses," explains why he; A dress rehearsal of all three chor- left the pulpit. uses will be held at 9:00 p. m. tonight Dr. Douglas, despite his 10 year! on the garden balcony. Every girl absence .from Ann Arbor, still has a must be present. Harris Hall: Open house this aft- ernoon at the Hall from four to six at which time tea is served. St. Andrew's Church: Thursday wide circle of friends here. "A Nation-Wide Parish" "r am now turning my attention to a larger parish-a nation-wide parish of novel readers," Dr. Douglas said -Associated Press Photo in his article. And he explains that Federal Judge Henry W. Goddard he wishes to give an account of -the is presiding at the trial in New York "trials and tribulations" of a minis- of Charles E. Mit4he;1, fcrmer chair- ter's life., man of the National City Bank, on Many people believe, he said, that a charges of evad ig income tax pay- pastor's life, is a hard one. That is ments. . true,. but not for the, reasons they think of, he states. Different from- the common belief, a minister is not 31. paid an extremely low salary and,, Dr. Douglas asserts, in 30. years his salary check has never been 24 hours ac iiie s OW oveidue. The catch is that the min- ister is "loaded with obligations he O erat in r can never hope to repay" and he is constantly harassed by favors asked of him by people who have reason to A three million volt electrostatic believe he should be grateful to them. machine has recently been installed The minister does not have any of- in a basement room of the East fice hours-he is always on the job, Physics Building. The odd-appearing Dr. Douglas asserts. His reputation is apparatus is to be used by Prof.q built largely on the work he does James M. Cork of the physics de- outside of the pulpit among the par- partment for experiments on the dis- ish. On national and religious holi- integration of atoms. days, when the working man is free The machine is composed of a at home with his family, the minis- metal sphere six feet in diameter7 ter must be in his church. which is perched 15 feet in the air Doesn't Like "Collecting" on the top of an insulating post. It is expected, the article declares At the bottom of the machine, elec- that both the minister and his family tricity at a potential of 20,000 volts is are of a sanctimonious nature and sprayed on a paper belt which runs that they are of the type that for- up through the insulated supporting mulated the "blue laws" in New Eng- tube to the top, discharging the elec- land. For this reason they are con- tricity in the large sphere. Theoret- stantly embarrassed by the actions ically, the limit of the voltage which and words of their friends. It is he, can be obtained is three million volts, who is called upon to perform the though so far, not more than two distasteful act of warning those who, million volts have been produced. " in the opinion of their friends or This machine is of the Van de relatives, are becoming dissolute, Dr. Graaf type, and is the largest in the Douglas continues, world now operating. Most of the ap- Another of the pastor's oppressing paratus for Professor Cork's machine problems is that of collecting from was made here i University shops. the parish the quota assigned by the church boards for missionary work. New Ambassad1r And if he succeeds in collecting the full quota his reward will probably be ' vc e/ Iiy _i n1" that he is asked to make an emer- gency drive for more money, as the LONDON, May 23.- (Il'--Robert boards have already spent all they W. Bingham, new United Mates am- had asked for, Dr. Douglas states. bassador, riding behind prancing Until he resigned to devote his en- King's horses in an open royal car- tire time to writing, Dr. Douglas riage, went to Buckingham Palace preached every Sunday to an au- this morning, officially met King dience of 2,000 in Montreal. He now George and presented his credentials. plans to live with his family in Bos- Ray Atherton, embassy counsellor, ton. and chiefs of the embassy depart- ments accompanied the ambassador. Bold Burglar Cowed CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at three o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance-11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two inrsetions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. t10 per reading line for three or more insertions. Telephone rate--15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. I 0%' discount if paid withinten days from the date of last insertion. Mlnimum three lines per insertion. By comtract, per line-2 lines daily, one month..................8a 4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months........8c 2 lines daily, college year..........7c 4 lines E. . D., college year......c 100 lines used as desired.........c 300 lines usedaas desired .........c.Be 1,000 lines used as desired'..........7c 2,000 lines used as desired ......... 6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bod face, upper and lower case. Add loc per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. WANTED WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD AND NEW SUITS AND OVER- COATS. Will pay 3, 4, 5, to 8, 9 dollars. Phone ' Ann Arbor, 4306. Chicago Buyer. 34c WANTED-To exchange. two single tickets for Friday night, Lydia Mendelssohn theatre for two to- gether in first 8 rows. Bonus. Ph. 3259. 451 TYPING TYPING-Mimeographing, Binding. Quality at the right price. Brum- field & Brumfield, 308 S. State. 50x LAUNDRY - Soft water. Towels free. Socks darned. BICYCLES RIDE A BIKE-Phone 6553, Russol Reed, Camden Court, opposite Women's Athletic Building,. 60X NOTICE UPHOLSTERING - Fine furniture repairing, refinishing and uphol- stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard- ing, 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c BLUE BIRD BOOK NOOK, lending library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni- versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30. FOR RENT FOR RENT-House suitable for fra- ternity at 1022 Forest. Inquire, Mrs. Spaulding, 210 5. Thayer, 5772. 444 Farmer Goes Modern With Silo-Sun Bath PAINESVILLE, O., -IP)-A new use for a silo has been found by J. C. Burnett, manager of a farm at Kirtland, southwest of here. When he tore down an old barn to make way for an elaborate Four- teenth Century garden, Burnett re- modeled the silo into an elevated sun pavilion. A winding staircase inside leads to a platform, inclosed by a high railing, and here only the sky's chariot driver, the birds and perhaps a few curious aviators can peek at those who choose this retreat for sun baths. N - ErvSice 9<'. -sLAzLNGfiRS I ACF~Ts 'um ExperC WorkmanShip > NATIONAL TENNIS WEEK MAY 20-?7 F R SPAING TENNIS BALL, OR E!P GC T COVFR with . VEYng- S.TyrtIN1GING JOB. gT. ?gxg-]01 S. Th ,yer at Huron--Call 5026 LAUNDRIES STUDENT - And ramily washing careful work at lowest prices. Ph. 3006. 6c 2-1044. 13c TYPING - Stenography. Miss E. Wells, Phone 4546. 24x TYPING-Notes, Papers, and Grad., theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35x TYPEWRITING-And Mimeograph- ing promptly and neatly done in our shop by experienced operators, at moderate rates. 0. D, Morrill, The Typewriter & Stationery Store, 314 S. State St. 101x Nie I Egg II CLASSES NOW FORMING STENOTYPY SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING CALCULATOR DICTAPHONE SECRETARIAL TRAINING Day and Evening Classes Hamilton Business College State & William Sts. PHONE 1831 17th Year 4 ____ i . i MICHIGAN Last Times Today party Friday or Saturday (we dance until 2:00 on week-ends). In Person On the Stage Henry Santrey and ORCHESTRA 22 ENTERTAINERS -On the Screen! JE E. BVOW "ELMER the GREAT" Comning Thscday-- Katherinie Hepburn in Stirring Drama rist~op'er 1 ;*to VI#%IFI IT JVK~rIu I I II I