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February 22, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-22

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,Y o


30n in th Bullet nis constructive notice to all members of the
site. Copy rPeceived at the office of the Assifstant to the Prestlaent l ftl
1:30 a. ii. Saturxday.



NO. 1011

One Bus Route
To Be Dropped
By City Lines
Council Grants Company
Permit To Consolidate
Present Lines Into Two

Young Instnll Facing Senate Committee Quiz

e Regulation: The Automobile Regulation will be in force,
e, on Washington's Birthday, February 22.
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean

Exhibit Drawings And Models
Of Latest Automobile Desi;ns

mitory Directors:
Women: Women
Inesday, February
until midnight.

Sorority Chaperons: League House-heads: Uni-
students attending the general drama reception
22, at the Laboratory Theatre nay have late per-
Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women

Winners of the Freshman Hopwood Contest: Please telephone the Eng-t
lish Office some time today.c
Candidates for the doctorate in all fields except those of the naturalC
sciences must obtain the official certification of an adequate reading knowl-
edge of German by submitting to a written examination given by a Com-
mittee of the Department of German. Such examinations will be held only
in the third week of each semester and towards the end of Summer School,
the exact, time and place will be duly announced in the Daily Official Bulle-
~tin. tu1ents who intend to take the examination are requested to register1
their names at least one week before the date of the examination at thet
olfice of the German Department, X04 University Hall, where detailed in1
formaton iWith regard to examination requirements will be given.
THE NEXT EXAMINATION will be held on Wednesday, March 1, at
2 p. m. in Room 203 U.t.
All women o campus with the exception of first semester Freshmen
who are interested may try out for Black Quill. All manuscripts (poetry,
short stories, essays etc.) may be left with Lucille Anderson at 1236 Wash-
tenaw. The deadline 'for such manuscripts is March 1. For further infor-
ination call 5096.
Poetry geading Contest: The Michigan Interpretive Arts Society will
holdi a poetry reading contest early in May. Preliminaries will be held dur-
ing the week of April .17. Each contestant will have twelve minutes in
which to talk about and read from memory poetry of his own choosing.
This contest will be open to Novice Members of the society who have not
previously won first or second honor in this contest. Persons not members
of the Interpretive Arts Society may tryout for membership. All those
wishing to enter the contest should confer with Professor Hollister before
March 20. Professor Hollister will be in Room 302 Mason Hall, Monday,
February 27, at 4:00 p. m. to discuss this contest.
Chines Students: All the new students and the others whose Ann
Arbor addresses have been changed recently are requested to send their
present addresses to the secretary of the Chinese Students' Club, Mr. H. H.
Pien, 343 t. Fifth Ave., within this week for a revision of the directory and
foi' the mailing to you of future important notices of the club.
Playboy of the Western World: Students who want seats on the special
Detoit bus to the Wilson Theatre Saturday night, call the English Office.
(Synge's "The Shadow of the Glen" and "Playboy of the Western World"
will be given by The Abbey Theatre Players).
o6ntract bridge tournament for independent men, beginning Monday,
Jebrary 27. Call student offices at Michigan Union to register, or for in-
formation concerning tournament.
Inter-fraternity contract bridge tournament beginning Monday, Febru-
ary 27. Each fraternity may enter one team. Call student offices at Michi-
gan Tnion to register, or for information concerning tournament.
Bowling Tournament: Make entries now at the Michigan Union bowl-
ing alleys. This tournament open to both Faculty and students.
English 150 (Drama 11). The class will meet on Thursday instead of
Wednesday night this week. Kenneth T. Rowe
Business Administration 154 will meet at 9 a. m. Thursday, February
". 109 Tappan.
Business Administration 280 will meet at 4 p. m. Thursday, February
23, 109 Tappan.
Make-Up Examination for those who missed the final examination in
History 41 and in History 141 will take place in Room 1009 A.H. Saturday
at 9 a. in., February 25.
History 142: Sections will be divided as follows:
Students with initials A to G inclusive will meet in 1035 A.H.
Students with initals H to Z inclusive will meet in 1021 A.H. instead of
1009 A.H. as announced.
Make Up Exam., history 11: Lecture Group II: will be held Saturday,
Feb. 26, from 9 to 12, in Room 1204 A.H.
University Lecture: Captain Robert A. Bartlett, distinguished Arctic
explorer, will speak on the subject "Along the Trail of Peary" at 4:15 p. in.,
Tuesday, February 28, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will
be illustrated with six reels of moving pictures. The public is invited.
Public Lecture: Col. H. W. Miller of the Department of Mechan-
ism 'and Engineering Drawing, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Paris
"un," Wednesday, February 22, at'8: 00 p. m. in the Natural Science Audi-
Dr. W. O. Stevens will lecture on "Possibilities of Vocations," in Room
418 of the Michigan Union Wednesday evening, February 22, at 8:00 o'clock.
Architectural Building Exhibition-Persian Architecture-Photographs:
Automobile body design. Paintings and models. Open daily 1 to 5 through
February 25, except Sunday. The public is invited.

Student Branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers pre-
sents Col. H. W. Miller, Head of the Department of Mechanism and Engi-
neering Drawing, who will give an illustrated open lecture on "The Paris
Gun," at Natural Science Auditorium at 8:00 p. m.
Sigma Rho Tau: Important meeting at the Union, 7:30 p. m. "Reor-
ganization Night." A new speech program including "Education through
Speech" will be started. A full attendance of members and neophytes is
Fencing-Women Students: Coach Johnstone will meet the women's
fencing class in Barbour Gymnasium at 7:30 p. m.
Michigan Dames-Music Group will meet today at the Michigan League
for a program of Russian Music.

Motor bus lines in Ann Arbor will
be consolidated into two main routes
after March 5, the Eastern Michigan
Motorbus Company announced yes-
terday. Application for the change
was made to the Common Council
Monday night by the Detroit Trust
Company, receivers for the lines, and
was unanimously approved.
Route one is as follows: Packard
- Burns Park and Hospital - via
Granger-Lincoln Ave., Morton Ave.,
Packard St., Granger Ave., Olivia
Ave., Wells St., Prospect St., East
University Ave., Packard St., State
St., William St., Main St., Catherine
St., Detroit St., State St., Kingsley
St., Ingalls St., Ann St., Observatory
St., Volland St., and return over the
same route.
Route two is as follows: Norway
road, Auistin Ave., Washtenaw Ave.,
'Cambridge Road, Lincoln Ave., Hill.
St., Church St., N. University Ave.,
hll St., Church St., N. University
Ave., State St., Washington St., Ra-
venna Blvd., Jackson Ave., Warden
Ave., Dexter Ave., except the fact
that the route via Jackson Ave. forms
a loop at the end of the line.
The company intends to put into
operation four new buses and to al-
low the purchase of two fares for
15 cents. There will be no runs
Sunday, it was announced, unless the
people request transportation to the
various churches.
Snow Flurry
Compared To
Summer Storm
The sudden snow flurry which
blew up a few minutes after 1 a. m.
Tuesday morning, and for about 10
minutes had the intensity of a bliz-
zard, was really nothing unusual, ac-
cording to, Prof. Heber D. Curtis, of
the University Observatory. "Snow
flurries were predicted," he said, "and
this one was similar to a summer
The whole period of snow fall
lasted no longer than about 20 min-
utes, and in that time approximately
an inch of snow fell. During the first
10 minutes it camne down with such
fury that objects could not be seen.
100 feet away. Only a few minutes
before the sky was apparently cloud-
less and perfectly blue, although it
had turned much colder than it had
been earlier in the night.

The exhibition of modern automo-
bile designs which was put on dis-
play in the large third floor exhibi-
tion room of the Architecture Build-
ing last week has been well attended,
Prof. Emil Lorch of the architecture
college stated yesterday. It will con-
tinue until the last of the week.
The exhibition features drawings
and watercolor pictures of automo-
bile body designs contributed by the
Packard Motor Company, the Chrys-
ler Corporation, the Hudson Motor
Company, and the Ford and Lincoln
Automobile Companies, as well as
small wood models showing the effect
of wind resistance. The models were
made by Prof. W. E. Lay of the me-
chanical engineering department,
after much research. Diagrams and
other data show the results of Pro-
fessor Lay's experiments.
Streamlining is the dominent char-
acteristic of all drawings of the dif-
ferent models. Outstanding is a sug-

gested design for the Packard Motor
car, which -applies the laws for the
lowering of wind resistance to such
an extent as to make the automobile
similar to a bullet. It is slated back-
ward, has a tapering body, elongated
hub gaps, rear wheels concealed
within the fender, slightly peaked
top, and running boards of such
shape as to assist in the cleavage of
air. Even the door handles and
hinges, as well as the bumpers and
body border design, are streamlined.
Interior views of the different types
of autos are also displayed. Window
levers, gear shift knob, door knobs,
and even the dashboard, as much as
possible, carries out this idea of re-
duced wind resistance.
The exhibit was brought here under
the auspices of the Detroit Society of
Arts and Craft, and the automobile
companies named above. It is open
to the public from 1 to 5 p. m. daily
and will close Saturday.

-Associated Press Photo
Samuel Insuil,. Jr., (right), who was heir-apparent to his father's
utilities empire, is ,shown telling a Senate committee in Washington
how members of, his, family bought and traded shares of Insull, proper-
ties at prices one-fourth to one-half of what the stocks were bringing in
the open market. 'Senate James Couzens of Michigan is at the left.'

Haisley SSays
Sehools Need
(Continued fromPage 1)
sources were mentioned as being
used by other states.as, major sources
of revenue.
The school appropriation from the
mill tax was said to be decidedly in-
sufficient. In Ann Arbor at least from
$75,000 to $100,000 will have to be
cut from the school budget, even as-
suming that some additional state
aid will be forthcoming, Mr. Haisley
"Schools of Michigan are faced
with the necessity of reducing serv-
ice," Mr. Haisley continued. The
operating expenses will have to be
cut to an irreducible minimum and
salary cutting of teachers will follow,
he declared.
During the last three years the{
budget of Ann Arbor schools has
been cut 24 per cent, bringing it be-
low the level of the budget for 1922,
it was declared. This reduction is
typical of conditions throughout the
sate, Mr. Haisley said.
A discussion as to the curtailment
o service in Ann Arbor is planned
for the next meeting of the school
board March 8. "The board must de-
termine just where and what services
are to be eliminated," Superinten-
dent Haisley declared.

Fewer Students
Dismissed For
Failure ToWore
(Continued from Page 1)]
used in February, 1932, 47 students
continued in school, of which some
were dropped in June, whereas those
who failed after reinstatement last
year ordinarily would have been on
withdrawal lists at the present time.
"A major cause, however," de-
clared Dean Effinger, "for the com-
paratively lor number of students
now on home lists is the current bus-
iness depression." He believes that1
countless students have been made to
realize their responsibility to gain asr
much as possible for their time spent
in school, and consequently scholas-
tic work has improved.
Dean Effinger praised the work of
Prof. Russel C. Hussey and Prof.
Lewis G. VanderVelde, assistants to
the dean of the literary college, who
were appointed student advisors for
all students last year. "Their advice
has doubtlessly helped numerous stu-
dents improve their scholastic work,"
he said.
Finally, Dean Effinger pointed out
that a decrease in the number of
students enrolled in the University
this year would by the law of per-
centages reduce the number of stu-
dents who would drop out.
States Will Not Ratify
Repeal, Reed Declares
(Continued from Page 1)
that a similar movement had been
responsible for the ratification of the
eighteenth amendment. It would be
impossible to explain it's acceptance
by states so wet as Pennsylvania and
New York in any other way, he said.
The convention method of consid-
eration which Congress has stipu-
lated for the proposed repeal amend-
ment, Professor Reed pointed out,
will obviously slow up the process.
This, he prophecied, will dispel the
tendency to mob-action, cause the
states on the borderline between be-
ing wet and dry to act negatively in-
stead of positively, and consequent-
ly prevent the ratification of the
amendment within the time limit of
seven years.
The first of the Student Christian
Forums for the second semester will
be held at 4:15 p. m. tomorrow in
Natural Science Auditorium. Prof.
George E. Carrothers of the School
of Education will speak on "Taxation
Problems As Seen By The Layman."

It Takes Personality To a
Get jobs, Engineer Says
MONTREAL, Que., Feb. 21-If stu-
dents are planning on getting a job
after graduating from college, now
is the time to start cultivating a per-
sonality, according to T. C. McNabb,
chief engineer of construction of the
Canadian Pacific Railroad. "An edu-
cation is of little use if the job hunter
cannot show his prospective employer
the goods," Mr. McNabb said, speak-
ing on "How To Get A Job" before a
luncheon club at McGill University.
He further pointed out that a pleas-'
ing personality and not too much
knowledge go farther than a lot of
knowledge and no personality.

Living Costs Down At
West Virginia University
MORGANTOWN, W. Va., Feb. 21.
-Living costs have greatly decreased
at the University of West Virginia
in the last three years, according to
figures from the office of the dean
of men.
The price of a week's board has
been reduced from a minimum of
$7 in 1929 to $4 at present. Room
rent has decreased even more and
many rooms are available for a dol-
lar a week per student. The decrease
has enabled many students whose
finances are limited to continue in
college, with the result that enroll-
ment has not declined.


at :2 p. m. to consider some important measures relative to the Manchurian
Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 Thursday in the Observa-
tory lecture room. Dr. W. C. Rufus will speak on the subject "An Old Kor-
ean Planisphere." Tea will be served at 3:45.
Sigma Xi meets Thursday, February 23, at 8 p. m. in the Amphitheatre
of the East Medical Building. Dean Huber and Professors Novy and Gesell
will talk and research rooms and laboratories in the Departments of Anat-
omy, Bacteriology and Physiology will be visited. Refreshments.
A. S. C. E.: Business meeting, 7:30 p. in., Feb. 23, Room 1213, East Engi-
neering Bldg. All members are requested to be present. Activities for the
second semester will be discussed.
Women in the School of Education: A tour of the Museum, under the
direction of Mr. Morley P. Williams, is arranged for 7:30 p. m. Thursday,
February 23. All women in Education are cordially invited. Please meet
in the lobby of the Museum promptly at the hour specified.
All-Campus Open Forum: Professor George Carrothers, member of
President Ruthven's Committee on Taxation, will discuss "Taxation Prob-
lems as Seen by the Layman" in Natural Science Auditorium Thursday,
February 23, at 4:15.
Engineering Council meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in M. E. comput-
ing room. All members please be present.
Michigan Interpretive Arts: Meeting on Tuesday, February 28, at 7:30
p. in., Room 302 Mason Hall. Several students will give readings selected
from modern English and American poetry.
'Varsity Glee Club: Regular rehearsal Thursday at 7:30. Club members
playing musical instruments are reminded to bring them, music stands, and
dance arrangements.
University IGirls' Glee Club: Usual weekly rehearsal THURSDAY' EVE-
NING at 7:15 instead of Wednesday evening. It is IMPERATIVE that every
member attend. The rehearsal is in preparation for out of town engage-
ment March 14.
Russian Students' Club: Will meet in Wesley Hall Sunday evening at
8 o'clock. Tea will be served. All members and their friends are cordially
Lutheran Students: The Ypsilanti group has invited our club to attend
their meeting next Sunday. Anyone who wishes to go, must notify Rev.
Yoder, 2-3680, Roland Ungerer, 3316, or Agness Nicolai, 2-2310, by Thurs-
day. Transportation will be provided. The group will leave Zion Parish
Hall, corner of Washington Street and Fifth Avenue at 5 o'clock sharp.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11e per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-.1Sc per reading .line
for one or two insertions.
He per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month..... ..... ......Bc
4 lines E. O. D. 2 months........c
2 lines daily, college year.......7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year...... 7c
100 lines used as .desired..........9c
300 lines used as desired. ........S
1,000 lines used as desired........c
2,000 lines used as desired......... 6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per 'inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71 point type.
deliver. Soft water, low prices. Call
4863. 12c
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
WASHING-And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001. Open evenings. 19c
WANTED-To exchange two double
deck cots for two single cots. 6430.
WANTED-Party to share expenses
to Youngstown or Washington,
D. C.; driving Friday. Phone 21051.

FIRST CLASS-Woman cook. Best
of references. Hotels and fraternity
experience. After March 1st. Write
Box 14A. 303
GELEGENHEIT zu interessanter
deutsche r Konversationsuebung
wird fortgeschrittenen Studenten
geboten. Einzeln od. kl. Gruppen.
Tel. 2-3555. 311
UPHOLSTERING - Fine furniture
repairing, refinishing, and uphol-
stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard-
ing, 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30.
NOTICE-Let us give you prices on
repairing or altering garments.
Ladies' or gentlemen's clothes.
Greene's Cleaner's. 317


TYPING - Typing carefully done.
V e r y moderate rates. 0. K.
Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckar't, 3423. 35c
FOR RENT-Suite for two. Steam
heat. Price reasonable. Very desir-
able. 408 E. Washington. 9761.
PASADENA APTS.-414 S. Division.
Furnished 2-room apartment, Pri-
vate bath, Frigidaire, porch. Mar-
ried couple preferred. 313
Edward G. Robinson
in the
Screen's Master Picture


t _







"Towed in a Hole"



Varsity Band: Rehearsal at Morris Hall at 7:15 p. m. All members are
requested to attend.
University of Michigan Radio Club meets at 7:30 p. m., Room 304 Mich-
igan Union. Mr. J. D. Kraus will talk on "Using the Decibel." All interested
are invited to _attend.



A.I.Ch.E. meeting Thursday, Feb-
ruary 23, at 7:30 p. m. in the chapter

etl~lfA m _ ADE 1fl,,






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