THE MICHIGAN DAILY AN DAILY, - XA " X. est ornithologists, concluded a long period of serv-, ice to the University Friday when he was re- tired from the faculty by the Board of Regents. Dr., Wood will continue such work as he desires in an unofficial capacity, however. The retirement of Dr. Wood and the consequent loss of his services in a direct way will be keenly felt by theUniversity. His retirement conoludes ° al'i active =life:in which he has been prominently identified with ornithology societies and two great educational institutions. Treatises on scientific topics written by Dr. Wood have appeared in vir- tually every important biological journal. We thank Dr. Wood for- the services he has rendered the University. Pu ished every morning except Mohday duri-ng the Uiversity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the BIg Ten News dervice. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local niv/s published hcrein. All rights of republication of epecial dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. A1; secod clas snatter .Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Posti>paster-General. Subscription duriig sunnier by carrier, $1.00; by mall. $ 5. ring regular school year by carrier., $4.00; by mnail, X4.50. Offces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representatives: -College Publcations Rcpres4ntatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Strcet. Boston: 612 North Milchigan Avenue, Chict Nitlioal Advertising Service, hc., vestJid St., Now York, N. Y. EDIl'ORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN EDITORIAL.-DIRECTOR................C. HARTSCHAAF CITY EDITOR... ...............BRACKLEY SHAW SPORTS EDITOR..................ALBERT 4. NEWMAN WOMEN'S EDITOR.............,....CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: Ralph 0-. Coulter, William G. Ferris John C. Ji ealcy, Rlobert B. Hewett, George Van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Barbara -Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,; Arthur W. Carstens, Siiney Frankel, Marjorie Western. REPORTERS: Caspar S. Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert D.'Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Manuel Levin, Irving F. Levitt, David G. Macdonald S.'Proctor bMcGeachy, John O'Connell, George I. Qimbxiy, Floyd Ra~be, Mitchell Raskin, Richard Rome, Adolph Shapiro;;Marshli D. Sjlverman, L. Wilson Trimmer, William F. Weeks. Marjorie Beck, Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies, Jean Han- iner, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Margaret Hisock, Eleanor Johnson; Hilda 'aine. Kathleen Maclntyre, Josephine lMcLcan, Marjor-ie Morrison, Mtiy O'N.ill, Jiie Schneider, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret- Spelwer. BUSINESS STAMP BUSINESS MANAGER...........BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER...... ... ....HARRY R. ]3EGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......Donna C.Becker DEPARTMBNT MANAGERS: Advertising. W. Grafton Sharp Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications,, Robert E. Fnna. ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Jack Efroynison, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume,, Allen 1Knuusl, Russell Read, Lester -Sknier Iobeit Ward, Meigs W. Bartmess, Williani B. Caplan, Willard Cohodas,, R. C. Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert Gregory, Milton Kraner, John Marks, Johln T.Masol, John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal, Joseph Rothbard, Richard Shiff, George R. Williatis;, Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah: Chapman, Doris Glmmy, Billie Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May.See- fried, Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman, Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose. TUESDAY, MAY 23, I933 Screen Reflectio Four stars. means extraordinary; three star. very - good; two stars good; Pnestar just another pc14tre; ciio stare keep away frorin it., AT THE MICHIGAN "ELMER:T;lE GR.EAT" *JOE (ELMER -BROWN AND A STAGE: SHOW Twenty-two (count 'emi) twenty-two dazzling stage performers-and Joe E. Brown on the. screen are - offered- by the management of the Mich- igan this wee.k. Of the former, the mos; that can be said is that there's a swell tap-dance team .on the list. The orchestra is good but Ann Arbor audiences "are accustomed to much better. In any event,- however, vaudevilles are so -few and far- apart these days that it is well worth your while to attend this presentation. ~As fo- Joe E. Brown andl the baseball feature in which he. appears, -it must be remembered that for 18 years Joe played the game himself, topping off his professional baseball career with a season on the bench with the Yanks, in 1926. Furthermore, the picture is, above all else, au- thenstic, since 35 big league ball players form part of the cast in this comedy of the diamond. And most of these professional ball players are, by the way, actual friends .of the star comedian, who were called in by him personally to -give the picture that professional, touch which is such an aid in making it successful. The picture is screamingly funny-if you like Joe E. Brown's mouth-andI most theatre-goers do. The story is one of the best sheer. comedies' ever written and it was done, incidentally, 'by . past-masters of the art of humorous writing, Ring Lardner and George M. Cohan. Our .Adjectives, if we used any here, would 'be pretty well -up in the realm of superlatives-it IS a grand -picture. -E i." - - .-. ' caMpus Opinios Letters published i- this column shoeid not be' construed as xpressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymou's colimunications will bg disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, hoWever, be re- gardd as confidential upon request. Contrijbutors are asked to be brief, confzining themselves to leas than 300 words if possible; IOORISH TACTICS AT ZTHE MASS "MEETING charity of the University! Fortunately the Uni- versity does not admit such individuals. Next let us consider the athletic fee. Ostensibly the fee is for admission to athletic events. Ac- tually any student can get his money's worth from this fee, even if he does not go to a single game as a spectator, by makii)g use of his university's unparalleled facilities for individual physical de- velopment. . Then the Union comes in for its share! Mr Brown once more assumes that the University is a place where people go merely to study. He himself has not even found- out that 1) his membership card entitles him to an 18 per cent discount on almost all -Union charges and (2) after paying four years' full tuition he is entitled to a refund when he pays any succeeding year's or summer's tuition. Mr. Brown knows so little of Union ac- tivities and opportunities that he didn't know enough to collect his refund-by his own admis- sion! To reply to Mr. Brown's idiotic and naive state- ments that the student's $15 goes to pay a pretty nurse at the Health Service, or that the $15 for the Union goes to pay "somebody" there to keep him off the welfare would be futile. One thing that -must be emphasized in all seri- ousness, so .that it is essential if we are to have advantages that come with the Health Service, the Union, and the athletic plant, every student must contribute his share. Otherwise (1) the bur- den is too great on those who -are public-spirited enough to contribute to the common welfare and (2) the University would have no way of count- ing on definite support for activities it deems to be. of suffioient importance to maintain. - And may 1 point out that the $65.50 that goes toward the cost of instruction represents only a small- fraction of the actual cost per student. A student at -Michigan gets an enormous bargain even if he considers tha-t he does not get a cent's worth out of the Health Service, etc., fees. I -do not mean that there are -no legitimate crit- icisms that might be made. I do not see, for example, why the University Health Service, maintained by all the students, should continue to treat habitual drunkards whose illness proceeds solely -from chronic alcoholism. But taken by and large the work of the Health Service is a marvel of efficiency. The Union renders a thousand serv- ices to those who go over and find out what is -available. Of course Mr. Brown probably belongs to none of the organizations that meet in the Union; he never spent any delightful hours in the Union library, or writing letters on the free sta- tionery it furnishes; he- never was in Ann Arbor at- some odd hour of early morning or late evening with :no place to go except the Union; he came solely to study and to-hear professors lecture. I'm sorry for him; because many of the professors are poor lecturers, and .he could probably have ob- tained actual book-learning at home by ordering someigood books for the money he paid here year after year (to the Health Service, to the Union, and to the maintenance of the athletic program of the University!) and studying at home. More- over many of our cities have well-equipped free public, libraries. The patrons of these libraries are not expected to contribute anything more to each other's social and health advantages than to refrain from spitting on the floor-and, per- haps, to refrain from sticking their gum on the undersides of the tables! -G. A. Cook. __. ._ Dramatic Season Glee Ciu Acijijties Opening Draws Large Audience The Dramatic Season opened last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre with the presentation of - "Another Language" that was heart- ily received by a capacity audience made- up of out-of-town, as well as campus, notables. Among those who attended the opening were Dean Alice Lloyd, Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, vice-president of the University ,and Mrs. Yoakum; Prof. Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, and Mrs. Bursley; Prof. James K. Pollock and Mrs. Pollock, - Prof. Rene Talamon and Mrs. Tala- mon, Prof. Howard B. Calderwood, Prof. Charles E. Koella, Prof. John S. Worley, Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe and Mrs. Rowe, Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon and Mrs. Kenyon, Prof. Louis A. Strauss, Dr. Frederick A. Coller, Prof. John C. Brier and Mrs. Brier, Prof. O. J. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, Prof. Jean P. Slusser, and Prof. John E. Tracey. Others who added brilliance to the audience were Mr. and Mrs. Irving Pond. Mr. Pond is an architect of note who designed the League. Also Mrs. W. H. Henderson, who was at- tired in a flowing gown of fiame- colored chiffon. Mr. Avard; Fair- banks, who is responsible for the sculpture exhibit now at the League, and Mrs. Fairbanks attended, and Miss Violet Heming, who will appear in "Springtime for Henry," looked charming in a dark print gown with dark red tailored lapels. Wve'n And Mortarboard Hold Initiation Mortarboard, national senior hon- orary society, held its traditional morning initiation ceremony at 9 a. m. Sunday in the Chapel of the League. Eight junior women were taken into the society. These were: Margaret Allen, Ada Blackman, Ruth Duhme, Marian Giddings, Harriet Jennings, Ruth Kurtz, Grace Mayer, and Josephine McCausey. The initiation was followed by a breakfast. Miss Laurie Campbell, a member of the alumni committee, was present as was Miss Marie Hart- wig, who addressed the initiates. Her talk was answered by Miss Mc- Causey. Initiation of 12 sophomore women into Wyvern, junior honorary so- ciety, was held at 3:30 p. m. Sunday in the Chapel of the League. The women were Mary O'Brien, Mary Stirling, Barbara Sutherland, Mary Sabin, Nan Diebel, Marie Metzger, Kathleen Carpenter, Betty Aigler, Maxine Maynard, Barbara Bates, Hilda Kirby, and Billie Griffiths. Election of officers was held im- mediately after the ceremony. Max- ine Maynard was elected president, Kathleen Carpenter treasurer, and Barbara Sutherland secretary. Men's Summer Fashions Favor White Linen Suits With the return of warmer weath- er white linen suits take an impor- tant place in men's clothing. Single- breasted suits with half belts can be worn as a complete outfit or com- bined with gray flannel slacks for sports wear. A new lightweight suit is also featured. It is called the "tropical worsted" and comes in tan and gray of different patterns. The coats may also be worn with gray slacks. The new washable ties of linen, madras and cotton are not only cor- rect but practical. They have a white background with small design, figures or thin stripes of pastel shades Anan Arbor Moanday, May 29 1700 BLOCK ON PACKARD TWO PERFORMANCES ONLY MAT. 3:45 - NIGHT 8 P.M. Special Reduced Prices here ! iose With, A ward To Hlwwr- "Ieiidw Charms in recogmniion of distin- guished service with the Varsity Glee Club were pr-esentedito 25 members of the organization. Sunday after- noon in the club rooms in the Union. The following men r e ce i v e d' awards: President-elect Warren H. Mayo, '34, Prof. David Mattern, di- rector, Mondel E. Butterfield, Grad.. Herman C. Skoog, '34, John M. La- Rue, '33, Samuel D. Knox,.'34, Erwin R. Warner, '33F&C, Gilbert H. Pal- mer, '34BAd., Ronald W. Duncan, '34, Charles B. Ruegnitz, Grad., Wil- liam W. Rosso, '34BAd., Gerald V. Caswell, '33, John L. Brackett, '33E, Erwin R. Boynton, '33E. John H. Bierce. '33, Joe N. Conlin, '33, Clar- ence W. Moore, '35L, Bernard E. Konopka, '34, Richard F . Becker, '33E, Theodore, Vanderveen, '33E, Charles D. Lemert, Jr., '34, John L. Doegey, '33E, H. Thayer Fletcher, '34, Elmon, L. Cataline, '34Ph,, and Fred L. Johnson, '34E. The presentations. were made by Truman Steinko, '34BAd., president of the club. The final out-of-town concert on the glee club program was given Monday night in Fowlerville. Fea- turing the presentation were num- bers by the Varsity Quartet and sev- eral violin selections by Rtomine Hamilton, Grad., a resident of Fow-' lerville and a former member of the club. JORDAN HALL The annual breakfast given by the junior women of Jordan Hall for the entertainment of the senio),'s was held Sunday. Anne Story, .'34, new president of the hall, was in charge. Miss Gertrude Muxen, adviser to girls on occupational information, Aluni Attend 75th ABirIthday Of fVraternity ZETA PSI Xi chapter of Zeta Psi celebrated the 75th anniversary of its establish- ment atusrday. At the formal ban- quet held in the evening Gov. Wil- liam A. Comstock, '99, Charles Strat- ton, '93, and Herbert P. Carrow, '02, spoke, Additional alumni who attended were E. W. Baker, Yale '18: A. H. Motley, Minnesota '22: Tom Heifer- an, Yale '31; A. Diack, Dartmouth '29; Carleton Scott, Brown '24; Wil- liam Holmes, Wisconsin '14; and Louis McLouth, New York Univer- sity '18.- Also present were Harry Mack, '18, John Bunting. '32, Tom Hinshaw, '21, Jerry Bishop, '14, Ted Packard, '14, Beach Conger, '32,-Sam Brandon, '33, Fred Danziger, '32, Herbert Rich, '31, Hilton Moser, '34., John Rice, 30, G. W. Bement, '29, H. P. Carrow, Jr., '32, A. V. Herrick, '25, Marlowe Stevens, '21, Robert Storrer, '19, Kirk White, '17, ,James Sackrider, '30, Jerry Merrill, '24. George Prentice, '92, W. G. Wilcox, '05, Charles Pursell, '31, Myron Mills, '87, H. W. Sullivan, '03, Norman James, '16, Ernie Mann, '31, Kyril Conger, '33, Eugene Bacon, '33, How- ard Warner, '16, George Fisk, '33, and Harry Arnold, '32. was the guest speaker. Mary Ellen Webster, '34, responded with a toast to the seniors., CAMPUS SOCIETY ~fci gri~.gPETRQ 1 E i(1 and THE HIARLEQUINS Fri., May 26 Michigan League Ballroom $1.00 per Couple Tickets on Sat Ikague De4kl Hut. Den, Slaters. Wahr's I IL -11 .U._ .r osww. a w HOWTQAVQW OWER A MAYOR1sa .. FEMALE HORSE What's Wrong With Finals? . C ONSIDERABLE resentment is cur- rently heard with regard to the lack of a free period for review and study between the termination of class work and the beginning of examinations. - : . There is excellent reason to agree with this crit- icism. Every aspect of a. student's formal connection with the University- is justifiabie- only as it °con-' tributes to his education. . Class and lecture 'at- tendance, laboratory work, and assignient prepa- ration, certainly,-are fa;ctors leading to this goal, and examinations can only be regarded- as eXist- ing for the same purpose. The peculiar function of the examination, as we see it, is the encouragement- of review. The .value of any course is rnateraJlly..increased if the knowl- edge that has been acquired in small doses from] day to day is correlated' at the end of the semester and considered as a whole. -To see many- phases of a subject fit together and assume unity, during the process of review, is frequently the most pleas- utable part of its study. The period of retention, too, is much longer when a course has been con- templated in its entirety, * All of this is pretty generally agreed to. The most satisfactory method for the stimula- tion of this review, and the one used -in-, -most educational institutions, is examination. Holding students responsible for -what they are - supposed - to have learned has proved itself as efficient a way as any to assure the. desired review. Now obviously, if a student must, attend classes. Friday and write an examination-many .of us, according to the present schedule, will be asked to write two examinations--on Saturday, there can be no real review. A frantic cramming. of the worst sort is all that .can be- possible, a cramming. that leaves the average student with his nerves on edge, a -discouraging feeling= that his knowledge of the course is only superficial, and a strong conviction tlat he is being treated unfairly.. In this condi- tion he can do neither himself norhis instructor justice, with the result that the work both have done is distorted to a degree that. is the more de- plorable in that the whole business could so eas- ily be avoided. A free period for review is already customary at maby colleges-a irecent editorial in the stude'nt newspaper of one of the very finest institutions of the country -pleads, not for adoption, but for expansion of a reading- period that is already a week long. The work Professor Rich has performed cannot be too highly praised. The ingenious system he has devised for the elimination of conflicts has placed students and teachers alike under a very real obligation to him and to his assistants.- It is too bad that when so much has been accomplished To the Editor: Being neither a Jew nor a member of the Na- tional Student League, I feel I may comment im- partially on - two distressing incidents - that oc- curred during the mass meeting of last Friday afternoon. One was the speech of a Daily editor who, invited to state his views in opposi-tion to those of the regular speakers, contented himself; with. a malicious reflection .on the .race and. re- ligion of-some ;of these speakers. The -other inci- dent was the interruption of the speakers by Coif initiates who marched into the meeting with clanging cowbell and -proceeded to Ado their best to, break it up by sophomoric antics and feeble witticisms. The annual. custom of speaking on. the library steps is; I realize, a part of-the Coif initiation: ceremony. But nothing in that. cere..- mony provides that it be performed at a date and hour to- interfere with another student ac- tivitty. - The members of Coif are supposed to be the cream of the law school; it is presumed that they reflect in - scholarship and character the-finest ideals of that .school. Whatever may be said of scholastic achievement, Coif's display last Friday of ruthless inconsideration of the rights of -others -is by no. means flattering to the department it{ represents. Coif unquestionably disgraced itself and should be firmly rebuked by the law students and faculty.- The --same treatment should, in all fairness, be accorded the Hitlerite editor by the Michigan Daily. -Arthur Clifford, '35 FDKTOR'S NOTE: Barristers, not*Coif, init- iated Friday at the library. The time and place for their ceremonies were announced prior to the decision of the National Student Lcague to conc- MR. BROWN'S "LENGTHY DIATRIBE" To the Editor: -.x'; - .I don't like the opening sentence of Mr. Brown's lengthy diatribe on -tuition -that appeared recently in The Daily: "Everyone seems to have lacked the perspicacity" etc. Lest some people begin to think that this letter is representative of intelligent student opinion on the Michigan campus, it night -be well to point out a few things. A university is more than a place to acquire certain information from books and professors. Its is, of necessity, a social community. Every so- ci0l community must take certain steps to protect itself, and the prime protection necessary is that of health. To this protection every member of the campus community must-contribute. Whether he personally has a cold or breaks a leg, is not the point. The Health Service stands ready, at any time, to render routine and emergency service. No student may take the attitude that -he will take a chance on his own health, because (1) such an attitude is cangerous to the community. By seg- regation and care of patients with contagious dis- eases the-Health Service is continually protecting all the students. (2) If one of these student who; A - --- -- - - The Theatre ANOTHER' HENDERSON SEASON OPENS AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN By GEORGE SPELVIN "Another Language"-another Festival! It has been a year, and :it has been a year well worth waiting, since Broadway last came to Ann Arbor and Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre was host to what has become the universally anticipated crowning glory of stage activities for all within range of its offerings. For with Tom Powers and Edith Barrett head- ing the list, a traditionally fine Robert Henderson Dramatic Season company opened this year's rep- ertory with Rose Franken's vital study of the American family last night. Not since "Arms and the Man" a year ago, also on the Henderson season, has Mr. Powers been seen in these parts, nor has Miss,-Barrett appeared in Michigan since her presentation in the title role of "Candida" at the Bonstelle Civic in Detroit last Iwinter. So it is with the greatest of pleasure that we greet them again to witness what is no doubt the most intelligent and deeply understanding play of -the American lower middle classes. As Stella Hallam, frustrated, misunderstood, maladjusted, striving sister-in-law to a family of complacent, unintelligent mediocrity, Miss Barrett created- a.character last night- that will seldom if ever be equalled in the part. For Miss Barrett played with a personal grace, an overwhelming charm that must inevitably stand high in any comparison by virtue of the tremendous emotion of sympathy and pity it elicited from the audi- ence. Mr. Powers, as Victor Hallam, her family- bound grown boy of a husband, displayed all the sheer acting ability coupled with insight' into character that has brought him to his place in the American theatre today. The truly astonishing merit of his adaptability to roles is very well brought out in., the contrast between the part he played last night and- his Captain Bluntschli in "Arms and the Man." The latter part is that of a sophisticated, self- possessed, untroubled soldier of fortune. In it Mr. Powers gleamed with the charm of his personality. Last night the same actor was--not simulated- the hulking, impulsive, almost-civilized young middle class husband- that is Victor Hallam. No two young men could differ more radically. Yet each time one sees Mr. Powers one feels almost against his will that as he appears on the stage, so the actor must be in real life. Among the rest of the relatives-brothers, sis- ters-in-law, father, and mother-that make up the cast are several well known here. Helen Ray as Mrs."Hallam, Ainsworth Arnold as the father, and Francis Compton as Paul Haliam have all ND you haven't heard the half of it! The other day Bill jBonor said the Sphmx were a .tribe of peo- ple living in Egypt! Won't some kind friend tell him what to do before it's too late? What he needs is a good pipe-and good to- bacco. Of course, the right tobacco is di necessary-but that's easy. A recent Si investigation showed Edgeworth to av be the favorite smoking tobacco at E 42 out of 54 leading colleges. w And here's why: Edgeworth isn't si just another smoking tobacco. It's a an individual blend of fine old bur- hu leys. And you'll know that difference with the first cool pui4T of Ed-geworth. Want proof before you buy? Then write.for a free sample packet. Ad- I- I-, CHILDREN 15C ADULTS 25C THE ORIGINAL G E NTRY BRQOS. FAMOUS SHOWS HENRY B. GENTRY Founder and Manager The shows that cater especially /I '