The Weather Increasing cloudiness and probably showers today; cooler. P-TIAM A6F Ar .Aitr4t an ii Editorials What's Wrong With Finals Retirement Of Dr. Norman A Wood. VOL. XLIII No. 170 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENT Opening Play Given Before Full Theatre Tom Powers Is Featured With Edith Barrett In 'Another Language' Will Present Five More Performances Miss Ray Accepts Offer To Open On Broadway Early Next Week "Another Language" opened last night in the Lydia Mendelssohn the- atre to a completely sold-out house. Tom Powers of the New York The- atre Guild and Edith Barrett, star of "Mrs. Moonlight" and. "Michael and Mary," are featured in the roles of Victor and Stella Hallam. Mr. Pow- ers has been starred in this part all this winter on the trans-continental tour of "Another Language." Other members of the cast of "Another Language" include Robert Hender- son, Katherine Wick Kelly of the Cleveland Playhouse, Raymond Van Sickle, Ainsworth Arnold, Doris Rich, Francis Compton, Miss Helen Ray, Gwen Delaney and Arthur Davison. The art direction of "Another Lan- guage" is by Paul Stephenson. On the eve of the performance last night it was learned that Miss Helen Ray, distinguished character actress who portrays the acid mother-in-law, Mrs. Hallam, in Rose Franken's play has been offered this role in the New York production of "Another Language" by Arthur Beckhard, orig- inal producer of the play. Miss Ray is to replace Margaret Wycherlyrwho originally created the part of Mrs. Hallam. She leaves for New York city immediately after the Saturday matinee performance of "Another Language" on May 27 and will open in "Another Language" on Broadway early next week. Miss Ray has appeared in numerous New Yorki productions throughout her long ca- reer. She was the leading lady in the first play in which Lillian and Dor- othy Gish, both child actresses at the time, appeared. "Another Language" is being pre- sented for six performances on Mon- day, Tuesday,rWednesday matinee and night, Thursday night and Sat- urday matinee of this week. "Spring- time for Henry" opens at the Friday matinee and night, May 26. Speech Contest Finals To Be GivenTonih. Six Students To Compete In Interpretive Reading In Laboratory Theatre Six finalists have been chosen to compete in the second annual poetry reading contest of the Michigan In- terpretive Arts Society at eight p. m. tonight in the Laboratory Theatre. From the preliminary contest which was held last Tuesday the following were selected: Agnes L. Anderson, '34, R. Curtis Bedell, '33, William A. Dickert, '34, Lester Lee Griffith, '35, Mary H. MacIntosh, '34, and Doris L. Smith, '33. Each speaker will be allowed 12 minutes in which to recite and inter- pret from memory the poetry which he has selected, according to Prof. R. D. T. Hollister of the speech de- partment, who is in charge of the contest. The winner will be awarded books of modern poetry autographed by the judges and the director of In-. terpretive Arts Society. Professor Hollister also announced the list of judges. They will be Pro- fessors John L. Brumm of the jour- nalism department, Clarence D. Thorpe of the English department, John H. Muyskens of the speech de- partment, Marian F. Stowe of Mich- igan State Normal College, and Mrs. Peter F. Stair, wife of the associate minister of the Methodist church. Union To Distribute Life Memberships Union life membership cards and pins will be given out from 1:30 to 5 n. m. everv afternoon nf this week Testifies Today -Associated Press Photo J. P. Morgan, head of J. P. Mor- gan and Company, will be the star witness today in a hearing before a Senate investigating c o m m i t t e e which is ready to throw open the secrets of Wall Street banking. Owls To Express Objection. Student Interference Owls may be very wise birds, but it seems to Ted Vanderveen, '33E, that they have no appreciation of the values of gratitude. Vanderveen was walking along North University Avenue near Bar- bour Gymnasium late Saturday night when he noticed two small baby birds, who had evidently fallen{ from their nests. Somewhat of a na- ture lover, and touched by the spring air, he stooped to pick up the tiny birds. He never touched the birds. With a "hoot", one of the parents swooped down upon him and pecked the ten- derest part of his head! Later reports reveal that Ralph Haver passed by Friday night, and met with the same difficulty. 1 Well, maybe the tree-sages weret having their fun.1 Comedy Club Names Moore As President' Tryouts Postponed Until Fall; Tentative Program Is Outlined Clarence Moore, '34L, was elected3 president of Comedy Club for the coming year at a regular business' meeting held yesterday in the League. Supporting him will be Billie Grif- fiths, '35, vice president; Hubert Skidmore, '34, treasurer; and Kath- leen Carpenter, '35, secretary. Ann Verner, '33L, was appointed to the newly created office of business ad- viser. Miss Verner has acted as busi- ness manager for a number of Com- edy Club's shows.j The regular spring tryouts for the club will be postponed until next fall, Mary Pray, '34, former head of the1 organization, said last night, The business of the meeting in- cluded a report of the last produc- tion, and a total report for the year. While definite plans for next year were not made, a tentative program1 was outlined. Mooney Case Goes To Court On Last Charge' SAN FRANCISCO, May 22.-(MP) - The State Supreme Court late .today denied the petition of John O'Garra, attorney and law professor, for a writ of mandate to compel Superior Judge Louis Ward to dis- miss the r e m a in in g indictment against Thomas J. Mooney, convicted Preparedness Day parade bomber. The decision means that Mooney will go on trial tomorow. In a brief order denying the peti- tion, the court declared O'Garra, a private citizen, was "unqualified to commence the action on behalf of the people of the state of California without the consent of the state at- torney general." Mooney will go on trial tomorrow morning before Judge Ward on the one remaining and unused indict- ment of the number returned against him after the bombing on July 22, 1919 in whin10 nnrrgnno war kirmi Davis Gives Arms Policy In Address Declares That Armament Race Would Eventually Throw World Into War Willing To Abandon Policy Of Isolation Interpreted As Meaning America Would Respect Mutual Blockade (By The Associated Press) The world's progress toward out- lawing war brought an official state- ment Monday that the United States would in the interests of peace, under certain circumstances, aban- don its policy of international isola- tion. The message was taken before the disarmament conference at Geneva by Norman H. Davis, American am- bassador-at-large. Declaring that an international race in armament building eventu- ally would throw the world into war, Davis said the United States was willing to go as far as any other na- tion in disarming. He said that America would con- fer with other nations in the event peace were menaced. If America agreed with the other countries con- cerning the identity of the aggressor nation, he continued, then it would refrain from any action to hinder collective efforts to restore peace. Members of the League of Nations believed Davis meant the United States would respect a blockade against a nation guilty of military aggression. Concretely, the American doctrine was interpreted to mean that the British Navy now can feel more free to help the League of Nations keep the peace because it will be in no danger of coming to grips with the American Navy. After announcing that the United States was willing to consult with the other states in case of a threat to peace, Mr. Davis set forth the American policy in these words: "Further than that, in the event that the states, in conference, deter- mine that a state has been guilty of a breach of the peace in violation of its international obligations and take measures against the violator, then, if we concur in the judgment rendered as to the responsible and guilty party, we will refrain from any action tending to defeat such collective effort which these states may thus make to restore peace." Messner Forming Y.M.C.A. Delegation Sherwood A. Messner, president of the Student Christian Association, is now forming a group to go to the Summer Student Conference of the Central Field Council of Y. M. C. A.'s which will be held June 10 to 21 at the camp on Lake Geneva, Wis., and at Chicago. There will be speeches and discus- sion groups at the camp led by nota- bles such as Sherwood Eddy and Maynard C. Kreuger. The camp will be divided into tent groups of 10 to 12 boys for discussion of current problems. The conference will spend five days in Chicago during which time they will visit the Centuy of Prog- ress Exposition. The complete cost of the 10 days is $29.85 which covers all ordinary expenses. HILLEL BANQUET CANCELLED The. Hillel banquet, which was not held last Sunday because of the in- ability of Rabbi Louis Mann of Chi- cago to attend, will not be given this year, it was announced yesterday. Possibility Of Audits Looms For Houses Interfraternity Committee May Require Accounting # Each Semester Group To Discuss Plan Thoroughly Must Set Up 'Central Agency' To Act Upon Financial Revelations Requirement of an audit for this semester's fraternity accounts loomed as a possibility yesterday as the com- mittee which was appointed at the last meeting of the Interfraternity Council to establish a "central agency" to act as a clearing-house for the reports which must be sub- mitted under the new council plan announced that it would make a re- port in the near future. It was hoped originally that the re- port would be ready for the meeting of the judiciary committee of the council to be held Tuesday night, but members of the committee believed that it is advisable "not to rush into this thing too fast." There is no use having an audit, according to one committeeman, un- less there is an agency to take care of the reports which must be sub- mitted. The committee, although it has power to act without referring its decision to the council as a whole, must report to the judiciary commit- tee before the action becomes bind- ing. Many houses already have audits made of their books at the end of each semester, and, according to Maxwell T. Gail, '34, secretary-treas- urer of the council, the council will make a survey to find out how many and what fraternities are doing this service at present. "In that case," Gail said, "it will be necessary only to submit the reports to the central agency, after it has been picked." Designation of adult financial ad- visers, in accordance with the plan has been going on rapidly, according to Bethel B. Kelley, '34, council pres- dent, who said he hopes to have the process completed before the end of the year. Vigorous administration of the plan is the program which the newly' elected president outlined yesterday, saying that that was the best way to "keep houses out of the red." Sink Gratif ied At Response To MayFestival) "The fine attendance and enthusi- asm which the public showed for last week's May Festival is a justification of the efforts of those musical pio- neers who founded the University Musical Society in 1879," Charles A. Sink, president of the organization, declared yesterday in commenting on the success of the recent season. "It is gratifying to have such a splendid response at this time when so many of the musical events all over the country have had to be suspended or radically curtailed," he said. The attendance was said to be about the same as last year. The momentum of the policy, PresidentmmSinksaid, which the late Dr. Albert A. Stanley, former presi- dent of the society,carried outsos successfully for many years has borne fruit and was sufficient to carry us through a lean economic year. The tradition of fine music which Ann Arbor enjoys could not be dis- pelled, he said. Hospital Services Overcro wed With Measles Epidemic By DAVID G. MACDONALD With University Hospital accom- modations exhausted, the epidemic of German, red, and black measles, which has been raging with varying intensity since the beginning of the semester, is bringing five or six cases a day to the Health Service for treat- ment. Of the 80 cases reported so far this year, 40 have occurred in the month of May alone. The contagion ward of the University Hospital is full, and arrangements have been made with a private nursing institution to care for the increasing number of patients. According to Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the Health Service, the present epidemic is a natural phenomenon of the disease which occurs periodically every 15 or 20 years. Its last major appearance on the campus was in 1916 and 1917 when approximately 100 cases were reported. Since that time only one or two cases a year have been noted. German measles, of which almost all of the present epidemic is com- posed, is particularly hard to check because, in the length of time after exposure before its symptoms show, the disease is most contagious. The earliest indications, a slight cold and sore throat, enlargement of the lymph glands (in the neck near the ears), a rash on the face and chest, and a general feeling of sickness occur as late as two weeks after ex- posure. Students who do not notice these characteristics of the illness continue their rounds of activities without reporting to the Health Service, thereby spreading the dis- ease. Although this type of measles is not very severe, inflicting a confine- ment of only four to seven days, the student's accompanying lowered re- sistance, causes him to run the risk of contracting a major ailment such pneumonia. With observation and care, cultures can be taken to watch for such an eventuality. It is urged that students watch for the early indications of the measles so as to curb ination time. Drug Stores Near Campus Get Beer Permits From CIty the epidemic by exam- S.C.A. Tag Day Nets $700 For Summer Camp Foodstuffs And Supplies 1 Being Solicited From Local Merchants A little over $700 was collected this year in the annual "tag day" drive, sponsored by the Student Christian Association to raise funds for the support of the University of Michi- gan Summer Fresh Air Camp for underprivileged boys, according to George G. Alder, camp director. This sum is $300 less than the amount collected last year. "We were quite pleased with the returns from the campus," Mr. Alder stated, "the decrease in 'tag day' funds was expected and to counter- act the deficit we have formulated a plan whereby over 80 merchants in Ann Arbor and Detroit are being solicited for camp supplies and food- stuffs." He added that notable suc- cess has been achieved in this plan already by Gordon Halstead, Grad., associate director of the camp, whb is in charge of the soliciting. The American Red Cross has donated 2,000 pounds of flour which will take care of the bread-making problem, Mr. Alder said. As another economic feature, not utilizedhheretofore, Mr. Adler said that they will grow all their own vegetables for the table in gardens on the camp grounds. Mr. Adler believes that in spite of the decrease in "tag day" collections they will have enough funds to be able to handle 350 boys in the eight weeks period that the camp will be open. Three two-week sessions of the camp will be held for boys from the ages of 11 to 15 and one two- week session for those boys of 16 and 17 years. The camp will formal- ly open June 26. The list of volun- teer counsellers, who are chiefly Uni- versity students, will be announced at an early date. Singers Turn Firemen, Form Bucket Brigade Twelve members of the Varsity, Glee Club coming back to Ann Arbor after singing at a concert in Fowler- ville last night nlaved volunteer fire- Last Gargoyle Issue Is On Sale Tomorrow The last issue of Gargoyle for the current school year will be sold on the campus Wednesday morning. This issue represents the swan song of Managing Editor Ed- ward S. McKay, '33, who will hand over the keys and other parapha- nalia generally connected with his office, such as pencils, rulers, glue and stuff (thanks, Colonel Stoop- nagle and Budd) to Thomas E. Powers, '34, newly appointed man- aging editor for the year 1933-34. Bates Will Tall At Installation Of UnionM eads. Saltzstein Will Make New Appointments And Out- line Program Tonight Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School will be the main speaker at the Union's installation banquet to be held at 6:15 p. m. tonight on the second floor terrace of the Union, it was announced yesterday. At the banquet Robert Saltzstein, '34, newly elected president of the Union, and Robert McCormick, '34, who will be- come secretary, will formally take of- fice. Sitting with the board of directors after the banquet, Saltzstein will out- line his program for the college year, 1933-34. John H. Huss, '33, present record- ing-secretary of the Union, Saltz- stein, and McCormick will all speak at the banquet. John Lederle, retiring president, will serve as toastmaster. Charms will be presented to commit- teemen, to members of the executive council, and to the board of directors of the Union. Saltzstein plans to make his ap- pointments of committee chairmen and assistant chairmen at the ban- quet, it was said. Each of the five Union committees -house, dance, underclass, reception, and publicity- consists of ami appointive chairman and two assistant chairmen in addi- tion to other members from the freshman and sophomore classes. Considerable interest will be man- ifested in the banquet and in Dean Bates' address, Lederle said, for Dean Bates is widely known as one of the first to urge the formation of a stu- dent club such as the Union. Comstock Here In Consultation With Advisers Stason And Caverly Will Aid Governor Drawing Up Retail Sales Tax LANSING, May' 22. - ) --Gov. William A. Comstock and his legal adviser, Ferris H. Fitch, left late Monday for Ann Arbor to confer with the advisory committee which drew the administration sales and gross income-tax bill. The governor has insisted the measure, to produce the desired amount of revenue, must provide for a retail sales tax, plus a levy on manufactured products, utility and professional services. The Senate taxation committee has tentatively agreed virtually to scrap the admin- istration bill in favor of a straight retail sales tax. Indications were the governor and the advisory committee would seek to draft amendments to the admin- istration bill for submission to the Senate committee, in the hope of saving the combined levies. They also planned to change the provision to comply with an Illinois Supreme Court ruling which held sales taxes excepting farm produce and gasoline are unconstitutional. Some members of the Senate com- mittee indicated they would not alter their views. They insisted that in Witham's, Swift's, Fenn's, Gratton's Get Licenses; No Others Granted Restaurants Not Allowed To Sell 3.2 Heated Debate Results In Verdict Against State Street Merchants, 8-7. By WILLIAM G. FERRIS Beer will be on sale east of Division Street in four drug stores, but not in restaurants or beer gardens, with- in a few days as a result of action taken last night by the Common Council at City Hall. The drug stores which received approval are Fenn Drug Co., 103 N. Forest St., Witham Drug Store, 601 S. Forest St., Swift's Drug Store, 340 S. State St., and Gratton Drug, 900 S. State St. All members of the council ap- proved the bond and license commit- tee's report granting the permits to the drug stores, but the report stat- ing that restaurants and beer gar- dens east of Division Street would be given "no further consideration as their applications were not consistent with the city charter," caused an ex- tended, and at times bitter, debate. Sadler Submits Report After Ald. Walter Sadler, chairman of the bond and license committee, had submitted his report and moved its adoption, Ad. Donald Meyer made a substitute motion to grant permits to all east of Division Street applicants who conformed with state and city regulations, "Mr. Chairman, I rise on a point of order," Alderman Sadler said. "The motion is out of order with re- spect to Sectiqg 88, paragraph 3, of the city ordinances." Pres. E. E. Lucas ruled that the motion was out of order. Alderman Meyer asked for an ap- peal from the chair and Lucas called for a roll call. The president's deci- sion was sustained, 8 to 6. Ald. Max Krutsch arose to speak. "Krutsch is out of order," Ald. Wil- liam Hollands suddenly interrupted. "I think you're out of order," Pres- ident Lucas said. "Let's read the committee's report again to see how again read the committee's report. Ald. William Faust arose and re- marked, "There is no question' that we are simply holding this up be- cause we have no authority from the attorney general to change the Divi- sion Street charter provision. We simply can't grant permits when the charter prohibits us from so doing." "Still Out of Order?" During all this discussion Alder- man Krutsch had remained on his feet. "Am I still out of order?" he asked. "Well, go ahead. We'll let you talk," President Lucas said. Krutsch claimed that the beer was non-intoxicating, and the granting of licenses to down-town merchants while not granting them to mer- chants east of Division Street was unjust discrimination. Prof. William C. Hoad, of the en- gineering college, then arose from the floor to speak for the dry side. "I believe the charter provision is a wise one,"he said. "I have been teaching men for a long time. They are youngsters, like yours and mine, and they are immature, impression- able. If we exposed the high school and university section to liquor sales it would result in the increased use of alcohol by these immature people." Crowd Boos Booing and hissing, coupled with a stamping of feet, greeted these state- ments, and President Lucas had to rap for order. "If this disorder con- tinues, we'll clear the hall," he threatened. Professor Hoad continued, "We must remember that these college students are not seasoned. It will be a sorry sight to sell them alcohol in the University section." After some more debate, a vote was finally taken. It resulted in a defeat for the east of Division Street mer- chants, 8 to 7, President Lucas cast- ing the deciding vote. With the debating finished . lrge 'Animals Are Fellow Creatures,' Says Miss Heming, Dramatic Star G. Bernard Shaw may be an ar- dent opponent of vivisection, but he is no more emphatic in his viewpoint than Violet Heming, Dramatic Fes- tival actress and New York star of prominence. For, Miss Heming states, she has known and loved animals and raised and trained many kinds and has long since come to the conclusion that all animals are "fellow beings." There might be much more sensible to ex- periment even with humans, since they at least have the opportunity of stating their willingness or dislike for such a procedure." Oneof George Arliss' best known pictures, "The Man Who Played God," in which Miss Heming is fea- tured as the leading lady, played at a local theatre last night. Miss Hem- ing was delighted when she heard of