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May 21, 1933 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-21

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Max Eastman
Is E raged For
Hit T d A ,.) T" ILk

EdInondson Refutes Criticism
Of Textbooks And Publishe rs

President's Son


S """R n, It is unfortunately true that3
teachers and school administrators
have a disposition to consider text-I
Noted Writer And Critic book companies with a certain de-
To Give Second Lecture grce of suspicion," declared Dean J.
B. Edmonson, of the school of educa-
III Colmnlittee' S er is tien, in an editorial appearing in
the May issue of "The Nation's
Max Eastman, writer and critic, Schools." This tendency, he said, dis-
has been engaged to give the annual courages frank and free discussion
Hopwood lecture on "The Making of of textbook problems.
Literature," it was announced yester- jHe stated that although it was
day. This will be the second lecture commendable for teachers to depend
in a series projected by the Hopwood largely upon "their own mastery of
Committee. subject matter and less on the in-
The series is given in connection itial content of a single book, it is


with the announcement of awards,1
and it is hoped that the lectures
given may encourage literary work
done at the University of Michigan.
It is the intention of the commit-'
tee to give annual publication of the
lectures and in every five years to
issue a special volume. The first lec-,
ture of the series, that given by Rob-
ert Morss Lovett, is now going
through the press.

nevertheless true that many teachers
Bolivia Rejects
L eay'te Plans
For Settlierent

gain more effective results because
of their reliance on the materials and
I the suggestions for teaching that are
found in some of the better text-
books." )
For this reason the preparation of
textbooks of superior quality and se-
lections that will ensure the choice
of these superior books, need to be
encouraged, he said.
The dean gave the highest praise
to the publishers of textbooks be-
cause of the quality of their product.
"It's generally agreed," he said, "that
American publishers are producing
textbooks that represent high stand-
ards of book-making not found in
the textbooks of other countries."
He also said that manuscripts now
receive more care so that any errors
in form and content may be elim-
inated before publication. He com-
mended this "valuable service" that
is being rendered to schools by the
Dean Edmonson urges the estab-
lishment of more scientific methods
in the selection of textbooks. "Too
many books arc adopted as the result
of salesmanship, and too few books
are selected as a result of critical ex-
amination of available textbooks in
terms of standards that have been
carefully framed."
He asserted that "the disposition
to avoid public discussion of text-
book problems should be attacked by
publishers and school authorities ina
order that fuller and freer discussion
may be secured."
Group ToeHoldt
Speech Contest

A sorority at DePauw wanted to
spend $200 for an orchestra. They
wired Ted Weems and asked him how
many pieces could be obtained for
that amount.
The reply was "Three sheets of
music and a piccolo player."
From West Point we learn that
demerits are handed out quite freely
at their dances. If an embryo
officer as much as starts to rumba.
he is severely reprimanded. But there
is also a remedy for everything, and
if a girl insists on bending her torso
in the shape of a bow while dancing,
the cadet simply whispers "pif"
which carries with it a world of
meaning to any. "femme" who has
attended an army hop before. Hold-
ing a girl too close while dancing is
also taboo with the cadets.
University of Southern California
students hold an annual "Hello,
smile" week on the campus when
students greet everyone with, a hello
and a smile. It was suggested that
this might be tried by some of our
campus sophisticates.
Add this to your list of definitions:
"Professors," says O. O. McIntyre,
quoting someone else, "are hired bits
of camouflage stuck around to give
an athletic club the complexion of
a college."
Observings from here and there--
At Tulane University a co-ed adver-
tised shoe cleaning at three cents
a pair. A tip of two cents is expected
if the job comes up to the expecta-
tion of the customer-University of
Chattanooga students hold a contest
Bach year to select the bachelor of
igliness-Girls at Smith College dur-
ng the annual "posture week" are
;een walking around the campus
vith books on their heads.
Males at the University of Paris
iave gone effeminate. As long as the
vomen wear the new trouser suits
hey feel that they are entitled to
vear skirts, polish their nails red,
and rouge their lips.

"Max Eastman is a sane and D1elegate ilef uses League
shrewd critic," Prof. Bennett Weaver
of the English department said. "He Of Nations Conciliation
is eminently intelligible. There is no Plan For Chaco Dispute
provoking nothingness in his conclu-
sions. He knows the literary mind, GENEVA, May 20.-(/P)-Bolivia
how it has worked, and how it may today rejected recommendations by
work well in our complex time. He is the council of the League of Nations
a capital man to address the literary for the settlement of the dispute with
workers at Michigan. Of further im- Paraguay over the Chaco territory.
portance, he is a br-illiant and at- TeBlva eeaedcae
tractive speaker." The Bolivian delegate declared
Announcement of the awards waits that Paraguay had violate ts ecen
upon the decisions of three of the ecartonthat aLatee.of wasrexist
national judges, it was said. This declaration that a state of war exist-
year the amount of material in the ed and asked the council to apply
field of fiction was especially greatj the penalties provided in Article 16
rendering an early decision difficult: of the covenant against Paraguay.
(Article 16, provides for financial
and economic sanctions as well as
Fowler's Bo k possible military sanctions by mem-
'-''"e- s O ' bers of the League against a nation
declaring War in violation of the
On Desiwn Is covenant.)
Dr. Costa Durels, the Bolivian rep-
* U resentative, informed the council
Published H ere that the committee of neutrals in
Washington, aided by Argentina,
Brazil and Chile, had begun a study
"Modern Creative Des.ign and Its of the dispute, using new methods
Application" is the title of a book with hope for success.
just completed by Prof. Herbert A. He asked the council, which met in
'Fowler, chairman of the decorative public session, to determine respon-I
design department of the College of sibility for the breach of the cove-
Architecture. The book presents an nant with which Bolivia charges Par-
exposition of the principles underly- aguay. He said Bolivia would accept
ing design and develops the theme arbitration if Paraguay would define
that a knowledge of these principles her territorial claims beforehand.
is more than ever a necessity to the Ramon Cabaliero de Bedoya, Para-
modern designer if he is to be able guayan delegate, protested that Ar-
to interpret the movement and power title 16 of the covenant was appli-
of the present age. cable only to an aggressor nation
A feature of the book is the using which had refused armistice and ar-
of work of students of design to il- bitration.
lustrate principles and their appli- Paraguay, he said, was willing to
cations. As Professor Fowler points arbitrate without restriction.
out in his foreward, "These illustra-
tions add materially to the value of
the book for through such selections A ntioch ecad
the reader and prospective student
will be constantly in touch with work 1 Charge
that is neither beyond his, under - I A1a e
standing nor his ability to equal or
excel. W hile pointing the way to newpohen c
possibilities they will at the same./
time instill confidence in his own
power." WASHINGTON, May 20.- (1') --
Whild written primarily for the The colossal task of transforming
teacher and the student of design into reality President Roosevelt's
it is also of interest to the layman dream of converting the Tennessee
who gains by a reading of this book Valley into a national industrial
an insight into the orderly thought workshop was assigned yesterday to
processed necessary in creating de- Arthur E. Morgan, president of
signs and thereby increases his own Ohio's Antioch College.
appreciation of design already crc- At the same time, word was passed
ated, it was said. that quick action would be forthcom-

-Associated Press Photo
Elliott Roosevelt, 22, second son
the President, shown at his desk


Los Angeles where he has taken v
position as general manager of the
Gilpin air lines operating between
Los Angeles and Agua Caliente, Mex-


Scakers Society
Com pete In Talks

To Amuse Audiene
The Stump Speakers Society will
hold a "Raconteur Contest" Wednes-
day night. The contest is sponsored
by the Associated Technical Societies
of Detroit. The winner receives a
plaque from that organization and
has the privilege of representing the
local chapter in a similar contest at
the intercollegiate Sigma Rho Tau
convention this June in Detroit.
The contest consists of entertain-
ing the audience for a peridd of 12
minutes, either by telling several
short stories or one long one. The
success of the speakers in entertain-
ing the audience is what determines
their final ranking. The contest will
be held at the T[nion, or at the Sigma
Rho Tau Stump.
Those who have entered are Allen
E. Cleveland, '35E, Horace McBride,
Spec., Sidney Shelley, '35E, H. S.
Munger, '36E, Albert J. Stone, '34E,
Lloyd E. Hilbert, '33E, Robert S.
Johnson, '36E, Robert A. Lowe, '36E,
Robert L. Taylor, '36E.
Trained Animal Show,
To Exhibit Here May 29
Gentry Brothers' Trained Animal
Show will present two performances
in Ann Arbor Monday, May 29. This
show includes many trained dogs,
ponies, pigs, goats, and monkeys.
Special features of the presentation
are the trick dancing dogs and the
monkey fire department. The show
will be given on a lot in the 1700
block on Packard street.
400 Beck Road Plymouth, Mich.
Elphone 7156FI
{ 14 mi, rom Ann Arbor. Children
up to 10 yrs. of age may be left for
short or long periods of time. Ann
Arbor references exchanged. Price
$8.00 per week.


Detroit 'Police Propose
Roller-Skate Pruhibition
DETROIT, May 20.-(/)-With arn
11-year-old boy dead as the result of
a roller-skating accident, authorities
Saturday vehemently repeated ther
warnings to skaters.
Police Inspector Henry J. Garvin
head of the Accident Investigation
Bureau, declared he felt that a lax
should be passed prohibiting skatint
in the streets.
Commissioner of Recreation C. E
Brewer also said that unless skater.
ceased abusing their privileges, sucL
an ordinance must be passed.

National Tennis Week!
MAY 20-27
0 Every Stringing Job-
r7 17-, Zee e vt
Phone -.~...... RCKES 4615
Expert Woirkmansi
1 String Replaced 25c Each Additional String 15c
SLAZENGERS RACKETS The best money can buy
Only Genuine GUTSTR INGS will give
you Maximum Speed & Dependability


Blonde or Brunette
Struggle Renewed,
controversy between the blonde and
brunette as to which is superior was
renewed again at the University of
Vinnesota. And again the dark
heads triumphed.
A questionnaire sent out to 147 of
the senior students disclosed that
four out five co-ed honor students
are brunettes, while only one is a
blonde. A reporter tried to find out
why this happens to be, but the
brunettes were too proud to talk, and
the blondes. too hard to find. I

ing in the government's investigation
of charges that Federal property at
Muscle Shoals had been misused by
private power companies.
President Roosevelt announced the
appointment of Morgan, who brought
Antioch College from a place of ob-
scurity 13 years ago to one of the
best-known educational institutionsI
in the country.
The educator will head the three-
man board which will direct thti
huge Muscle Shoals-Tennessee Val-
ley development project, legislation
for which was signed Friday.
More than 150 names are before
the President from which to select
the two other members. He expects
to make the appointments soon so
I that the work can get under way



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MOWRER - Germany Puts the Clock Back
LOCKHART - British Agent.
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SCHOONMAKER - Our Genial Enemy, France
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HENDERSON-The Economic Consequences of Power Production 1.75
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RICHARDSON - Will They Pay?..................... 1.00

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