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May 20, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-20

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unmixed in separate choirs, as pure in quality as
primary colors. When one is young, right is "good"



I -~





Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the ig Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postiaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mall, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc.. 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street. Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
St., New York, N. Y.
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR......................BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris,
John C. Healey, Robert B. Hcwett, George Van Vieck,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie
Murphy, Margaret Phalan.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Marjorie Western.
REPORTERS: Caspar S. Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert
D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Manuel Levin, Irving
F. Levitt, David G. Macdonald, S. Proctor McGcachy,
John O'Connell, George I. Quimby, Floyd Rabe, Mitchell
Raskin, Richard Rome, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D.
Silverman, L. Wilson Trimmer, William F. Weeks.
Marjorie Beck, Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies, Jean Han-
mer, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Margaret Hiscock,
Eleanor Johnson, Hilda Lame, Kathleen MacIntyre,
Josephine M'cLean, Marjorie Morrison, Mary ONeill,
Jane Schneidr, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer.
Telephone 2-1214
'WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ...... Donna C. Becker
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, W. Grafton Sharp
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume,
Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skinner, Robert
Ward, Meigs W. Bartmess, Willia B. Caplan, Willard
Cohodas, R. C. Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert
Gregory, Milton Kramer, John Marks, John I. Mason,
John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Williams.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman,
Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose.
SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1933
Roosevelt Fulfills
Platform Promises. . .
IN A HIGHLY reassuring article in
the New York Times, Mr. R. L.
Duffus points out that action has been taken
by the Democratic administration on 14 of the 17
planks that the party adopted as its platform last
June in Chicago.
Four of the planks have already been ratified by
Congress, the President has taken steps to carry
out six others, and three more are implicit in the
policy the administration is following. Of the
four remaining planks one was partially effected
before March 4, one required no legislation, one
pertains to state rather than national action, and
the fourth is a reform that has little or nothing
to do with the present emergency.
The four steps already ratified pertain to gov-
ernment economy, the budget, Prohibition, and
farm relief. Promises have been kept by the enact-
ment of the economy bill, by reasonably certain
indication that next year's income and expendi-
ture of the government will balance, by passage
of the beer bill, and by the measures for farm
relief that have been adopted.
Steps that have been begun have to do with
the establishment of more practical tariff laws,
the reduction of unemployment, the reduction of
army and navy expenditures, protection of the in-
vesting public, banking reform, and the adoption
of a "firm foreign policy."
Platformpromises that are implied in the policy
of the government pertain to the preservation of
a sound currency, the enforcement of anti-trust
laws and the development and conservation of
the nation's water power, and justice to all vet-
erans actually hurt in the War.
Thus we have a spectacle to which the Amer-

lcan people have not been treated for some time-
a sincere endeavor to effect the major part of a
national political platform. Such being the fact,
we may rest assured that leadership in the battle
against depression has been entrusted to hands
that should win success if success is possible.

and wrong is something to get spanked for-and
an oboe tone is not to be confused with a viola
quality. We lost the glitter off our gold a century
or so ago-but perhaps it is easier to appreciate
what one doesn't have than if we had not become
the psychological creatures of a scientific age.
The voice of Rose Bampton is as fresh and
lovely as her own charming self. A contralto who
has no "ranges" because of the single even quality
of the whole instrument, a production that is
consistently out and up, and a musicianship that
needs no straining for effects to make it evident,
are factors that should make this one of the mem-
orable voices of our time. She is young for a
contralto, but age can only mellow a voice that
has everything all ready.
Mr. DeLamarter's appreciation of the nuances
of tempo markings was one of the most enjoyable
contributions to this concert. Few conductors seem
to realize that Vivace, Adagio, and Presto are only
relative markings after all. And his "Marriage
of Figaro" overture gained a precision and clarity
that would have been lost in the hurried speed of
the more usual interpretation.
The gracious conductor of the chorus, Miss Juva
Higbee, is to be thanked for the pleasant and
charming picture which she and her young people
presented. A teacher who is as beloved as this
music supervisor must be a very happy person.
She should be, for among the audience of mothers
and fathers and in the white-clad chorus upon
the stage were a great many proud and delighted
faces that were all due to the earnest efforts of
this lady.
-Kathleen Murphy
Wagner has been dead for only fifty years-
and yet he is as out of date as last year's spring
hat. Luxury is a thing that we can no longer in-
dulge in-even though it is an abundance of
sound that he has left to us rather than piles
of the silks and satins or flasks of the perfumes
of which he was so inordinately, to our eyes, fond
-the heritage is just as out of place in our demo-
cratic civilization. Wagner was a man of his age.
Happily for our complacence of mind, history has
no record of the number of geniuses that have
been lost in oblivion simply because they were
born out of time. But the author of "Art and
Revolution" is at once the culmination and the
culminator of his period. For, granted that he
lived in an unsettled environment inspired by the
reforming idealism of the romantic period, the
very energy, almost the dynamic waste, of his na-
ture was typical of that excessive time. The
last of the "Super Men" is as archaic as a pre-
historean monster in an age of socialism. And yet
-try to explain him away-laugh at his obsolete
theories of art as you will-Wagner will be im-
mortal as long as the emotions of minkind exist.
Before him there was "Art"-and after him
came "Revolution." We can equally thank the
cycle of time that brought him around to us, and
be very grateful that there was only one of him.
Wagner is wearing. The floods of sound that spray
and engulf one in a warm tide of surging tones
has nearly drowned many of his most ardent en-
thusiasts-witness our latest visitor, the bearded
gentleman of the British Isles. But the essence
of the "Flying Dutchman," "Siegfried," and "Tris-
tan" is too rare even to be lost in luxury.
Grete Stueckgold proved once and for all that
Wagner can be sung in tune. She is a woman
worthy of Wagner himself-vital, lovely, sensitive
to all the finest shades of his expression. And she
is as simple as the outrageously primitive man
that made love to the wife of his friend. Her
voice has not the large throaty tones that have
unfortunately grown to be expected of the true
"Wagnerian" singer. Miss Stueckgold is an artist
that would have gladdened the exacting heart of
the composer himself.
--Kathleen Murphy

So let's consider a hypothetical case. Suppose you
are a young man of poor but honest parents and
you have become possessed of the idea that these
professors at Michigan have some small scraps of
knowledge you haven't yet found on the farm or
in the city dumps. As a result you trot to Ann Ar-
bor with all the money you can lay your hands
on. We won't mention the amount, but believe rme,
brother, I understand.
Now you don't contemplate sleeping in [e
streets-or the library--while at the University
and you have a real desire to eat something occa-
sionally during your climb into the tree of knowl-
edge. So that money of yours must go a long long
way. And right away you are hit by a rubber
stamp that puts $98 in one corner of all those
coupons you filled out the very first day. Noth-
ing said about rebates either. But before you have
attended a single class you find yourself shunted
around to a place where there's a lot of signs
saying, "Strip to Waist Here," "Put Your Clothes
in a Paper Bag," "Remove Shoes Here," etc. Then
Doc May looks you up and down the back and
you feel pretty good. After this you get a book of
numbers and a lot of football application blanks
until you feel that you can get into everything
there is just by showing one of those coupons.
You're not through yet, however. Over at the
Union they'll put a pin in your. coat and give you
a membership card if you really demand it--but
don't bother. They'll let you in without those de-
tails as long as you have money to pay for what
you'll get there. And since the card doesn't get
you any reduction in prices just forget it.
Time goes along and along about the middle of
the year you are pretty nearly out of money. I
know those books were more expensive than the
catalogue suggested they might be-but you hadj
to buy them at the bookmaker's price. The room
rent was high, too, but the landlady got pretty
nasty that time you were two weeks behind. I re-
member that you quit eating in restaurants right
after Christmas and thereafter consumed a lot of
bread and milk in your room. It must have been
about this time you got to thinking about where
your money went. -And by the way-how many
times did you go to the Union? You ate one meal
in the tap room, did you? - So did I. You felt
proud that time, eating in your own club, didn't
you?-Until you saw the check! And have you
met the pretty nurse-the $15 one-over beyond
the museum yet? Oh you saw her once when you
went in the building just to see what it was? So
did I! And those football games? Pretty cool
sport, eh? Benches hard in that end section? I
found them so. Do you remember whom you
yelled for? Neither do I.
Now just between you and me, how long can
you stay in college with the money you have left?
Only a week? That's bad! $30 would just about see
you through, wouldn't it? All right, add these up:
$15 Health, $10 Union, $7.50 Stadium. $32.50?
That's right. More than enough. But can you get
it? No sir you can't! Not one cent. So you must
go home? Sorry old man. Just when you were
really getting a worthwhile return on that $65.50
flyer in Professors Preferred, too! When you go
home who will watch your health? Provide a club-
house? Keep that seat for you at the ball game?
Have to give all that up? That's tough. At home
you'll have to take a chance on your health with
no money for doctors. Maybe you'd rather have
the $32.50 for food right now and take a chance
on your health here since you'll be taking a
chance anyway? Of course you would, for then you
could salvage some of that rocky Professor
gamble! As it is you stand to lose everything-all
for a game of checkers in the Union, a glance at
a nurse, and a sliver in your pants off that sta-
dium seat. Well, Good-bye if you must be leaving.
Better luck next time. At least you'll escape buy-
ing the Summer Daily whether you want it or not
if you go home now. Don't break your thumb
jerking a ride. So long!
I hope most of my readers get the point thus
far. Be it known, however, that I deem the Health
Service essential to the University. The Union and
Athletics are fine for those who use them. But
their should be the sole pleasure of paying for
them. I insist that a man comes to college pri-
marily to attend classes so that $65.50 charge is
O.K. He gets what he asked for there. But the
other things are for those who want them and
can afford to pay. Raise the $65.50 if you must
for it is an honest fee but in any event make the
Health Service, the Union, and the Athletic fees
all optional. And if the girls get up courage to
fight for it, make the League fee optional too. All

these things are nice-for some people. I've paid
these fees for five years and, two summers (no re-
fund from the Union either) and they haven't
been worth a dime to me. So get out the feather
duster, shine up this new-fangled tradition of
making students pay for things they may not
want and push it into the river.
Thomas M. Brown, Grad.

A LADlS--Advertise your rooms
InI the classified cohrnm1s of our Special
Sinday Sutinnier 0 1SectionThis scetion
offers vou a rare O})pOtu11ity to galn
IrJORltS frolm ithe many students who
are planning to go to Summer School.
Call AL the AD-TAKER r-rn 2-1214


___ _


LANGSAM - The World Since 1914.......
SUNDERLAND - India in Bondage, new edition...........
STRACHEY - The Coning Struggle for Power............
JEANS - The New Background of Science.
ROOSEVELT - Looking Forward.....
MOWRER -Germany Puts the Clock Back.
LOCKHART - British Agent.... .
SFORZA - Makers of Modern Europe.
SCHOONMAKER - Our Genial Enemy, France.
GIBBS - The Way of Escape ... ....
SIMONDS - The A.B.C. of War Debts.............. . ..


HENDERSON - The Economic Consequences of Power Production 1.75
COLT AND KEITH - 28 Days, A History of the Banking Crisis . $1.00
BERTRAND RUSSELL-Education and the ModIern World 2.50
WATERS - B.E.F. The Whole Story of the Bonus Army ... 2.50
RICHARDSON - Will They Pay? . ....... .....1.00

316 State Street

Main Street Opposite Court House

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expresing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
To the Editor :
In view of the rumored tuition increases at
Michigan in the near future I wish to set forth
some suggestions which everyone, the Student
League included, seems to have lacked the perspi-
cacity to grasp.
It is no mystery (consult your catalogue) that
of the $98 which a male resident of Michigan pays
each year as "tuition" only $65.50 ever gets into
the fund which may go, to provide the student
with classroom facilities. The remaining $32.50 is
divided as follows: $15 to the Health Service, $10
to the Union, and for Athletics, $7.50. Now here
you are, Gentlemen! It's bargain day at Mich-
igan! All goods clearly labeled with their lowest
prices and only one of a kind to a customer!
Health, $15! A fine big clubhouse $10! Football
$750! And a nice lot of professors at $65.50! Step
right 'up and take your choi-, There, I almost
said it! But you and I know there is no choice.
You buy out the shop. or you don't come in the
door of this University! You may think (and I
did) that the professors are a genuine buy at
$65.00 for the pile. Or you may be sure that that
pretty nurse over at the Health Service needs $15
more than you do. Then you might do a little
arithmetic and figure that it takes 700 students
at $10 a head to pay $7,000 per year to somebody
over at the Union. You tell me what he does!
I don't know. But anyway you might feel sorry
for the man and be willing to donate $10 to keep
him off the welfare. Well and good if you do, but
don't expect a letter from him thanking you for
it. And don't think you'll get a cheap haircut or a
meal at reduced prices in his establishment. And
don't play with those clever little billiard balls
either unless you are prepared to pay every time

Religous 'Activities
EPISCOPAL Washington St. at 5th Ave.
CHURCH E. C. Stolhorn, pastor
State and Washington Streets A TEND 9 A.M.-Bible School. Lesson Topic:
FrederickB.Fisher CH URCH 9:00 A.M-Service in German. I
Fredric B. ishr '--E'~ ~Pastor will speak on:
0REGULARLY 10:30 A.M.--Service with sermon by
10:45 - Morning Worship. Rev. M. W. Brueckner of Chelsea.
"BELSHAZZAR'S FEAST" 2:00 P.M.-Service with address by
Rev. George Hueter, missionary to
Dr. Fisher New Guinea on furlough.
4:30 P.M.-Student Club will as-
No sem service. bie at the Trinity Lutheran
L\Ci1ii~Church to leave for an outdoor
~" -
Cor. E. Univ. Ave. and Oakland East Huron, West of State
Huron and Division Streets Dr. R. Edward Saylcs, Minister
Merle i. Anderson, Ministerreoward R. Chapman, University
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister Pastcr
.s s *
9:30 A.M. - Stuldent Classes at the 9:30 A.M.-The Church School. Dr.
Church House. Albert J. Logan, Superintendent
10:30 A.M.-Morning Worship. 11:15 AM.-Regular Sunday morn-orship
Dr. Anderson will preach on: ing service at the Women's League M. y worshp:
"'I OIDSSN"Chapel. Mr. Sayles will preach. Subject:
Rabbi Bernard Heler will speak on:
5:30 P.M.-- SoclaI Hour for Young "EXAMINATIONS AND SELF- 12:00 M.-The student group meets
people.EXAMINATIONS" Mr. Chapman at the Guild House.
6:30 P.M -Young People's Meeting . :15 P.M.-Annual Hillel Banquet at 6:00 P.M.-Student nieting at Guild
Tic 0or discussion:I lhe Michigan Uniion. Many prom- HouseReHoward R. Chapman
IN ANN ARBORTU inent speakers will attend.
(Msouri Synod) DO C U C
Third and West Liberty NOT (Evangelical Synod)
C. A. Brauer, Pastor South Fourth Avenue
Sunday, May 21 N EGLECT Theodore Schmale, Pastor
9:30 A.M.-Service in GermanY Sunday, May 21
YOUR 9J:00 A.M. -Bible School.
10:30 A.M.-Pre-ConfirmatiOn Serv-
ice. P If~1

Musical Events
The clarity of children's voices, the fresh greens
of a day in Spring-and a Haydn Symphony. The
immortal youth of Mozart and a voice that is as
natural and as great as childhood. Such were the
parts that went to make up the Friday after-
noon children's concert. A lot of lovely sentiments
have been strewn around about "Youth"- "Long,
long thoughts"-and the "happiest time of life"
-and the frank young persons of today are the



One of the surprises, it is understood, for the
opening night of the Dramatic Season on Mon-
day evening in the Mendelssohn theatre will be
the entre-acte music presented by Paul Vellucci
and Thomas Richner, of New York city. Mr. Rich-
ner and Mr. Vellucci are the assistants of Mr. Lee
Pattison at the Sarah Lawrence College in New
York, and will play on the two Steinway grand
pianos in the orchestra pit during the productions
of the theatre festival.
They will appear twice during each play, play-
ing an overture before the play begins; and ap-
pearing again between the second and third acts.
Their style is not dissimilar to that of Jacques
Fray and Mario Braggiotti, who accompany Mau-
rice Chevalier so smartly during his recitals.
Mr. Richner is a pupil of Harold Morris of New
York and is also a student of Lee Pattison. He
received his B.M. degree in piano at the West
Virginia State University, and this year gave
three recitals in New York city.
Mr. Vellucci, who is the elder of the two, (forj
Mr. Richner is only nineteen), is a pupil of Avis
Bliven-Charbonnell. He has studied abroad with

The Theatre

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