The Weather Local showers today, followed by cooler; tomorrow, partly cloudy and cool. Ig i rt iau Dati Editorials Roosevelt Fulfills Platform Promises. VOL. XLIII No. 168 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Soprano Captivates Audience Traditional Brilliance Of Friday Concert Upheld As StueckgoldSings Sell-Out Indicated For 'Merry Mount' Young People's Chorus Is Successful Feature With Rose Bampton The standard of the traditionally brilliant Friday night concert that characterizes every May Festival was amply upheld last night by the mag- netic singing of Grete Stueckgold in an all-Wagner program commemor- ating that composer's death 50 years ago. Madame Stueckgold in her first appearance in Ann Arbor made an impression with her beautiful "Eliz- abeth's Prayer" from "Tannhauser" that drew insistent applause from her audience. The audience nearly filled the au- ditorium and from present indica- tions there will be a sell-out for to- night's world premiere of Howard Hanson's opera, "Merry Mount." Commemorate Stanley "Siegfried's Death and Funeral March," by the Chicago Symphony orchestra under the direction of Frederick Stock, was played in mem- ory of the late Albert A. Stanley, former president of the University Musical Society, who died last year. The Young People's Festival Chor- us, for years a regular event in fes- tival programs, proved to be one of the most successful features on this season's list in yesterday afternoon's concert with Rose Bampton, young contralto of the Metropolitan Opera] Company, and the Chicago Sym- phony Orchestra, under the direction of Eric Delamarter, assistant con- ductor. The clear tones of the 300 young schoolchildren whose all-white cos- tumes made a pleasing contrast to the rich, dull red of the orchestra; instruments, captivated an enthus- iastic audience. Rose Bampton Stars Rose Bampton gave promise of be- ing one of the most popular stars of the festival season with her de- lightfully fresh singing of Massanet's] "Il est doux, Il est bon," from "Her- odiade." She replied to repeated ap- plause with an encore, "La Cenen-1 torola," by Rossini. To Miss Juva Higbee, director of public school music, goes the credit for the well-trained performance of the children's chorus. For weeks she has been rounding the chorus into shape.] The climax of the May Festival program will come tonight with the premiere of the opera "Merry Mount" with Howard Hanson, the composer, directing his work. Musical critics in reading the score and libretto have predicted that this opera may become one of the most famous, American operas. Impressive Cast for Opera An impressive list of world famous opera stars will sing the principal roles of the opera which was to be presented this season by the Met-j ropolitan Opera Company. It will be given next season at the Metropoli- tan Opera House in New York. John Charles Thomas, Frederick Jagel, Leonora Corona, and Rose Bampton are Metropolitan Opera stars who will sing. Chase Baromeo, bass of the late Chicago Opera Com- pany will also have a leading part. The story is one of Puritan days in New England. The work abounds in, chorus parts for the University Chor- al Union. Guy Maier and Lee Pattison, long known as one of the best dual piano teams in the country, will stage the first concert of their come-back tour after three years away from the con- cert stage in this afternoon's pro- gram starting at 2:30 p. m. Mr. Maier is especially well known to Ann Arbor music lovers through his residence in the city during past years. The formal tour will start next fall but the two pianists have been prevailed upon to give an ad- vance concert in the May Festival. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Frederick Stock will accompany the artists. The two numbers on the program Dual Pianists To Start Come-Back Today I. . Lee Pattison and Guy Maier, dual pianists Who retired three years ago, will start their come-back tour at this afternoon's concert of the May Festival. French Reject Hitler's Plan To Reduce A r ms Premier Daladier Says France Will Continue To Keep Strong Army PARIS, May 19.-(P)-The French government, after consideration of Chancellor Adolf Hitler's pronounce- ment regarding armaments, today made known its decision to put its trust in big battalions. The decision was revealed when Premier Edouard Daladier refused to permit a further cut in war expenses. The French army is strong and must be kept strong, the premier told the senate, which was considering the defense budget. "I affirm," he asserted, "that we can have confidence in the army, and I affirm that our national defense is assured," The senate immediately approved this attitude by exempting the de- fense budget from a five per cent ad- ditional reduction. His decision to maintain the army -the backbone of France's defense power-was in accordance with the judgment of the chiefs of the army, M. Daladier said. Official circles expressed the view that Chancellor Hitler's speech be- fore the Reichstag Wednesday had changed nothing as regards France's security requirement. "Hitler is still Hitler, and he has merely camouflaged," commented one person in touch with the govern- ment. Drunken Russian Commits Suicide Michael Samutken, 36-year-old Russian, shot and killed himself at 11 p. m. last night after threatening Mrs. Laura N. Shaffer, 307 S. Divi- sion St. Samutken had been working as janitor for Mrs. Shaffer until yes- terday morning, when she fired him. He came in the front door about 11 p. m. last night in an intoxicated condition and threatened to shoot her. After she had fled to an upstairs room and shouted for help he fired two shots into the ceiling and then turned the gun on himself. Police records show that Samut- ken had been arrested twice on drunk and disorderly charges and once for drivingwhile drunk within the past two years. Barristers Out-Talk Library-Steps Men Speeches by initiates into Barris- ters, senior honorary law society, stole the show from members of the National Student League yesterday afternoon on the steps of the General Library. Dissertations on such subjects as "My Love Life on the Huron River," "Privies as Applied to Law and Hu- man Relations," and "Marriage and Due Process of Law," by the embryo lawyers made the statement of a speaker of the league that "people Dates For '34 Big Ten Games Are Announced Michigan Will Have Only Two Conference Games At Home On Schedule EVANSTON, Ill., May 19.-(P)- The Western Conference football schedule by dates for 1934 was an- nounced today after a meeting of the coaches. It follows: Sept. 29.-North Carolina at Min- nes9ta. Oct. 6-Iowa at Northwestern; In- diana at Ohio State. Oct. 13.-Michigan at Chicago, Northwestern at Stanford, Ohio State at Illinois, Purdue at Notre Dame, Indiana at Temple. Oct. 20-Indiana at Chicago, Mich- gan at Ohio State, Pittsburgh at Minnesota, Wisconsin at Purdue. Oct. 27-Illinois at Michigan, Iowa at Minnesota, Ohio State at North- western, Purdue at Carnegie Tech, Wisconsin at Notre Dame. Nov. 3.-Purdue at Chicago, Army at Illinois, Iowa at Indiana, Michi- gan at Minnesota, Wisconsin at Northwestern. Nov. 10-Chicago at Ohio State, Illinois at Northwestern, Indiana at Minnesota, Purdue at Iowa, Michi- gan at Wisconsin. Nov. 17-Chicago at Minnesota, Notre Dame at Northwestern, Illinois at Wisconsin, Iowa at Ohio State. Nov. 24-Illinois at Chicago, Indi- ana at Purdue, Northwestern at Michigan, Minnesota at Wisconsin. Domestic Relief lans Advance In Washington Roosevelt Concentrates On Various Aspects OfIFor- eign Situation WASHINGTON, May 19.-(M(P)- The vast domestic relief program of President Roosevelt advanced stead- ily through Congress while the exec- utive himself concentrated chiefly to- day on foreign affairs, seeking to end hostilities in the Orient, watch- ing closely the disarmament meeting at Geneva, and receiving from the Soviet government a heartening mes- sags of accord for his peace program. The Roosevelt public works indus- trial control plan was given enthusi- astic support from labor's spokes- man, William Green, as well as by Henry I. Harriman, president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and an exponent of business interests. Both spoke before the house ways and means committee, which will conclude hearings tomor- row and report the bill by Tuesday for House disposal next week. The tax question remained open until the week-end, when the com- mittee promises to work out a plan for raising the $220,000,000 needed to fund the $3,300,000,000 of bonds Regents Say Student Debts Must Be Paid Applies To Sums Owed To Dormitories, Health Service, Not To Tuition Alumni Scholarship Program Extended Wood Retired, Williams Given Leave From Staff Of University Museums Definite action on outstanding debts due the University was taken by the Board of Regents at the May meeting held yesterday afternoon. Applicable only to certain classes of student debts, the memorandum read as follows: "Students must pay in acceptable funds, not including notes unless they are bankable, all amounts due the University before they will be admitted to final examinations at the end of either semester or the Summer Session. No officer of the University may make any exception to this rule. It is not intended that this rule shall apply to student loan notes not yet due or to present se-; mester tuition notes expressly au-, thorized by the Regents at the Feb-, ruary meeting." According to Herbert G. Watkins, assistant secretary of the University,, this will apply only to sums owed the Health Service, the various dor- mitories, and similar institutions. Scholarships Extendedt It was also announced by the Re-1 gents at this time that, in view of the fine records made by many of the holders of Michigan Alumni Un- dergraduate Scholarships, they will be continued during the junior and senior years in the University for those whose work has continued to1 be of a satisfactory nature during their sophomore ,year. When origi-t nally granted, these scholarships< were to be for the first two yearst only. During the first year, 1931-32,1 there were 44 holders of these in ther University, while this year the num- ber has dropped to 27.- Other business taken up by the Regents yesterday included the granting of a six-week leave of ab- sence to Morley P. Williams, super- intendent of the University Museums Building, because of illness. Prof. George M. Ehlers of the geology de- partment was given sabbatical leave for the first semester of the aca- demic year 1933-34. He intends to make a survey of silurian rocks in Ontario in conjunction with Prof. E. R. Cummings, of Indiana Univer- sity. Wood is Retired Norman A. Wood, curator of birds1 in the Museum of Zoology, was re- tired from the faculty with the title "Emeritus Curator of Birds." Mr. Wood has served in his position for1 nearly 40 years, having first entered the museum in 1895. He is now 75 years old and so is eligible for re- tirement.I Delta Omicron, musical sorority, made a gift of $200 which was ac-1 cepted by the Regents at this time. The money is to be held in trust with other similar sums and, when1 the principal reaches $1,000 the in- come from it will be used for stu- dent loans. If this principal is not reached within two years the money is to be used for loans at that time. Preference is to be given to women students of applied music, it was stipulated. Alumni Gift Accepted Another gift of $1,047.67 from the Alumni Association of the School of Music was accepted. It is to be held in trust for the Elsa Gardner Stan- ley Scholarship Fund. The income in part or in whole will be used in scholarships at the discretion of au- thorities. At the request of the incoming highway commission it was decided to give a concerted course in high- way to work to other new members of the department during the week of the Alumni University. The Uni- versity highway engineering depart- ment was reported to have received this suggestion very favorably. Members of the Board of Directors of the University Musical Society were announced at this time by the Regents. Those chosen to succeed themselves, with terms running to 1936, are President Alexander G. Ruthven, Vice-President Shirley W. Smith, Dr. Harley A. Haynes, direc- Committee Is Appointed To Plan Council Group Of Leading Seniors To Devise New Form Of Student Government McKay Made Head Of Body By Bursley Dean Believes Opinions Of Committee Will Be Respected By Students Edward S. McKay, former manag- ing editor of the Gargoyle, will head the committee of leading seniors which has been appointed by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, to de- vise a new plan for a student council. The other members of the commit- tee are Barbara A. Braun, secretary of the League, Charles R. Racine, former president of the Student Council, Edwin T. Turner, former president of the Interfraternity Council, Byron C. Vedder, business manager of The Daily, and Ivan Wil- liamson captain of the 1932 football team. "I believe that the committee is a representative group of students," Mr. Bursley said in announcing the committee, "one whose opinions will command respect." The committee will meet early next week to consider the plans which have already been suggested, and others which members of the group may have in mind. It is believed that some plan will be reported to the Senate Committee on Student Affairs before the end of the school year, and will be put into effect at the beginning of the fall semester. The two plans which have already gained prominence are the ex-officio and the bi-cameral. The ex-officio plan was submitted by a group of students while the former Student Council prepared the bi-cameral plan and presented it to the University Council over a year ago. Since that time, however, it has been changed considerably by the committee. Michigan Nine Beats Purdue By Timely Hits Diffley Drives In 2 Runs;- Tillotson Holds Lafayette Team To Six Hits LAFAYETTE, Ind., May 19.-()- Michigan was coming closer and closer to first place with yesterday's victory over the Purdue Boilermaker baseball team, 9 to 1. The timely hitting in the pinches that has char- acterized thedWolverines on this trip was continued. Captain Mike Diffley kept up his hitting streak, got three singles to drive in three runs and score three times himself. Tillotson finished his first whole Conference game, scatter- ing seven Purdue hits, and holding the home team scoreless from the second inning to the end of the game. Lefty Huml, Purdue ace, fan- ned 10 men, but timely hits and er- rors by his own men lost the game for him. Score by innings: Michigan .....000 301 041-9 9 2 Purdue .......010 000 000-1 7 4 Batteries: Tillotson and Diffley; Huml and Fehring. Howard Hanson, American com- poser of the opera, "Merry Mount," which will receive its world premiere in the concluding concert of the May Festival tonight. Mr. Hanson will personally conduct his own composi- tion. J. W. Harriman Missing On Eve Of Fraud Trial Notes Left By New York Banker Hint Probability Of His Suicide NEW YORK, May 19.-(/P)-Joseph W. Harriman wandered away today from the nursing home where he has been confined with a critical heart disease, and while police searched the city for him his attorneys dis- closed tonight that he left several notes to members of his family mak- ing it clear that he intended to kill himself. The 66-year-old banker was sched- uled to go on trial in Federal Court Monday on charges of falsifying the books of the closed Harriman Na- tional Bank and Trust Co., which he founded in 1912. George S. Leisure, his attorney, made, known the discovery of the suicide notes in a lengthy statement setting forth Harriman's fiscal and mental condition and defending his attempt to bolster the price of the bank's stock, for which purpose he is alleged to have made false entries of $1,661,170. The statement did not disclose the contents of the notes or the identity of the addresses. "A few minutes after Mr. Harri- man had left," the statement read, "several notes, addressed to members of his family, and to his friends, were found in a desk in his room, and the contents of these notes made it clear that Mr. Harriman intended to end his life." Gopher Net Team Wins Tennis Title URBANA, Ill., May 19.--OP)-Max Davidson, of Chicago University and Carl Britzius of the University of Minnesota battled their way to the final round of the Western Confer- ence individual tennis championships today. Davidson defeated Bailie of Illi- nois, 7-5, 6-3, in the semi-finals. Brit- zius won over Tetting of Northwest- ern, 6-3, 2-6, 6-4. Minnesota led in points with 13, Chicago trailing with 12, Illinois 91/2, Northwestern 5%/, Michigan 5, Wis- consin 4, Purdue 2, Ohio State 1. In- diana and Iowa had not scored. 'Merry Mount' Composer Michigan Places 15 In Track Ward Leads Teammates By Qualifying In Three Events, Winning Two New Record Is Set In Hammer Throw Kemp, DeBaker, Ellerby, Lemen, Turner, Pantlind Are AmongQualifiers DYCHE STADIUM, Evanston, Ill., May 19.--f)-Willis Ward, Michi- gan's 196-pound Negro all-around star, today led a parade of 15 Wol- verines into the finals of the West- ern Conference 33rd track and field championship meet Ward, looked upon as the athlete to provide the winning points in Michigan's struggle to retain the title tomorrow, qualified in three events, winning his heats in the 100- yard dash and the 120-yard high hurdles, and finishing runner-up to another Negro ace, John Brooks, of Chicago, in the broad jump. Along about sundown Duane Pur- vis, of Purdue, a star forward passer in football, cut loose with a throw of 208 feet 5 1-4 inches in the javelin. The effort, which will stand for to- morrow's finals, wiped out the old Conference record of 207 feet 7 3-5 inches set by Phil Northup, of Michi- gan, in 1926, and virtually assured the Boilermakers of their 'first indi- vidual triumph in the meet since 1930. Fail in Discus The Wolverines failed to qualify in only one of the events in which preliminaries were held, the discus throw. Ohio State, showing surpris- ing power, sent men into 12 places in the finals, with Illinois following with nine. Indiana, rated as the team to press and even beat Michigan for the team championship, made eight places. This showing, however, was in line with the Hoosiers' plan of attack which calls for plenty of doubling up by individual stars, and power in distance runs in which no trials were held. Purdue and Northwestern, doing better than in several years, qualified for six places each, Minnesota four, Chicago three, all by Brooks, and Wisconsin two. May Discontinue Hammer One event was settled, probably for all time as far as the Western Conference is concerned. The ham- mer throw, which will not be on the program again unless the coaches change their minds, was won by Noble Biddinger, of Indiana, with a toss of 161 feet 4 inches, barely four inches short of the record of 161 feet 7 7-8 inches set by Wilfred Ketz of Michigan in 1928, The performances gave the Hoos- iers a working start of five points which, however, was matched by Iowa. Two Hawkeyes, Robert Cor- nog and L. J. Kouba, took the third and fourth places. Rod Cox, of Michigan, landed sec- ond, and fifth place went to Johnson, of Ohio State. In the high hurdles the best time was made by Jack Keller of Ohio State and Hawley Egleston of Michi- gan at :14.9. Indiana's iron men did just about as expected. Ivan Fuqua, a member of the 1932 American Olympic squad, qualified in his specialty, the 440- yard run, and ran the fastest heat in the 220-yard dash-21.8. Charles Hornbostel, another In- diana representative in the Olympics, raced the best heat of the 880-yard run-1:55,.and in addition will make a bid for the mile tomorrow. Walter Busby headed the discus qualifiers. Outside of the javelin and ham- mer, no records were broken or threatened. The 220-yard dash, 220 low hurdles and 440-yard run, in- stead of being started out of chutes, were run around turns, slowing up (Continued on Page 3) Friend Identifies Body Of Suicide The body of the man found shot to death Thursday afternoon on Ply- mouth Road just outside of the county line, thought at first to be a student from the University, yester- Pond, Michigan's First Grid Hero, Returns Here For Visit By MARGARET PHALAN Fifty-five years ago a small mid- western college challenged the Uni- versity of Michigan to a football game. Racine College had a football team but the University of Michigan had never formed one. Throughout the fall, winter, and early spring, interested men worked building the first team to carry the Maize and Blue on the gridiron. In the spring of 1879 the men play- ed their first game, some months. after they were challenged. Both teams went to Chicago for the dayI and the game was played there. The score finished 1 to 0 in Michigan's ings, the Union, the League, and the Student Publications Building, all of which were designed by Mr. Pond. "We built the Union as a man's building, the League as its 'little Sis- ter,' more feminine in character," he says. In addition to the national inter- est shown in his work by other ar- chitects, he has been made a member of three foreign honorary architect- ural societies, the Royal Institute of British Architects in London; the As- sociation of German Architects, Ber- lin, and the Central Society of Aus- trian Architects, Vienna. His book, "Meaning in Architecture," is to be