The Weather
Increasing cloudiness today;
Friday probably showers, not
much change in temperature.
University Mourns Dr. Hib-
ben's Death; Hitler Makes A
Brilliant Spech.
Student Council Elections Are alled
O ff
From Race
Koshetz Is
hi. Festival
Russian Singer Is Greeted
With Great Enthusiasm
By 4,000 Music Patrons
Belshazzar's Feast
To Be Sung Tonight
Many Rehearsals Occupy
Hill Auditorium During
Morning And Afternoon
Approximately 4,000 music lovers
from all over the State flocked into
Ann Arbor last night to greet en-
thusiastically Nina Koshetz, Russian
operatic star, and the Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra, conducted by Fred-
erick Stock, in the opening concert
of the May Festival season.
Assured of support by music pa-
trons the May Festival, in its for-
tieth consecutive sason, is proving
to be one of the outstanding na-
tional events on the musical calen-
dar. Letters and telegrams of con-
gratulations were pouring in yester-
day and last night to Charles A.
Sink, president of the University
Musical Society, which sponsors the
Madame Koshetz in her first ap-
pearance before an Ann Arbor audi-
ence won it completely. She graci-
ously replied to irresistable applause
by singing twd encbres: "Come Sweet
Death," arld cantata by Bach, and
an old Russian 'Folk Song.
Friends Greet Frederick Stock
The familiar orchestra leader,
Frederick Stock, who is appearing
with the Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra for the twenty-ninth consecutive
season, was heartily applauded.
Scores of friends made their way
back stage after the concert to greet
him once more.
Hill Auditorium was transformed
yesterday with the bustle and noise
of rehearsals for the remaining con-
certs. The last of the leading stars
arrived in the city this afternoon.
Dr. Stock and the Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra arrived here in the
morning and the rest of the day was
taken up with rehearsals for last
might's performance, for "Belshaz-
zar's Feast" tonight and the opera
"Merry Mount" Saturday night.
Madame Koshetz rehearsed several
of the arias on last nights program
with the orchestra.
Rehearse For "Belshazzar's Feast"
In the afternoon Earl V. Moore,I
University musical director and guest
conductor of the orchestra tonight,
led the orchestra and the Choral
Union entirely through the oratorio,
"Belshazzar's Feast," in preparation
for tonight's performance. It was the
first time the Choral Union and the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra had
rehearsed the work together and Dr.
Moore expressed "satisfaction" con-
cerning the performance. Another
rehearsal will take place this morn-
Jascha Heifetz, violinist, arrived
last night and will rehearse with the
orchestra this morning in prepara-
tion for his part on tonight's pro-
Dr. Howard Hanson personally
conducted the first two acts of his
opera, "Merry Mount," which will re-
ceive its world premiere in concert
form at the Saturday night concert.
All of the principals, John Charles
Thomas, Frederick Jagel, Leonora
Corona, Rose Bamptbn, and Chase
Baromeo, were present for the re-
hearsal. Further rehearsals will be
held today, Friday and Saturday.
Three hundred squirming school
children of from 8 to 12 years, all
dressed in white, will invade Hill
Auditorium this afternoon for the
final dress rehearsal for the chil-
dren's chorus on Friday afternoon.
Violinist And Soloist On Festival Program Tonight
Jascha Heifetz, world famous violinist, and Chase Baromeo, bass
of the former Chicago Civic Opera Company, who will be featured in
tonight's May Festival concert. Heifetz will play several violin solos
while Baromeo will be the soloist in the oratorio, "Belshazzar's Feast."
Council Meets
At Union Today
Will Consider Report
National Secretaries
Fraternity Problem
The Interfraternity Council will
meet at 7:30 p. m. today in the Union
to consider the report which was sub-
mitted by a committee of four na-
tional fraternity secretaries who were
in Ann Arbor last week studying the
fraternity problem at Michigan.
Bethel B. Kelley, president of the
council, has expressed a wish that all
fraternities on campus send dele-
gates to consider the best means to
prevent the closing up of many
houses due to unsound financial con-
The report specifies that the office
of the dean of students shall require
from each house certain financial
reports and statements each month,
and shall seek to prevent the con-
tinuance of poor financial conditions
by reporting the problem as soon as
it becomes acute to the national
headquarters of the fraternity and
to the adult financial adviser of the
chapter who, by another section of
the report, should be appointed for
each house.
Kelley has explained that the fa-
vorable action of the council on the
proposals would forestall action on
the part of the administration which
might be made to protect incoming
freshmen from accepting obligations
beyond their ability to pay.
Good-Will Day To
Be Celebrated Here'
Speakers for International Good-
Will Day, to be celebrated at 4:15
p. m. today in Natural Science Audi-
torium, will be Prof. Roy W. Sellars
of the philosophy department, Prof.
Bennett Weaver of the English de-
partment, J. B. Halstead, Grad., and
Martin Wagner, '33, it was an-
The program will commemorate
the first Hague Conference, held in
Messnerl amed
Next President
Of The S. C. A.
Sherwood Messner, '34, of Detroit,
was elected president of the Student
Christian Association for the coming
year at the meeting of the Student
Christian Association Board of Con-
trol last night.
Messner was the chairman of the
lecture discussion series sponsored by
the Student Christian Association on
"Marriage Relations and Home Mak-
ing 11 fl1T-fn r ,.On tnlm rfA m u in c n.
Goldsmith Play To Be'
Presented For Last Time
The final showing of Oliver Gold-
smith's comedy-farce "She Stoops to
Conquer," will be presented at 4:15
p. m. today in the Laboratory The-
atre. This showing will conclude
Play Production's current dramatic
season for the year.
Tickets for the performance may
be reserved at the box office of the
theatre, or by calling 4121, exten-
sion 789. Special matinee prices have
been set at 25acents.
Anne Heyman
Wins Award On
Research Work
The first prize of $300 in the essay
awards of the American Association
for the Study of Goitre has been
awarded to Miss Anne M. Heyman
who has been working at the Hy-
gienic Laboratory in the department
of bacteriology for her essay on "The
Bacteriology of Goitre and the Pro-
duction of Thyroid Hyperplasia in
Rabbits on Special Diet."
Miss Heyman has been attempting
to find bacteria in specimens of
goitre removed at the University
Hospital in order to prove that a
micro-organism is the cause of goitre.
Her results have shown that there
is no bacterial cause and that or-
ganisms found in goitre tissue which
have been alleged to be a cause do
not have any effect when injected.
Miss Heyman's research was done
in the laboratories of Dr. M. H. Soule,
professor of bacteriology, with the
co-operation of Prof. C. V. Weller
and Prof. F. A. Coller.
House Passes
State Income,
Sales Taxes
Solid Democratic Support
Passes Measure After
Barrage Of Attack
Senate Is Expected
To Modify Measure
Few Exceptions To Party
Vote; Philip Pack Is In
Favor Of Bill
LANSING, May 17.-U(P)-The ad-
ministration sales and gross income-
tax bill, backed by almost solid Dem-
ocratic support, passed the House
today. It goes to the Senate in vir-
tually the form it was introduced,
but with a tacit agreement that it
will be radically changed before it
is enacted.
Democratic leaders who helped to
push the bill through admitted the
Senate is expected to tear it to
pieces. The possibility exists that
the Senate will segregate its provi-
sions so it will come back to the
House as a straight retail sales-tax
measure, accompanied by separate
bills proposing gross income levies
of utilities and professional services
and a manufacturers' tax.
The bill weathered a steady bar-
rage of Republican amendments.
The vote of 55 to 43 was almost en-
tirely partisan. Only three Republi-
cans - Representatives Edward C.
Morrison, of Lapeer; Philip Pack, of
Ann Arbor, and Henry E. Perry, of
Newberry-voted for the masure.
Two Democrats, Representatives
Mitchel J. Gragewski, of Hamtramck,
and Charles F. Parker, of Barry,
passed their ballots with the Repub-
licans in opposition.
Charges that the administration
was attempting to force through an
unconstitutional measure were made
by Republican speakers. Democrats
replied that the State must have rev-
enue and Gov. William A. Comstock
believed the combined sales and in-
come measure was necessary to pro-
vide funds for replacement of the
State property tax, aid for school
districts and welfare relief.
Senate Adopts Resolution
Favoring U. Of D. Game
LANSING, May 17.-(P)-The Leg-
islature today went on record in fa-
vor of a charity game next fall be-
tween the University of Detroit and
the University of Michigan. The
Senate adopted a resolution, which
previously had passed the house,
urging the two institutions to meet
in a post-season game.
Twelve Sophomores
Initiated Into Sphinx
Twelve sophomores were init-
iated yesterday by Sphinx, honor-
ary junior literary society. They
are Willard Blaser, John Healey,
Carl Hilty, William McFate, Rus-
sell Oliver, Boyd Pantlind, John
Regeczi, Robert Renner, John
Sherf, Robert VanderKloot, Rob-
ert Ward, and Willis Ward.
Martha Cook.
Plans To Cut
Room, Board
Dormitory May Not Take
Part In Consolidation
Because Of Cook Will
The radical cut in dormitory prices
for board and room will be met by
Martha Cook dormitory, Miss Mar-
garet R. Smith, social director, stated
yesterday. "It is impossible for us to
become a part of the consolidation of
the other dormitories, which Dean
Alice C. Lloyd announced recently,
because of stipulations made by Mr.
William Cook when donating the
building to the Board of Regents,"
Miss Smith said.
"We realize that there must be a
uniform rate and also that it is
essential that living conditions be
made as inexpensive as possible, con-
sequently we are most willing to co-
operate with the University and with
Dean Lloyd in lowering housing
"In addition to these reductions
Martha Cook is offering two room
and board scholarships," Miss Smith
declared, "and five 50-dollar schol-
arships will be available to former
residents also. This is in accordance
with Mr. Cook's wish that any sur-
plus funds be used to fulfill the wom-
en's greatest needs."
For the first time in 18 years the
privilege of living in an upperclass
dormitory will be extended to a few
selected sophomores. "We feel that
Martha Cook will be more prominent
in the campus activities if there are a
few women in the house who will be
on campus more than two years,"
Miss Smith concluded.
Budget Of City
Is Passed By
Council Vote
The budget for the city of Ann
Arbor for the coming fiscal year
amounting to $460,498.44 was passed
unanimously at a special meeting of
the Common Council last night. The
figure represents a reduction of $18,-
167.29 from last year's budget.
Alderman Max Krutsch raised two
objections during the discussion pre-
ceding the vote. He insisted that the
reduction of the appropriation for
plumbing inspection was too great
and that the reduction of the city
engineer's salary was not large
enough. Neither of these two reduc-
tions corresponded to the general
scale of 15 per cent cuts in the new
budget. Alderman William Paton
pointed out that changes in the
budget, respecting individual items,
could be made after its passage and
that it would be best to pass the
measueas it stood.
point a committee of representa-
tive students to consider 'the
problems of student government
and to make recommendations
to the University Council Com-
mittee on Student Relations.
In a convincing demonstration
against the present organization of
the Student Council, all candidates
for the presidency and literary
school membership of that body
last night flatly refused to run for;
office in the all-campus election to-
day or at any time until the Coun-,
cil organization has been radically
At the same time officials of the
Union, fearing a fiasco in the all-
campus vote today, decided to print
ballots of their own on which names
of the candidates for the Union vice-
presidencies would be printed. John
W. Lederle, '33, president of the
Union, issued a statement in which
he said he feared that "Union posi-
tions would only be drawn into the
wrong kind of politics if allowed to
be mixed up on a ballot with farci-
cal Student Council candidacies."
Union To Hold Election
The Union will hold its election in
the center of the Diagonal. Union
committeemen will be in charge, and
only vice-presidents of the Union
will be voted on.
All of the State Street's candi-
dates for Council positions signed the
following statement:
"We, the undersigned, nominees
for membership in the Student
Council, refuse these nominations,
and will refuse to take office should
we be elected in the All-Campus
Elections on Thursday, May 18th,
1933, believing that a vote for any
nominee represents a vote for the
existence of the Council as it ex-
ists today.
(Signed) C. Garritt Bunting, Rob-
ert Engel, Fred M. Smoot, Jos-
eph Horak, Carl Hilty, Enoch T.
White, Jr., . Robert S. Ward,
Peko Bursley, John B. Deo, Gerry
Ford, Lee Shaw, George F. Law-
ton, Frederick W. Hertrich, Jr.,
Allan D. McCombs, Richard C.
Four other members of the Coun-
cil who said they would refuse mem-
bership until a new organization is
devised are Bethel Kelley, '34, presi-
dent of the Interfraternity Council,
Robert Saltzstein, '34, president of
the Union, Thomas Connellan, '34,
managing editor of The Daily, and
Wilbur Bohnsack, '34, a present
member elected for a two-year term.
All of the four but Bohnsack are ex-
officio members.
Caucus Picks Men
A State Street caucus held last
night at Alpha Delta Phi fraternity
named Cy Huling, '34, Deo, and Bur-
sley as the party candidates for the
Board in Control of Athletics. No se-
lections were made for the vice-pres-
The present Student Council appeared to be headed toward
permanent oblivion early today, as its entire next year's member-
ship, with the exception of one, resigned following the withdrawal
of the 15 candidates for council positions.
As a result, Council elections will not be held today, but stu-
dent members for the Board in Control of Student Publications,
Athletics and the Student Christian Association, and the Union
vice-presidencies will be elected nevertheless. These eleections will
be handled by the Union.
Dean of Studetits Joseph A. Bursley, when informed of the
action taken last night as a protest measure against the present
council system, stated that at the request of Charles R. Racine, '33,
acting president of the Student Council, who resigned early today,
and Thomas Connellan, '34, editor of The Daily, he would ap-
student body on it.- ie made this
explanation after Beach Conger, Jr.,
Grad., had opened the meeting be-
fore 35 fraternity representatives
with a reading of the statement
signed by the 11 "declining" candi-
dates and an account of a secret
meeting Thursday night.
All those condemning the present
Student Council organization said
they would be "more than willing"
to serve on a future Council of a
composition to be determined by a
majority of students at a special all-
campus election under a new plan.
Refuse To Run
Michigan's next Student Council
must be so formed that it can carry
out an honest and responsible ad-
ministration of student affairs dele-
gated to it, the signatories declared,
adding that their refusal to run.
would stand "as long as the Council
remains what it is today." This view-
point forms their sole reason for tak-
ing this action, it was said.
It was indicated that a committee
of student leaders would, in the near
future, confer with the University
Council CommitteehontStudent Rela
Briggs' Statement
"The Student Council once repre-
sented the best effort by the students
to assert and maintain their rights,"
declared Richard C. Briggs, '34. "In
recent years, The Daily, supposed to
represent and express student opin-
ion, has chosen to dictate student ac-
tion. With the student publication
opposed to the Council's action and
hindering it in whatever it under-
takes, the Council has been retarded
in voicing and carrying out student
opinion. What is now proposed is
that men chosen for other work and
whose interests lie in other fields be
delegated to administer the actions
which the students wish. Facing such
a movement, whether or not it is for
the betterment of student control of
student affairs, I can do nothing but
tions, with a view to' formulating
plans for a new Student Council. At
present two plans are being contem-
plated. They are:
(1) The "Ex-Officio" Plan, calling
for a Student Council "composed of
the presidents of the Interfraternity
Council, Panhellenic Association, the
League, the Union, Michigamua,
Druids, Triangles, Vulcans, Sphinx,
Barristers, and the managing editor
of The Daily and five men to be
elected in the fall by the campus at
large. The five would include three
sophomores and two juniors.
(2) The "Bicameral Plan" calls for
an upper house similar to the present
Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs, and a lower house the composi-
tion of which would be in proportion
to the enrollment in the several
schools and colleges.
Lederle's complete statement de-
scribing the election to be conducted
today by the Union is as follows:
"The six Union vice-presidencies will
be filled tomorrow whatever happens.
?-- ..,... +., 4 1-.. cf . , - ht- . -; .
Union To Manage Election
Of Students On Boards In
Dramatic Festival Draws Wide
Interest, Says Katherine Kelley
"I don't know how many people
could help knowing about the Dra-
matic Festival, with actors and ac-
tresses from all over represented in
it," Miss Katherine Wicks Kelley,
star of "Another Language," said
when asked if the Dramatic Festival
was recognized outside Michigan
circles. "I have seen accounts of it
in New York papers and the Cleve-
land papers certainly gave my part
in it a lot of publicity.
"I am personally very much inter-
ested in it because I was in it five
or six years ago when Mr. Henderson
merely called it the Summer Ses-
sion." This is Miss Kelly's third year
in the festival itself. The part which
she will play Miss Kelley describes
as the part of a woman of the middle
i class-"of which there are a legion.
This little romance in her life has
been crushed out by married life; yet
in spite of her acidity, something of
a human being crops out every once
knows how to do many more things
than cook," she laughed. "I do al-]
most all my work with the Cleveland
Playhouse, which produces a very
high grade of plays, including very
few of the absolutely popular brand."
While she plays a number of dif-
ferent characters, the most usual
type is the kind of person that is
portrayed in Judith, the actress in
"Hay Fever."
"An interview, as far as I can see,
should be primarily for the purpose
of seeing what type of person an ac-
tress is off-stage. Very often if an
actress plays a sweet or insipid or
acid part the audience thinks that
she must be a little like that to play
the part so well, the actress com-
"One of the most interesting pro-
ductions that I have played in re-
cently is "Jealousy," in which only
two people appear during the entire
performance. It is carried out very by len. +h alarhn-+na-