I The Weather Partly cloudy and somewhat warmer today and tomorrow; a few scattered showers today. LL fig VOL. XLII No. 165 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY Ruthven Talks To alls 3.2 Beer Illegal Senior S Sounds Note Of Optimism Before Graduating Sen- iors At Annual Gathering 2,000 Take Part In Swingout Ceremony Young Persons Going Out Into World Not To Be Pitied, President Says Sounding a note of optimism for graduating seniors in all schools and colleges on the campus, President Alexander G. Ruthven delivered the annual Swingout address yesterday afternoon in Hill Auditorium. Estimates put the number of stu- dents participating in the procession to the auditorium from the medallic in front of the General Library at nearly 2,000. "Some of you are rejoicing today that you are nearing the end of a stage in life's journey," President Ruthven began. "This is as it should be. Active minds to be contented need:.at least the illusion of prog- ress. There are others here that are a little sad that in the near future a pleasant life is to be exchanged for an uncertain one. I do hope, how- ever, that none of you are feeling sorry for yourselves. I resent the fact that many adults are saying they pity you because you are going into the world at a time when there are troubles everywhere. I am afraid that if they say this often enough you may begin to think that yours is a hard lot. I maintain that you are to be envied." Continuing in this vein, President Ruthven drew a picture of Shake- speare's Hamlet, called "a terrible fellow with melancholia in an ag- gravated form and a revenge com- plex." President Ruthven stated that if Hamlet's associates were alive to- day his mother would probably be featured in the Sunday supplements, his father would run for public office, and "our hero would probably be psy- choanalyzed and restrained." Ham- let was quoted as having said upon one occasion, "The time is out of joint," and President Ruthven pic- tured this as applying also to pres- ent conditions." It is not only dis- jointed but also cracked, sprained, warped, and wrenched all out of shape." President Ruthven added that in his opinion we were careless enough, or ignorant enough, to get mixed up in our own machinery with serious results. "The old doctors as they stand about our bed have about given (Continued on Page 2) Daily Business Staff Appointed For Next Year -Associated Press Photo District Judge Claude C. Coffin (above) of Greeley, Colo., in a deci- sion declared state and Federal 3.2 per cent beer laws were unconstitu- tional and "clearly invalid." May Festival Opens Tonight Wit h Koshetz Report Brisk Ticket Sale; Symphony Orchestra Is Also On Progran A near capacity house will greet Nina Koshetz, distinguished Russian prima donna, when she opens; the fortiethdannual May Festival as solo- ist with the Chicago Symphony Or- chestra at 8:15 p. m. today in Hill Auditorium. Season tickets to most of the seats in the main floor and first balcony had been sold last night and a large number of single tickets had been sold in the second balcony as well. Charles A. Sink, president of the University Musical Society, whichj sponsors the festival, declared thatl this year's May Festival promises to be as successful as those of the past. Tonight's appearance will be the first time Madame Koshetz has been presented to an Ann Arbor audience. She is known to music lovers all over Europe and has made several American tours. "Belshazzar's Feast," William Wal- ton's much discussed oratorio, will be presented at the second concert of the festival tomorrow night with Chase Baromeo, bass, supported by the University Choral Union and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with Earl V. Moore, University musical director, as guest conductor. Jascha Heifetz, world prominent violinist, will also be on the program of tomorrow night's concert. Eveland Made President Of Honorary Fraternity DeForest Eveland, '34E, was elected' president of Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering society, last night at a special business meeting in the Un- ion. Other officers elected were: vice president, Royal E. Peake, '34; treas- urer, Prof. A. 15. Moore of the elec- trical engineering department; re- cording secretary, Stanley W. Smith, '34E; corresponding secretary, Wal- ter Powers, '34E; and cataloguer, John C. Seeley, '34E. PHYSICAL ED. OFFICERS The Physical Education Associa- tion elected the following officers at a special meeting last night: presi- dent, Harold P. Brown, '34; vice- president, Harold Kammer, '34; sec- retary-treasurer, Leland Hall, '36. Action Asked On Fraternity Decline Here Interfraternity Council To Talk Over Report Made By National Secretaries Bad Fiscal Affairs Cause Of Situation Kelley Says Fraternities Must Solve Problem Or University Will Step In Delegates from all campus frater- nities will meet at 7:30 p. m. tomor- row in the Union at a special meet- ing of the Interfraternity Council to consider the report which was submitted last week by a committee of four national fraternity secre- taries, who have been in Ann Arbor studying the fraternity situation. In calling the meeting, Bethel B. Kelley, '34, president of the council, explained that the drop-off of fra- ternity men in the class of 1936 to' 57 per cent from the "normal" 75 per cent, shows that the fraternity system is suffering from inability to compete with other "agencies sup- plying room and board, even with the added incentive of the friend- ships made in a fraternity." "I believe that the means of cor- recting this situation lies in intelli- gent operation of fraternities," Kel- ley's announcement said, "and in preventing the bad conditions in the fiscal affairs of the fraternity that cause the freshman to be unwilling and unable to assume undue re- sponsibilities thatathey have no part in bringing about." He stated a belief that the future existence of fraternities here de- pends on whether the council can work out an effective program to combat the situation, and expressed a wish that council delegates be prepared to give the opinion of their respective houses. Fraternities exist on the campus by the sanction of the University, Kelley said last night, saying it was his belief that unless fraternities work out their own solution to this problem which is confronting them, the University will have to step in. "The University administration is pledged to protect the incoming freshmen from accepting undue re- sponsibilities, and it is in their in- terests that such intervention will be made," he declared. "Unless the situation is remedied, it will get steadily worse, and by taking action at this time, the Interfraternity Council can forestall action by an- other agency." Mayo New Head Of Varsity Glee Club Warren H. Mayo, '34, was named president of the Varsity Glee Club for 1933-34 at the annual election held Monday night at the Union. Mayo succeeds J. Truman Steinko, '34BAd. Other officers chosen for the coming year include Fred Johnson, '34E, vice-president; Robert Kimball, '35, secretary and Goddard Light, '35, treasurer. Appointment of the student man- ager, assistant manager, and librar- ian are to be made later in the year, it was announced. OVERRIDE COUZENS WASHINGTON, May 16.-(')- The nomination of Dean G. Acheson, of Maryland, as Undersecretary of the Treasury, was confirmed today by the Senate, despite the opposition of Senator James Couzens, of Michi- gan. ToCut Costs Killed By Beer Truck To Ct Css In Women's Dormitories Action Will Present Defi- nite Problem For Soror- ities, Dean Lloyd Says Affects All Houses Under Single Head But Attempt Will Be Made To Ease Sorority Situa- tion By Other Means Since campus dormitories have been consolidated under one head, 4ssociated Prcs Photo radical changes in housing prices JOHN GRIER HIBBEN have been evolved, to take effect at * * * the beginning of next year, accord-i ing to Dean Alice C. Lloyd, who- in Form er spoke yesterday before members of Panhellenic Association. These ex- Princeton Head, pense cuts are expected to present a definite problem for sororities, Miss F Lloyd stated. Fatally lnjureU Double rooms at the dormitories may be priced at $80 per semester, and single rooms at $90. This price level is not definite and may be sub- ject to adjustment, Miss Lloyd said, out at any rate it will mean a dras- tic reduction from former prices. Last year dormitory room-rent ran as !igh as $105 for a single room, re- -uced early this semester to $95. Expect Board Reduction Board may also be reduced from $6.50 a week to $6 under the new regime. These changes will not af- fect Martha Cook and the Lawyers' Club since neither of them are under .he new centralized management. Another change in the dormitory system will mean that all applica- "ions for residence in the dormitories will be handled through the dean's office. Formerly applications were made directly to the dormitory heads. Definite arrangement has been made so that juniors and seniors will be released from league houses and dormitories in February if they should join -a sorority before that time. This is expected to make things easier for the sororities, Miss Lloyd said. Sophomores will also be allowed to petition for release from their residence if they become affili- ated with sororities. May Be Fewer Houses It is expected that there will be fewer league houses next year, al- though Miss Lloyd has not yet con- ferred with house heads nor deter- mined the exact number which will! operate under the recent changes. This cut in living expenses for in- dependent women will cause the so- rorities no little competition, accord- ing to Josephine McCausey, '33, pres- ident of Panhellenic. Recognizing this fact, sororities were requested today to hand in to Panhellenic officials a full account of household expenses. Although the reports were not discussed at yester- day's meeting, they will be carefully gone over so that wages and general running expenses may be compared with a view to co-operating measures among sororities. Although no definite plan has as yet been worked out, Miss Lloyd stated at the next meeting of Panhellenic some form of co-opera- tive buying methods among the so- rorities will be discussed. Bursley Joins Race To Head Student Council Friends File His Petitions; Enoch White Will Run, For Junior PositionI Gilbert (Peko) Bursley, '34, wasl nominated for president of the Stu- dent Council, and Enoch T. White, '35, for junior membership, by peti- Woman, Thought To Be His Wife, Badly Hurt; Truck Driver Crushed New York when the accident occur- State Liquor Control Commission to- red. A woman, who was in his car, day investigated charges that the presumably his wife, was injured price of beer had been increased 30 seriously. cents a case in the Fourth Congres- The driver of the truck, Peter Sci- sional District by the award of ex- vilia, of New Brunswick, was injured clusive warehousing privileges in that critically, section of the State. Dr. Hibben, who succeeded Wood- Chairman Frank A. Picard said row Wilson as president of Princeton, that Sen. Leon D. Case, of.Watervliet, was 72 years old. He retired as presi- and others had charged that Com- dent of the university a year, ago. missioner James Gordon Bonine, of dtnesses satunrityayeDr.Higben Cassopolis, had designated Leon C. Witnesses said that Dr. Hibben's Groves, of his home city, as the ex- car swerved in front of the truck,'Grveoarshosecma he dx- which is owned by the Middlesex elusive warehouse man of his dis- Beverage Co., and was loaded with trict. Case claimed that Groves was beer. The truck hit the Hibben car charging a warehousing fee of 30 from the side, and the impact wasctsthecse m so great that Scivilia was crushed At the same time Commissioner between the steering wheel and the V. F. Gormley and Managing Direc- back of his seat. tor William J. Nagle were in Detroit Dr. Hibben was trained for the investigating charges of B. F. Steph- ministry, but became an outstanding enson, another commissioner, that figure in Americaneducation, d alley breweries are still flourishing figreinAmeicn ductin'in the metropolitan area. They Ordained a minister in the Presby- i h erpltnae.Te rnplanned to open the Detroit branch terian Church, he had served as pas- office of the commission today. tor at Chambersburg, Pa., four years Commissioner Bonine, in a. long when, in 1891, he accepted an ap- distance conversation with Picard, pointment as instructor in logiq at admitted that Groves' company had. Princeton. been designated as the central ware- The introduction or the four-course house in his district. He said, how- plan of study and independent re- ever, the company had branches at search for members of the senior and Paw Paw, Niles, St. Joseph and other junior classes was regarded as the points. outstanding feature of his adminis- Chairman Picard said Bonine was tration and later after it had proved "technically within his rights as a its worth was characterized as one commissioner" in designating the of the greatest forward steps in mod- central warehouse. ern education. WASHINGTON, May 16,-/P)--Ar- resting phrases from President Roosevelt's message to world lead- ers and to Congress: "It has become increasingly evi- dent that the assurance of world political and economic peace and stability is threatened by selfish and short-sighted policies, actions and threats of action." Schnacke, McHenry Get Six S enior Positions; Sophomores Named During his administration Dr. Hib- ben maintained that there should be a limited enrollment at Princeton and while it grew from approximate- ly 1,200 to more than 2,200, the in- crease came about in a natural way, gradually with the growth of the physical plant of the institution, which doubled during his presidency. Largely through his efforts an en- dowment fund of $14,000,000 was raised to increase the salaries of the faculty of all grades from instruc- tors to professors. Levy Is Elected Head Of Adelphi For 1933-34 Melvin G. Levy, '34, was elected speaker of the Adelphi House of Representatives for the next school year at a meeting last night. Other members to receive offices were Sam- uel Travis, '34, clerk; Myron Ruby, '35, treasurer; and Milton Kramer, '36, sergeant-at-arms. The annual Adelphi banquet will be held May 24 in the League. "The deep-rooted desire of Ameri- cans for better living conditions and for the avoidance of war is shared by mass humanity in every country." "The way to disarm is to disarm. The way to prevent invasion is to make it impossible. Our people realize that weapons of offense are needed only if other nations have them and they will freely give them up if all the nations of the world will do likewise." "The happiness, the prosperity, and the very lives of the men, women and children who inhabit the whole world are bound up in the decisions which their governments will make in the near future." "The (economic) conference must establish order in place of the pres- ent chaos by a stabilization of cur- rencies, by freeing the flow of world trade, and by international action to raise price levels." LONDON, May 16. -(P) -Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, in an impassioned speech before a distin- guished gathering of 200 members of the Pilgrims Society, hailed Presi- dent Roosevelt's peace proposals to- night as an historic pronouncement'. "Henceforth America by her own declaration is to be indifferent to nothing that concerns the peace of the world," he said. BERLIN, May 16.-UP)-All Ger- many tonight was on tiptoe of expec- tation over Chancellor Adolf Hitler's address to the Reichstag tomorrow, when the Nazi chief will announce German policy on the armament question and other international issues. In preparation for this momentous event, the chancellor today held a private conference with President Paul von Hindenburg and then re- tired to seclusion to work out the terms of his pronouncement. Before he saw the aged president, Herr Hitler talked with Count Ru- dolf Nadolny to learn the latest news of. the disarmament negotiations at Geneva. W. Grafton Sharp, '34, newly-ap- pointed business manager of The Daily for 1933-34, last night appoint- ed two juniors and six sophomores for upper business staff positions for the coming year. He named Bernard E. Schnacke, '34, of Evansville, Ind., credit man- ager; and Catherine B. McHenry, '34, of South Bend, Ind., women's business manager. The six sophomores to receive up- per staff posts are Frederick Hert- rich, advertising manager; Robert Ward,, advertising service; Charles Ebert, advertising contracts; Allen Knuusi, accounts;. Lester Skinner, circulation; and Russell Read, pub- lications. Prof. Wagner Tells OfSpanish Music "It is the music of southern Spain more than any other European country, except possibly Sicily, which is affected by the Oriental influence," stated Prof. Charles P. Wagner of the Spanish department in a talk to 90 Play Production Students Conclude Successful Season "This year has been one of Play The final performance of "She Production's most successful sea- Stoops to Conquer" will bring to a sons," Valentine B. Windt, director, said yesterday. Play Production's Is the campus dramatic career of dramatic year will be brought to a Jack B. Nestle, '33, who plays the close when the curtain falls on "She part of Tony Lumpkin in Goldsmith's Stoops to Conquer" tomorrow after- comedy-farce. He started his work noon. two and a half years ago in "The In spite of the present economic Good Hope," and since then has conditions, which had their effect on made continued progress. He is well- Play Production's program, eight' known here for his comic and char- major plays were produced and pre- acter parts, especially in the "Tam- sented, all of which have been fi- ing of the Shrew," as Simon in "Hay, nancially successful, according to|Fever," and as the anaemic Homer in Edith Barrett, Dramatic Festival Star, Admits Her Fear Of Mice Miss Edith Barrett, who recently footlights where he sat and laughed arrived in Ann Arbor to play the lead at me for a the remainder of the per- in the Dramatic Festival productionforMsane." ssheuefo h I of "Another Language," is a very busy actress, but with all of her ac- tivity she is only human. She is tions filed with the Council last i 0scared of mice. night.sardomie Tighelg.sShe likes to tell the story on her- The filing of these two petitions self of the time when she was play- will bring the number of nominees 'ng in "Paolo for the presidency to three, Richard and Francesca" Briggs, '34, and John Deo, '34, hav- in a wide hoop ing been nominated by the Council skirt. In relat- itself Monday night. In te str ing the story Bursley, a member of Sigma Phi, ; she said yester- has been active in campus politics day, "A mouse for the past three years. He has been -evidently ap- chairman of the Frosh Frolic, na- preciating t h e summer after she leaves Ann Arbor is ample proof of the growing popu- larity of small stock and repertory theatres in the United States. After playing the lead in "Another Language" she will go to the Lake- wood company in Skowhegan, Me., one of the oldest repertory theatres in the country, where she will play in "T h e r e 's Always Juliet," and "Candlelight." On June 26 she will arrive at Mount Kiscoe, N. Y., to play the lead in "Mrs. Moonlight," a Ben Levy play which was given two years ago in New York. BULLETIN WASHINGTON, May 16. - (/P) - Looking for new government reve- nues, President Roosevelt tonight contemplated an early appeal to the states to ratify the amendment re- pealing national Prohibition.