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May 16, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-16

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Bonus Army Of
1,200 Asks For
Cash Payments
Small, Well-Fed Group
Frames Its Demands At
700 Tents Vaeant
Only 100 Tents At Fort
Hunter Are Occupied As
Veterans Assemble
WASHINGTON, May 15. - P) -
The comfortably fed but numerically
slim bonus army of 1933 today got
down to the business of holding a
"convention" to frame cash-pay-
ment demands.
Almost rattling around in the huge
Fort Hunt, Va., encampment of 800
tents--nearly 700 of which are
empty-the 1,200 ex-soldiers making
up the army which leaders had pre-
dicted would total 8,0.00, prefaced to-
day's speech-making with a piping-
hot army breakfast.
The menu was rolled oats with
sugar and cream, bacon, potatoes,
stewed fruit, bread, butter and cof-
fee. Despite efforts by leaders of the
original Fort Hunt contingent to
reconcile the "conservatives" who
accepted the camp's hospitality only
after four shelterless days on the
capital's streets, strained relations
still existed within the army.
These 200 men, led by Mike
'ihomas of Camden, N. J., continued
to live apart from those they had
charged were "Communist-connect-
The thousand or more men who
first occupied Fort Hunt under the
banners of the veterans' national
liason committee, and who accepted
the resignations of two of their lead-
ers who were avowedlyCommunistic,
changed the name of their organiza-
tion to the veterans' national com-
mittee, but the Thomas group re-
mained unappeased.
The encampment had as guests
today all but a few of the three score
men 'who held out even after the
Thomas group agreed to accept the
Fort Hunt hospitality, which is pro-
vided by the government.
Joseph Salzman of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
who led a dozen men in an unsuc-
cessful efiort to march to the White
House Sunday, lost all but a few of
his followers to the camp's food and
With flags flying, the dozen
marchers advanced as far as Penn-
sylvania Avenue before finding
themselves suddenly surrounded by
"We want to see President Roose-
velt," said Salzman. "I knew him
when he was governor. I stood be-
side him once when he was making a
campaign speech."

Camp Ross Located Close To
Actual Lubering Operations

Camp Fillbert Roth for forestry
students, is advantageously located
In that the men have opportunities to
see forestry work as carried on by the
U. S. Forest Service and the State
Conservation Commission, as well as
to do practical work necessary for
Graduation, according to Prof. Robert
C. Craig, Jr., of the School of Fores-
try and Conservation, camp director.
The camp, established just four
years ago, is in Alger county about
nine miles southwest of Munising.
At present it occupies an old lumber-
ing site, and the men live in buildings
once occupied by lumber men.
Logging operations are also locatedi
in the vicinity of the camp, and in
Munising there are wood working
industries of various kinds which are
visited, and which add to the general
knowledge which the student ac-
quires. Until 1929 there was no regu-
lar camp for foresters although some
Floods Sweep
South Indiana
aking 6 Lives
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May 15.-
(IP)-Indiana today counted a death
list of six persons drowned during
the week-end, while muddy waters
raged down into the lower reaches
of the Wabash and White rivers,
bringing serious flood conditions to
the southern part of the state.
At several points river observers
expected the worst flood since 1913.
Evansville, experiencing t h r e e
inches of rain in 24 hours Saturday
and early Sunday, heard a predic-
tion that the Ohio River would reach
flood stage of 35 feet Tuesday or
Meanwhile, central Indiana was
emerging from the crests of floods
which passed on downstate Sunday.
The Indiana flood dead were:.
Francis Shannon, 13, and Francies
Wilson, 14, drowned at Indianapolis
when they stepped from a concrete
road into a water hole 12 feet deep
gouged out by White River's raging
James Mayfield, 45, swept to his
death from. a horse he rode along a
submerged lane at Terre Haute
stumbled into a channel cut by
Wabash River flood waters.
Fred Ellerman, Jr., 3, who fell into
a flooded creek near Vincennes.
Marion Stephens, 16, who col-
lapsed while wading in a flooded
vacant lot at Rushville.
Arthur Lee Delph, Jr., 4, drowned
in White River backwaters at An-
Five other deaths previously at-
tributed to the high waters and the
storms which preceded the floods,
brought the fatality list during the
present weather conditions to 11.

attended Camp Davis, at that time
located at Douglas Lake.
The camp period, coincident with
the Summer Session here, offers the
opportunity for foresters to earn
eight hours credit in forest mensura-
tion, forest improvement, and fire
protection and control. This sum-
mer Professor Craig, with Prof. L. J.
Young, Prof. D. M. Matthews, and
one assistant will form the teaching
staff at the camp.
Camp work is normally the first
work in professional forestry that is
done by the student, and it follows
directly after he has completed his
sophomore year at the University, in-
cluding the pre-forestry program or
its equivalent at some other institu-
tion. Last year about one-half of
the camp enrollment had completed
pre-forestry education in other in-
stitutions than Michigan.
The camp mess is run on a co-
operative basis in order to cut down
living expenses. Any money left over
from the mess fund, which is de-
posited with the director at the be-
ginning of the session, is returned
at the end of the camp period.
The camp was established to give
Michigan forestry students an intro-
duction to forestry in the field where
private, State, and Federal practices
might be observed and actual ex-
perience in woods work gained under
supervision, Professor Craig said. It
is possible also, to teach subjects in
the camp courses which cannot be
taught as well in Ann Arbor because
of limitations in time and lack of
appropriate field conditions.
Reed May Refuse
Money For Trial
Although the Firemen's Associa-
tion of Detroit has raised $3,000 in
subscriptions to aid fireman George
M. Reed, sentenced for first degree
murder, to get a new trial, Reed will
not accept the offer, was the belief
expressed by Sheriff Jacob B. Andres
The sheriff based his opinion on
the fact that Reed had refused to
see a lawyer sent to him by the as-
sociation and that Reed had ex-
pressed no desire for a new trial.
Dental Association Gives
Jarvie Award To Lyons
Dr. Chalmers J. Lyons, professor
of oral surgery, and consulting dental
surgeon of the University Hospital,
was given the Jarvie Award by the
New York State Dental Association,
at its annual meeting last Friday in
This award is given by the asso-
ciation each year to some person of
outstanding achievements in the pro-
fession. Dr. Lyons is famous for his
hare-lip and cleft-palate operations.

Office Course For
Architects To le
Repeated This Year
There was a time when students of
architecture had to serve at least
four months in architect's office 'be-
fore they could receive a degree. Now
office practice, like almost everything
else, can be elected as a university
If it hadn't been for the depres-
sion, budding young architects might
still be wildly hunting their first
jobs, but the time came when jobs
in architects' or any other kind of
offices simply were not to be had.
Then the College o Architect re
came to the rescue with a - course,
approximating as closely as possible
actual office conditions, and offered
for the first time during the 1932
Summer Session.
This element of office practice
course will be repeated this summer,
following as closely as possible office
hours and office routine, according
to Prof. George B. Grigham, Jr., of
the architecture college, who will be
in charge of the course along with
Prof. Walter V. Marshall of the
architecture college.
Twenty-five students, mostly up-
perclassmen, took advantage of the
opportunity to enroll in the course
last year, working in groups of three
to ten, each group under a captain,
and each drawing up the complete
plans for one particular building.
The course, which extends over
the first four weeks of the Summer
Session, meets daily from 8 a. m. to
12 noon and from 1 to 5 p. in., except
Saturday, when there is no after-
noon meeting. Occasional inspection
trips are made to buildings under
construction in Detroit and around
Ann Arbor.
When the student enters the office
course he is given a set of prelimi-
nary sketches and a "presentation"
drawing. From these he works up
the completely-detailed w o r k i n g
drawings which would be used by the
contractor on an actual case.
Because there are many practical
problems involved in this detailed
work in an architectural office with
which a student trained primarily in
the esthetic aspects of the profession
would find it most difficult to cope,
the College of Architecture had, up
until last summer, insisted on some
actual office experience from every
candidate for a degree, and still re-
quires either the actual experience
or attendance at one of the four-
weeks sessions of the office practice
Courses in architectural drawing
and design for both graduates and
undergraduates will be emphasized
in the 1933 Summer Session of the
college. In these courses plans are
drawn up primarily from the artistic
standpoint, it was said.
Two classes in outdoor drawing
and painting will be under the direc-
tion of Prof. Jean P. Slusser of the
architecture college. Whenever pos-
sible these will work out of doors.

Inflated Money
Is Discussed
In Law Review,


Issue Argues ForI

Congressional Dec
Regarding Currency


That Congressional e n a c t m e n t
rather than judicial decision, alone
would be necessary to force credi-
tors to receive inflated currency
rather than specie in payment of
debts is the argument advanced by
"R. D. G.," writing in the May issue
of the Michigan Law Review, which
appears today.
"Without such action by Congress,
gold payment clauses would be en-
forcable according to their tenor,"
"R. D. G." continues. "This situa-
tion is not undesirable; while allow-
ing either course, it offers an oppor-
tunity for clearly-defined indication
of legislative intention in the matter,
thus shifting to the legislature, whose
function it properly is, the burden
of deciding the economic policy of
the nation."
Other leading articles in the May
issue are "Fraudulent Concealment
and Statutes of Limitation," by Prof.
John P. Dawson of the Law School,
and "State Regulation of Interstate
Motor Carriers," by Paul G. Kauper,
research assistant in the Law School.
Professor Dawson's article is a con-
tinuation of an article which he
wrote for the March issue of the
Law Review.
Comments, recent decisions, and
book notes complete the issue.
Dean Pleads For
Rights Of Children
"We need to be aggressive in fight-
ing for the rights of our children
even though it may lead to opposi-
tion to the plans of those who at-
tempt to effect financial savings for
our states and communities at the
expense of the children," declared
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the school
of education in an address, "The
State's Responsibility to Handi-
capped Children," given Saturday
afternoon before the . conference
sponsored by the Special Education
Department of the Detroit schools.
Prof. Charles P. Wagner of the
Spanish department will address the
Sociedad Hispanica on the "Cante
Jondo," Spanish folk song of the
South, at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday in the
Garden Room on the first floor of
the League.
He will present records of the
"Malaguena" and other 'types of
Spanish folk song made in Spain by
gypsies and representing the true
versions of these songs. The "Cante
Jondo" type of music came into mod-
ern Spain from the Moors through
the gypsies.

Justifiable or not, the queer prof
has always figured heavily in cam-
pus jokes. Thus we are presenting
the doings of a number of college
pedagogues so that the justice of
their position in the day's humor
may be determined.
A Northwestern prof makes stu-
dents hand in their photographs with
their bluebooks. "I have so many
students I can't remember who they
are from their names," he says. "I
want to know who's who when I
grade the bluebooks."
An Iowa prof hs installed an
electrically-regulated bellwhich rings
10 minutes before the hour and on
the hour to notify the students that
the class period is ended. He in-
tended that the whole campus should
be similarly equipped to prevent in-
structors from keeping classes over-
The University of Kentucky is pub-
lishing the pictures of the 10 pro-
fessors receiving the most student
votes in the space usually given to
popular co-eds in the forthcoming
edition of the annual.
Literal meaning of the word
"horse sense" is being determined by
a Cornell psychology professor. He
is experimenting with 45 horses,
giving them tests to disclose mem-
ory, observation and color sense.
A Colgate professor required his
students to sleep in class so he could
determine the most efficient pitch
for an alarm clock. Someone has
suggested that he was merely estab-
lishing an alibi.
Idaho U. has called in a psycholo-
gist to help choose the color of its
football uniforms. It seems that red
is the, most profitable color, because
it excites the spectators and in-
creases their interest, thery inspir-
ing the team to play better. The
game, however, is apt to be rougher
because red arouses the fighting in-
stinct of the opponents.
Observings from here and there-
A college prof stated that courtship
is only a matter of salesmanship ...
The professors at Arnoff College, a
small eastern school, are willing to
.accept their wages in vegetables . .
The faculty at Purdue is sponsoring
marital lectures for the senior stu-
dents of the fairer sex. Purdue is
evidently making sure that its co-eds
will not remain venerable spinsters
. An Ohio State prof serves cakes
and teas at the end of his exams ...
Also a Rochester prof gives his senior
students free lunches one day a week
. Of the 283 books lost from the
Texas U. library last year, one-
fourth were lost by faculty members.

Goodwill Day
Meeting To Be
Held Thursday
Sellars, Weaver To Speak
At Discussion Of Crises
In China, South America
International Goodwill Day will
be celebrated here Thursday with a
meeting at 4:15 p. m. in Natural
Science Auditorium, it was an-
nounced yesterday. The present
crises in South America, Germany,
and China will be discussed.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pastor of
the First Methodist Church, will act
as chairman of the meeting, while
speakers will be Prof. Roy W. Sellars
of the philosophy department; Prof.
Bennett Weaver of the English de-
partment; the Rev. Fred Cowin, pas-
tor of the Church of Christ Disci-
ples; G. B. Halstead, who has spent
three years in India and is well
acquainted with the Gandhi move-
ment; and a representative of the
Student Christian Association.
The meeting is being sponsored
jointly by the S. C. A., the War Re-
sisters League, and the Tolstoy
League. International Goodwill Day
commemorates the meeting of the
First Hague Conference in 1899, and
will be celebrated this year at a
number of other cities in' the coun-
Macon Off For 12
Hour Test Flight
AKRON, 0., May 15, -M) - The
U. S. S. Macon, the navy's new Zep-
pelin, started off on her third test
flight at 5:12 a. m.today. She was
to fly for 12 hours but as usual Capt.
Alger H. Dresel withheld informa-
tion as to hersitinerary.
The 758-foot long ship had been
held in her airdock for two weeks
while some "finer adjustments" were
made following her first two flights
for a total of about 25 hours. She
must cruise in test flights for about
84 hours before being turned over to
the navy.
Woo Id ientifies Osprey,
Seen Here But Rarely
An osprey, which was thought to
be an eagle, rested all of Sunday
night on a snag near the M-17 cut-
off and was identified yesterday
morning by James H. Wood, prep-
arator of the Museum of Zoology,
who said that it was doubtless mi-
grating north.
The bird, which was first seen
about 5 p. m. Sunday, was reported
by Mrs. Clark B. Potter, 515 Mont-
clair Ave., yesterday morning when
she saw that the bird was still there.
Ospreys are fairly common around
the lakes, Mr. Wood said, but it is
seldom that one comes around this


: -

Bonus archers Sheltered In Army Tents; Minnesota Farmers Agree To Withhold 1




-Associated Press Photos


Here is a view of the camps of ordered army tents at Fort Hunt, Va., where one wing of the
bonus army is quartered. The men are shown lining up for food provided by the government.

Eugene Black was named gover-
nor of the Federal Reserve Board.
Mr. Black is a former representa-
tive from Texas . ... ... ........

Officers of the Minnesota Farm Holiday asso 'iation are shown as they signed an order for a
farm "strike" at their convention at Montevideo, Minn. Seated, left to right: C. F. Gaarenstrom,
counsel; John Bosch, president of the state group; John Erp, president of the Minnesota farmers'



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