16, 1933THE MICHIGAN DAILY Im 0 h . .. A.MPUS SOCIETY* Week-Eid Festivities Feat tre Many Pastel-Colored Gom :l , I Goldsmith Play Appreciated By Noted Audience V f 'r~ihwn'lt ? (axmb er Q Faculty rAndTheP ricf Set Are Noticed An appreciative audience enthus- iastically received Oliver Goldsmith's rollicking comedy "She Stoops To Conquer" given last night by Play Production at the Laboratory thea- trc. Among the faculty element in the audience we noticed Prof. G. E. Dens- more, of the speech department, Jeannette Perry, assistant dean of women, Ethel McCormick, directress of the League, and Helen Cheever, of the League. Other distinguished persons were Rabbi Bernard Heller, of Detroit Mr. R. Granville, head of the English department of the Uni- versity High School, and Coach W. D.:West.: The campus theatrical set was well represented. Russell McCracken, di- rector of J.G.P. was there and Mary Ann Mathewson, '34SM, who took the feminine lead in the play, also Kath- erine Leopold, '34SM, who was chair, man of music, and Ruth Campbell, '34, comedy lead, attended. Among those prominent in Play Production were Billie Griffiths, '35, also president of W.A.A., Jean Rosen- thad, Leonard Stocker, '33, who had the leading roles in "Adding Ma- chine" and "Beggar on Horseback,," John Silberman, '34, and Betty Ber- gener, '34, From the fashion point of view light summer prints seemed to dominate, with shades of blue as the outstand- ing color, having touches of white as ,trimming. A good indication of the trend toward wider brims for summer wear was seen in a brown backu with a mere niention of a crown and an extremely wide brim tilted for over at the side. A bright frock or orange was worn with it. Dance Program To Be feld At Barbour Gy m An unusual program of dance numbers and pantomimes will be presented by the Dance Club in its recital at 8:30 p. in. today in Bar- bour Gymnasium. Among the outstanding dancers are Mary Stirling, '35, Jacqueline Snell, '35, and Collin Wilsey, '35, whose unique compositions have been praised by Miss Emily White as among the best ever to appear on this campus. Two pantomimes under the direc- tion of Russel McCracken add a new type of dance which has not been shown before. The group dances are colorful and expressive and have 'been well handled. The committee in charge of this year's recital consists of Miss Wilsey, chairman; Miss Stirling, Wilma Les- ter, '36, Reta Peterson, '35, Isabelle Kanter, '35, Julia Wilson, '36, and Bilfiie Grfiths '35. To Play At League Coming to Ann Arbor after a suc- ccssful season at the Book-Cadillac Hotel in Detroit and the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Ky., Barney Rapp and his 15-piece orchestra will put on 1,1irfirst dance in the city Friday night at the Leag-ue.I Famed as a broadcasting band, they are well known throughout the country and recently completed a 15- week contract which featured them over Radio Station WJR 18 times a week. They have been heard over both the Red and Blue networks of the National Broadcasting Co. Tickets for this dance, priced at $1.50 plus tax, are on sale at the M- Hut, the Den, the Parrot, and the League. Prof. Wagner 'Th Speak At Spanish Uu1E Meeting! Prof. Charles P. Wagner of the Spanish department will addressF members of La Sociedad Hispanica at a meeting at 7:30 p. m. today in the League. His taLk will be on the Spanish folk-song and will be sup- plemcnted by illustrations with phonograph records. He will speak in Spanish. Organdy Touc I/ - For Spring Senior Society Initiates New Enirtaii0cd At D)innei' Followin Cercmony Ten women of the junior class were formally initiated into Seior Aehil iv hillel .11 t$ - t 'J' OUs ) s of enter- nt bOOths, te Hillel Founda- -m wil present a penny carnival Ix-,: oro. The carniva lwill be open rom 3 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 10 I. m The admission price will be deter- cdby lots, van ing:fronm one to The membes of Aca cia fraternity a~it adn a alFiayngt and DelaPI' >l: -iThe Chi fudca ngI a n''cz ni ade- Oim. Gaesa, the aa were requiedue i ryte rear door, and th f:aeiiynouse in- white net ruffles over the shoulders. Amilong the attractive gownls see-n at the Theta Chi spring formal Fri- ay nlighit waIscawhitecrepeith a nck-lie trimmenld in spangles, worn by Lconore Snyder. '33. Ellen Jane Cooley,-'34. was-attractivein aplaid onrandie. and Jeannette Greene, '35, wore a rose taffeta jacket designed to gve an effect of quaintness. Char- Wte Whitman, '. and Marjorie Johnson, Spec., were both noticed, Many ('lec:e r covered th: : ss Johnson in a red and whi'e walls and tonr and ktted ribbons pnt, and Miss Whitman in an all- that had seen pr1tes seivice w red. Alice Morgan, '35, chose a flow- used for decratios. crd chiffon, and Helen Haxton a The majority of the women guests whie organdie trimmed with a gay an red sash. Lending a background to sha aendd o od their thne colors, Maurine Burnaide, '35, ap- heared in a stunning dress of all- xEit hole, stockinblack . carried out in talleta and net. DELTA FII ''.'i 99 tl t hl bl Soviety, honorary organ2zation for A r E ntS. iriai Atron, '33, social :enior independent women, at cere-, :,an of the foundation and gen- monies held yesterday in the League e, chairman of the carnival, has chapel. As is the custom, the active anmounced that every sorority and members wore caps and gowns and rtemity, as well as the indepen- the initiates were garbed in white. . wil have a booth. Those admittecI are: Donna There will be dancing, with mem- Becker, Ada Blackman, Sarah BIoo - ris of one sorority acting as host- Becker, Ada Blackman, Sarah Another organization will have Bloom, Helen Clarke, Charlotte a fLi-i-pond, and another a horseshoe Johnson, Lenore LeGendre, Mary booth. Helen McIntosh, Sally Place, Lucille Root, and Marable Smith. . .ver ything is to be offered for A fromrw one to five cents as the name Adinner honoring the new mem- _, enotes, Miss Arran said. bers was held after the initiation . i. ceremonies. Among the guests were Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean Emeritus SENIOR CAPS AT LEAGUE Myra B. Jordan, Miss Ethel A. Mc- Scnior caps may be obtained from Cormick, and Miss Marie Hartwig of 2:15 to 3:15 p. m. in the Graduate the physical education department, Office of the League, according to who acted as toastmistress. Several Janet Allen, '33, chairman of the alumnae members of the society were caps and gowns committee. The final also guest: the Misses Jean Mc- payment of $1 will be due at this Kaig, Margaret Babcock, and Ruth ' time. Herschman, all of Detroit, and Ann --- ~~~~-~- Zauer and Jeanette Saurborn, both Helen Bailey, Rena Krause, Made- of Ann Arbor. leine Meloche. Polly Reed Walker, > Light materials and pastel colorsr were very much in evidence at the spring formal held by Delta Delta Delta sorority Friday night. Organ- die seemed popular; one attractive dress was green embroidered organ- die, and another was of the same material in white yellow flowers. An- other organdie was covered with eye- let embroidery and was fashion-d vith a short .jacket. A charming dress was of chiffon which had a short jc~ with petal-like rufflees on the sleves. Other gowns which seemed the very essence of the spring mode were a flowered starched voile made with diagonal ruffles and a pink flowered crepe. Two lovely taffeta dressesj were seen, one in pale blue and one1 white, both featuring a beaded neck- line and shoulder straps.7 Striking combinations of black and white were also apparent. One was of black crepe with a large ruffled cape of white organdie and the other was made with a black skirt and white bodice with large, black and FINE PERFUMES By the Dram or Ounce Perfume Blending The 5TH AVE. COSMETIC SHOP 300 S. State, near Liberty St. ans Parih ike , '33, lc lswh eu and Par Ali 1Riker, 33, all-w hitc. Where To Go I M7tion Pictures: Michigan, .What, No eer?": Majestic, "Looking For- xvaCd"; Wuert ", "Beauty and the Drams: Play Production presents e Stoops to. Conquor," 8:30 p. in., Labratry Theatre. cheon: Graduate students, 1 :1 p. i., Russian iTa Room, the League, Exhibit: A variety of work by members of the faculty of the archi- tectural college, 9 a. M. to 5 p. i., Architectural Building. Swingout, 3:30 p. iM. Tired? Thirsty? Hungry? CALL 3494 Sodas - Sundaes - Shakes Cokes - G-Ales - Orangeades Tasty Saidwiches Prompt Delivery -Associated Press Photo The vogue of the huge organdie bow is shown featured on a fitted black satin jacket worn by Patricia Ellis, screen actress. The wide white cuffs and padded shoulder line are other fashion notes for spring. The skirt is of gray tweed. Houses Entertain W i Varied Programs Over Past Week-End Homecoming seemed not to be the fried, '34, Beatrice Laning, '35, Mar- only factor in entertainment during garet LeMire, '34, Helen White, '36, the past week-end. Kappa Alpha Marjorie Messmore, '36, Virginia Theta gave a formal dinner-dance Blight, '36, Barbara Bates, '35, Mary and Phi Delta Theta held a house- Brimijoin, '34, Lillian Wineman, '34, party. With these parties and all Martha Wheeler, '33, and Alice Gun- the entertainment that went with throp, '33. Homecoming, the campus was kept Chaperoning the party were Mr. busy. and Mrs. Robert Butterworth, of Ann ALPhA OMICRON P1 - Arbor. Alpha Omicron Pi sorority wishes KAPPA ALPHA TETA to announce the pledging of Laura Kappa Alpha Theta sorority held Zimmerman, '36, Doiothy Wilson, its spring formai dinner-dance Sat- '36, and Muriel Rumsey, '34. urdaiy. Chaperons for the occasion S3ETA THETA PI were Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Moore, of Ann Arbor, and Mr. and Mrs. Ho- Beta Theta Pi fraternity enter- iBert Anidreae, of Port Huron. tained Mrs. Junius Beal and Presi- dent Alexander G-. Ruthven at din- . Suday afternoon members of the n r Sunday. eaculy were entertained at tea. Mrs. P SI. z *E PFranklin Moore and Mrs. Leona B. SBETAkema received, and Mrs. John S. Members of Pi Beta Phi sorority Worley, Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, Mrs. entertained their mothers last week- C. S. Yoakum, and Mrs. Howard end. A varied program of entertain- Holhnes poured. Pink roses and pink ment was provided for the guests,| candles were used to decorate the including a mother-father dincr table Sunday noon.!!lKAPIA TAU The following mothers were pres- Phi Kappa Tau fraternity ield its ent for the week-end: Mrs. A. M. spring party Friday night. Mr. and Giddings and Mrs. Claude Cummings, Mrs. R. F. Culver, of Birmingham of Battle Creck; Mrs. L. A. DeWitt, were chaperons. The party was plan- of St. Johns; Mrs. A. R. Maujer, of i nted by Clyde Davis, Jr '33. Berrien Springs: Mrs. C. A. Morford, of Detroit; Mrs. Frank Rayen, of A PPA Owosso; Mrs. H. A. Snyder, of Cleve- The members of Sigma Kappa so- land; Mrs. J. F. Daly, of Port Huron; iority held their spring formal Fri- Mrs. Florence K. Scherling, Mrs. C. I day night. Jo Kitchin, '35, was in C. Bradner, Mrs. H. J. Campbell, charge of the dance. Chaperons for Mrs. H. C. Dishman, and Mrs. A. W. the dance were Mrs. E. B. Holt, Mrs. Mercer, of Detroit; Mrs. George A. Charles Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Osborn, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mrs. H. Earl, and Prof. Louis A. Hopkins and M. Bowser, of Fort Wayne, Ind.; and Mrs. Hopkins. Speakers of the evening were Dean Lloyd, Miss McCormick, Glendora Gosling, '33, and Elsie Feldman, '33, president. Novel place-cards, in the form of miniature mortarboards, were used. The present membership of Senior Society includes Dorothy Abbitt, GladysmBaker, Dorothy Davis, Elsie Feldman, Glendora Gosling, Anne Goss, Louise Peterson, Evelyn Radtke, Annette Rudolphi, Suzanne Wood, Jeanette Albracht, Louise Allen, and Ann Verner. In accordance with custom, the remainder of Senior Society's quota of 20 will be chosen by the initiate group in the fall. BARN EY RAPP and his NEW ENOLANDERS Michigan League 6Ballroom Friday, May J)9 Tickets at League, Hut, Den, Parrot $1.50 per couple plus tax Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. J ust two words . 9 0 Mrs. G. C. Spencer, of Grand Rapids. PUT DELTA THETA At a house-party given last week- end by Phi Delta Theta fraternity the following guests were present: the Misses Betty Speir, of Grand Ra- pids; Alice Betzler, of Huntington, Ind.; Helen Louise Corwin, of Jack- Sson; Mildred Carlson, Catheri Welke', and FrancesaLongs , all of Detroit; Janet Wells, of Bay City: Catherine Thompson, of Boston: Faye Bustin, of Lakewood. IL; Mikiel Hail, of Melburn, Fla.: Meta BI:iby. of M o u n t Pleasant; Marguerito Mann, of Coldwater and Alice Cleve- land, of Ann Arbor. Mary Browne, '33, Marart Arnold, '34, May See- rio Signm i uembrs 'N n W ard n ~ de Two silver cup emblematic of cam- pus contract bridge supremacy have! been awardcd to Andrew K. Brum- baugh, jr., '33E, and Richard Becker, '33E, it was announced yesterday. Both are members of Sigma Nu fra- ternity. The two have been consist- ent - winners in bridge competition here for the past three years, and this year won the all-campus tour- nament sponsored by the Union and the League. Annual -Adult Education Week rf Be held Here An outstanding event in the his- tory cf Women's clubs, it was an- nounced recently, is the second an- nual Adult Education Week to be held June 5 to 9 at Ann Arbor under the auspices of the University and the State Federation of Women's Clubs. Lectures by men of national and .ntn znational reputation, covering every field of interest, political, so- cial, international relations, science, and art, are planned for the many club women who are expected tQ attend. Authorities planning the affair have unounc'ed a new registration lee of $3. Interested women will be met by a reception committee whoI will render all possible assistance. R ,gist'ation will be at 9 a. in. Mon- day, June 5. ~- ----- Yes, I have heard about two words; and now and then three words-but "They Sat- isfy"means To gratify fully." Why do these two words ttthey satisfy" fit Chester- fields? Because Chesterfield Cigarettes are miilder. Be- cause Chesterfield Cigarcttcs taste better. Chesterfield's way of blend- ing and cross-blending fine Turkish and Domestic tobac- cos brings out better flavor and aroma. Thecy Satisfy! N E-TELLE BEAUTY SHOPPE 217 Observatory St. COMPLETE G-E VENTILATIONA I SPECJAt IGWHT LUINCLIES & SHOWT ORDERW Special $5.00-Oil Permanent . . $7.50 Naturelo Croquignole . . . . $2.00 . . . 5.00 Air IlL fe- - a If