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May 16, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-16

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be < accomp lished. i~eW i .uesSe
MichganL'aee t 7:f0p. in.
will beh pptutdb vrola ,rec-
I. P'alur' oruy)ciAlsocuty
Regai~ n cg W ~; fi~ioo o Au U ofcolegestun ents and their
;el ilul t :~G Th ~)'o~amwi;resecive coleg t owns in ,an area
fetr afehmncebto Iu ouddon U;t:l'south by the Ohio
quci:,"Rsvc:ta teU . ie nd on the mwest by a line
shoud cascIcprocet he nvel-thruZhC hicago ald Sit. Louis havwe
Tments of her Q.lZfl~ l o cnk Xi;.IJ- CIre naly been sta" one and
tries." Elecion ofollice cr n: e-izd ia e, it was anucdie
anucd-et.1Csemester will be held afte-: they > c uly by agroup representing all!
bate. r~tlroad iu2i the above-mentioned

Harvard President

]r'uyt for have been nmade for the
=ant'Ki t"of undens and those con-
1{,,<:) r?.- ed l Cd _ie jonalinstitultions
dun'ng the c .ademice year 1933-9.4, it
was said. Roun"td-trip tickets may be 'jAssociated Press Photo
purchased at home stations for use Jares Bryant Conarant, 40, Sheldon
going to the opoening of the college i E mry pro i'essor of ergnic chernis-
and the return stub may be used for1 try, was chosen by the university
the trip home during Christmas va- colt c :ionz as president of K,-rvard
cation, spring vacation, or at the to szwcce_1. Lawrence Lowecll, who
close of the school year. If the first; resigned. hloe is one of the youngest
tickt is used for returning home rven ever to =head the university.
during one of the vacations another ru dti a ep rh sd a h
ho me station for the journey back to 'S Ce .~e
school at the close of the vacation,
an d its second half for returning 7 r1?
homeicalshvnone taTo I' eii 4e& .'id
hOmeicags ain anone.ta
second change in the policies that ? a oce
they have formerly adhered to will
be the granting of accommodations ---
in parlor~ or sleeping cars upon pay- I e ,t.tt. O S'~~
n-ient of the regular extra rates for#
thiese services. In the past, excur- Rho TfauillVi Compve
sion rates have been limited to travel To~iiio ri1'ow At Union
in coaches, they added.
Previously these reduced fares have ThanulPocSpkigC -
been more frequently in force only ITeana rtc paigCn
for travel from the college towns toj test sponsored by the Associated
the students' homes during vacation Technical Soc ieties of Detroit for
periods, and this factor has been re- the Stump Speakers Societ y will be
sponsible in part for the newer pro- held at 7:30 p. m. Wedne :day at the
visions. It is expected that the re- UiioD.
duced rates will be of material ad- Trhe Associated Technical Societies
vantage to many schools in that of Detroit are offering plaqueIs for
greater attendance may be attracted e ach of three orat orical contests.
from more distant points. The first is to be held this week and

'E nsI D ies A t 5 4, Follc
NE W YORK, May 15-u/ -rnest
Torrence, veteran screen actor, died
today at the ag<e of 54.
The rnote otryrorcaact
rolcssucubda a .at Lox
1filtI Ho 1='it l, He f _ald to i"afly after
knxnthat dea th was inevit able,
Weeingrelatives were at the bed-
side as death came to the tall mnan
who had gone from a career of music
and the legitimate theatre to win
additional farle in the filnis.
His wife, the former Ilse Reamer,,
wvas with him at the end, as wlere
his son. Ernest, jr., two brothers and
other kinfolk.
Torrence. who broke into the films
in '°TTo'able David," went on to sue-
cess in "The Covered Wagon," "Rug;-
des of Red Gap" and a hos3t of more
eeeccnt Picewrea.
Audiences all ove'r the world f a-
-:ihiar withb his six feet four inches
and 220 pounds of screen ability,
$r cre not generally awvare that he
once sang grand opera, became fa-
.nous as concert pianist before he
xent on the stag e, and was a musical
cormedy star priotr to his Hollywood
lHe was born in Edinburgh. Scot-
laind, the son of non.-professionals,
and was educated in private and
pu)"blic schools, and at the Edinburgh
Academiy of Music, the conservato-
jum in Stuttgart, Germany, and the
Royal Academny of Music i.London.
About 35 years ago he launched'
Iris professional career as a concert
pianist, winning critical acclaim in
many European capitals. He had a
pine baritone voice and in 1900 was
awarded the Royal Academy of Mu-

Veteran, Actor,
sic mecdal for operatic \\-),4k and ithe,
Westmroreland prime.
In 1901 he becamen lea ding bari-
tone of the Savoy Opera Comny1~
aIndsn a wide rneofl roes inl
manly prts of the world.
The1c ombi0'nation ilof a "great1sI ;,11 C
who" {could also 'act, ma1de his ,xservt:ces
1Geaily inl dellndbylirht ooer, .'_cl
mrusicall coim:edy producers<, ;and1 for1
~evcnzil yearls he was; featur'ed in L n-
don and on Broadway stagecs.
He claimed the honor of being th e
first talking picture actor, for 10
years ago the late Thomas Ed i ,on1
announced he had perfected a tjk-
ing picture device and scenes wr e
"shot" at East Orange, N. J., wxith
I Torrence singing the prison role in,
T hl appearing on Broa ,dway
Toree made. a tremndous "hit" in
"TeNight Boat" and then it w:as
that motion picture producers vs
ualized him as a screen -personality.
lie made his debut as the villain--
ous mountaineer in "Tol'able David,"
a role that gave the screen a new
type of convincing "heavy."
So g;:.eat was his success that he
left the legitimate stage .and deCi-
nitely launched himself on a movie
"Broken Chains" was his next pic-
ture, and then followe d his niotale
role as the giant Scout in "The Coy-
ered Wagon." Others of his early
pictures xvere "The Hunchlback: of
INotre Dame," "Ruggles of Red Gap,"
l"Noi'th of '36," "Peter Panl," "The(
Blind Goddess,"'The King of King s"
kand "Mantrap."
of In recent years he played scores o iesfe oesmtmssn
ister, sometimes comic.


Senior Engineers: Several have paid their dues and turned in their us'for the Fres hm'an Lantern Dance
names for the senior picture but have not had their picture taken. 'There is will rehearse at 3 :30 p. mn. at the
a list of these men posted on the bulletin boards in W. Eng. hall. Since Women's Athletic Building. In case
Thurday Ma 28,is ostvel thelas da tha prntscanbe acepedgetof rain this rehearsal will be held atj
Thurday Ma 18 is ostvel th lat da tht pint canbe cceted ge the League. At this time 3:30 to 5:30,
in touch with D. J. Carr, 8194 at once, as to what action you intend to take, the singing chorus will also rehearse
Graduating Senior Engineers: Please call for your Drawing 1, 2 and 31 11-en's Riding Class meets at 7 p. mn.
plates at Room 412 West Engineering. and further tryouts will b.e received,
at the 'Engineering Arch.
Conflicts in time of Final Examinations in the College of Eng-ineering __
shoauld be reported at once to C. H. Fessenden, Room 333 West Engineering Mixed iading Class nieets at 8:30
1ldg. May 19 is the last day for making adjustiments. p. in. a t the North University en-
t ace of the Lea gue Bulding.



Grant Permit


the Hall o f aine contest and the
Raconteur contelsts arc to be held
on May 24.
ThLe members of Sigma Rho Tau
who will speak its the Project Speak-
ing Contest are: H. A. Walbridge,
'36E, M. B. Heimnann, C. W. Zinc,

(Continuedi from Page 1)



and runs continuously thrnough Wed-;
nesday, June 21, at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, with matinee per-
l'crmiances on Wednesday, Friday,
and Sattt'day afternoons at 3 :15
o'clock. Mi'. Gordon Mendelssohn,
donor of the L~ydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, has reserved season tickets
for t he Dramatic Season, and will
be in the audience on the opening
night. This will mark the second
time Mr. Mendelssohn has seen a
performance in the Mendelssohn
Theatre; two years agro he attended
the final performance of "PrivTate
Lives"' with Miss Homing and Tom
The box -oflice sale of seats for
the Dramatic Season is now open,
and tickets for all performances, in-
cluding the added Sunday perform-
ance on June 13, are now on sale at
the Mendelssohn Theatre. Seats for
the nights are priced at 50 and 75
cents in the balcony, and $1 and
$1.50 on the main floor; while the
Wednesday, V'riday, and Saturday
matinees are scaled at 25 and 50
cents in the balcony and 50 and 75
cents onl the main floor.
will be celebrated by a meeting,
Thursday, May 18, at 4:15 in Na-
tural Science Auditorium. Rev. Fred-
erick B. Fisher will be chairman and
addresses will be given by Prof. R.
+,V. Sellars, 'of. B. Weaver. Rev. F.
Cowin, G. B. Halstead and a repre-
sentative of the S.C.A.
Horse Show: The Women's Ath-
letic Association and the Outing
Club are sponsoring an informal
horse show on Tuesday, May 23, atI
the Fair Grounds. Further details
wii be announced later.
Pr escott Glub,: Meeting Wednes-I
day, May 17, 7:30 p. nm. All pharmnics
invited. 'Room 303, Chemistry and
Pharmacy Building.
tN17.-.CARDS 10c-
P riiitcri, n Finc';t Linicin Cardis
inl OLDE)WNGLISI-x Type --- To Inclose
illn iexemicnt tnx'itat ions.
(I C ':'ictlne ; &s tisfacti:onu iarainteed
I '. 2:;.. L ti 'ette, Indianazi

Jr., '36E, C. W. Swartoum, '36S, S. M.I
IFerman, '34E, R. E. Hayes, M3E,I
IR. E. Bockrath, '34E, E. W. Bottumn,~
'34, D. C. Hainot, andl H. W. Har-
per, '33E.
The plaques won at this contest
will be awarded at the Honors Ban-
quet, popularly known as the Tongue
Oil Banquet, nMa 31. The wv~iner
will also L'pesn he local chap?-
tei' of Sigr- a] Rho Tau at the Ini-
,tercollegiat e Convention of the so-
ciety to be held in Detroit on June 3.
(0011tiniuec from Page 1)
gagcthe rental re~quiremnents on
the part of the active chapter shall!
not be an amount in excess of thej
"chapter's. ability to pay."
Professional1 Ira ternities maintain-
ing houses should also be included
in any star daird sest up for mrnm-
Lbcrs of the fate s'fratcrnity Council,
accordin, to another paragraph of
the replor't.
The use o: preceptors, or tutors,I
is to be ens-oua,,.:d, the committee
recomimends,,u,1-d ask,,s the council
to request Huae University to offer .
scholarships in the formn of free tui-
tion, in accordanc-e with the plan.
'submnitted at the National Intcrfra-
ternity Confer'ence in 1932.
Two Un~iversity studenits wvilid--
3bai the question, .Resolved. ThatH
the United States Grant Recot ni-
tion to Soviet Russia," at 8:30 p. mn.
Friday in Battle Creek College Au-'
ditoriumr, Battle Creek.
Zeldon S. Cohenr, '33, will debate
thne afflriative and David 'Sloane,
1 '34, w ill defend The negative.

Place advertisemnents with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classifled columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.'
1 o, numbers may be secured at no
extrua charge.
Cash ill advance-1ie per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Miunnzmui 3 luxesiper insertion.
10ci per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-lye per reading line
for (!ne, or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
' 10%r discount if paid within ten days
froin the date of last insertion.
Min n three lines per i nsertion.
fly contrmct,, per line-2 lines daily, one
j 4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months........ .Ze
2 lines daily, college year ........... 7c
4 lines L. 0. 1)., college yetar....7c
100 lines used as desired.......... .9c
300 inuas used as desired........ ,...8c
1 ,000 lines used as desired..........7c
2.,0CC lines used as desired.. ....Cc
The above rates are per reading line,
bns('ccd on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, zipper and lower case. Add
le per line to ,above rates for all capital
ietltets. Acd 6c per line to above for
bold' face, upper and lower case. Add
I 1Cic per 11u1e to above rates for bold dace
capital lettiers.
The above rates are for 7 a point type.
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
LAUDR -Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
FOR RENT--Cottages at Portage
Lake. Leo G. Hoey. Phone 68
t!Dexter. 418
TYPEWRITING--And Mimeograph-
ing promptly and neatly done in
our shop by experienced operators,
at moderate rates. 0. D. Morrill,
The Typewriter & Stationery Store,
314 S. State St. 101x

theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35x
RIDE A BIKE--Phone 6553, Russel
Reed, Camden' Couirt, opposite
Women's Athletic Building.
HAVE-Your snap shots developed
at Francisco Boyce, '119 N. Univer-
sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
tion. 20c
SPRING DANCE-Given by Blue
Triangle League. Wednesday, 17th,
9 to 12. League Ballroom. Tickets
40c. 435
DRIVING---To Washington, D. C;,
May 18 ~and returning Sunday, May
21. Expenses only,. Call 8420.
GRADUATE-Student desires room
until commencement, Must be in
a quiet neighborhood. Write Box
46B 436
MEN'S COLD--And new suits. Will
pay 4. 5, 6 and 7 dollar's. Phone
Ann Arbor 4306, Chicago Buyers.
LO)ST-Chi Phi mfraternlity pin. Sat-
urday afternoon. Reward. Call
4295. 433
LOST - Young English bulldog.
White. Last seen Satui'day after-
noon. Heartbroken children anx-
ious for his return, Please call
Michigan League Ballroom
Friday, May 19
TIa sit ILeague, Hut, Den. Plarrot
$1.50 per couple plns t tx

--Today -Wed, Warr en William-
-Tui's.-Fri.--Charles Ruggles~-




-Last Times Today--------
Mr r y m o r e F o r w ar d "

Last Times Today -__
-Coming Wednesday-
A Love Story as Glorious
as "Smi l in' Through"

Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre-
. ' 7 W end aACETARRETT
/ in Rosn Fran :n's Great Amr-nrcoan
..I!t n r rU

r} .
Jr .. }"
:;' ...
+ _






iF if f P

From Eugene Walter's stage
fl1 success, "Just a Woman

rll-.. "T-3 - . - - -1 - , - - - -3 - 11




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