The WeatherA Scattered showers Tuesday Ab and possibly Wednesday; not Begi much change in temperature. Herr VOL. XLIII No. 164 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1933 Editorials surdities Of Movie Titles; nning Of The End For Hitler? PRICE FIVE CENTS Nominees For Annual Spring Voting Chosen All-Canipus Ballot Takes Shape As Many Boards Present Candidates Briggs, Deo Seek Council Presidency Election To Take Place Thursday At Polling Place On Diagonal Walk The ballot which will be presented to the campus in the annual spring election, began to take shape yester- day as the Student Council, the Board in Control of Athletics, the nominating committee of the Union, and the Board in Control of the Stu- dent Christian Association an- nounced their nominations. The election will be held from 9 a. m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p. m. Thursday, it has been announced. The polling place will be located on the Diagonal Walk in front of the General Library. Nominees For President Richard C. Briggs, '34, and John B. Deo, '34, were nominated by the Student Council last night for the Council presidency. After a lengthy argument as to the constitutionality of a motion to permit nominations for the presidency to be made by petition, as well as those for sopho- more members of the Council, the motion was passed by a close vote. The Board in Control of Student Publications will announce its nomi- nees at some later date. Alfred H. Plummer, '35, and Rus- sell D. Oliver, '35, were nominated for the student member of the Board in Control of Athletic. One will be elected. Nominees for positions on the Board in Control of the Student Christian Association are Edward W. McCormick, '34, Billie L. Griffiths, '35 Paul L. Pryor, '34, Warren H. o, '34, and Clinton D. Sandusky, '34. Three members will be elected. Candidates, all juniors, for vice- presidencies of the Union are as fol- lows: literary college, John S. How- land and Robert N. Shaw; engineer- ing college, Charles R. Burgess and Hugh O. Grove; Law School, Edward W. Kuhn; dental school, Howard R. Woodruff; Medical School, Frank A. King and Melvin J. Rowe, and combined curricula in the School of Business Administration, Roy A. Seeber and Louis P. Butenschoen. Set Non Deadline Noon tomorrow will be the dead- line for petitions to be presented to the office of the Council on the third floor of the Union, it was agreed. They must be signed by 100 or more tudents. Ten sophomore candidates for the Council from the literary college were agreed upon as follows: Gary Bunting, Gerald Ford, Joseph E. Horak, Jr., Robert Engel, J. Carl Hilty, Allen 0. McCombs, George Lawton, Frederick M. Smoot, Lee C. Shaw, Robert S. Ward. Five will be elected from these and the names submitted by petition. For the engineering college, the candidates are as follows: Robert W. Sloane, Philip A. Singleton, Ed- ward F. Jaros, and James P. Wal- lace. Two will be selected from these and the names which are submitted by petition. Only four names may be sub- mitted by petition, according to the Council constitution, and if more than four are submitted, the four highest shall be taken. Lectures On Gold Mining To Be Given A series of six lectures on gold placer mining to be given as a part of his course in economic geology, meeting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 a. m. in Room 4054 Na- tural Science Building, was an- nounced recently by Dr. A. J. Eard- ley of the geology department. The lectures will be given this week and "In view of the fact that large numbers of unemployed men are cnteislNating going west in an at- tempt to make some money mining gold this coming summer and also because so many enquiries have been Questionable' Finances Found In 21 Houses By Investigators Of the 49 nonprofessional frater- I in Ann Arbor or vicinity, who is not nities now on the Michigan campus, there are 21 whose financial condi- tion -has' been found to be "ques- tionable," according to a report which a committee of graduate sec- retaries of four national fraternities has submitted to the Interfraternity Council. "Perhaps more than half of these could be placed in a satisfactory fi- nancial condition through concerted action on the part of their national officers and alumni," the report con- tinues. The committee is composed of Malcolm C. Sewell, Sigma Nu, chair- man; Richard K. Young, Phi Kappa Tau; Maurice Jacobs, Phi Epsilon Pi; and Arthur R. Priest, Phi Delta Theta. It was appointed at the con- ference of national fraternity secre- taries and deans of colleges at a recent meeting held at Columbus, O. The report sets up five require- ments which are recommended for the financial stability and welfare of member fraternities. They are as follows: "(1) an acceptable audit of chapter accounts at the close of each semester; (2) a monthly finan- cial statement; (3) preparation of; an operating budget at the beginning of each semester; (4) appointment of an adult financial adviser resident an undergraduate; and (5) at least 60 per cent of active members at- taining a scholastic grade equivalent to that required for graduation. The office of the dean of students was recommended as the "logical clearing house for the submission of the reports designated, and for which the office would be confiden- tial custodian." Honorable discharge from frater- nity obligations in the case of a withdrawal by the national frater- nity organization of a loal charter was advised, to enable members so released to join another fraternity. The reportyrecommends that the Interfraternity Council ask the dean of students to write to the national headquarteers of Michigan frater- nities inclosing a copy of the report and asking that they take action to make the chapters comply with the following conditions: "(1) accounts payable for operating expenses cov- ering the past college-year, exclusive of rent to their own house corpora- tions, not to exceed $500; and regard- ing any preceding operating deficit, to makersatisfactory agreements with their creditors for amortization; and (2) property obligations be placed in such condition that while having due regard for rights of mort- (Continued on Page 2) Four Seniors Receive Daily Appointments Shaw, Schaaf, Newman, And Hanan Are Named By Managing Editor Sharp To Appoint Business Staff Soon Six Juniors As Night Next Year Are Picked' Editors For1 Powers Makes Gargoyle Staff Appointments Blaser, Brunt, Elder Are Named; Business Staff Picked By Bohnsack Appointments to junior positions on the Gargoyle editorial and busi- ness staffs were announced yesterday by Thomas Powers, '34, managing editor, and Wilbur Bohnsack, '34, business manager. Editorial staff appointments are art editor, Willard Blaser. '35, of Elyria, 0.; exchange editor, Paul Brunt, '35, of Chicago; and copy edi- tor, Donald Elder, '35, of Ann Arbor. Business staff :appointments are credit manager, Thomas Roberts, jr., '34, of Oak Park, Ill.; accounts man- ager, Joseph Horak, Jr., '35, of Pon- tiac; publication manager, Roger Thompson, '35E, of Buchanan; circu- lation manager, Leonard Koplin, '35, of Chicago; local advertising man- ager, Joseph Hume, '35, of Detroit; foreign advertising manager, Myron Ruby, '35, of Tulsa, Okla.; and serv- ice manager, Robert Engel, '35, of Greensburg, Pa. State Pay Roll Met In Full As Solons Dicker House Adopts Motion For Michigan-U. Of D. Game LANSING, May 15. - (P)-- The House of Representatives tonight adopted a resolution favoring a post season football game next season be- tween the University of Michigan and the University of Detroit. The proceeds would go to charity relief work. Fielding H. Yost, director of ath- letics, and Head Coach Harry Kipke had "nothing to say" last night when 'informed of the legislature's resolu- tion. Professor Yost said he "knew nothing about it." England, U. S. Unite Against German Plan Norman Davis Advises Mild Consideration Of Hitler Armament Stand PARIS, May 15.-(')-The United States and Great Britain are actively preparing to face Germany with a common front of opposition against her rearmament. The German stand on arms, which is expected to be explained by Chan- cellor Adolf Hitler at the special meeting of the Reichstag Wednesday was the subject of a fifty-minute talk today by Norman H. Davis, American ambassador-at-large, and foreign minister Joseph Paul Bon- cour. Mr. Davis advised Paul Boncour to take a mild stand towards the Hitler pronouncement, it was under- stood, in order that the United States and Britain might be able to ally themselves with him. The whole German question will be discussed by the French cabinet to- morrow. Later Mr. Davis will confer with Premier Edouard Daladier, and then he will go to Geneva where he will publicly express the views of the United States-an expression which will depend on Chancellor Hitler's Reichstag announcement. American British and French dip- lomatic channels are counseling moderation to the Hitler Govern- ment, with Mr. Davis at the same time quieting the French in order that America may participate in the three-power front. The French Government, a spokes- man said, feels that Germany is de- termined to rearm and is distrustful of Chancellor Hitler unless soft words are followed by peaceful acts. Pratt Orders Third Of Navy E 10 Put In Reserve WASHINGTON, May 15.-(IP)-- Admiral William V. Pratt, chief of naval operations, today ordered one- third of all the combatant ships and naval aircraft placed in rotating re- Brackley Shaw, '34, of Ann Arbor, and C. Hart Schaaf, '34, of Fort Wayne, Ind., were yesterday ap- pointed city editor and editorial di- rector, respectively, by Thomas K. Connellan, '34, newly appointed managing editor of The Daily forl 1933-34. Other senior staff appoint- ments are Albert H. Newman,r'34, of New York City, sports editor; and Carol J. Hanan, '34, of Detroit, wom- en's editor. Connellan also named six -night editors, who will be juniors on theI staff next year. They are Ralph G. Coulter, of Milwaukee, Wis.; William G. Ferris, of New York City; John C. Healey, of Battle Creek; Robert B. Hewett, of Ann Arbor; George Van Vleck, of Hinsdale, Ill.; and Guy M. Whipple, Jr., of Ann Arbor. Both Shaw and Schaaf have served for three years on The Daily, as re- porters and night editors. Both are members of Sigma Delta Chi, Sphinx, and Quadrangle. Shaw is also a member of Sigma Phi and Schaaf is a member of Sigma Nu. Schaaf is the newly-elected president of Sigma Delta Chi and Shaw is treasurer of that organization for the coming year. In addition, Shaw was a mem- ber of the J-Hop committee and the executive council of the Union. Dur- ing his sophomore year, Schaaf was chairman of his class publicity com- mittee. Newman has been on the sports staff off Th Daily for three years. He is a member of Chi Phi, and Sigma Delta Chi. Miss Hanan, who is a member of Alpha Chi Omega, has served for the past year on the woman's staff of The Daily. Newman will name sport staff as- sistants later in the year, he an- nounced yesterday. Appointments to junior positions on The Daily busi- ness staff and Michiganensian will be made later this week. Foreign Investments To Be Debated By Adelphi A debate on the resolution that the United States should cease to protect investments of its citizens in foreign countries will be held tonight at the Adelphi House of Representatives meeting in Angell Hali. Two teams have been chosen from the freshman members of the organi- zation, and the winning side will re- ceive an award. Final election of next year's officers will also be held. Nominees for Speaker of the House are Willard Stone, '34, John Moekle, '35, and Melvin Levy, '34. ENGINEERING GROUPS MEET Mr. Charles M. Zeigler, president of the Michigan Engineering Society and Chairman of the Michigan En- gineering Council, an association of some 20 engineering societies in the State of Michigan, has called a meet- ing of the council committees for 11 a. m. on Saturday, May 20, in the Hotel Olds at Lansing, it was announced yesterday. Welfare Fund Almost Gone, Council Finds Only $3,000 Left For De- pendents, Is Report Of Budget Committee Situation Is Called 'Extremely Serious' I City Again Refuses To Issue Beer Licenses To Dealers East Of Division At the end of this week Ann Arbor welfare workers and their depend- ents, numbering nearly 2,000 people, will be without any source of funds for food, clothing, and shelter, it was learned at the Common Council meeting last night in City Hall. The situation, in the words of the aldermen, is "extremely serious," and there appears to be no solution to it. Ald. Leigh Thomas, chairman of the budget committee, said there was but $3,000 left for welfare work and no possibility of getting more. This sum, he said, would be exhausted some time this week. Workers Crowd Hall Representatives of the workers, who crowded all available space in the meeting hall, demanded that the council do something, and the alder- men asked them what could be done.; A suggestion by one worker that the city default on its bonds, and use the money instead to continue welfare work was not seriously considered by] the council. "The condition is serious," Ald William Paton said. "But we are out, of money and there is no immediate, way of our getting any. I should like to see the local agencies take care of some of this work, or per- haps 100 or so people could each care for a family until we see what happens at Lansing or in Washing- ton." Harry Reifen, head of the Trades and Labor Council, wanted to know who would be responsible for any starvation which might occur. City Attorney William Laird said it was his opinion that the city would not be legally responsible, but was re- sponsible morally. "If you fellows want to kick any- one good and hard, go to Lansing and kick the legislature," Ald. Leigh Young advised the welfare workers. "We have been waiting for them to raise the money for this work, as the Federal government asked them to, but they have not been able to do it. The responsibility is theirs." The entire matter was referred back to a joint meeting of the bud-, get and poor committees, which were instructed to report back to the council at a special meeting Monday at 7:30 p. m. Approve Beer Applications The council also approved 14 more beer applications, bringing the total of merchants now selling beer up to 34. None of the approved licenses was to applicants east of Division Street, Chairman Walter Sadler of the bond and license committee, explaining that more time was needed to con- sider these applications. Doubt was cast upon Att'y.-Gen. Patrick O'Brien's ruling that the Di- vision Street charter provision had been overruled by the State beer bill, and a motion of Alderman Faust's to have City Attorney Laird write to Lansing for an official ruling from the attorney-general was passed. Admitting that the ruling would be the same as the last one, Faust claimed that the council could not accept the previous letter because it had been to a private citizen and not to the Common Council itself. First Sunday Play Will Be Given In Lydia Mendelssohn By special permission of the Com- mittee on Theatre Policy, a Sunday evening performance of Shake- speare's "Twelfth Night" with Miss Jane Cowl will be given during the Dramatic Season on Sunday, June 18, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre,.it was announced today. This is the first time permission for a performance on Sunday in the Medelssohn Theatre has been grant- ed. Such permission was given, it was explained, both because of the nature of the play and players and because of the many parents of graduating students who are in Ann Arbor the day before the Commence- ment exercises. Several thousands of such visitors are in Ann Arbor only for the Baccalaureate service on Sun- day morning and for the graduating exercises on Monday morning. The performance on Sunday evening, June 18, therefore, will allow many seniors and their parents to see Jane Cowl as Viola in "Twelfth Night," who might otherwise be unable to do so. Miss Cowl has never played on Sunday evening before, but gra- ciously consented to do so when it was explained that the performance on June 18 would be the only oppor- tunity many visitors to Ann Arbor would have to se her. Final rehearsals for. the Dramatic Season are now under way at the' Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under' the direction of Robert Henderson. Tom Powers, Rose Hobart and Edith Barrett have been in Ann Arbor for several days, and Miss Violet Hem- ing arrives this morning from New' York City. The Dramatic Season formally opens this Thursday evening, May 18, at the Palace Theatre, Toledo,; when Violet Heming and Tom Pow- ers appear in John Van Druten's comedy "There's Always Juliet," which will also be repeated on Fri- day night, May 19. The Dramatic Season opens in Ann Arbor Monday evening, May 22, (Continued on Page 2) I Anti-Henderson Act Precipitcates Student .Rioting Columbia Campus Stirred By Firing Of Instructor; Diego Rivera Speaks NEW YORK, May 15.-M-Stu- dents clashed in free for all fights across the campus of Columbia Uni- versity today as an aftermath of a strike to protest the authorities' fail- ure to renew the contract of Donald Henderson, radical instructor in eco- nomics. Eyes were blackened, eggs were thrown, clothes were torn, and anti- Henderson students inadvertently played a hose on the police when the stream failed to reach the demon- strators, but only three arrests were made. The strike, in which some 500 stu- dents participated, started with peaceful picketing, display of ban- ners, and distribution of circulars, but loomed into a general melee around a mass meeting at which the speakers includedtDiego Rivera, whose work on a mural at the Rocke- feller center was stopped last week because of his portraying Lenin in the painting. The Mexican painter compared his dismissal to the case of Henderson and said freedom was at stake in both situations. Other speakers included Hender- son himself, and Alfred Bingham, son of Senator Hiram Bingham of Connecticut, who edits a liberal mag- azine. I' A parade wound up before the home of Dr. Butler, where the stu- dents cried "Re-instate Henderson," and "We want Henderson." Windows went open and heads popped out but Dr. Butler did not appear. 200 See Last Play Production Offering More than 200 students and fac- ulty members witnessed the premiere performance of Oliver Goldsmith's colorful comedy-farce "She Stoops to Conquer," last night at the Lab- oratory Theatre. This production will conclude Play Production's season of major offerings for the year. "Broad farce like 'She Stoops to rnnnr.'" Vaentine .R Windt. di- Honor Than Lead Guard Of More 70 Seniors Will Procession Is Graduating seniors in all schools and colleges of the University will assemble at 3:30 p. m. today on the walks running into the center of the diagonal, in front of the Library, for the first of the major activities preceding Commencement, the an- i nual Swingout ceremony. Classes for those in the march will be dismissed at 3 p. in., it was an- nounced officially yesterday. The ceremonies proper will begin at 4 p. m. in Hill Auditorium, with Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven as the only speaker. Seniors forming the procession will march northwest on the Diagonal to State Street, then south along State Street and around the entire campus to the auditorium, entering by the west door, on South Thayer Street. Frank B. Gilbreth, '33, chairman of the Swingout com- mittee, announced that those enter- ing the auditorium first will take seats in the rear, while the last ones to enter will take those in front. Heading the line of march will be the honor guard, announced recent- ly by class presidents in the various schools and colleges, which includes more than 70 seniors in addition to the presidents. Classes will form on the diagonal in the following order: senior lit- erary class on the walk running from the medallion to Waterman Gym- nasium, engineers on the diagonnal south of the main Library, architects directly behind the engineers on the diagonal, medical seniors on the walk extending toward University Hall from the medallion, law students be- hind the graduating medical stu- dents on the same walk, graduates of the School of Dentistry on the walk east of the Pharmacy Building, pharmacy students immediately fol- lowing the dental students. Graduate students will form on the walk extending from the center of the diagonal southwest toward the Romance Languages Building fol- lowed respectively by graduates from the education school, the nurses, and the business administration seniors. Congress Given Free Hand In New Taxation Roosevelt Will Not Ask %pecific Tax For New Public Works Program WASHINGTON, May 15.-(,P)-A decision to let Congress, without spe- cific recommendation from President Roosevelt, choose the form of taxa- tion to fund the public works pro- gram as $3,300,000,000 of bonds tonight issued from a White House meeting of Congressional leaders. The public works plan, joined with industrial control legislation into the last of the big recommendations for the present session, is due to be sent to Congress Wednesday, and Presi- dent Roosevelt will insist that it be accompanied by sufficient new taxa- tion to raise $220,000,000 a year for interest and amortization of the big issue. Bu.t Speaker Rainey, after the White House meeting, said the President will not ask that the sales tax or any other specific tax be im- posed. Members of the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Commit- tees participated in the discussions at the White House with the Presi- dent. The Speaker said that the con- ference today was confined entirely to forms of taxation to raise money for the public works projects and did not include the industries control feature of the bill. Seniors To Be Dismissed at 3 P.M.; March Begins Half Hour Later Ruthven To Speak In Hill Auditorium Swingout Ceremony Today Legislators Vote Full To Enable Them Stay In Lansing Pay To LANSING, May 15-(I)-The State met its paytoll in full today and thereby hangs a tale of a legislative maneuver that didn't work. Some time ago the State adminsis- tration board decided State funds were at so low an ebb employees would have to go on a half-pay basis. Opponents of prompt passage of a new revenue bill seized upon this as an argument in favor of new funds at once. They hoped to hurry the sales and gross income tax through. The report soon same back that if the half-pay, scale were adopted more than a score of the members of the Legislature would have to go home. They can live on three dollars a day but could not get along on $1.50, it was said. The loss of so many legislators would have blocked passage, or at least im- mediate effect, of tax legislation. There have been no half-pay days yet--and perhaps they can be avoid- ed entirely. For beer money is roll- ing into the treasury. Student League Will Hold Mass Meeting On Friday A mass meeting to take place at 2:45 p. in. Friday on the steps of the General Library has been called by the National Student League, which has been circulating petitions I ,, r.n, r nn. h f, rnlnwin gteha Dr. Albert A. Stanley Founded First May Festival In 1894 The May Festival at Ann Arbor this year marks the fortieth consec- utive event of its kind. It was founded by Dr. Albert A. Stanley, in 1894, as the culminating event in that season's series of con- certs. The Boston Festival Orches- tra, Emil Molenhaur, Conductor, took part in the first Festival, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fred-1 crick Stock, conductor, and Eric De- damarter, assistant conductor, has participated in the last 29 Festivals. The University Choral Union hasj been in continual existence from 1879 and has participated in all of the1 nuv, FsotiVs .The VAun pnnlo' I the Cincinnati Orchestra, Pittsburgh Orchestra, etc., have been heard. Great choral groups such as the Russian Symphonic Choir, The Ki- balchich Chorus, The Ukrainian Na- tional Chorus, The Don Cossack Chorus, St. Olaf Choir, and others have participated. Soloists have in- cluded Caruso, Martinelli, Farrar, Heifetz, Kreisler, Paderewski, Schu- mann-Heink, Mary Garden, Rach- maninoff, McCormick, Bonci, Galli, Curci, Pons, Chaliapin, Louise Homer, Tita Ruffo, Hoffman, Tibbett, Amato, and many others. World premieres have included nprformances of Hownrd Hanson's,