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February 21, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-21

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divicuals were being pushed into the gutter where
they fell in snow and dirty water and stayed
there until one of the "brothers" condescended
to lift them out. That is declared by the ultra-


I Hi

Pub~lishedl every morning except MoIpnday during the
University year and Sumner. Sessiou by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
ion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
>ublished herein. All rights of republication of special
lispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arb~or, Michigan, as
econd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
1.50. During regular school year by carrier. $4.00; by
maifl, $4.50.
Offces:.Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Reresentatives:r olle ePulications Representatives,
nc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR... ...... .... .........1KARL SEIFFEOT
SPORTS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Brackley Shaw, Glenr R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A.
Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Charles
B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter,
William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, John C. Healey,
Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Edwin W. Richard-
son, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stod-
dard White.
Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Ellen
Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman,
Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, Marjorie
Telephone 2-1214
CREDIT MANAGER............ ........HARRY BEQLB'Y
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E Bursley; Publicationa Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hune, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Roger;
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Me-
Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.
Non Profit-Yet
Highest Price.
E VERY barber shop in town, with,
the exception of that in the Union,
has recognized the demands of the student body
and brought the price of its hair cuts down to 35
The Union, however, the student club, the non-
profit organization, has reduced prices to only 45
cents. Something is radically wrong. What is it?
The following statements have been made as
justification for their high union barber shop

collegian to be "good" for freshmen and pledges,
to instill into them a respect for their fraternity
and its "ideals," to make them into worthy repre-
sentatives of the group.
Could any supposition be more erroneous?
Normal people would expect the reaction to
such treatment to be the exact opposite. It can
scarcely be called "good for them," since they area
subjected to conditions that may be distinctly
injurious to their health. It is a well-known fact
that college life, without such treatment, is some-
times considered to be none too beneficial.
Secondly, we cannot imagine respect for any
group or individual being fostered in us by insult
and physical discomfort. As well say that martyrs
respected their tormenters in the early days of
Rome. And what ideals that are worth being re-
tained can one expect to discover from such
Students in the old days responded in the de-
sired way because they had been brought up to
believe such ordeals to be necessary parts of their
education, but those days are gone forever . .
we hope.
If they are not, then there has been no ad-
vance in conditions during the intervening years.
What is needed now is a movement on the cam-
pus to aolish entirely this out-worn affair in
favor of a system that will mean more to the
neophytes and will not subject them to the bar-
barities they are put through at present. Why
cannot Michigan be a leader in this movement
that is gaining more impetus daily? It would be
an honor and accomplishment that would not be
soon forgotten.
Eight Successes For
The Choral Union...
H AVING successfully presented eight
J..f its 10 scheduled concerts for
1932-33, the University Choral Union may well
look back with every degree of satisfaction upon
its work in the furthering of musical apprecia-
tion in the state of Michigan, and in bringing;

Editoral Comment
We often hear the question asked, "What's
the use of an education anyway? Can you get
a better job as a result of it? Isn't it true that
college graduates are a drug on the market, and
that it is often a handicap rather than an advan-
tage to be one when seeking a position?"
This point of view which is purely commercial
is to be regretted as it ignores all the benefits of
a college education which cannot be reckoned in
terms of money. However, even taking this view-j
point, it is easily proved that the value of an
education is considerable.
Dean E. W. Lord of the College of Business Ad-
ministration, Boston University gives the follow-
ing figures:
"The average elementary school trained boy
goes to work at about 14 years of age. At thirty
he reaches his maximum income of about $1,200
a year. Between the ages of fourteen and sixty
he earns about $45,000. No more than $2,000 is
earned during the four years that would have
given him a high school education.
"The High-School graduate goes to work at
eighteen, passes the average untrained man with-
in seven years, rises steadily to his own maximum
of $2,200 at forty, and continues at that level for
the remainder of his active life. His total earnings
from eighteen to sixty are about $78,000. The
$33,000 difference between his lifetime earnings
a ndthose of the untrained man, represent the
cash value of a high-school course.
"The college graduate begins work at twenty-
two, and at twenty-eight is earning as much as
the high-school graduate at forty. His total earn-
ings from twenty-two to sixty amount to $150,000
or $72,000 more than those of the high-school
graduate, a measure of the cash value of a college
"The conclusions which may be drawn from
these facts that every hour spent in high school
is worth at least $5.0.0 in after life, and every hour
spent in college earns at least $10.00."
This should prove conclusively to all doubters

For All Classes
We have a large stock of second-hand textbooks which have
been marked down to prices really meaning SAVINGS !
Supplies of the Highest Quality . . . at New Low Prices!
For Your Diversion-
We announce the arrival of a shipment of hundreds
of interesting titles in fiction and non-fiction.

__ ,;_..^_.u




State Street

East University Avenue

1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _rl

I ,

numerous important artists within easy access of I that an education has a very real commercial
persons who otherwise would never be able to en- value. We think, however, that this is the least of
joy them, save through the uncertain and rather the benefits to be obtained fr:m one.
unsatisfactory medium of radio. The cultural benefits of a college education
During the past semester,. persons living in Ann must not be lightly glossed over. If it does nothing
Arbor and its environs have been enabled to hear, else it teaches a man how to read and how to
as a result of the Choral Union's activities, such appreciate some of the finer things of life. We
outstanding musicians as The Boston Symphony speak of an educated man as being well-read, and
Orchestra, Lawrence Tibbett, Efrem Zimbalist, this is literaly true. No one can spend four years
Nathan Milstein, Myra Hess, The Detroit Sym- in any reputable university without having read
phony Orchestra, and that rising young genius at fairly widely on various subjects. Usually, when
the piano, Dalies Frantz, a product of the Uni- he is through college he continues reading books
versity. Since then have appeared The Budapest of real cultural benefit, for after four years he has
String Quartet and Sigrid Onegin; and in the got the habit of reading, and his mind is trained
weeks to come audiences may look forward to- to appreciate somewhat better books than the
ward hearing Vladimir Horowitz and Ignace Pad- man with only an ordinary education.
erewski-t "e one the outstanding star in the ut this is not all. At college a man usually
constellation of modern pianists, the other the participates to a greater or lesser extent in a wide
dean of the world's performers at the piano. variety of activities. He sees some good shows,
The courage manifested by the Choral Union hears some good music, and attains a broader
in the face of unprecedented financial extrem- outlook on life. He makes friendships based on a
ities has been applauded by all of Ann Arbor, and community of interest, which are real and lasting,
the genuine appreciation of the music-loving pub- He attends some dances and some parties and
lic has been shown by the excellent attendance at learns how to handle himself in various situations.
each concert. The high value of the organization's He probably does some debating and acquires
work cannot be underestimated. enough self-confidence to be able to make a public
_--_ -_ : speech without making a fool of himself. In short
v he is in every way a better all round man. Yes, we
Screen R eflections repeat, the monetary gains are the least of the
benefits of a college education.


1. That the Union barbers are the only ones in
town that are working on a salary,
2. That the Union has the best barbers in town.
3. That, with a coupon book, a student really
gets his hair cut for 36 cents.
4. That the Union shop kept town prices from
going up to 75 cents in good times.
5. That the Union doesn't want to take any
part in a price war.
We will answer these statenents in' order.
(1) If the fact that Union barbers are on a
salary is responsible for the 45 cent haircut rate,
then we suggest that the solution is to take the
barbers off a salary basis and put them on com-
(2) The Union may have the best barbers in
town but one would doubt it since at least one
former barber of the Union is now working in
another shop in town and since several of the
Union barbers are students in the University and
thus cannot be very experienced.
(3) Even with a coupon book, the price of a
hair cut at the Union is 37 cents. But a student
buys a coupon book with an understanding that
he is going to get a discount. Obviously, the pur-
pose of the books is to stimulate the volume of
trade at the Union. To then quote prices on the
basis of the coupon books is obviously unfair be-
cause it is twice taking advantage of the dis-
(4) If the Union kept prices from going to 75
cents during good times, that is certainly laudable,
but it is scarcely an excuse for the Union now
keeping its price at 45 cents.
(5) The Union should certainly not take part in
any sort of a price war. But local shops have
established their rates at 35 cents. There doesn't
seem to be any possibility of a price war. The
Union might at least come down to the rate that
every other shop in town has adopted.
Take The Hell Out
Of Hell Week...

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; tiwo stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Yates Martin.......Edward G. Robinson
Lily Owens.............. Bebe Daniels
Sarah Martin .........Aline MacMahon
Warner Brothers' picturization of the stirring
rise and lightning-quick downfall of Yates Mar-
tin, rugged, hail-fellow-well-met Westerner who
staked everything on the silver standard ,is a nov-
elty in the movie line that you will not want to
miss. Martin's scaling of fabulous heights (based
on that of historic Haw Tabor) in the financialI
world, his successive jumps upward from Denver
miner to mayor, to lieutenant-governor of Col-
orado, to United States Senator, and then his
collapse when President Cleveland swerves to the
gold standard, is episodic but strong fare.
Martin loved two women, and they represented
two phases in his life-one the early days, when
faithful, philosophic Sarah watched with fearful
eyes her Midas of the West; the other the daysI
of gilded opulence which saw him fling money
right and left, import Honduras mahogany and
Italian marble to make Denver's opera house the
finest in the world, give a post-office site to the
government, and buy a 30-day senatorship. Aline
MacMahon is dull, wistful Sarah; Bebe Daniels
is the dazzling Lily. Both are characteristically
finished in their performances.
"Silver Dollar" has a flaw in its disjointedness.
It attempts to show a life history rather than a
shorter period which could be molded into a fin-
ished plot, It becomes tedious in spots, but not
enough to vitally detract from its interest. Four-
star praise has been showered on "Silver Dollar"
from many quarters.

-McGill Daily.


_ -



By Karl Seifert
With this:
"We must have the Jehol in order to protect
Manchuria from, the Chinese"-Japan's message
to the League.
The Japs, poor creatures much abused,
Announced the other day
That "we must have the Jehol to
Protect Manchuriay."
And that brings up the question
Over which the Chinks lose sleep-
What place will they be after next,
The Jehol safe to keep?
-1 * '
"My stomach," said Assassinine Zangara, "is
on fire all the time." Which should be enough
to trace him right back to some Detroit speakeasy.
One look at a cell is enough for some of
those boys,

-YourMichigan Dit
Bristling with news that throws you into the
swing of the day .. . Carrying snappy sports
summaries from the night before ... describ-
ing fashions ... relating incidents concerning
houseparties. . . telling you what to buy and
where to buy it - only Ann Arhor's best
merchants are represented . . . carrying the
D.O.B., which constitutes official notice from
faculty to student . . . and delivered every
morning but Monday, well before your break-
This remarkable creature -a hundred times
the size and only half the cost, of one poor
textbook - is yours for the rest of the school
year for only $2.50, or by nail for $2.75.
Just call 21214 and order your subscription to
- iW A-


American college campuses during
the last few years have accomplished the downfall
of many decadent institutions, as witness the dis-
appearance of the "pot" tradition, but there still
remains one that is an affront to the supposedly
educated eye of the university man. That is, the
ancient ordeal of "hell week."
Back in the "gay nineties' when men were men
;, .- )*pm+i - .('}1P n url-necked sweaters I

General Hiram U. Grant, sometimes known as Uget aiI thejprusyu'v ver ate
Ulysses S., is presented in "Silver Dollar" as a advertisement advises. And after that you see if
closed-mouth, cigar-smoking chief executive who you can wipe out the memory of the oatmeal they
journeys to the silver-veined Denver to view, used to feed you when you were a kid,
from a jeweled loge, the opening of Martin's opera
house. Grant doesn't speak a word. Another in- SUBPOENA
teresting historical sidelight is furnished during I A bevy of process servers out lookg for
the three or four minutes when President Chester Henry Ford and his boy Edsel ran into diffi-
Arthur is seen at the Martin--vcns wedding. culties the other day when the court in which
President Arthur toasts and kisses the bride, but a suit against the Ford company was filed
balks at a "little private drink" with Martin. suddenly ordered that the papers be held up
In addition: Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in for six months, proving that Ford has at last
"Towed in a Hole"--the best available slapstick installed wizard control.
comedy: Paul Tompkins at the Organ-good;.


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