sUNDAY, MAY 14, 1933 TIILE MICHIGAN DAILY Merr Mount" Will Be Given World Premiere At Festival Msi Grc PAGE TIIREE, ie School aduates To American Opera Will Be Climax Of May Festival Howard Ianson sOpera Of American Life Is At- tracting Attention Setting Is In 1625 111 It ritan Village First Scene Introduces Pastor Lecturing His Sunday Church Group "Merry Mount," Howard Hanson's American opera, which will be given its world premiere at the Saturday evening May Festival concert, is at- tracting wide attention, both because of its musical value and its subject matter which is distinctly American, The time is that of May 1625 and it takes place in a Puritan Village in Massachusetts. ACT I It is noon on the Sabbath. As a group of Puritans are departing from church, the voice of the young pas- tor, Wrestling Bradford is heard, asking his people for their attention. He speaks of the plans of Satan to work destruction, and warns them of the plots of the Evil One. He con- demns Samoset, an Indian chief, and denounces Jonathan B a n k s, A. Shaker, and Desire Annabel who have been confined to the stocks and pillory. When they are released, and the Puritans have withdrawn, Brad- ford confesses to an Elder of the congregation, Praise-God Tewke, that at night demons beset his cham- ber, and harrow him to sign the Devil's Book. With the love of Christ in his heart, he is able to spurn the execrable shapes. But then "Lasciv- ious Concubines of Hell" tear at his body with hands of fire. The previous, night, Astoreth, the Queen of the Moon, appeared in his dreams and attempted to entice him to taste with her the "Vine of Life." In fear of, eternal damnation he seeks help from Tewke who suggests that in marriage with his daughter, Plenti- ful, salvation of his soul is assured. Plentiful is summoned, and in des-j peration, Bradford implores her to marry him immediately, but she in- sists upon delay. As a token of the coming betrothal, Bradford breaks a, coin, gives Plentiful half, but as he, kisses her, he starts back and ex- claims that it is not she who can free him from his curse., A group of children enter, headed by Love Brewster, a girl of twelve, and Peregrine Brodrib, a lad of 14. Bradford accuses them of profaningl the Sabbath and sends them to their Holy Books, as he and Plentiful de-7 part. Jack Prence, a mountebank, enters and interrupts Peregrine who hasl been. questioning tge children on a{ catechism. With his hand springs,t and his cap and bells, he soon takesl the children's attention from their holy services. They all engage in aj game of "Barley Break." This jolly scene, is soon dispelled by the entrance of Myles Brodrib. Peregrine's father, who condemns; Prence in attempting to set up anj "Empire of Jollity," and has him( tied to a whipping post and thrashed.j Lady Marigold Sandys, having heardl the cries of Prence, rushes in to save him. Bradford, happening to enter at the same moment, receives a blow; on the head from the crop whichj Lady Marigold carries who takes him for one of Prence's persecutors. As Marigold frees Prence from the whipping post, Bradford gazes at her1 in astonishment, for he recognizes in9 her the likeness of Astoreth, the( Moon Goddess of his dreams. Brod- rib, with an angry gesture, strides toward Marigold who calls to her lover, Sir Thomas Gower, for help.- With Gower, enters her uncle1 Thomas Morton and Jewel Scrooby, a parson. Bradford, in a trance, is oblivious to everything but the pres- ence of Marigold. Awakened by the noise, Faint-Not Tinker, the sentinel, sounds an alarm on a drum and Pur-, itan men with fire locks and pikes rush to the scene where they are, met by Morton's cavalier followers. In the midst of the melee Elder Tewke's voice is heard warning the contestants not to spill Christian blood on the Lord's day. Bradford, speaking to the Puritans, reminds them that they are all brothers in the eyes of Christ; to the Cavaliers he gives words of welcome, and warnst Principals In 1'Jerry Mount' FREDERICK JAGEL JOHN CHARLES THOMAS R pocket and grinds it under his heel, while the Puritans call upon God to smite the heathen with His rod of slaughter, pestilence and famine. ACT II Scene I-The Maypole It is the afternoon of the same day. The Cavaliers have erected a maypole on the top of a hill which they, have christened the "Merry Mount." As the men and women are1 engaged in a dance about the may- pole, Marigold, Gower, Morton and Scrooby enter for the marriage cere- mony. Just as Marigold and Gower are about to be pronounced man and wife, Bradford enters and denounces the maypole as the "staff of Hell" and the "beastly tow'r of scarlet Ba- bylon." He condemns the ceremony as the "infernal rendezvous of Satan and his bond slaves" and calling on the armed Puritans, he attacks the Cav- aliers and defeats them. Brodrib strikes Samoset across the face with his gauntlet while the Puritans at- tack the maypole with axes. Scene I-The Forest As two Puritans are diragging Marigold into the forest, Bradford overtakes them, and commands her captors to release her, telling Mari- gold that he wishes to wrestle with her soul. When alone, Bradford begs desperately for her love. Marigold, with loathing for him in her heart, repulses all his advances. Finally, wild with jealousy at .the thought of Gower possessing her, he forces a kiss upon her lips just as Gower en- ters. Tewke and the Puritans arrive to find Gower and Bradford in mortal combat. As Gower seizes an axe from one of them a pike is thrust into his heart and he dies in the arms of Marigold. Marigold utters a dreadful curse upon them, crying "Lift up your voices, O ye bells, and cry aloud with me for vengeance." Tewke orders the imprisonment of Marigold, who, he is afraid, will carry information of the crime to London. Marigold is led away as the Puritans carry Gower's body from the scene. Tewke, left alone with Bradford, up- braids him for his treatment of his daughter Plentiful, and Bradford in deep repentance, kneels down and prays to God to cleanse and heal and sanctify him. Utterly exhausted he falls into a deep sleep. Scene I-Bradford's Dream, "The Hellish Rendezvous" Bradford moves uneasily in his sleep - as his dreams take ghastly forms. Witches dance in a diabolical orgy, a great toad with a jewel in its forehead joins in the dance. A hideous monster with its body full of eyes, goblins with tomahawks, devils with pitchforks dance grotesque steps as they sing wierd Allelulias. With the appearance of Lucifer and his cohorts, the monsters go mad with joy. Lucifer mourns the loss of Merry Mount and summons Bradford who is horrified to discover in him the dead Gower. Lucifer offers to crown Bradford Prince of New England if he but curse God. Bradford remains firm in his faith. The Hellish con- cubines are called to awaken in him the temptations of the flesh; he dis- misses them with a curse. At this moment Marigold as Astoreth, the Moon Goddess, appears and Brad- ford's will is broken. He burns with desire for Atoreth. At the suggestion of Lucifer that he might pos'sess her if he forswears God, Bradford is about to sign the Evil Book, when Lucifer stops him. saying; "Hold, first shalt thou and curse New Eng- land." Beginning in a choked voice. but - gradually mounting to a shrill cry, Bradford calls down "tempest, thunderstorm, desolating fires, pes- tilential fever, earthquakes and war" upon New England. Lucifer removes his crown and places it upon the Beautiful Star Will Appear In Hanson Opera Leonora Corona, who will sing in "Merry Mount," has been called one of the most strikingly beautiful sing- ers on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House. The New York Amer- ican said: "Her address to the ear is as potent as her appeal 6o the eye." This American-born soprano, is a native of Dallas, Texas, the daughter of a judge. In her home city one of the Metropolitan Opera House con- ductors heard her. After a year's study in New York she studied in Italy for a period and made her oper- atic deput in "Mefistofele". Then fol- lowed many engagements in Milan, Lisbon, Barcelona and Monte Carlo. She made her debut at the Metro- politan Opera House as Leonora in "Trovatore," and has sung many leading roles there. lates his dream to the horrified Plentiful and rushes from the forest in the hope thali he migh' savb New England from his dreadful curse. Scene H-In the Village an hour later. The Indians, led by Samoset, have set fire to the village. The church and the neighboring buildings are in glazing ruins. Dire distress and chaos mark the scene. Love Brewster is dragged in by an Indian who plunges his tomahawk into her skull. At the sound of a shot, Samoset falls dead with a bullet in his head, while all the Indians are awed to silence. They lift his body and disappear with it into the forest. Tewke and the Pur- itan women and children steal cau- tiously from the woods with cries of grief and painful wails. With the en- trance of Bradford and Plentiful, the people beseeth their pastor to pray for them. Bradford in an agony of grief replies, "Nevermore shall prayer ravish these lips." As Marigold. wan- ders in, she hears Bradford branding her as a witch and the source of all their distress. Marigold's only reply is that she desires death and respite from "this world of mad and bloody men." As she calls upon the name of her lover Gower, Bradford is infuriated beyond all control and in a moment of frenzied anger, he renounces God. The Puritans are about to stone him to death when he reveals to them the mark of Satan on his forehead. With awful words he calls the furies of the pit to en- circle him with fire. From the ashes of the church flames arise. Brad- ford takes the fainting Marigold in his arms and strides with her into the flames. while the terrified Puri- tans fall upon their knees and offer prayers to God. ° HONOR BLIND STUDENT EL PASO, Texas, May 13.-(/P)- Kenneth Kirby, 21 years old, totally blind senior student at-Austin High school, El Paso, will be salutatorian at the coming graduation exercises. Festival Singer Is Praised By Public, Critics Thomas Recognized As Leading Drawing Card Of Present Season John Charles Thomas, who will sing at the May Festival, is recognized as one of the outstanding drawing cards of the present season. He has been acclaimed throughout the world. With the Chicago Civic Opera Com- pany, his success brought forth the enthusiastei econiums of music crit- ics and the public at large. In San Francisco and Los Angeles, the same situation held true, while with the Philadelphia Opera Company, he forged to the front. Only recently he has been scheduled as one of the important additions to the roster of the Metropolitan Opera Company for next season. He was specially selected to sing the role of "Wrestling Bradford" in the world premiere of Howard Han- son's American o p e r a, "Merry Mount." This opera will be given at the Metropolitan Opera House next year according to present plans, and while no announcement as to the cast has been made, it is assumed that he will sing the important baritone lead New York, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Baltimore, and other American cities are enthusiastic over his work. His unprecedented' success both in opera and in concert, places him among the most important singers that this country has produced. His career is romantic. His father was a Methodist minister and as a young man a medical career was planned for him, but he suddenly turned to music. He first won re- nown in the field of light opera, and his performances in "Maytime" and "Apple Blossoms" are vividly remem- bered. His name was emblazoned in electric lights on Broadway and he was one of the highest paid stars in that field. He determined how- ever, to pursue the more serious forms of his art. His career in grand opera began in Europe, first at the Royal Opera House, later at Covent Garden and then at Berlin and Vienna. His singing of the leading role in "Merry Mount" at Ann Arbor has attracted the attention of music cri- tics, music lovers, and concert goers throughout the land and many dis-, tinguished visitors from far and wide will be present to hear his perfor- mance. tive season, was founded in 1891 by Theodore Thomas and is supported by a number of public-spirited Chi- cagoans. It has had but two conductors, Theodore Thomas from 1891 to 1905 and Frederick Stock, the present conductor, since 1905. Its regular membership is 99 players. Its con- ductor, Frederick Stock, was chosen from the ranks of the orchestra after the death of Mr. Thomas, and after consideration of all the greatest con- Jagel 'Ranked With Top Stars By Noted Critic Ietropolitan Tenor is Compared With Italian Operatic Singers "The new tenor of the Metropol- itan Opera Association can hold up his head and his voice with the best of the Italian stars," wrote Irving Weil, New York critic, after he had heard this American tenor's operatic debut. Mr. Jagel, who will sing in the May Festival, was born in Brooklyn. He studied music as a child with his father, who was a church organist. He continued to study music dur- ing his high school days but a busi- ness career was planned for him. Plans were in vain however, for the young man was not interested in business but insisted upon music. Through the patronage of a wealthy New York merchant, opportunities were provided him for study under great masters, both in New York and abroad. His progress was rapid, steady and gratifying. In Italy he first sang at the Capitol and Rivoli Theatres. He made his great operatic debut at Livorno, birthplace of Mas- cagni, singing the role of Rodolfo in "Boheme." His triumph was so suc- cessful that he was engaged for a long series in Turin, Spezia, Bologna, Rome, Ravenna and other cities in Holland, Italy and Spain. During this period he sang 194 major perform- ances. Three years ago the height of his ambition was attained, when he became a leading tenor at the Met- ropolitan Opera Association. Chicago Symiphony Will Pha Here For Twenty-Ninth Timw The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, ductors of Europe. This is pirobably which will be heard at the May Fes- | the only instance on record where tival foi' the twenty-ninth consecu- $ an orchestra of the rank of the Chi- s cago Symphony has entrusted so im- portant a post to one then so little known to the world of music, and with such signal success. For the first fourteen years of its existence it was known as "Chicago Orchestra"; for the next seven and one half years as "Theodore Thomas Orchestra"; and is now known by the title of "Chicago Symphony Or- chestra, founded by Theodore Thom- as." It is the third oldest orchestra in America. Its "season" is 28 weeks (from the middle of October to the end of April), during which it gives 126 concerts. It owns its own home, Orchestra Hall, located on Michigan Avenue, in the heart of the city, with seating capacity of 2,582; it was built in 1904 by popular subscription. About 8,500 different people contributed to the fund in amounts ranging from 10 cents to $25,000, each of which was an outright gift. The affairs of the orchestra are controlled by a governing body of 40 men, known as The Orchestral As- sociation. Appointment to that body is for life, and membership is con- sidered an honorable distinction. Membership carries with it no finan- cial obligations of any nature. The orchestra always has been distinctly a "community affair" in Chicago, the financial burdens of its earlier years being distributed among many people, its financial support never having been regarded as th "pet hobby" of any one rich man. Frederick Stock, the conductor of the orchestra, was born -in Julich, Germany. His career has been one of the most remarkable of moderni musicians. His father was a band- master, and was his son's first tutor. At 14 he entered the Cologne Con- servatory, from which institution he was graduated as a violinist. He later studied theory and composition un- der Humperdinck, Zoelner, Jensen and Wuellner. He came to America in 1895 to become a member of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Four years later he was made its assist- ant conductor u n d e r Theodore Thomas, and on the death of Mr. Thomas, in January 1905, succeeded him in the conductorship. He was given the Honorary Degree of Doc- tor of Music by Northwestern Uni- versity in 1915, by the University of Michigan, in 1924, by the University of Chicago in 1925, and by Cornell College (Iowa) in 1927; decorated Chevalier Legion of Honor (France) in 1925. Mr. Stock is also a com- poser of international reputation. Like most men of exceptional success, he has a very pleasing personality and wins the friendship and support of all those with whom he comes in contact. Hanson Won Prix De Rome In 1921 Howard Hanson, composer of the opera "Merry Mount," at the age of 26 won the first American Prix de Rome competition in 1921. He has been director of the Eastman School of Music since 1924. Regarded by critics as one of the foremost Amer- ican composers, he has more than a score of compositions to his credit. BARNEY RAPP and His NEW ENGLANDERS Michigan League Ballroom Friday, May 19 1 iTickets at League, Hut, Den, Parrot $1.50 per couple plus tax Former Student At University Will Appear In Merry Mount' Chase Baromeo, whose full name is Chase Baromeo Sikes, attracted much attention while a student in the Uni-' versity because of his brilliant sing- ing in the several student musical organizations, such as the Michigan Union Opera, Glee Club, and the Uni- versity Choral Union. While still aC student he was called upon to sing several minor roles at the Festivals.: During the war he was in service in hurope and at its conclusion he continued his music studies in Italy. In short time he was engaged for leading roles at La Scala, spending the summer months at the Colon Theatre, South America. After sev- eral years in the opera houses abroad, he was invited to the Chicago Civic Opera Association and was re- garded as one of the most import- ant operatic figures on the roster of1 that institution's list of stars. CHASE BAROMEO ______ _- - --i them to beware of Satan whose head of Bradford after. he has with a "imps and burning devils swarm crimson mark branded his forehead. about like the frogs of Egypt." But With the departure of Lucifer, Brad- he learns that Marigold is to wed ford and Astoreth are left alone. Gower that very afternoon, blinded . ACT III by a fit of violent anger, he urges Scene I--Soon afterward. Same as the Puritans to attack the Cavaliers . Act II, Scene II that very day in spite of the truce Plentiful watches over the dream- they swore. Plentiful steals toward ing Bradford. He cries out in his Bradford and as she touches his arm. troubled sleep to Astoreth and sud- he takes the half coin from his denly awakens. Springing up he re- ENLARGEMENTS vm yocit~eiie ia TICETSNOW SALE OveCftr the o ter W6'oo $7,r-% - $ 0 (If Festival Coupon is returned, $3.00 - $4.00 - $5.00) "OVER-THE-COUNTER" SALE OF TICKETS for individual concerts beains Saturday, May 13th. 11 .l . i 1