. .^'
argue against its flagrant injustice. If a speaker,
for instance, maligned the character and reputa-
tion of a person, and a newspaper, mindful of
the libel and slander laws, softened his words in
, reporting them, the paper could under Repre-
a entative Grajewski's bill be fined and not
thanked for its trouble.
Fortunately, no one is considering the proposed
measure very seriously. Whatever significance is
being attached to it is owing to its demonstration,
n the words of the Adrian Daily Telegram, of
the "extreme depths to which the mental incom-
petence of one honored by election to a state
legislature can descend."'
' .
-' ,
Musical Events
Some earnest seeker of knowledge once asked
which was the hardest musical instrument-the
piano or the violin. The answer was, "The piano
-because you play it with both hands." It would
have been so nice if the violin had been a one-
handed instrument last night. Mr. Fink has a very
creditable bowing arm. His spicattos "spic" and
his legato passages were made smooth and flowing
by a wise use of his flexible wrist. Mr. Fink un-
doubtedly feels his music. His tone was particu-
larly effective on the higher positions on the "g"
string. One felt that he sensed the dramatic qual-
ities lying behind the note-decorated staff. But,
since the thin dark beginning of man's unre-
corded time it has been given only to a few-a
chosen and accursed few-to express them.
-Kathleen Murphy
New, Seoond.Ha d, Rebilt,
amith-Corona, Noiseless,
Under ioyl, RaningoThh ar hstn
*jtra -
314 S. tate St., Ann Arbor. A HOMEY PIrACE
ARNE RAP P Pontiac Road at City Limits Phon
& hi: I ciB . ii
e 2-1786
Friday, MAcy 9
Tickets at League, Hut, Den, Parrot r
$1.50 per couple plus tax
, -
- - ---'
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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CITY EDITOR........................KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard,
Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Donald R
Bird, Richard Boebel, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G.
Coulter, Harold A. Daisher, Caspar S. Early, Wadron
Eldridge, Ted Evans, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel,
Thomas Groehn Robert D. Guthrie, John C. Healey,
Robert B. Hewett, Georg M. Holme, Joseph L. Karpin-
ski, Milton Keiner, Matthew Lefkowitz,' Manuel Levin,
Irving Levitt, DavidG. MPa onald, Proctor McGeachy,
Sidney Moyer, Joel P. Newman, John O'Connell, Ken-
neth Parker, Paul W. Philips, George Quimby, Floyd
Rabe, William Reed, Edwin W. Richardson, Rich-
ard Rome, H. A. Sanders, Robert E. Scott; Adolph
Shapiro, Marshall D. Silverman, Wilson L. Trimmer,
George Van Vleck, Philip Taylor Van Zile, William
Weeks, Guy M. Whipple, .Jr.
Dorothy Adams, Barbara Bates, Marjorie Beck, Eleanor
B. Blum, Frances Carney, Betty Connor, Ellen Jane
Cooley, Margaret Cowie, Adelaide Crowell, Dorothy
Dishman, Gladys M. Draves, Jeanette Duff, Dorothy
Gies; Carol J. Hanan, -Jean .Hamer, Florence Harper,
Marie Held, Margaret Hisock, Eleanor Johnson, Lois
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Josephine McLean, Anna Miller, Mary Morgan, Marjorie
Morrison, Marie Murphy, Mary M. O'Neill, Margaret D.
Phalan. Jane Schneider, Barbara Sherburne, Mary E.
Simpson, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer, Miriam
P. Stark, Marjorie Western.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising,W.Grafton Sharp
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ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
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Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Williams.
Elizabeth AlgIer, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
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fried, Virginia McCoinb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman,
Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose.
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1933
Co-Operate With
The Fraternity COmnittee .
T HE ARRIVAL of a fact-finding
committee to investigate the fra-
ternity situation here shows how serious condi-
tions are considered by those who are aware of
Dean Joseph A. Bursley and other men who are
in touch with the fraternities predicted last fall
that as many as twelve houses will be forced off
the campus before school opens next September.
Malcolm C. Sewell, head of the committee which
was appointed at a convention of secretaries of
national fraternities and college deans, stated
at the Interfraternity Council meeting Wednesday
night that there is room for approximately 41
houses on the campus. . .
The comlittee is now carrying on an investiga-
tion with the hope of finding a way to combine
some of the weaker houses or eliminate those
for which there is no hope of success. Their work
can only be successful if the various houses will
supply them with the necessary information which
they are after. It is to the benefit of all houses
to co-operate with them in every way possible, for
this committee will be in a position to make
recommendations after the completion of their in-
vestigation which should prove to be extremely
valuable to the various houses next year.
Let Us Be
Generous Tonight. .
R EMEMBER the Good-Will Fund
The managements of the Michigan and Ma-
jestic theatres have displayed the same mag-
nanimity that they have shown in past .years by
setting aside two hours tonight for the presenta-
tion of a "free show." However, this year the
students attending the show will be asked to con-
tribute a small sum to the Student Good-Will
Fund. The effects of depression have changed the
local situation from anything like what it has
been in any other years. Many students are suf-
fering acutely from the effects of the economic
distress. Those attending the show tonight will be
asked to be magnanimous .in return. They will
be asked to give something as well as having
sonething given to them. A generous attitude on
the part of the students will be expected.
Grajewski Introduces
An Absurd Bill.. .
Screen Reflections
Pour stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture:
no stars keep away from it.
Maurice Chevalier's smile and effervescent per-
sonality were engaging in his first few pictures,
but unless he starts to do something besides smile
and sing poor songs he is going to lose his fol-
This picture follows the regular Chevalier rou-
tine of Maurice Chevalier and a lot of beautiful
girls for him to make love to. The new element
in this picture, which the producers no doubt
hoped would save .it, is an abandoned baby-one
year old-which he finds in his car and takes
home with him.
Helen Twelvetrees does well in the show and
there is one good song "In the Spring in the Park
in Paree." The rest of the songs, however, depend'
on the Chevalier personality to put them across
and it is insufficient.
The formula will have to be changed if the
producers hope to continue to draw capacity
crowds to see that famous lower lip.
--- - - - -- ---*
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous commnicatons will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
To the Editor:
It will, I think, be agreed by those who listened
to the first open-air band concert of the season
that the programme was excellent; but it must be
agreed, too, that the presence of hordes of bar-
barian skaters marred the evening's entertain-
ment. Could it not be assured at future concerts
that those who wish to exercise to music be re-
quired to skate on paths furthest from the library,
that those who wish to show off their skill in
public go down Main Street, and those who are
merely young and irresponsible be kept at home?
* -, -- - - - - -- -- - - - '-- "C,'
Editorial Comment
Mi -
The question of printed lecture notes has been
raised again in the columns of the Daily Prince-
tonian. Clearly the outstanding argument in fa-
vor of the plan is that it would free students from
the distracting task of writing notes while the lec-
turer was speaking and thus allow them to pay
keener attention to the professor's ideas.
Numerous objections to the proposal have, of I
course, been suggested and some of them are rea-
sonable. One of these-the matter of expense-
is insignificant. A second-that often a professor
does not know far enough in advance what he is
going to say in his talks-would be a real obstacle
in only a limited number of courses. The argu-
ment that note-taking should be retained for its
value in providing mental discipline has some
validity, but it appears to be principally an ob-
jection raised by those who oppose the change
for other reasons. Another point-that students
would use printed notes as an excuse for not
concentrating on the lectures-merely emphasizes
the fact that the system would have to be ad-
ministered with discretion; certainly the pub-
lished notes should not be so complete as to con-
stitute complete digests of the year's work.
It is to be expected that the change would bring
with it some disadvantages, but if they were out-
weighed by its benefits, the system would be jus-
tified. Experimentation would give new light upon
this point. Certainly the aims of the printed lec-
tures notes proposal are in keeping with the pres-
ent trend toward maturity in education. The only
question is: are we mature enough to employ the
plan profitably? -Yale Daily News
Complete Lunches at 25c. . Dinners 35c - 50c
SPECIALS from 15c to 30c
Also a la carte. One-eighth less on a Ticket.
The Theatre
Once before we saw "Murray Hill," and while
we at all times have been willing to admit that
Leslie Howard, its author, succeeded in fabricat-
ing an outstandingly robust and rollicking farce,
we have also had a sort of bad taste in the mouth
about the thing. That is probably because "Mur-
i ray Hill" depends for a large part of its humor
on the antics of a peculiarly plastered gentleman
in tails and because of the unfortunate fact that
very few comics do their drunk scenes well.
And so we went to Lydia Mendelssohn last
night just a little worried about the whole busi-
ness. Obviously there can be nothing worse than
a student actor doing a drunk part badly. No
such deplorable condition, however, arose last
night. Clearly two things had happened. In the
first plye, Ainsworth Arnold, of the Dramatic
Festival company and director of "Murray Hill"
for Comedy Club, had worked hard and well;
in the second, Hobert Skidmore, who first at-
tracted our attention with a ludicrous bit in
"Three Times the Hour," took that direction and
applied it intelligently to his amazing bent for
comedy. And, since a production of "Murray Hill"
will be a hit or a flop depending almost entirely
upon the drunk scenes of the character Worth-
ington Smythe, last night's performance went
Of course there were contributing factors. The
fact that among them was Billee Johnson doesn't
change the fact that they were merely contribut-
ing factors a bit. Miss Johnson, as Elizabeth
Tweedle, kept up what has almost become a tra-
dition-in these parts. If you want to know how
we liked her, go to the files and read all the nice
things we've said about her in the past.
Robert Hogg, with the responsibility of holding
up another dashing young juvenile part, gave
what was no doubt his best performance to date
last night-if he doesn't look out he'll be an hon-
est-to-gosh actor yet.
Not to make particular mention of Comedy
Club's set and costumes for this show would be
gross negligence indeed. The outmoded garb of
the ladies was a triumph of costuming in itself,
while the set was the essence of old-fashioned
Town Points
There is only one eating place located on the
west side of Division St., boundary line of the
beer ban zone.
The Indian influence in Ann Arbor history is
shown in the names of some of the streets: Hu-
ron, Washtenaw, Onondaga, Seneca, Awixa, In-
dianola, Pontiac, Pottawatamie. The Pottawa-
tamie trail is more commonly known as the River
The famous streets of other cities are repre-
sented in the names of Ann Arbor thoroughfares.
There is State St., Broadway, Wall Street, Wil-
liam St. (Wilhelnstrasse), Michigan Avenue.
& STR 111I PES17
A study of population figures among college
and university graduates in this country reveals
some illuminating facts.
Figures compiled by Dr. John C. Phillips of
Harvard University shows the number of children
per graduate for the period covering the last fifty
years for this university to be 1.54. Similar studies
conducted among Vassar, Smith, and Mt. Holyoke
graduates indicate a like condition for these
women's colleges. To perpetuate any group of
people a birth rate of at least 3. is necessary. The
obvious eventuality seems to be racial suicide for
the superior group of the American population.
All things considered, the records compiled by
reliable authorities indicate that college women
are physically as sound as others, and are equally
able to bear childern. There is no evidence that
the intellectual women who do not marry are
the disgenic type, the kind who would not make
good mothers, as some would have us believe. On'
the contrary, observations seem to prove that
those who combine keen intellects with an equable
temperament make the best mothers.
The main obstacles to increased child-bearing
among this group are the preferences for careers
over family life, and the belief in the necessity of
--By Karl Seiffert---
The anthem of the 250,000 unemployed recent-
ly transferred from the welfare lists to the refor-
estation army will probably be "Farewell to Alms."
*~ * *
According to statistics, there are approximately
5,000,000 illiterate adults in the United States. We
.-.ein nele- -
Wise Merchants are pre-
ar iltg for Increased Sales
i) }*avi g MoreAdvertis-
il" Released
The Michiiyaii Daily offers
the Best Means Of reach-
ing Ann Arbor's Better
-Buying vPublic.
don't believe it. There
vertising copy writers.
Brother, did you
mor" column?
couldn't be that many ad-
*~ *
ever try writing a "hu-
On the other hand, you can sensitize and in-
duce pain. "Doctors, nurses, and inquiring friends
can sometimes stir you up as well as any other
exogenic sensitizers," he said. Among these sensi-
tizations, Dr. Libman cited worry, "the horror
of a dentist's drill that works many up to pain,"
a wrong note at a recital that drove a musician
to toothache.-News Item.
And then there is the guy who sneaks up be-
hind you and whams you on the back while you're
filling your fountain pen.
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