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May 11, 1933 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-11

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Leaders In Farm Relief Confer On Plans

-Associated Press Photo
Three midwesteners who are leaders in new mi-venients for farm relief are shown discussing plans
in Washington. Left to right: George N. Peek of MoLinc, Ill., administrator-designate of the new farm bill;
Gov. Floyd B. Olson of Minnesota; and Secretary of Agriculture Henry AN a-iace of Iowa.

Issuance Of Scrip Is No Cure'
For Economic ills, Says Gault,

credit on the part of the institution
which issues it. If for any reason
such scrip, issued by any community,
can no longer be exchanged, the only
way the people have of getting rid
of it is to sell it to speculators who
anticipate early redemption of paper.
The only other alternative is to hold
the scrip until it is redeemed, but
then funds are frozen altogether.
If employees who are payed in
scrip cannot pass it at its face value
and have to sell it at a discount, it
represents a reduction in wages, Pro-
fessor Gault said.

Tennessee Also In Path
Of Storm; Many isjuredl
As Houses Collapse
(By The Associated ?Press)
Tornadoes along the border of
Tennessee and Kentucky Tuesday
night brought reports of death to
67 persons and injuries to scores of
other persons.
Kentucky at noon had reports of
33 dead and Tennessee 28. They
In Kentucky: Monroe County, 11;
Adair County, 2; Russell County, 20.I
In Tennessee: Overton County, 32;,
Wilson County, 2. j
Beaty Swamps, in Overton County,
near Livingston, Tenn., was hard hit
with 26 known dead. Twelve bodies
had been brought from that section
to Livingston among them being
those of Mr. and Mrs. Una Cole and
their seven children.
The report of the Russell County
dead came to the Kentucky Advocate
at Danville through the Red Cross.
C. C. Gore, a Livingston attorney,
said that 26 perished at the little
community of Beaty Swamps, about
10 miles from Livingston, and that
heavy loss of life was reported from
Bethsaida on the Overton-Pickett
county line.
The storm hit first at Tompkins-
ville, where between six and ten
persons were killed and a score in-
jured. One death occurred at Co-
lumbia, Ky. Near Lebanon, in mid-
dle Tennessee, two Negroes lost their
lives in a heavy windstorm.
Returning from a trip to Beaty
Swamps, Gore described the country
as being "swept so clean that it looks
like the Argonne Forest."
"Houses were blown away and
trees blown down and piled in
heaps," he continued. "The country
oads are so muddy that cars and
ambulances can't run and the main
highways are blocked by trees. Many
families are injured so seriously that
they can't be removed from their
wrecked houses."

M ath Story
Doubted; Police
Look At Facts
Grand Jury Will Convene
To Hear Evidence; Look
For Accessory In Crime
HARWICHPORT, Mass., May 10.-
(A)--Chief of Police Emulous E. Hall
of Harwich--dissatisfied with the de-
tails of Margaret "Peggy" McMath's
kidnaping as re-enacted by Kenneth
Buck-today pursued his own inves-
Meanwhile, Barnstable county of-
ficials arranged for the convening of
a special session of the grand jury
May 15 to hear evidence in the case.
Hall said he discovered Peggy had
not remained in that section of the
low, dirty, Bank street cellar pointed
out by Kenneth during his re-enact-
ment of the kidnaping Sunday. He
said he had secured from Kenneth
a more "complete confession which
differed in some respects from the
one Buck originally made to state of-
And the chief hinted at seeking
a warant for a "man who might be
connected with the plot as an acces-
sory after the fact."
Hall Tuesday visited the back
street where the child stayed for two
nights after her kidnaping May 2.
He searched the cellar thoroughly
and later announced his dissatisfac-
tion with Kenneth's re-enactment of
the abduction.
The order to convene a special ses-
sion of the grand jury was issued
by Judge Edward F. Hanify of Fall.
River and was announced by District
Attorney William C. Crossley from
his office in that city.
Crossley said Kenneth and Cyril
Buck, Harwichport brothers now held
in $100,000 each in Barnstable county
jail, would be brought to trial "as
promptly as the law allows" in the
event the grand jury returns indict-
Kenneth, charged with kidnapping
and extortion, and, Cyril, charged
only with extortion, both pleaded not
guilty when arraigned Monday.
Plans for defense of the brothers
were uncertain. Attorney James F.
Kiernan, after a conference at the
jail, said he would not take the
case of Kenneth but that he might
defend Cyril "if statements he made
were corroborated by Neil C. Mc-
Math, father of Peggy."
U. S. A proves
Grreat Britain' s
LONDON, May 10.-(JP)-A note
from the United States Government
was received today giving qualified
assent to the world tariff truce pro-
posal as revised by the British gov-

N. E. A. Meet
Change Fouoht
By Edmonson
Education Dean Against
Boycott Of Chicago,
Century Of Progress
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the
School of Education yesterday de-
clared himself as emphatically op-
posed to the movement among
teachers to change the place of
meeting of the National Education
Association from Chicago to some
other city.
This movement "to boycott Chi-
.ago and the World's Fair," the dean
said, is to protest against the unfair
discrimination practiced against the
Chicago teachers, by denying them
pay for almost a year.
He voiced his sympathy for the
eachers of Chicago in "their unfor-
tunate position," but stated that "it
would be an unwise thing to treat
the Centuryof Progress as a Chicago
affair only, because it is national
and international in its scope. And
there should be no antagonism
aroused against it. The exposition
is a great educational project."
Dean Edmonson said he is in
hearty accord with the sentiment
expressed in a recent editorial in the
New York Times, whi~ch stated:
"The National Education Associa-
tion should find Chicago with its
Exposition of the Century of Prog-
ress the best place for meeting this
year, not only because Chicago can-
not let her teachers go unpaid with
the world as her guests, but be-
cause the extraordinary contribution
of teachers in these lean years may
be there most fitly celebrated."
Classes To Be
Excused For
Spring_ Games
All freshmen and sophomores will
be excused from their classes after
3 p. in. tomorrow and all Saturday
morning in order that they may par-
ticipate in the tug of war at 4 p. m,
tomorrow and the spring games at
10 a. m. Saturday, it was announced
yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to President Ruthven. The
permission was granted by the deans
of the undergraduate colleges.
Freshmen will report at 3:30 p. m.
tomorrow at the Union, where Union
committeemen and Student Council
representatives -will check all fra-
ternity men to determine the winner
of the first lap of the Greene's cup
race for best proportional atten-
dance at the tug of war and the
games. Fraternity men must take
their identification cards.
The sophomores will meet at the
same time at! Waterman Gymna-
sium. Fraternity members must take
their identification cards.

More Than 2,000
Throng Campus To
Hear Band Concert
A crowd estimated at more than
2,000 filled the plaza and steps of
the plaza and steps of the General
Library, the Diagonal Walk, and the
campus surrounding the bandstand
last night to hear the Varsity Band
inaugurate its May series of Wednes-
day night outdoor concerts.
Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone and a
group of four student directors pre-
sented a varied program comprising
the works of Wagner, Bizet, Sibelius,
and others.
Because of the opening concert of
the May Festival which occurs next
Wednesday night there will be no
band concert that night. Bandstand
concerts are scheduled, however, for
May 24 and 31. The band will also
play for Lantern Night tomorrow
night, for Swingout Tuesday, for a
military review May 18 at South
Ferry Field, and in the annual Me-
morial Day parade.
State S.C.A.'s To
Open Convention
A special three-day conference for
State Student Christian Association
officials will be opened tomorrow at
Camp Ohiyesa, the Y.M.C.A. camp
near Clyde.
Among the prominent men who
will attend this conference are Dean
Thomas Graham of Oberlin College,
Edward B. Shultz, regional secretary
of the Y.M.C.A., central field, Dr.
George Sleighten of the staff of the
Ford Hospital, Detroit, who will
speak as a representative of the Ox-
ford movement in religion, and Rev,
Frederick B. Fisher of Ann Arbor.
Students from Ann Arbor who will
attend are Jule Ayers, '33, president
of the local S.C.A. and chairrhan of
the State Student Conference, Lyle
Passmore, '33, secretary of the local
S.C.A., Sherwood Messner, '34, Wil-
liam Knight, '36, Gilbert Anderson,
'36, James Bauchat, '35, John Turn-
bull, '36, Theodore Schultz, '35, and
Gordon Stow, '35.
Parker, Sheaffer, Yfatexnw,
Conklin, etc., $1.00 and up.
A large and choice assorane t
314 S- State St., Ana. Arbor.

Japs Gaining
On Chinese In
Winning Drive
Yungping Occupied After
10 Hours Of Fighting;
Battle Near Great Wall
TOKIO, May 10.-IP)--Japanese
dispatches from the North China
front today said that the Japanese
Army had established control at the
Lawn River, the western border of
the area below the Great Wall where
hostilities have raged the last few
The important city of Yungping
was occupied after 10 hours of fight-
ing, according to a dispatch of the
Rengo (Japanese) News Agency.
Yungping is on the left bank of the
Lawn about 25 miles south of the
Great Wall and only 105 miles north-
east of Tientsin, which is the center
of an international area.
Aahatma Gandhi Weak
After Three Days' Fast
PIONA, India, May 10.-(P)-The
Mahatma Gandhi began the third
day of his scheduled three weeks fast
today under care of a physician.
Fears for his life were increased
as he admitted suffering severe hun-
ger pains.
Dr. Margaret Spiegel, a German
Jewess, broke her counterfast today.
She started it in an effort to force
Gandhi to give up his fast, declaring
he would violate his religion if he
let her die.
216 S. Fourth Ave.
(Just West of Division St.)

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In reply to the many inquiries
coming into the Summer Session of-
fice, Dean Edward H. Kraus stated
yesterday that scrip will not be ac-
cepted in payment of Summer Ses-
sion fees.
The Board of Regents considered
the matter at its April 28 meeting,
Dean Kraus said, and directed "that
student fees for the coming Summer
Session would not be accepted inj
scrip or tax anticipation warrants."

Headquarters of Norman H. Davis,
American representative, explained
the American answer "places no ob-
stacles" in the way of acceptance of
the revised text by the eight principal
nations of the world today or Thurs-
Further conversations with British
officials were necessary, however,
and this was provided at a luncheon
attended by Mr. Davis, Walter Run-
ciman, president of the Board of
Trade, and other members of the
British government.
Mr. Davis was to discuss further
procedure in the notification of the
other governments concerned. It
was believed this would involve con-
vening of the organization commit-
tee of the world economic confer-
ence this afternoon or Thursday for
formal approval of the truce text by
the eight powers.





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