THE MICHIGAN DAILY TRSDA , THE MICHIGAN DAILY - T_ - -- must be the result of the strike; trade will thus be crippled. And legislators are notoriously touchy, and are likely to take the attitude that "if the farmers want to get tough, O.K."-and let the matter ride there. When a capable, farsighted, and fearless admin- istration is in power in Washington, an adminis- tration which is not afraid to experiment in order to achieve the desired results, violence is mere stupidity. Franklin D. Roosevelt does not require the spectacle of farm revolution in order to under- stand that agricultural conditions are deplorable, and the President's task is greatly hampered by such action as Minnesota has at present entered upon. from the dusty hands of pretentious, dreary mimes and restored to its rightful rank as a lusty and delightful comedy. Indeed, at the hands of Jane Cowl, Shakespeare lives again. The Bard of Avon, I can imagine, turns over in his grave with a grunt of satisfac- tion as she reads his lovely lines. She makes the play, in the vernacular, a hit. It seems even Shakespeare could write one! Musical ]Events Published every morning except Monday during the 'University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control, of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered' at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second classmatter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Posttnsaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices:. Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc.; 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR.......................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR...................JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR........MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Donald R. Bird, Richard Boebel, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Harold A. Daisher, Caspar S. 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Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert Gregory, Milton Kramer, John Marks, JohiI. Mason, John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal, Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Williams. Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Catherine McHenry, May See- fried, Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman, Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1933 The Wrong Kind Of Government. ve o The iTheatre COMEDY CLUB PRESENTS "MURRAY HILL" This evening in "Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Comedy Club will open its annual Spring Home- coming production. It is Leslie Howard's gay com- edy, Murray Hill. The play concerns itself with the famous Wendell Sisters, who insisted on living and finally dying, in Victorian elegance despite anything the twentieth century may have to offer. It was produced at the Bonstelle Civic Theatre this past season and is an excellent choice for the homecoming week-end. The show was produced a few years ago in New York featuring its author in the role of Al- fred Wrigley, who made the famous sisters realize that matrimony was more than a polite word, and Edna May Oliver as Elizabeth, the more spir- ited of the sisters. Frances Johnson, Kathleen Carpenter, Billie Griffiths, Robert Hogg, Virginia Frink, Al Gold, Hobert Skidmore, Clarence Moore, I and Leonard Stocker are in the Comedy Club cast. As a dramatic organization on the campus, Comedy Club's position is an important and sig- nificant one. It lists among its past members Rob- ert Henderson, Amy Loomis, Valentine Davies, Paul Stephenson, Mildred Todd, Phylis Laughton, Alan Handley and Lillian Bronson, who are now active in the professional theatre. The club is not associated with any branch of the Univer- sity, but is a social-dramatic club offering its members experience in the theatre. The club is distinctly an amateur organization. The word is used here as it' refers to one who enjoys working in the theatre and not as opposed to professional. The club produces three shows each year. This season it has done "Meet the Wife," and "Three Times the Hour," the latter written by Valentine Davies, a former member of the club, and now has its final production ready. Members in the club gain experience in every branch of the theatre from the thankless job of painting scenery to the more satisfying one of acting. We hear too often that the theatre is on the down-grade and that the average person has no desire to associate himself with it. Though it has decreased some in the past it is steadily regaining. This new interest is coming from the younger members of the dramaturgic art. As if suddenly, we have realized that the theatre offers a means of enjoyment both for ourselves and for others. We have learned that the drama is a very neces- sary part of our lives. Today the professional theatre is-g b*ing its impetus from its younger members. The little theatres and amateur organi- zations throughout the country lend themselves to this movement. Comedy Club, and its produc- tions, fall easily into this group. It is always the policy of the club to secure a professional director for its production and this spring it has been fortunate in securing Mr. Ains- worth Arnold, well known to Ann Arbor for his work in past Dramatic Festivals. Mr. Arnold was recently made an honorary member of the club. LOUIS FINK RECITAL- Louis Fink, violinist, pupil of Professor Wassily Besekirsky will give the following graduation re- cital at 8:15 p. m., today in the School of Music Auditorium, to which the general public with the exception of small children is invited. Winifred Arthur will be the accompanist. Sonata in A major (for violin and piano . .Brahms Allegro amabile Andante, Vivace Allegretto grazioso Largo .................................Bach Bouree ........................Bach Concerto in M minor, opus 61 ........Saint-Saens Allegro non tropo Andantino quasi allegretto Allegretto non troppo Romance in E minor .................... Sinding Perpetuum Mobile ..................... Novacek Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MAJESTIC "PENGUIN POOL MURDER" *MURDER IN AN AQUARIUM James Gleason is the detective and Edna May Oliver is the school teacher who helps find out who shoved the man into the penguin pool in the aquarium on the Battery. You know that the man's wife had a rendezvous with a friend in the aquarium, but what appears fortuitously at the trial is that the friend wasn't the only one with whom she had a rendezvous that afternoon. It is a fairly good detective picture but, as is usually the case, the audience isn't given the necessary information to determine the murderer. By far the best character in the picture is Edna May Oliver as the school teacher who was leading her brood through the aquarium on the fatal day and became involved in the murder. Showing twice the intuition of the detective she practically solves the crime by herself. Her remarks at the detective-not without asperity-are the highlight of the show. -B. S. Vocal cords made of coal!l Typical of Western Electric care and precision in manufacturing Bell Telephone apparatus, is the making of the transmitter button which spoken words into electrical impulses. This transmitter button-the telephone's vocal cords-contains coal. Only a fine grade of se- lected anthracite, specially treated, is suited for this delicate work. First :the coal is ground into fine granular form -next it is carefully sifted and washed. Then, after being roasted in special ovens, it is put into the transmitter button. Approxi- mately 50,000 tiny grains must go into each button -too few or too many would impair transmission. Such infinite care with "little things" is one rea- son why Bell System apparatus serves so faithfully. BELL SYSFTM 0 II READ MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS THEY PRESENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFIT DAILY Town Points A A FEW DAYS AGO we had occasion +to hear a student politician ex- pound his theory of what is wrong'with the- coun- try. It was his proposition that our governments are no longer satisfactory because all the fun has been taken out of politics. Undoubtedly sin- cere, he attempted to paint a disparaging picture of the degree_ to which experts and their statistics are being consulted by those we elect to guard the public weal. He argued that this is all wrong. What we need, according to him, is a return to the good old days when to be politically successful a man had to know how to think on his feet, concoct smooth answers to embarrassing questions while lighting a cigarette, and be at all times ready to deliver rosy five-minute speeches containing at least one good joke each to after dinner audiences. When Samuel Seabury was here last month he told us about the kind of government we get under this type of leadership. It might be more glamorous, but it is hard 'on the paying public. Its extravagances are a show that costs the man in the street inordinate taxes that he is frequently unable to pay. It furnishes no real leadership. And the unseen base on which it is supported is priv- ilege, pillage, and corruption. Those who preach this sort of government are surely misguided. It is our hope that they are, and remain, a minority. Farm Strikes Are Ill-Advised. . A NOTHER STEP complicating the depression was taken when Min- nesota members of the National Farmers' Holiday Association voted a general farm strike, to become effective Saturday. , Swearing to "stay at home, buy nothing, sell nothing," 4,000 irate farmers declared through a resolution that Minnesota agriculturists were being grossly mistreated. The measure is presumed to be defensive; in reality it is offensive--an of- fense against the effective passage and operation of national government activity to relieve farm- ers all over the country. It is undeniable that farmers have received a raw deal; but efforts have been made to pull them out of their slough. These efforts have, truly enough, hitherto counted for little; but the work of the Roosevelt administration seems destined to rrctt in uinrl-id industrial and aaricultural , , r s r t { l l ) -Hobert Skidmore. EVEN SHAKESPEARE COULD WRITE ONE! By Alexander Wollcott Note: Mr. Woollcott's article is re-printed by per- mission. Miss Carey, Mr. Kingsford and Mr. Martin, as well as the "Book" setting, mentioned by Mr. Woollcott will be a part of the Ann Arbor production of "Twelfth Night." It has been Jane Cowl's duty, as a conscientious first actress, to pay occasional devoirs to the hal- lowed Bard. These events have always proved highly gratifying to us drama-lovers, since she is equipped with her charm, beauty, intelligence and cunning to interpret these great roles reverently and at the same time to give a good show. Her 'latest genuflexion to Shakespeare is her Viola in "Twelfth Night." It is a delightful exer- cise in the gayer Shakespeare. I have dim memo- ries of former Violas-Miss Julia Marlow, Miss Annie Russell and Miss Viola Allen, all of whom were claimed in their day as very pleasing. But my happiest "Twelfth Night" recollections are hlose of Jane Cowl and her communion with Him of Avon and Broadway. Many of the old rhapsodic things may be said about Miss Cowl's Viola. The part has been called "Shakespeare's most attractive twin." Certainly Miss Cowl has the knack or the genius to speak the lovely speeches with variety, making them seem, ."actually, very human and intimate. She tinges humor with melancholy, showmanship with poetry, and in the traditional scenes, beloved by all Shakespeareans, she forms a most successful partnership with the Master. It is a case of Cowl and Shakespeare, if I may give it a firm name. Also as an inventive stage-director she has con- trived a device by which the comedy's machinery moves with swift alacrity. I am given to under- stand that, because of this ingenious setting, not a single line in her produc.tion is cut from the original text. Even then, the curtain falls in rec- ord time. The settings of the play are presented as if they were illustrations in a book, with the Clown turning the pages at each change of scene. So Miss Cowl's "Twelfth Night" is fleet so far as the cog-wheels are concerned, and Viola and the hair- oiled Duke of Orsino get together soon after 10:30 p. m. My head must also be bared to Miss Joyce Carey (daughter of Mrs. Lillian Braithwraite), for her' majestically sentimental imnersonation of Olivia: The bulletin board at the entrance of the En- gineering Shops contains a Daily Official Bulletin for Thursday, July 29, 1926. George Mason, graduate in the class of '57 here, is credited with having originated the plans for the first World's Fair at Chicago in 1892. The doors at the Lawyers Club open inward, al- though the Michigan state fire laws specify that the doors of all public buildings open outward. The University was located in Ann Arbor in 1837, largely through the efforts of the Ann Arbor Land Company, a syndicate of real estate men who were interested in exploiting an addition to the town plat. At first, they tried to get the state capital for Ann Arbor, and, failing in this, they made a successful bid for the University. ST[ARS __&STIRIPES, By Karl Seiffert SILENT TEAR DEPT. "Until I was injured a year ago, I was the life of every party I attended," Miss Hooks told the court. "I was considered the prettiest and mosLt popular girl in our crowd. Now," she concluded, "I am a wallflower."-Detroit Free Press. Even your VERY BEST friends? -* * WOMEN TOO SERIOUS TO BE CIRCUS CLOWNS -Headline Huh? Don'tya hafta have NO brains atall? * * * And just now somebody walked in and claimed that if we ever got around to being seen with a woman she'd soon be known as nothing more than a gagster's moll. PERSONAL AD: A. and F. S.-Congrats., good luck, etc.; C. and D. and me; all think swell idea; what about B. and E.? To us, my good fellow, B. and E. are just a couple of things that make chicken soup more in- teresting. * * * "Who are the 'forgotten women' in Ann Arbor?" queries an ad. Well, one of them is the gal who spent most of last week bragging that she was going to wear roller skates ALL the TIME from now on, my dear. * -: * 'WE GOT TO DO IT,' ROOSESVELT EDICT TO THE WIDE WORLD -Headline That's France's idea too, only they change the "it" t "them." * } -1 '°i .t / dllr ( TELEPHONE HOME . . . LOWER RATES ONE NIGHT EACH WEEK AFTER EIGHT-THIRTY F- (e., p- I I i 4' I L, C 4 osi *Akh.- 44,* N t ( ';4-( TAG IDA44Y TODA"'Y -0 A .01-ft- I