The Weather Cloudy, showers, slightly cooler Thursday; Friday unsettled. L it igau aiti Editorials, The Wrong Kind Of Gov- ernmenit: Farm Strikes Are Ili-Advised. "OL. XLIII No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 11. 193 PRICE FIVE CENTS Kelley Is New Head OfCouncil D. K. E. Representative Is Elected President Of Interfraternity Group Charles Jewett Is Defeated Candidate No Action Will Be Taken On Problem Of Beer In Fraternity Houses Bethel B. Kelley, '34, was elected president of the Interfraternity Council for next year at the coun- cil's regular meeting last night by the narrow margin of four votes out of the 42 recorded. Charles R. Jew- ett, '34, was the defeated candidate. The newly-elected president of the council is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and lives in Bardstown, Ky.a In his statement of policies before the election, Kelley stated that he favored a reduction of the expenses of the council and abolition of the annual trip to New York taken by delegates at the expense of the council. He suggested charging a rushing fee of all freshmen before they are pledged in order to pay the running expenses of the council. He also said that he believed that there was room for 50 fraternities on the campus. No Action On Beer Beer in fraternity houses will not be interfered with by the council, it became apparent, when a motion; to table the resolution recommend- ing its exclusion from chapter houses was passed with only two dissenting votes. These came fromi the delegates of the Psi Upsilon and Theta Xi fraternities. Edwin T. Turner, '33, outgoing president of the council, urged thel adoption of the resolution as a de-I fensive measure against attacks ont the council at some later date. He stated that the University's at-t titude on the question was an un- willingness either to prohibit or; sanction. beer in houses, University officials preferring to leave the mat-t ter.Up to each house. They havel asked, he said, that each house reg- ister he stand that it is going to take on the question, in the same manner as they would register the1 amount of their house-bills, a cus- tomary procedure. Judiciary Committee Named The judiciary committee for next year was named by fraternities in the five groups, chosen several years1 ago by lot, after a motion trans- ferring several fraternities from one group to another to enable tryoutst to serve on the committee was passed. The members are as follows: Group one, Charles R. Jewett, '34,' Alpha Delta Phi; group two, Rob- ert N. Shaw, '34, Theta Xi; group three, David D. DeWeese, '34, Sigma Chi; and group five, James R. Doty, '34, Phi Kappa Sigma. Group four is represented on the committee by President Kelley." Tryouts for the council should re-< port to the offices of the council in1 the Union between 3:30 and 5 p. m. Monday, it was announced after the< meeting by Max Gail, '34, newly-i elected secretary-treasurer of thet council.I Pillsbury Will Give Russet Lecture Today Subject To Be 'The Unit Of Experience: Gestalt Or Meaning' Dr. Walter B. Pillsbury, head of the psychology department, will de- liver the eighth annual Henry Rus- sel Lecture at 4'15 P. m. tomorrow in Natural Science Auditorium. It was announced yesterday that he has chosen "The Unit of Experience: Gestalt or Meaning" as the topic of his address. At the same time the Henry Russel Award will be announced. The award, which is made annually to some member of the faculty not ranking higher than instructor or assistant professor. is given for out- Sadler Says State Street Beer Would Pave Way For Whiskey The applications of State Street merchants for permits to sell beer will be reported out from committee unfavorably within the next two weeks, Prof. Walter C. Sadler, chair- man of the Common Council Bond and License committee, sadi in an interview late last night. "I am looking at this matter from the position of the best interests of the University," he stated. "I am afraid that the sale of beer on State Street will be an opening wedge for the sale of hard liquor near the campus if and when such sale is legalized." Professor Sadler said that he be- lieved that the sale of beer should be restricted to a certain district of the city, regardless of the regular busi- ness zoning plan. "I wouldn't oppose it if I thought it weren't going to hurt the University," he said. He indicated that he was not con- vinced that State Street stores would suffer a loss of trade as a result of the limitation of sale of beer to the downtown district. Furthermore he pointed ou that the requirement that tables in all places selling beer be visible from the street would pre- clude the granting of licenses to Tag Day For Charity Camp BeoinsToday Fresh Air Camp Enlists Faculty, Student Aid To Help Underprivileged A crew of about 50 men will con- duct the tag sale, which begins at 8 a. m. today on the campus, for the support of the University Fresh Air' Camp. This camp, which is located at Pat- terson Lake, some 25 miles north of Ann Arbor, provides a summer outing for under-privileged boys from De- troit and Ann Arbor. University sup- port from faculty and students has been instrumental in keeping this camp operating successfully for the 12 years that it has been In opera- tion. . The average of over 400 boys each summer for the last five years was reduced last season by financial dif- ficulties. The quota for this summer has been set at 350.j About 20 fraternities and sororities have already signified their inten- tion of giving something towards this project and members of both the 'M'' Club and the Student Christian As-] sociation are taking an active part in the drive to solicit funds for the current season. Various members of the faculty have also given support to this move- ment. President Alexander G. Ruth- ven has had an active interest in the organization for some time, and it was at his request that research' work with the boys attending the camp was begun by the sociology de- partment. While at the camp, the boys re- ceive medical attention and the best in the way of a healthful diet. The usual gain of weight during the first two weeks is over three pounds. Swimming, nature study, and a mod erate athletic program are included in the day's schedule. Ample facilities are at the disposal of the campers, among them 15 build- ings, 180 acres of wooded land, and two wells that have been testedand passed by the State Board of Health. SCHOOL BUDGET CUT The school budget for the coming year, showing a decrease of $98,00 or 18 per cent, was approved last night by the Board of Education at its regular meeting. The decrease in salaries amounts to $89,000. Those who have been in the employ of the board during the last two years have received cuts of 8 1-3 and 12 1-2 per cent, or approximately 20 per cent. 'Ex-Lady,' Free Show, To Be Given Tomorrow "Ex-Lady," with vivacious, blond Bette Davis and a host of popular screen players, has been selected for the free show to be given to- morrow night at the Michigan and Majestic theatre, Jerry Hoag, man- ager of the Michigan Theatre, an- nounced last night. "It is probably the best show that has even been shown to the students on these occasions," Hoag said. "It is a fast moving picture -+ +-tv thnt uill mm annnl t the many State Street merchants because of the arrangement of their restau- rants. "This entire procedure," he con- cluded, is a matter of sane regula- tion; and sane regulation is probably a true improvement over the strict Prohibition of the old days. I believe the pendulum should hold true to the center, swinging neither to absolute Prohibition on the one hand nor to a Roman holiday on the other." Prof. William A. Paton, another member of the committee and a lead- ing figure in the dispute, said last night that free licensing of dealers all over town would be injurious to the beer business itself and would lead to cut-throat competition for existence after the first rush had died out. He pointed out that in the old days about 40 saloons served the city with the full line of liquors, while half that number have already been licensed now to sell beer in the down- town area. "I am convinced," he said, "that a majority of the residents of the East Side, drys and wets alike, do not de-. sire, to see beer sold in the neighbor- hood either of the University or of the two high schools." U. S. Senate Council Passes New ioS l Industry Bil To S $300,000,000 Program! Chart For Public Works Ready For President To Sign Brew East Of Division Drys Block Move Beer On East Side; Dr Act Ruled Illegal' Is L J. --- ~- , English Star Is To Appear At PlayFestival Foremost British Actor Has Played In New York With Katherine Cornell Robert Loraine, leading English stage star, was engaged yesterday by Robert Henderson for the Dramatic Season, to be presented from Mon- day, May 22, through Wednesday, June 21, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. Mr. Loraine will appear in the role of Mr. Jelliwell, created in the New York production by Nigel Bruce, in Benn Levy's light comedy, "Spring- time for Henry," which will open Friday matinee and night, May 26, as the second production of the theatre festival. Mr. Loraine is regarded as one of the foremost stars of the London stage, having created John Tanner in the original production of Bernard Shaw's "Man and Superman," as creating the role of Cyrano de Ber-! gerac in Rostand's masterpiece for; its first English production., Recently Mr. Loraine has beenI starred in Strindberg's "The Father,"I which he played in both London and New York, and last year he scored an outstanding success as the half- crazed minister in Benn Levy's melo-] drama, "The Devil Passes." This fall he was featured in "Domino" in New York with Geoffrey Kerr, and during the winter he was co-starred with Katherine Cornell in "Lucrece." Mr. Loraine is an intimate friend of George Bernard Shaw and was Mr. Shaw's host on his visit to New York city recently. He has played the leading role in many of Shaw'si comedies, including "Pygmalion," "Arms and the Man," "Major Bar- bara," and "The Apple Cart" in its London production. On Monday evening, May 29, when the dancer Angna Enters is appear- (Continued on Page 2) 'Murray Hill' Opens Tonifght At Mendelssohn Comedy Club's dramatic season will draw to a close as the curtain rises on "Murray Hill," Leslie Howard's farce comedy of two Victorian ladies --and one who wasn't, at 8:15 p. m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The play, under the direction of Ainsworth Arnold, will star Francis "Billee" Johnson, '33, as Elizabeth Tweedle, Kathleen Carpenter, '35, as her sister, May, and Hobert Skid- more, Grad., as the inebriated nephew. Virginia Frink, '35, will play the part of Amelia, and alternating in the role of Alfred Vandenbock, her suitor, will be Al Gold, '33, and Rob- ert Hogg, '34. This play marks the third in a series of plays presented by Comedy Club during the year. Early in No- vember the group presented "Meet the Wife," which was followed by "Three Times the Hour," by Valen- tine Davies. Invitations have been extended to members of Robert Henderson's dra- Measure ModifiesI Anti - Trust Laws Eugene Black Is Named New Governor Of Fed- eral Reserve Board WASHINGTON, May 10._(4 ')-- Under the personal guidance of Pres- ident Roosevelt tonight was built a new measure for voluntary control of industry and for a $300,000,000 Federal public works program, a bill designed to -rank with the farm re- lief inflation measure as a restorer of prices, wages and employment. The latter bill was put through the Senate today and awaited only formal signatures to make it law, permitting a quick start on the new enterprises it authorizes. To speed the financial end of the program, the President sent to the Senate the nominations of Eugene Black of Atlanta, as a member of the Federal reservesboard, the or- ganization which is to carry out the open market Federal bond purchases outlined as the first credit expansion plan of the new inflation bill. Black is slated to be governor of theboard. Late in the day, the President call- ed in the men who have been work- ing on the industrial program, heard their views, outlined his wishes, and named a special committee to put the measure in final form. It was expected to modify the anti-trust laws and to permit trade agreements on prices and production, strength- ened with means of compelling min- orities in the various industries to fall into line. Investigators Here To Study Fraternities A fact-finding committee of four secretaries of national fraternities arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday to compile data on the fraternity situa- tion here which may ultimately lead to the elimination of several frater- nities from the campus. The committee, which was ap- pointed at a recent meeting at Co- lumbus, O., of secretaries of national fraternities and deans of various col- leges is composed of Malcolm C. Sewell, Sigma Nu, chairman; Arthur F. Priest, Phi Delta Theta; Maurice Jacobs, Phi Epsilon Pi; and Richard . J. Young, Phi Kappa Tau. Ten fraternities should be elimi- nated or combinations should reduce the total by that number, according to opinions which the members of the committee now hold, Mr. Sewell said at a meeting of the Interfra- ternity Council last night. Out of the 400 freshmen who pledged fra- ternities last year, 41 houses got 373, and it is on the basis of these figures that the committee recommends that 10 houses be eliminated. Meeting with a committee of fra- ternity men tomorrow, the group will endeavor to get the opinions of the fraternities here on the most advis- able procedure. The committee came here at the request of Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, who pre- dicted last fall that in all probabil- ity, 12 houses would be forced off the campus before the beginning of the next school year. Lawful, O'Brien Says In Overruling Laird Liquor Commission Has Entire Control Cities Antd Municipalities Can't Defy Public Acts Of 1933, His Decision The east of Division Street charter provision prohibiting beer in the east side of Ann Arbor was declared il- legal yesterday by Attorney-General Patrick O'Brien in a letter to Repre- sentative Phillip C. Pack. O'Brien's decision, which is final and overrules any previous rulings of City Attorney William Laird, was emphatic and leaves no ground for dispute.. "It is my opinion," he says, "that the Liquor Control Commission has absolute power to regulate the sale of beer and wine in the State of Michigan, and that the cities and villages and other local municipali- ties can in no way pass any ordi- nance contravening the law as pro- nounced in Act No. 64 of thePublic Acts of 1933. If the city charters are contrary to the law as pro- nounced in that act, then the act shall prevail and not the charter provision." Local Option Possible The provisions of the State act, according to O'Brien's decision, "re- move the power and control to regu- late the sale of beer and wine from all local units of government and places the control positively in the hands of the Liquor Control Com- mission, except is local option be adopted." This local option must be passed by a county-wide vote. It cannot be adopted by a vote of the ity of Ann Arbor or by the Common Council of this city. In explaining this point, O'Brien said, "To Meet the require- ments of the constitutional amend-' ment, there is inserted in the act a provision for a local option refer- endum in a county, and if the sale of beer and wine is prohibited by a majority vote of the people of that county, no sale shall be made within the county." In the last two wet and dry con- tests in Washtenaw County, the wets were victorious both times. Last I November the county voted to repeal existing State prohibition laws, and in the recent spring elections, Na- than S. Potter, candidate in favor of repeal, was elected overwhelm- ingly to the State Repeal Conven- tion. City May Refuse Licenses The attorney-general's ruling states further that "Under the provision of Section 4, Subdivision "A," local leg- islative bodies may refuse to grant a license to any person requesting the same if they have reasonable and just grounds for such refusal." "This right to refuse the granting of a license may be subject to the jurisdiction of a circuit court," said O'Brien, "to issue mandamus to com- pel the granting of a license if the discretion of the local legislative body has been abused. "It would therefore follow that the power of approval of licenses under the act is not absolute in the local legislative body," the ruling con- cludes. Students Prepare For Beer's Return At 6 P.M. Tonight Beer will return at 6 p. m. today to Ann Arbor after an absence of 15 years. Down-town restaurants, groceries, and drug stores, which have been re- ceiving supplies of the beverage from Detroit and out of s ate breweries for the past few days, announced last night that they believed they had enough of the brew on hand to meet the expected first night rush. Fraternities planned to place their orders with local dealers early in the day, and to have the beer deliv- ered to them for their dinner. Gro- cers can deliver beer immediately at 6 p. m. A down-town trek was expected, and restaurants in the Main Street district are preparing for student groups. Although many of the rest- aurants will sell beer, the city thus far has only one beer garden, that of Charles Preketes at 109 South Main St. The beverage may be bought, but not drunk, in drug stores and grocer- ies. In restaurants itcan be drunk sitting down, but not standing up at a bar. Beer Is Added Responsibility For Students President Ruthven Says Policy Of University Is Unchanged On Liquor No change in the University's pol- icies in regard to student' drinking will be made with the legalizing of beer, it was stated yesterday by Pres- ident Alexander G. Ruthven. The! .statement is an amplification of an earlier statement made to The Daily a short time after Congress first passed the legislation legalizing the beverage. "Lawful beer in Ann Arbor, which the passing of the recent act in Con- gress and the impending legislation at Lansing may bring, will bring an increase in the responsibility of the student," Dr. Ruthven said on the former occasion. "The attitude of the University toward drinking and drunkenness has been consistent for many years, and new circumstances will make no changes in it." Continuing, Dr. Ruthven said that the University has always expected each student to conduct himself so that he will bring no discredit to the institution. "The -fact that the government has made beer a legal beverage makes no change in this principle, nor in its application toward the problem of student drinking. We still expect the students to behave themselves in a becoming manner." "However," Dr. Ruthven said, "The, withdrawal of the suppcrt of the law puts the matter more squarely up to the students than before. They have always had a share in this respon- sibility but now it is theirs alone." In conclusion, Dr. Ruthven stated, "The University will not continue as a student any man or woman who brings disgrace upon it as an insti- tution devoted to education." commission is Swamped With Applications LANSING, May 10.-UP)--The rev- enue machinery of State beer con- trol lagged behind today as the zero hour to retail brew drew near. The 15-year-old prohibition lid will be lifted tomorrow night at 6 o'clock, but the state was faced to- day with serious possibility of thous- ands of gallons sold without being taxed. Swamped with applications, the State Liquor Control Commission was unable to keep abreast of de- mands. Printers were not able to furnish stamns in the mantities de- Argument Grows Hot As Legal Red Tape Baffles Wet Aldermen Committee Report- Brings On Storm Sadler And Kurtz Debate Whether 'Meeting' Or 'Gathering' Was Held In a heated meeting of the Com- mon Council last night, wet alder- men endeavored to have beer-selling licenses granted to merchants east of Division Street, but the dry-profes- sorial group, acting behind a number of legal technicalities, nullified all action. The council finally ad- journed without passing a single positive resolution. The meeting was called by Pres. E. E. Lucas at the request of the wet members of the council. Alder- man Walter Kurtz, a member of the bond and license committee which 4s passing upon all applications to sell beer, said that he had a minority report to offer. Alderman Walter Sadler, chairman of the committee, objected. "There was no meeting of the com- mittee today," he said. "Therefore any minority report is entirely out of order." "We had a meeting today. You, I, a commissioner and the chief of police were present," Alderman Kurtz answered. "Just a Gathering" "That was not a reguar meeting, It was just a gathering. This report of yours has not passed out of' a regular committee meeting." President Lucas then ruled that Alderman Kurtz had a right to pre- sent a minority report, but Alderman William Paton, a member of the committee, said he had heard of no meeting. Alderman Lucas demanded to know who called the meeting. Al- derman Kurtz claimed that Alder- man Sadler did, but the latter denied it. Alderman Lucas then asked City Attorney William Laird if the minor- ity report could be presented. Laird, whose official rulings have favored the dry side at every meeting, and whose decision that the East of Di- vision beer provision was legal has been overruled by Atty.-Gen. Patrick O'Brien, said the report was out of order. Reads O'Brien Decision At this point J. Edgar Dwyer, at- torney representing the State Street merchants, asked permission to read a decision he had received during the afternoon from Attorney-General O'Brien. Alderman Hollands and Al- derman Sadler both opposed this reading, claiming it had no bearing upon the discussion. "We are not interested in it," Sadler said. A vote was taken upon the proposal and Dwyer was granted his request, 11 to 3. The Attorney-General's de- cision said that the provision pro- hibiting the selling of beer east of Division Street had been made inop- erative by the State law creating a Liquor Control Commission. During the reading of this deci- sion Ald. William Paton, leading dry, and City Attorney Laird conversed with President Lucas. When the reading was completed, Lucas an- nounced that the entire petition for a council meeting was out of order. Ald. Donald Mayer cailed the pres- ident's attention to the Attorney- General's ruling, but President Lucas replied, "That has nothing to do with it.", Alderman Mayer said that the committee must report on East Side applications. "That's up to them," President Lucas ruled. "I move that all applications for (Continued on Page 2) Sophomores Duck Four Frosh In Huron River Four prominent members of the freshman class were treated last night to a revival of old-fashioned pre-class games enthusiasm-a forced ducking in the Huron River at the hands of sophomores. Those who were forced to take the plunge were: Philip T. Van Zile, literary college president; Frank "Mike" Brennan, a campaign oficial; James Cook, an or- ni n " .-" 7- nwn S:Ti n n mam:v . Cincinnati Music Reviewer Praises 'Belshazzar's Feast' "Walton has created a showpiece of first rank." So writes George Leighton in the Cincinnati Inquirer concerning "Belshazzar's Feast," an oratorio by the British composer, William Walton, following its second production in the United States last Friday at the Cincinnati Festival. Prof. Earl V. Moore,bUniversity mu- sical director, describes Leighton as one of the most "critical" reviewers in the country. The appreciation and praise with which "Belshazzar's Feast" has been received in Cincinnati and Boston as well as in England is an assurance illustration of modern tendencies as has been produced" According to Professor Moore, who attended the Cincinnati Festival and is exceptionally familiar with the work, the score abounds in difficul- ties of every sort-rythmic, melodic, and harmonic-and taxes the re- sources of even an expert chorus and orchestra. Wherever it has been per- formed the work has been acclaimed as one of the outstanding choral compositions of the present genera- tion of composers. Since arrangements for presenting the work at the May Festival were made nearly a year ao Pre s.Charles