THE MICHIGAN DAILY IGAN DAILY '. i _ ° -_ -_ \,. .'_ --=Aj ' ' d%' -'- ".. r' quiring practical knowledge in the field of jour- nalism. So soon as The Daily swings away from Iithe more or less free position which it has always jnjoyed, so soon will it lose its sphere of influence and its value to the student body and to the University. The same holds for the other two pub- lications. Newspapermen, acquainted with the problems of e publication, as well as with the policy of "laissez faire" which is necessary to proper journalistic expressicn, should be valuable adjuncts in por- traying the student's viewpoint to the faculty, members of the board. We are not thoroughly acquainted with the viewpoints in this respect of Mr. White and Mr. Perry. We are acquainted with their own journal- istic records and achievements. So the outlook [b; - -a~iar«Ua~va ROVW AW AP$ Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $150.$During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street. New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR.......................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR......................JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.......MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Donald R. Bird, Richard Boebel, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Harold A. Daisher, Caspar S. Early, Waldron Eldridge, Ted Evans, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, Thomas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Joseph L. Karpin- ski, Milton Keiner, Matthew Lefkowitz, Manuel Levin, Irving Levitt, David G. MacDonald, Proctor McGeachy, Sidney Moyer, Joel P. Newman, John O'Connell, Ken- neth Parker, Paul W. Philips, George Quimby, Floyd Rube. William Reed, Edwin W. Richardson, Rich- ard Rome, H. A. Sanders, Robert E. Scott, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D. Silverman, Wilson L. Trimmer, George Van Vleck, Philip Taylor Van Zile, William Weeks, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Dorothy Adams, Barbara Bates. Marjorie Bck, Eleanor B. Blum, Frances Carney, Betty Connor, Ellen Jane Cooley, Margaret Cowie, Adelaide Crowell, Dorothy Dishman, Gladys M. Draves, Jeanette Duff, Dorothy Gies, Carol J. Hanan, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson, Lois Jotter, Hilda Lame, Helen Levison, Kathleen Macntyre, Josephine McLean, Anna Miller, Mary Morgan, Marjorie Morrison, Marie Murphy, Mary M. O'Neill, Margaret D. Phalan. Jane Schneider, Barbara Sherburne, Mary E. Simpson, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer, Miriam P. Stark, Marjorie Western. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER..............HARRY R. BEGLEY 1 WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......Donna C. Becker DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, W. Grafton Sharp Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Alien Cleve- land, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Alen Knuusi. Russell Read, Lester Skinner, Robert Ward, Meigs W. Bartmess, William B. Caplan, Willard Cohpdas, R. C. Devereaux, Carl J, Fibiger, Albert Gregory, Milton Kramer, John Marks, John I. Mason, John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal, Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Williams. Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Glnmy, Billie Griffiths, Catherine MHenry, May See- fried, Virginia McComb, Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman, Lillain Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1933 New Members Of The Board... W ITH the appointment by President Ruthven of two new members of the Board in Control of Student Publications, a] long-considered change in the set-up of that body is finally effected. The proposal has been made and discussed in the past, and it has seemed ob- vious that desirale resuas would be obtained from having alumni members on such a board-alumni members, preferably, now in the field of profes- sional journalism. However well qualified members chosen from the faculty may be to serve on such a body, it has been deemed advisable to supplement such a group with men who contact daily the problems which arise in a publications plant. Faculty mem- bers of the board have made an admirable record in the past; of that there can be no question. Yet it is certain that they will be the first to welcome the newcomers into their directorate. Such a change has been made, in fact, in accordance with recommendations which originated within the Board. Both new members of the Board are rot only journalists who are acquainted with the problems which the Board must face-they are journalists of note. Lee A White, a ,former managing editor of The Daily, was also the founder and first managing editor of Gargoyle. Today he is a member of the executive editorial staff of The Detroit News and enjoys the reputation of being one of the leading newspapermen in the state. Stuart Perry, nationally famous as the owner and publisher of one of America's leading smaller newspapers, is a member of the board of directors of the Associated Press, largest news-gathering organization in the world. Both men bring to the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications knowledge and experience which should be invaluable to that body in making the decisions relative to the three student publica- tions. More important, however, than the mechanical knowledge which these men will be able to im- part is the journalist's viewpoint which they both possess. There has long been a divergence of opin- ion among members of the faculty, as well as among the students, with regard to how much influence the board should have upon editorial policies of the student publications. Students who have been employed upon these publications have always prided themselves upon the fact that Th Daily, Gargoyle, and Michiganensian have been free from outright censorship. Yet there are thos seems optimistic. Support The World's Fair .** ROTESTS of Chicago school teach- ' ers against non-payment of sal- aries have been justified for the most part, but the ultimate in stupidity of method was reached recently when eight Columbia professors, who are unconnected with the city of Chicago and appa- rently have entirely disinterested motives, wrote advocating a boycott of the World's Fair. This gigantic project was a fearful gamble to begin with, it is true. The International Exposi- tion of 1893, held in the same city, was a financial flop, and resulted in a good deal of scrimping to make ends meet. It seems likely that the exposi- tion of this year, coming as it does at a time when the world is particularly loth to spend its money, will equal if not outdo the monetary de- bacle witnessed in 1893. But there is always the chance that the cur- rent fair will succeed. The chance was a long one at the outset, and never should have been ac- cepted; but most of the money necessary to put the fair across has now been spent, and every effort must now be extended to make the scheme a success. In the face of this necessity, it seems singularly stupid to propose a boycott of a project upon which so much money has already been spent, and which, if it succeeds, will mean liquidation of much of the city debt. It is a logical argument that the finances for the fair have been diverted from funds which should have gone to pay teach- ers' salaries; but at this time that argument is misplaced and may do much damage. Educational Censorship 'In Illinois.* THE STATE SENATE of Illinois has yielded to the present hysteria against anything termed "red," or "pink." Acting under stimulus from the Chicago Tribune, the senators have passed a law which would penalize any educational institution "which teaches or per- mits the teaching of seditious matter or permits the advocation of the overthrow of the represen- tative form of government . . . by force, violence, or other unlawful means, or encourages or permits the encouragement of opposition by force to the authority or to the execution of any law of the state or the United States government." To the careful reader, the language of the bill will show that the senators are ignorant of the law, effective in Illinois, which makes it a crim- inal act to advocate the overthrow of the exist- ing government by force. But on the other hand, there is no mistaking the intention of the senators in the word "sedi- tious." To quote the Chicago Tribune ,"Two bills to exclude universities and colleges with pink tendencies from the benefit of state funds ."f Any instructor who puts any attack on the form of the state government (and everyone knows that state governments merit attack) is teaching seditious Mhatter, and is liable to cause his school to lose its .tax exemption privileges and its state funds, if any. America has gone crazy in its attempt to resist any criticism against itself. People refuse to study the beliefs of anyone who can be termed by the most extreme stretch of the imagination a "red," or a socialist, or a communist. These words have taken on a sort of magic, and they will evoke terror from the average Amer- ican, who would be horrified if he were told that there has been a steady trend toward a socializa- tion of all laws in this country. Minimum-wage laws, child-labor laws, and workmen's compensa- tion laws are only a few of the examples which could be cited, The other legal angle to the question is that of the right of free speech as guaranteed in the Illinois Constitution, but it is problematical whether this law will be considered invalid since it does not call for a criminal prosecution of the man who speaks his mind. But in a broader sense, the right of free speech is being attacked, the right of self-examination is being attacked, and the right of free education is being attacked. If the so-called "seditious" doctrines of social- ism are being taught in the schools of Illinois, it is an admission of weakness for the legislators to try to stop those teachings. How much better it would the keyboard. Her fingers fairly ran away with I ii herself. Yet it is almost safe to say that hers is one of the most interesting talents that has come out of the School of Music in recenlt years. i Behind that hard young tone and those fluid 9 bands is something-time only knows what. But time is the chief thing that Miss Rabinowitz needs. s-Kathleen Murphy TODAY'S ORGAN RECITAL- Andante ...................... . ... . . . . Stam itz Fantasie and Fugue in G minor .. ...,......Bach In the Church.......................Novak Ave Maria . .... ...................... . ..Reger, Passacaglia ........................ . .. Sowerby Suite: A Chinese Garden ........... DeLamar ter Study on an English Folk-tune ........Milford Carillon Sortie ...........................M ulet L The "theme and variation" form is the essence of art. One might also say of life itself, for unity and a little variety are the two components of human existence. And as the "theme" of a build- ing is the brick, stone, or whatever else it may be made of-so is the "theme" of the musical com- position the building material of the work of art. A large type of this form is the Passacaglia, of which the great Bach C minor is an outstanding example-so magnificently complete, in fact, that later composers have avoided working in this manner thinking that everything has been said on this subject. But with the recent neo-classical trend in all our artsitic movements, the older forms of expression are being utilized and ex- panded through the extended modern musical me- dium. Typical of a contemporary working in this old-new style is the Sowerby Passacaglia from his Symphony in G for Organ. Sowerby, a young American, has been the first to approach the greatness of Bach or Brahms in this form, and in this finale shows an enormous ingenuity and imagination in composition, matched only by the spiritual values maintained throughout the work. The theme, simple and classic, upon which Sow- erby has built a series of 33 variations, has been treated with infinite modifications of manner and effect leading from one to the other without ef- fort, and harmonized quite in the "modern" me- dium, but always keeping the unity of form intact by the ever persistent "theme." -Kathleen Murphy. READ THE DAILY S . ..a TWEEDLE is a fur- bearing mammal that doesn't mate or reproduce ... " Case System - Three-Year Course Co-educational College Degree or Two Years of College Work with Good Grades Required. Transcript of Record Necessary In All Cases Morning, Early Afternoon and Evening Classes Write for Catalogue CHARLES P. DAVIS, Registrar 233 Broadway, New York I READ THE DAILY a TWEEDLE is a fur- bearing mammal that doesn't mate or reproduce 1.1 1 Coampus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. PROTEST AGAINST DEFLOWERING OF THE ARBORETUM- To the Editor: Please run a line of warning during the wild flower season to caution the adolescent there to refrain from picking the blossoms in the Arbore- tum, My trip there yesterday led me to believe a week from now no flowers would be left to grace the hillsides. -J. F. S., '27EE The budget for the University during its first year in 1817 included the following salary scale: 1 President, $25 a year; vice-president, $18.75; pro- fessors, $12.50; instructors, $25. The sum of $193.75 was appropriated to pay the salaries of the President and processors and $200 to cover the pay of instructors. PA J 4 ST7AR S &, STRIPES v -- By Kal Seiffert OUTING NOTE Although taxi drivers are- required to know their way around before they are granted hacker's licenses, the particular one who be- came lost while taking five Girl Scouts to All Souls' Church didn't do so well. A Scout executive, who knew that the girls had started for the church in a cab, called police when they failed to arrive, and a radio lookout was sent for them. But when police had scarcely started the search the girls re- turned to the Scout headquarters.-News Item. Tired but happy? "Never has your dollar bought more!" claims a department store ad. Maybe so, but there was a time when it bought it for us, anyway. I *1' :: 1 -1 SLY WINK DEPT. "The depression really has been the making of the movies, for the day has passed when just any kind of a picture will make money." -Jesse L. Lasky I I .l ea e be for them to let the teachers teach their doc- trines; students will be sufficiently immune to the teachings of socialism by the other capitalistic influences in this country. The very danger of socialism is that it will break out in force, and that danger is removed by educating the youth of the land to know, re- spect, and turn its back on sudden socialism, em-, bracing a gradual change, until we defeat the forces of violent revolution and look forward to a gradual evolution. We can be thankful that the instructors at Michigan have not been placed at the disadvan- tage of teaching only those doctrines which are approved by the law-makers of the state. * * Mae West, according to a news item, began her acting career at the age of five with imitations of Bert Wheeler, among others. Of course we don't know, but we presume Mae will be 21 any time now. "TALK ABOUT INSIDIOUS-" -From an Ad. Sure-we had pickles and ice cream for dinner and now we've got the awfullest feeling insidious. * * -' CLASSIFIED AD: Indian, 74, with sidecar, like new. Sacrifice price. Lots of extras. Well even without the extras a redskin with a sidecar would be worth taking a look at, HUNDREDS WATCH AS GLIDERS SOAR -Headline What they got to be mad about? Ili I Musical Events I I 11 III I 1I