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May 09, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-09

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Fisher Talks On' erfim Inflente On Curricula (College Helps In Symposium On MP) Qf Michii
Bu-ldrrin (Of D ms I !.11 xT AalP. 1,tion

World Problems
At UnionParley1
Declares That America Is
Moving To A Modified
Form Of Dictatorship
Onderdonk Speaks,
World Religions, Systems
Of Society Among Many
Subjects Discussed
Commission meetings on religion,
social systems, and the possibility of
a world society engaged the atten-
tion of the last session Sunday of
the International Student Conference
on World Affairs, which terminated
in the afternoon at the Union with
an address by the Rev. Frederick B.
Fisher, pastor of the Methodist
Dr. Fisher spoke on subjects that

7ere I'S Discussed By. Jackson'
rsien BFORT COLLINS, Colo., May 8.-In
the hydraulics laboratory of the Col-
German influence in shaping the science, and art which alone can orado Agricultural College professors
present curricula here at the Uni- lead to profound and finished and student aids are developing new
versity is the subject of a lengthy scholarship.' " theories and practices to help solve
article by Prof George L. Jackson This type of instruction was to be i the problems which confront the
of the School of Education that is administered by lecturers, with sup-b Accordings to D. Elwood Mead,
to appear in the next issue of the plcmentary study in the library and Awritingin theApril issue of Scientific
SchoolwritingcinionsBuAprilnissueaof Scientifi
School of Education Bulletin, other means of cultivation and sci- Monthly, the college data "have
Professor Jackson cites former entific research. Such a lecture plan, proved valuable and conclusive withc
president Dr. Henry P. Tappan as which would be used after the sopho- the design of anumber of outstand-
being the first university president more year, was to closely resemble ing hydraulic structures, including
to come under the influence of the that employed in the German uni- the spillways for Cle Elum Dam,
German university "system," and at- versities. under construction in the state of
tempting, along with Prof. Henry S Although this so-called "university Washington, for Owhee Dam in Ore-
Frieze, head of the Latin department .stem" wasnot adopted until 1882, gon, and for Madden Dam in the
and later acting president of the Uni- it had been developing from 1878. Panama Canal "Zone," as well as at
versity, to adapt its main character- Professor Jackson, also discusses the Hoover Dam.
istics to this University. Prior to the introduction of the credit sys-'
1852, American universities in general tei for qualifying for the bachelor's 23 ARRESTED IN RIOT
had corresponded more closely to the' degree, seminars, and the political BILBOA, Spain, May 8.(MP)-AI
Germn "gymnasia" (preparatory science department. clash between Socialists and Nation-1
schools) than to the German uni- In summarizing the evident ef- alists today resulted in injuries to 23i
versities. The difference, he explains, fects of the German influences as persons and the arrest of 120.<
was that the "gymnasia" and the---_
Asericantuniher"sytsierea"colltegesexerted upon the University curricu-
American universities were "colleges la, Professor Jackson writes, "the Sm oha
of the old type with emphasis largely lPocso ako rts h
on the fields of the classics. g work in the professional schools in Smooth an
"Ptesidesth pasiealas' forboth systems begins at the same re-
"President Tappan-s ideal was for make use of the lecture, the seminar, ATasty Delicac
'more extended studies in literature, and stress research in studies lead-
ing to the degree of Doctor of Phil-IW HIPPED CR
A T E osophy and require the same relative at
S L EGE amount of time in candidacy. TheseTHE CARAME
featuires are in conformity with theTHECA MEI
ideals of Presidents Tappan and Michigan Thea
I V E RFrieze."

WFr Plshd ToT 11(filyI
T ET.arly Pe>o>ple,
Fihe JyTo Talk}

ber, 1932, a brochure, which explain-
edl a similar map) compiled to showv
distribution with regard to forests.
Iii pine forest s there were no berries
or grais with the result that there
were no ruminating animals. As the
carniverous animals fed on the rum-

A new map of Michigan, showing nating, there were no carniverous
the distribution of the aboriginal animals and thus'there was no meat
A symposium on war will be hed puation along streams and about supply for the Indians. In other types
atlakes, now hangs in the office of of forests different conditions existed
Science Auditorium, it has he an- W. B. Hinsdale, associate in charge imd the Indian population varied ac-
nounced. The Rev. F- .:c of the division of the Great Lakes, cordimgly.

Fisher, of the Methodist cL .
defend the pacifist point of 1: '
posing William Reynolds, of Detu
who will present the militarit case.
The National Student League and{
the Student Committee for Struggle
Against War, an organization that
grew out of the Student Congress
Against War which met during the
!Christmas vacation at Chicago, are
sponsoring this symposium, which
they say will be similar to those held
in other universities throughout the

Museum of Anthropology.
This distribution was caused by the
S:s that the fish, water birds, and
many of Il e wild animals on which1
the Ilax& dcpend.ed for food, lived
jzar t h wat ef the rivers, accord-
ing to D
Dr. Tim .a ia shed in Novem-

Pri- ntren F Linen Cards
in OLD ENGLIH Type - To Inclose
ill Col%7 ceinent 1invitations.
("orretnesi & Satisfaction Guaranteed
B~ox 263 -- Lafayette, Indiana

the conference had discussed, prin-
cipally those of social and political
nature, bringing out the facts of the
crisis in the Far East, concerning
which he said, "It is a fact that
Japan is enslaving more thant30
million people. We will never arrive'
at any kind of a solution until we
look at the facts as they actually
Sees Coming Dictatorship
"America," he stated, "is grad-
ually moving to a modified form of
dictatorship. If Roosevelt were a
more rugged personality and took
advantage of all the powers allowed
him, we would today have a dictator-
ship stronger than that of Musso-
The changing political situation
was cited by Dr. Fisher in the
recent case of Great Britain failing to
take anyhdecisive action after the
trial of her subjects in. Russia. In
former years, such an insult would
have led to war, Dr. Fisher claimed,
Commenting on the turbulent atti-
tude of the world in general at pres-
ent, he said, "A social'.wave of ideal-
ism is sweeping across the world to-
day. I think that duringthe next de-
cade you will see the greatest social
advance ever known."
Congfatulates Conference
Dr. Fisher congratulated the con-
ference on its method of handling
the problems that arose. He con-
cluded, his speech by expressing faitl
in the ultimate solution of present
world difficulties and the belief that
the world will carry on despite try-
ing social ills.
Th Sunday morning commissior
meeting was on world religions. Rep-
resentatives of various religions gave
talks on their respective creeds, an-
swered questions of the audience re-
garding them, and told of their or-
Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk of the
School of Architecture summed ui
the discussion by sayin5 that all
great religions are tending to unify
in one great universal religioi. "Al
these creeds," he said, "endeavor to
teach the same things, and the only
thing that separates them are prej-
udices, racial differences, and cus-
Four Panels Meet
The afternoon session on systems
of society, was limited to the panel
members, the audience merely askini
questions. Four groups, which were
balanced in power, were represented
on the panel, They were democratic
socialism, democratic capitalism, dic
tatorial socialism, and dictator'ial
capitalism, or socialisn, facism, com-
munism, and capitalism. '
Gordon Halstead, former resident
in India, spealing on imperialisni at
the commission meeting on the pos-
sibility of a world society, said, "Im-
perialism does not help, but harm:
the average worker. This whole busi-
ness of empire is a false god." Other
speakers presented short talks on va
rious phases of the indoctrination of
racial uperiority,
Edmonson Returns
From Washiungtop

d Delicious
y ... MAYFA I R
atre Building

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When a student at St. Bonaven-
ture was asked who Karl Marx ,was,
he calmly and dutifully replied. "I
think he's the one who plays the
harp." And are Russia's ears pink?
A group of 57 senior 'inen with
smooth and relatively clean-shaven
faces gathered at the "C" bench at
the University of Chicago recently
to inaugurate the anntal senior
mustache derby. For- two weeks,
notwithstanding dates and social
gatherings, the upper lips of the
prospective graduates must. not, un.
der certain penalties, be desecrated
by the touch of the razoi,, The chief
penalty is being tossed into the bot-
any pond.
Seniors at many colleges, who have
been suffering the standard query,
"Are you going to graduate this
June?" are beginning to change their
standard answer from "I hope so,
to "Yes, I'm afraid I will."
. Reaching peculiar heights in cir-
ricula, Butler University is now of-
fering a course in the art of staying
married. The instructor, twice a vic-
tim of matrimony himself, proposes
to advise along all angles of, the in-
The average date at the Univer-
sity of Maine costs $2.49, according
to an estimate made during the
course of a debate there-and with
the appearance of good old lager, the
figure will prolbably shrink much
One of the professors at the Uni-
versity of Texas has a very effective
way of punishing habitually tardy
people. Every time he gets a victim
in one of his classes he gives him an
hour quiz.
t bservings from here and there-
University of Denver freshmen are
forcibly'ejected from all football and
basketball games if they are discov-
ered bringing dates . . . A burlesque
beauty parade is held once a year
at Oregon University,.in which men
are the participants . . . University
of Minnesota co-eds are liable to a
fine of $10 or a jail sentence of six
days if captured wearing a fraternity
pin . . . The prize to the student
getting the most subscriptions to the'
University of Kansas year book will
be a free trip to the World's Fair in
Chicago . ..Freshmen co-eds at the
University of Texas average five
pounds heavier than their upperclass
Mr. W. R. Mattson, representative
of the Babson Institute, which gives
a nine months' course in the funda-
mental laws of finance, production,
and distribution for the purpose of
training men to become business ex-
ecutives will meet interested students
I this afternoon and tonight at the
Michigan Union.

cS las e S

Speciax Boxes of Johnston's
and Gilbert's Chocolates
Sunday, May 14th 4
(In the Arcde) W Deliver -Dial 931

'1IYTELL, it's like this. Back in the old
&days, when men wore high hats and
frock coats, they had plenty of time to
think things out, and they had sense, too.
They used to sit down on a log and take
the time to whittle their tobacco from a
plug, to be sure of having a cool smoke.
"In those days, a man named Wellman,
right here in Quincy, Ill., made about the
best tobacco you could get. He knew how
to keep the flavor fine and mellow.
"Well, sir, the people who make this
Granger Rough Cut acquired Mr.
Wellman's method, and they must have
known how the old boys used to whittle
their tobacco to make it smoke cool. Yes,
sir, this Granger is the real stuff. The


Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School
of Education returned yesterday from
a trip to Washington, D. C., where
he attended a meeting sponsored by
the American Council on Education,
it has been learned.
The chief subject of the meeting,
the dean said, was a discussion of
methods by which the council might
broaden its functions and activities
so as to best serve elementary, sec-
ondary, and higher education levels.
Pictures Transferred
From Local Exhibit
The Ann Arbor Art' Association
has announced that seven or eight
pictures have been removed from the
exhibition now current in Alumni
Memorial Hall. Dr. Robert Harshe
dire0tor of the Chicago Art Insti-
tu, requested their return to Chi-
ca t for the Century of Progress Art
Exilbtion, the opening date of which

same mellowness and

fine flavor


"Regardless of price, Granger is about
the best pipe tobacco I ever smoked. That's
why I smoke it, and that's why they call
it America's Pipe Tobacco, sir."
Now we .wanted to sell Granger for 100.
It was just a question of how to do it for
the price. So we pack Granger in a sen-
sible foil pouch instead of an expensive
package, knowing that a man can't smoke
the package. We give smokers this good

GRANGER tobacco in a common-sense
pouch for 10.
G R A NG E R has not been on sale very
long, but it has grown to be a popular
smoke. And there is this much about it-
we have yet to know of a man who started
to smoke it, who didn't keep on. Folks
seem to like it.
4 e&' 0ccu


Announcing the Opening of
Prompt, Expert Service
With Courtesy
Machine Bldg. Phone 9860

Wellman used to hand out to his friends.
And it's whittled into big shaggy flakes
all ready for the pipe. Rough Cut' they
call it-scut rough to smoke cool' is the
best way I can describe it.




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