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May 07, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-05-07

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SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1933


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. 5
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postipaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.0; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier,.$4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTS EDITOR ..................JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, John W. Pritchard,
Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Donald R.
Bird, Richard Boebel, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G.
Coulter, Harold A. Daisher, Caspar S. Early, Waldron
Eldridge, Ted Evans, William G. Ferris, Siducy Frankel,
Thomas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, John C. Healey,
Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Joseph L. Karpin-
ski, Milton Keiner, Matthew Lefkowitz, Manuel Levin,
Irving Levitt, David G. MacDonald, Proctor McGeachy,
Sidney Moyer, Joel P. Newman, John O'Connell, Ken-
neth Parker, Paul W. Philips, George Quimby, Floyd
Rabe, William. Reed, Edwin W. Richardson, Rich-
ard Rome, H. A. Sanders, Robert E. Scott, Adolph
Shapiro, Marshall D. Silverman, Wilson L. Trimmer,
George Van Vleck, Philip Taylor Van Zile, William
Weeks, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Dorothy Adams, Barbara Bates, Marjorie Beck, Eleanor
B. Blum, Frances Carney, Betty Connor, Ellen Jane
Cooley, Margaret Cowie, Adelaide Crowell, Dorothy
Dshman, Gladys M. Draves, Jeanette Duff, Dorothy
Gies, Carol J. Hanan, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper,
Marie Heid, Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson, Lois
Jotter, Hilda Lame, Helen Levison, Kathleen Macntyre,
Josephine McLean, Anna Miller, Mary Morgan, Marjorie
Morrison, Marie Murphy, Mary M. O'Neill, Margaret D.
Phalan. Jane Schneider, Barbara Sherburne, Mary E.
Simpson, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer, Miriam
P. Stark, Marjorie Western. T
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, W.,Grafton Sharp
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
icer Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: John Bellamy, Gordon -Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Jack Efroynson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume,
Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skinner, Robert
Ward, Meigs W. Bartmess, William B. Caplan, Willard
Cotodas t R. C. Devereaux, Carl J. Fibiger, Albert
Gregory, Milton Kamer, John Marks, John I. Mason,
John P. Ogden, Robert Trimby, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joseph Rothbard, Richard Schiff, George R. Williams.
Elizabeth Algler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gmmy, Billie Griiths, Catherine McHenry, May See-
fried, Virginia McComb. Meria Abbot, Betty Chapman,
Lillail Fine, Minna Giffen, Cecile Poor, Carolyn Wose.
SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1933
World Conferences
Vs. Kitchen Cabinets .. .
V IVID first-hand contact methods
of education are illustrated by
the International Student Conference, which
opened Thursday here, Participants will never
forget the lessons which they will learn at this
conference-lessons regarding the futility of son-
orous diplomacy.
It will become quickly obvious to the most
casual observer of the model conference that each
nation, by means of subtle evasion and bombastic
rhetoric, seeks to hookwink every other nation
and to secure s many concessions for itself as
possible. The complete blindness of nations to
the principle that the good of the whole is the
good of the individual will be graphically illus-

Yards of red tape will be strung out before the
agonized eyes of spectators. The method of pro-
cedure developed by the League of Nations will be
carefully followed, and the weighty ponderousness
of the whole exhibited.
Meanwhile, there will be developments. Keen
observers will realize why it is that a good deal of
business seems to be transacted without anyone
appearing to know exactly how it happened. The
dominating influence of small committees over
huge congresses, in other words, will become ob-
All the good and the evil elements of a great
international congress will be illustrated, if the
model conference Ais faithfully presented.. The
chaos of mass action, and the dictatorial influence
of small detachments will be completely exposed.
Spectators and participants will go away wonder-
ing why it is that more international business is
not transacted by the kitchen cabinet method.

nomics, who will be dropped at the end of this
semester. The facts of his dismissal may be best
understood from his own statement:
"Due to a widespread interest in the question of
my status at Columbia I feel it desirable to give
the facts of this situation. In December I was
informed by Professor R. C. Tugwell, head of the
Economics Department, that I would not be re-
appointed for the coming year.
This is my fifth year of teaching at Columbia,
and my seventh year of University teaching. Like
other instructors, my contract is on a yearly basis.
Until a year ago last fall there was no question
of my reappointment. During the summer of 1931
I became more active in the revolutionary move-
mient and received considerable publicity in the
newspapers in connection with these activities.
That fall, (18 months ago) I was advised by Pro-
fessor Tugwell to look for another job. He stated
at that time that in case of lack of success in
finding another position, I would not be dis-
missed. I made definite attempts to find another
position. In the Spring of 1932 my activities in
connection with the Kentucky Student Delega-
tion and particularly the Columbia strike resulted
in extreme pressure being brought to bear for my
"Last December Professor Tugwell informed me
that I would not be reappointed. At the same time,
Professor Tugwell suggested that in view of the
fact that I would have difficulty in getting a
position at another university, he would attempt
to secure a fellowship for me. Following this
'suggestion' Professor Tugwell recently offered'
me an appointment by the university as 'Research
Assistant,' at a salary $700 less than my present
one. The condition attached to this offer was
that the year be spent in the Soviet Union.
"The facts in this situation raise clearly and
definitely the issue of academic freedom. Under
these circumstances the offer of a research as-
sistantship by Columbia University can have no
other intention than to obscure the issue."
At the Case School of Applied Science, the Case
National Student League group called a campus
meeting to protest against a reduction in faculty
personnel of 23 per cent and to demand lower
tuition fees. Immediately afterwards, a special
conference of the Board of Trustees decided to
require Alexander Buchman, a leading member of
the National Student League, to apologize pub-
licly for" an article written more than two weeks
before in which he disagreed with various views
held by Dr. Wickenden, president of the school.
Buchman courageously refused to do so and was
immediately expelled. There can be no doubt that
this dismissal is wholly due to his militant lead-
ership of the fight against retrenchment.
The most popular professor at Birmingham
Southern University, Dr. Kenneth E. Barnhart,
professor of Sociology, has been dropped and So-
ciology thereby eliminated from the curriculum,
ostensibly for reasons of economy. This "economy"
involves saving Dr. Barnhart's salary, $2,76$8, and
losing $5,040, the total. tuition payment for his
courses. Dr. Barnhart has more students in his
classes than any other professor. Members of the
Board of Directors, the President, and other pro-
fessors have accused him of -being a "Nigger
Lover," "teaching Communism and Evolution,"
probing "too far" into the question of prostitution,
the Negro housing question, and general social
Dr. Brnhart is not a communist, and is a
member of- the Methodist Church. However, he
has made such statements as "one reason that
the Negro (death) rate is higher in Birmingham
than the White (death) rate is because many
Negroes are killed by policemen for 'resisting ar-
These things must not go by unnoticed by any
liberal or believer in freedom.
Write or telegraph, demanding Henderson's re-
instatement, to Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Co-
lumbia University, New York City.
Send protests to President Dickenden, Case
School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio.
Send protests to President Guy E. Snavely, Bir-
mingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala.-
Irving L. Dalott.

Musical Events
ar - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - .J
By J. Brooks Atkinson
Note: Mr. Atkinson is the distinguished dramatic
critic of The New York Times. His appreiation is re-
printed by permission
Anyone with a hair's breadth of brain rattling
loose in his cranium knows that the plot of
"Twelfth Night" does not make sense. For no
sufficient reason a shipwrecked maiden puts on
a man's attire and becomes man servant to a
love-sick poseur. Serving as his male duenna, she
pleads his suit to a hot-house poseuse who is in-
dulging her vanity somewhat too ostentatiously in
mourning the death of her brother.
There is more, equally vain. When it has all
been talked down the hatch, everyone impulsively
changes and marries in unseemly haste.
But even when the plot is much too muzzy for
the modern idiom; we have the raciness and
a gusto unparalleled in the very writing of such
characters as Si'r Toby Belch. "My lady's a Cat-
alan, we are politicians, Malvoli's a Peg-a-Ram-
sey, and "Three merry men be we'" As words
they have a good roast beef flavor. Spoken by a
rotund toss-pot in the theatre, they give out a
stout, comic sound quite apart from their vagrant
Shakespeare's prose style abounds in the ex-
travagant earthiness of men, like Sir Toby, who
have a vast appetite for living. Unlike the prose
style of their modern counterparts, for we still
have characters with a vast appetite for living,
it has rich variety and a lusty rhythm. Like the
works of Fielding and Sterne, it is a source of
healthy, masculine writing, brimming with the
humour of good tap-room companions.
But primarily it is the poetry that captures the
imagination. In "Twelfth Night" some of it has
the needle-point clarity of violin music. Scarcely
has the curtain gone up before Orsino supplies
all the dramatic exposition you need in the frag-
rance of the opening lines:
If music be the food of love, play on;
Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken and so die.
That strain again! It had a dying fall;
O, it came o'er my ear like the sweet sound
That breathes upon a bank of violets,
Stealing and giving odor!
No tale of pious truths is this, then. But a
fabulous comedy of youths drugged with romantic
love in Illyria. They are deliciously in love with
love until Shakespeare, having pieced out the eve-
ning, brushes the magic spell away, and bids them
love each other. While the spell is on "Twelfth
Night" is a microcosm of savors and fancies.
This brings us to Jane Cowl's enchanting ver-
sion of "Twelfth Night" and her performance as
the love-sick Viola, following hard on the heels
of her superb "Romeo and Juliet." From everv
point of view this new interpretation of "Twelfth
Night" is a thing of delight-sweet in tone, light
of touch and robustly funny in the roistering
For a perfect Viola, Jane Cowl has just the
right touch of mischief, coupled with her great
beauty and her golden voice, surprisingly enough,
adapts itself splendidly to the lively relish Shake-
speare had when he wrote this holiday piece. Miss
Cowl also has the glamour of poetic fantasy, the
beauty of speech the lines require and a very evi-
dent love of the part she has selected to play.
Joyce Carey shares with Miss Cowl honors in
her production. Miss Carey as Olivia is a pellucid
characterization of this imaginative figure. I can-
not recall any quite as lovely in previous produc-
tions. And the low comedy of Walter Kingsford
as Sir Toby is enormously funny, quite the most
spontaneous Shakespearian clowning this town of
New York has seen in recent memory.
It is a thoroughly sunny interpretation, with
Shakespeare given the chance to come into the
ascendant. Under such gracious guiding stars we
could completely recreate the antic fun of Shake-
speare in America.

Announcing the Opening of
Prompt, Expert Service
With Courtesy
Machine Bldg. Phone 9860
offers for this week the new,
sensational novel, "GABRIEL
also Rose Frankens-"Another
Language." A good counter
action to the depression.
BOOKS 5c A DAY No deposit
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Student Health



HAY FEVER-_%_%-M- \ __1.-
(Continued from Saturday's Issue)
These clinical forms of human hypersensitive- -- B y Karl Seifcr -
ness are subject to hereditary influence. They fol- DAT OLE DABBIL UNION
low the law of Mendel. One does not inherit the The Daily makes a mistake! John Lederle did
specific disease, it is only the tendency that is in- not take Nedra Alexander to the Boxing Show as
herited. Human hypersensitiveness affects both was announced by this news connoisseur.-Mich-
sexes and has no special preference for any type gan Union Bulletin.
of person or race and it may occur at any age. Couldn't make it, eh John?
Treatment of hay fever. To be able to treat
successfully a case of hay fever, one must first *
determine the exciting cause or causes of the Headline-
malady. The Health Service offers facilities for COUPLE FLEES
a complete study. -STATE PRISON
The skin tests for pollen sensitivity are generally Classified ad: Reliable exterminators, licensed,
performed in either of two ways: the cutaneous or bonded operators.
scratch test and the intracutaneous (by means of You boys should get together.
injections) test. Once the offending agents (pol-
lens) are found the specific treatment -follows.
This consists of pollen extracts. The treatment A scientific writer declares that coper roofs
must be individual, selecting the most important can be given the appearance of age in a few m-
offending pollens. The principle consists in estab- utes by a new method; the supposition is that the
lishing an increased clinical tolerance of the pa- process involves exposing them in the stock x-
tient to natural contact with the offending pollen change during a crash.
through the injection of gradually increasing * * *
doses of pollen extract
The plans of administering pollen antigens for SLY WINK DEPT.
the relief of hay fever can be: pre-seasonal, co- "Ladysman will win sure."
seasonal and perennial (or throughout the year). -Bud Stotler, trainer
The Pre-seasonal treatment may be: (a) the "My colt is a cinch. He can't lose."
slow method, when we have plenty of time to im- -Willie Crump, owner of Head Play,
munize the' patient, let us say fifteen or twenty "We'll win sure."
weeks before the symptoms of hay fever are known --Tommy Taylor, trainer of Charley O.
to begin in that particular case. The treatment is
once a week, gradually increasing the dose, (b) .;* %
the fast method, when one has only a few weeks The body of an unidentified woman contain-
before the season. The specific treatment is given ing five or six bullets was reported found on the
every other day or oftener if necessary. The doses Plymouth road early today. Washtenaw sheriff's
are in accordance with the previous reactions. officers are investigating and it was said murder
The Co-Seasonal Treatment is carried on during is suspected.-News Item.
the season, while the patient is suffering with the Aw, it couldn't be that.


Campus Opinon
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
Have we academic freedom in the United
States? On the surface we appear to, but in ac-
tuality the answer is NO! There is no inter-
ference with the individual student or instructor
as long as he does not try to think for himself,

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