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Registration For
Kentucky Field
Stations Begins'
Enrollment For Geology,
Geography Camp Lim-
ited To 45 Students
Map Data Collecte d
Courses Designed For l
Undergraduates; hall,
Scott, Ehlers To Teach
Students of the University who
contemplate attending the four-
teenth session of the Geological and
Geographical Field Station, to be
held from June 20 to.July 29 at Mills
Springs, Ky., should make their ap-
plications in the near future, accord-
ing to an announcement made yes-
terday by Prof. G. M. Ehlers, direc-
tor of the station. The total regis-
tration is limited to 45 graduate and
undergraduate students and a large
number have already expressed their
intentions of attending the station.
In an interview yesterday, Profes-
.sor Ehlers emphasized the fact that
the courses given in field instruction
correspond very closely to the work
done by government geologists in
making a professional survey. The
student is first given instruction in
field methods and the use of his in-
struments and then' is assigned a
definite area for special study. He
is thus placed in the same position
as a professional geologist and is
given the opportunity to apply his
previous training gat the University
in observing and interpreting the
various phenomena of his assigned
To M4e Map
During the course of the field in-
vestigation, the data collected or
checked by the instructors and in-
corporated in a large geological and
geographical map of the area which
is leing compiled by the members
of the staff of the station. This map
is very valuable, Professor Ehlers
said, because it gives unusual in-
formation, such as the location of
oil and gas wells, which no published
map, of the area slhows. Similar re-
ports made by the students and
based on their work at the station
have been published and have proved
of commercial and scientific value.
Such a paper, prepared by two for-
mer graduate students of the station,
has just been published by the Mich-
igan Academy of Arts, which met re-
cently in Ann Arbor.
After approximately a month of
intensive field work in the station
district,'the student geologists and ge-
ographers will take a reconnaissance
Typical Mill Spring Student Geologist Group
This picture shows a group of University of Michigan students
carrying on geological field work at the University summer camp'near
Mill Springs, Ky.
Aluiii Groups
To Gater For
Annual Reunion
Housing Facilities Are Pre-
pared For Members Of
28 Former Classes
Members of 28 University classes
will gather in Ann Arbor from all
parts of the country June 16 and 17
when fraternity houses and student
residences will be thrown open to
receive graduates returning for the
annual reunion of alumni here.
Among the returning alumni will
be members of the Emeritus Club,
an organization of members of all
classes graduated more than 50 years
ago. According to officers of the
Alumni Association, this group will
be guests at Helen Newberry Resi-
dence during the reunion.
Alumni officials expect the class of
'83 to have the largest attendance
because of the work done during the
past winter by Frederick W. Arbury,
of Empire, class head.
The classes of 25 years ago, those
of '08, are all planning reunions ex-
cept one. They are being assisted
financially by the photographic
studios of Bachrach, Inc.
A program has been arrange which
will include the Alumni Sing on the
steps of the Main Library Friday
night, a luncheon to be given by the
University in Waterman Gymnasium
Saturday noon, and the annual meet-
IThe Inquiring
(Editor's Note: From time to time
opinions of pople picked at random
on the street on some subject of gen-
eral interest are published in the
columns of The Daily.. The Inquiring
Reporter would appreciate the contrib-
tion of any question for discussion.
Addresq coin imuications in dire of
T'he Michigan Daily.)
THE QUESTION: What made you
take up the roller-skating fad?
THE PLACE: Along the Diagonal.
THE ANSWERS : John Bishop,
'36E, Basin, Wyo: "For one thing
it's good exercise. For another it's
a lot of fun. It's not only both these,
but both combined in a fashion that
minimizes the amount of time re-
quired. Roller-skating is a darned
good idea."
Herbert M. Lebowitz, '36, Tarry-
town, N. Y.: "I live at a considerable
distance from the campus and a pair
of roller-skates facilitates my get-
ting to classes on time. Traveling at
such a rapid pace might also be
called recreational."
Harold Boyer-Jones, Ypsilanti:
"The exercising value of skating is
worthy of consideration. At any rate
it's, a form of sport. Furthermore,
it's something to do. Pardon me
while I exercise."
Violet Chulock, '35, Chicago, Ill.:
"It doesn't help me get to class any
quicker. It isn't very entertaining-
but what can you do at this time of
the year in a place like this?"
Louisville To
Says Collection
Of Class Dues
Is Neeessary,
Rea Shows How MoneyI
Is Employed To Cover
Many Expenditures
Collection of class dues is necessary
to meet debts accrued by the class
during its four year University pe-
riod, and to assure its continuance
for the five years previous to the first
reunion, according to Walter B. Rea,
assistant to the dean of students,j
who is in charge of handling class
accounts. The accounts are always
open to inspection.
Every class, during its four years
on the campus, must stand for a
series of expenses including a p'age inj
the Michiganensian, Mr. Rea ex-
pained. Moreover, this expense is in-
creased if any of the class dances
fail to make expenses.
At the time of graduation, a sum
of about $500 is needed to assure
the class enough to pay for letters
to its members, especially those that
notify alumni of the first class re-
union. All expenses previous to this
reunion must be provided for before
the class graduates.
Each class also contributes to the
Alumni Association. A card file of
all graduates, their class, their busi-
ness, place of residence, and other
similar data is preserved here. It is
also customary for each class to leave
to the school a class memorial. For
many years these consisted of funds
given to the Union or to the League.
Mr. Rea said that if class dues of
50 cents per year are collected, senior
dues will be low. In case dues are
not paid, it is necessary to omit the
names of those who fail to pay from
the class invitations and commence-
ment programs, he said.
The outbreak or revvolt now going
on in Cuba is merely a belated at-
tempt of the Cubans to free them-
selves from President Gerardo Ma-1
chado's dictatorship. according to
Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history de-;
partment. "Except for the fact that
the men who would have led the rev-
olution have been afraid of inter-
vention by the United States, under
the terms of the Platt Amendment,
the uprising would probably have
talen place long before this," Pro-
fessor Aiton said. "The United States'
policy in the Carribbean area has not
been to recognize governments com-
ing into power by force. The Cubans
were resitatnt about running this risk
"The Cuban people are tired of
Machado's presidential dictatorship
and the reign of terror he has in-
flicted on them," he declared. "Cuba
has also been extremely hard hit by
the depression and is in a bad eco-
nomic condition owing largely to the
slump in the sugar marget. There'
seems no chance of a change while
Machado is in power, so by ridding
'Students To
Supervise At I
Forest Camps,
Prof. L. J. Young Explains
Job System Of Men, Dis-
cussing Salaries
themselves of him the people hope g
for a new deal."
Professor Aiton believes that Ma- I Will Hold
chado is more than able to cope with IChl io7logists Wol
the revolution at present. Though all Annal Meetiiw Inx Cami-
of Cuba is strongly determined to
oust him, Machado can handle the bridge, Massachusetts
insurrection because he has the mod-
ernly equipped, well paid Cuban army Three members of the Museum of
behind him, he said. However, Pro- Zoology staff are going east this
fessor Aiton said nation-wide resist- week-end to attend conferences.
ance and sporadic violence will in the Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of the
long run mak~e it impossible for Ma-1
chado to continue his present reign fish division, and Mrs. Hubbs, of the
of terror. fish division, will attend the annua l
There have been many attempts to meeting of the American Society of
assassinate Machado. As all of these Ichthyologists a n d Herpetologists
failed, the Cubans were forced to re- May 11, 12, and 13, in Cambridge,
sort to the most extreme method to
get rid of the hated despot, Professor
Aiton continued. Numerous anti-
Machado leaders have been exiled
and it seems possible that the rev-
olution is being directed by these
"There has probably been a rule ofj
terror in Cuba for some time," Pro-#
fessor Aitn state(A. "The Cubans
have patterned after Americans in
taking their political opponents for
'rides.' They have also been using
what is known there as the 'law of
flight.' That is, when the government
captures a political enemy whose trial
would prove embarrassing, soldiers
take the victim out and order him to
run. While the man is running the
soldiers shoot him down, claiming
that they shot him as he was at-
tempting to escape."
"Somner Welles, the new United
States ambassador to Cuba, may be
able to accomplish a great deal in
straightening out Cuban affairs,"
Professor Aiton said. "He did a fine
piece of work in Santo Domingo, and
since the ambassador exercises no
little influence, may be able to do
the same in Cuba."
'Education In India,'
rTCopic Of Sunday Talk
Members of the Oriental-American
Fellowship, lead by Rajul Shah,
Grad., will discuss "Education in In-
dia" at 3:30 p. m. tomorrow in Wes-
ley Hall, it was announced yester-
day. This is the second of the weekly
Sunday meetings oil education. On
successive Sundays the educationalj
methods and practices of Japan,
China, Korea, and the United States
will be considered.
Mass. The two will present a joint
report on "Studies of Hybridization
Between Fish Species." Professor
Hubbs will give another paper on
"The Distribution of the Freshwater
Fishes of Mexico."
Caroline Sheldon, secretary of the
division of mammals, will attend the
annual convention of the American
Society of Mammalogists May 11, 12,
and 13, in Cambridge. After the
meeting she will leave for Nova Sco-
tia where she will study this summer.
Miss Sheldon has been doing re-
search work here on the habits of
jumping mice in the laboratories of
Lee R. Dice, curator of mammals. She
is the daughter of the late Charles
Sheldon, famous naturalist and ex-
plorer, who traveled widely in Alaska,
Canada, and Mexico.
Oklahoma Kills
Three To Pay
For Murders
MC ALESTER, Okla., May 5.- -P)-
Three men paid the state with their
lives early today for two slayings
and a robbery.
In Oklahoma's first triple execu-
tion since 1928, Joe L. Martin, 53,
Proctor McDonald, 23, and Albert El-
lis, 25, were put to death in the elec-
tric chair at state's prison here.
Martin, a blacksmith,' who killed
Pete von Nearop, a Hollander, last
July, because, he said, von Nearop
"cussed the United States,' "'broke
down in the death chamber, talking
excitedly until the death current was
sent into his body.
Bid For Freediom,, Aiton
SICuban Insurrection A Belated
Members Of
Museuni Staff
A tte1d MeeiI
Several more graduates of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
have received appointments for su-
pervisory positions with the Civil
Conservation Corps, or emergency
Pa'~thsOn Cnisconservation work, as it is now called
an u by officials, it was announced yester-
oorao day. Many of these newly appointed
men will report immediately for
Bothe7 wdorda. Mnffteenel pone
B and C B Also Those who have received appoint-
ments to Michigan National Forests
BOULDER, Colo., May 5.-The an- during the last few days include Les-
nual spring sport of campus trail- lie H. Doty, Grad., of Ann Arbor, who
blazing was revived this spring at will go to the Hiawatha Forest with
the University of Colorado, with re- headquarters at Munising; and Carl
newed vigor. The officials of the uni- C. Bergtorff, '34, of Cheboygan, who
versity, fearing that the lawn scar- will be working on the eradication
ing pastime might reach the popu- of white pine blister rust. Bill H.
larity of roller skating in the east, Wilford, Grad., of Ann Arbor, and
immediately took action in order Neil S. Savage, Grad., of DeLroit, will
to curb its spread. also go to northern Michigan. Birger
Rfrn . r ti. A of'Ann Arhl-nr wiilha
Appointed Treasurer
trip eastward across the Cumberland
Plateau, the Great Valley of eastern
Tennessee, the Great Smoky Moun-
tains, the Piedmont Plateau, and the
Atlantic Coastal Plain, all very sig-
nificant physiographic areas. The
reconnaissance trip will end in
Washington, where the students will
have the rare opportunity of attend-
ing several meetings of the Interia-
tional Geological Congress.
The courses given at the station
are primarily for undergraduates and
are under the direction of Prof. I. D.
Scott of the geology department,
Prof. R. B. Hall of the geography de-
partment, and Professor Ehlers.
Thpre is, however,ample opportunity
for those students who are properly
qualifled and desire to do graduate
work or special research.
Rocks Exposed
"The reason that the station is
located on the Cumberland River in
Kentucky," Professor Ehlers said, "is
that Kentucky is the nearest area to
Michigan in 'which a large number
of rock formations are exposed at the
surface. In Michigan, most of the
formations are covered with glacial
deposits, bed rock being exposed in
only a few widely-scattered places."
Of interest to the geographer, ac-
cording to Professor Ehlers, is the
fact that the weathering of the rock
formations has resulted in the for-
mation of various types of soil.
These types are studied by the
geographers, who note the various
soil types and map the different
types of crops grown on soils of dif-
ferent composition. In Michigan the
glaciers scooped up and mixed the
various types of soil; as a result it
is impossible to observe such inti-
mate relationships of crops to soil
types in this state as in Kentucky.
Historic Country.
Although the paramount interest
of the area is geological and geo-
graphical, this territory is also very
interesting archeologically and his-
ing of the Alumni Association at I
which President Alexander G. Ruth- H old Am erican
ven will make his annual report.,
Baccalaureate on Sunday morning, lcetyhd
Alumni University from June 20 to
24 will complete the program. (Continued from Page 3)
maker, a son'of Bubbling Over, con-
Forsythe Sees Yearly queror of Pompey in the 1926 Derby,
. , and Fingal, a Sir Gallahad III colt.
Physical ' ests For Each probably will withdraw one or
"The time will come when the Uni- two colts by tomorrow.
versity will require yearly physical Providing the minimum field of
examinations for all students," Dr. 15 goes to the barrier for the test
Warren E. Forsythe, director of the of one mile and a quarter, the race
Health Service, said yesterday in will be worth $50,450 to the winner,
.awith $10,000 more distributed among
urging seniors to have examinations the next three finishers. To the vic-
S oed t htor also will go the wreath of roses
an pr;mogivlgo ducain physil and a $5.00 gold trophy, to be pre-
come requisites for graduation, Dr.sented to thelucky owner by Post
Forsythe said. He declared the idea master General James A. Farley, of
that a University is only responsible New York.
fo h odo h idi en In the draw for past positions to-
for the good of the mind is beingdatewihosofEtan
changed to include an insurance of dlay, the twin hopes of East and
changsdco includehan knsurandee. fWest Ladysman, winter book favorite
the success of that knowledge. and Mrs. Selas B. Mason's Head
Play, choice of the "hard-boots"-
torically. Among the archeological turned up with "naturals." Ladys-
discoveries of Professor Ehlers and man, in the No. 7 spot from the pole,
his assistants is a large rock house and Head Play, No. 11, convinced the
which was inhabited and used as a more superstitious of their followers
burial place by Indians in former that luck so far was with them.
years. Further investigations of this On the other hand, the draw struck
house have yielded a wealth of mate- a blow at the chances of Charley O,
rial concerning the lives of the In- Florida Derby winner and well-
dians who formerly inhabited the backed entry owned by Mrs. R. M.
Cumberland Valley. Eastmann, of Chicago. Picked by
"The work of the budding geolo- many experts to run one-two be-
gists and geographers is interspersed cause of his stretch qualities and
with such recreation as swimming, known liking for a heavy footing,
horseshoe pitching, and baseball," Charley O had the misfortune to
Professor Ehlers continued. "The draw the No. 2 position. Regarded
students at the station have or- as a slow starter, anyway, Charley O
ganized a baseball team which is probably will have the additional
known to its opponents as 'the Uni- handicap of getting away from the
versity of Michigan team,' although pole position, inasmuch as Pom-
it frequently fails to live up to the poleon, which drew No. 1, is not ex-
reputation of the Varsity. When a pected to be started by the Coe
game is lost, the members of the Stable.
team usually place the blame on the Hard Luck also continued to pur-.
umpire, Professor Scott, of the sta- sue the Audley Farm, whose prom-
tion faculty." ising candidate, Trace Call, developed
Students interested in attending a high fever overnight and had to be
the station should consult the spe- declared out of the race. Buddy Han-
cial University bulletin describing ford, the jockey who was to haveI
the courses and the station in more had the mount in the Derby, was'
detail. Copies of this bulletin may killed yesterday in an accident at
be obtained at the Summer Session Pimlico. Trace Call was so ill today
office or at the office of the director, that the colt could not even be taken
1535 Museums Building. - from his stall for a walk.
Past experience had pointed out
to them that requests were enthusi-
astically disregarded, while signs and
fences disfigured the lawn as much
as the student-made diagonals did.
While officials were pondering over
a solution to this problem, members
of Spur, sophomore women's pep
group, with the co-operation of the
Silver and Gold, student newspaper,
came to the rescue. Their solution
was to catch all the offenders and
brand them )y .printing their names
on the front page of the Silver and
Gold. Officials immediately put them
in charge of the situation.
The results of this scheme were
most discouraging. The students in-
stead of being embarrassed at their
exposure were highly pleased at this
novel means ofdgaining publicity.
It is believed that the girls have
I returned the situation to the hands
of the officials, who are more vexed
than ever.
cosio poliltL Cllr
To Hold May Dance
The annual Cosmopolitan Club
dance, to be given May 13, will be a
colorful event. It will be interna-
tional in character and students
from the 40 nations represented on
campus have been requested to at-
tend in their national costumes, H. I.
Khalaf, '33, president of the club,
said yesterday.
A variety of songs from the differ-
ent national groups will be sung dur-
ilng the intermissions. The orchestra
has not yet been chosen but it will
be announced at the meeting today,
Khalaf added. Tickets for the dance
are being sold by Mrs. Gordon Hal-
3tcad, Ruth J. Carver, '35, and Maria
Kalaw, Grad. The price for men will
be 50 cents. Women will be admitted
and PLATE $2.25-
r - Any Style -
109-111 East Washington St.
Phone 8132 second Floor
t3 1"C , k-Trau,, 01 twill tl.1.uw-, Will 1.1e
superintendent of one of the large
H. L. Barton, Grad., is now on his
way to Three Lakes, Wis., and Albert
V. Pulling, Grad., of Ann Arbor,
Floyd V. Otter, Grad., of Moscow,
Ida, and James K. Adams, Grad., of
Stirling, have all been assigned to the
Nicolet Forest in Wisconsin.
Ernst V. Brender, '33, of Detroit,
and Vernon E. Hicks, '33, will be
working on research at the Appala-
chian Forest Experiment Station at
Asheville, N. C. David O. Scott, Grad.,
will go to the Gila National Forest
in the southwest.
Two general groups of men from
the forestry school will be selected
for positions with the Civil Conser-
vation Corps, according to Prof.
Leigh J. Young of the Forestry
School. The older men who have!
graduated and have had the benefit
of outside experience, he said, will
take charge of the camps and will
receive salaries of $200 a month. The
undergraduate men who will be
chosen will be placed as head of
squadions composed of about 10 or
15 men and will be paid $167 a
A 15 per cent reductioti of the
payment made to those men receiv-
ing the higher salary will go into
effect now, however, Professor Young
declared, owing to the Federal econ-
omy bill. The salary is a good one
for these times, he believes, especially
for fairly inexperienced men."
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